hewitholland - Autumn


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6 years ago
Blow A Kiss, Fire A Gun | Tom Holland Mobster AU
Blow A Kiss, Fire A Gun | Tom Holland Mobster AU
Blow A Kiss, Fire A Gun | Tom Holland Mobster AU
Blow A Kiss, Fire A Gun | Tom Holland Mobster AU
Blow A Kiss, Fire A Gun | Tom Holland Mobster AU
Blow A Kiss, Fire A Gun | Tom Holland Mobster AU
Blow A Kiss, Fire A Gun | Tom Holland Mobster AU
Blow A Kiss, Fire A Gun | Tom Holland Mobster AU
Blow A Kiss, Fire A Gun | Tom Holland Mobster AU

Blow A Kiss, Fire a Gun | Tom Holland Mobster AU

Teaser Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7


They were all lined up, each man Tom had to think twice about against the wall and a gun in his hand. He walked back and forth, eye them up and down looking for any sign of fright or hesitation but found terror in most of his mens faces, of they he did, they were terrified of him, of what he could do.

“One of you fuckers knows something and we’re not leaving until I get something out of one of you” He hissed. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way and believe me when I say that either way is going to hurt like a bitch, but the hard way will be excruciating.”

6 years ago

Positive Take Aways from Infinity War


-Peter Parker makes obscure pop culture references

-He also uses said references as battle plans

-Asgard had “Groot language” as an elective

-Thor is canonically 1500 years old

-Yet no one makes old man jokes like they do at Steve smh

-Peter Parker was genuinely afraid of Mantis laying eggs in him

-Drax is literally the funniest character in the MCU

-Loki referring to himself as Odinson

-Colonel James Rhodes teasing Bruce Banner

-Bucky Barnes literally wants to be a citizen of Wakanda

-Wong and Strange prefer Hulk inspired ice cream over Iron Man

-Tony watches Spongebob

-Robot Jesus and Wanda’s relationship

-Robot Jesus being human

-“Kick names and taking ass!”

-“Where’s Gamora?!” “Who’s Gamora?!” “Why’s Gamora?!”

-Okoye wants Starbucks

-Tony wants kids

-Peter Parker is officially an Avenger

6 years ago

Reblog this with a celebrity that you share a birthday with in the tags

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6 years ago

best lines from infinity war (spoiler-free)

“you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards”

“he looks like a pirate…had a baby with an angel”

“i don’t want another pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip”

“why is gamora”

“kick names, take ass”

“we didn’t think of that” “i’m sure you tried your best”

“it will kill you” “only if i die” “…yes, that’s what ‘kill you’ means”

“i am steve rogers”

6 years ago

Call Me King — T. H. (Chapter 5)


The mood board above was made by @bisexualparkerr​ and is AMAZING! Please check her out she’s awesome :D

Pairing: Tom Holland x reader (AU) (Mobster!Tom) or (Gangster!Tom) (they are the same thing really)

Word Count: 3492

Summary: Thomas Holland & Y/N Y/L/N couldn’t be more different. Of course, they had no knowledge of each other until Y/N takes a job as a waitress and a certain place owned by england’s biggest crime boss.

Warnings: Swearing, they also in a strip club so…mentions of sex and abuse.

Additional Notes: (Also I’m sorry for any typos—I tried to find them all.) Let me know if you find any. (thank you to @bisexualparkerr​ for her inspirational mood board and @dr-tardis-who​ for all her help (also check out some of her stuff, she’s amazing)

Also, I’m sorry about not putting up the ‘more reading’ for those followers/people in the tags that don’t read this series. When I include it, it glitches the post and turns quotations into the euro symbol

| Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 |

Y/N sighed, putting her phone back in her coat pocket. She leaned back on her heels looking around the room of the college tuition center. The line before her moved up and she took a step forward, bouncing up on her heels. She couldn’t stay still for that long. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she moved to look at the text she had received.

Liv: Can I meet you at your place? 15 minutes?

Y/N typed out a quick reply, saying yes before the line moved up. She looked up at the counter, putting her phone in her pocket as she reached the blonde lady behind the counter.

“Hi.” Y/N smiled up at her. “Um—I’m, I’m here to deposit a couple checks?” She asked, pulling out an envelope.

“Oh sure.” The woman smiled. “Though, you know you can mail those in right?”

“Uh yeah—” Y/N blushed a little. “Saves on postage.” She nodded. “Anyway, I have three checks.” She swallowed opening the envelope.

“What is your name?” She asked.

“Y/N Y/L/N.” Y/N replied. The woman nodded and typed on the computer.

“So I—I have three different checks and I signed the back…” Y/N trailed off.

“Hold on a minute, you—you said your name is Y/N Y/L/N?” The woman asked.

“Yeah that’s it.” Y/N said.

“And your ID is 23083719373?” She asked, reading out the numbers slowly. Y/N paused, pulling out her ID from her wallet.

“Can, can you repeat that?” She asked, blushing.

“Here—” The woman smiled, holding out her hand. Y/N smiled, holding out her ID. The woman took the card from her hand and compared it to the street in front of her.

“Is…is there a problem?” Y/N asked, panic running through her.

“No, no sweetheart it’s fine.” The woman smiled. “It’s just…you have no debt.”

“What?” Y/N froze.

“Remaining balance is 0.” The woman turned the computer so Y/N could see.

“That’s…that’s impossible.” Y/N whispered. “Are, are you sure it’s me?” Y/N asked. “I was…I was here a week ago and..and I had over 60,000.” She looked up at the woman.

“Did you apply for any grants?” The women asked.

“No—I…I didn’t….” Y/N swallowed. “How, how could this happen?” She asked.

“Only if it’s been paid.” The woman replied. Y/N let out a breath, looking away.

“But I didn’t…” She trailed off.

“According to this it said you never had debt…to begin with.” The woman shrugged.

“That…that doesn’t make any sense.” Y/N mumbled still confused.

“And—” The woman continued. “Actually there’s one more thing—can you give me a minute?” She asked

“Yeah, yeah sure.” Y/N let out a breath. The woman turned, walking in the back and Y/N bit her lip, looking down at the envelope that was filled with her checks. What the hell? How was that possible? It wasn’t like someone could suddenly forget about 60,000 pounds. Y/N closed her eyes, and let out a breath. Fuck.

“Sorry—” The woman started when she returned. “But this was about to be mailed to you though you are here now, so I can just give it to you.” She smiled, and handed Y/N an envelope.

“What’s this?” Y/N asked.

“It’s refund of what you’ve paid.” The woman smiled.

“But I…” She looked down at the envelope. “I haven’t paid it off…I shouldn’t…I shouldn’t get a refund.”

“Well…if you give us any money it will be a donation.” She shrugged. “But your debt has been paid.” She smiled. Y/N bit her lip taking both envelopes in her hand.

“Thanks.” She nodded before she turned to the door.


“Wait what?” Liv leaned forward. “So…so you are just debt free?” Y/N sighed, leaning back on the couch.

“I guess so.” She shrugged. “I mean…like…I even got my other payments back?” She looked toward her friend. “So technically I didn’t pay for like…any of it.”

“How the hell does that happen?” Liv asked, a laugh leaving her lips.

“It doesn’t.” Y/N muttered. “It doesn’t happen Liv…this is like a dream.”

“Okay, okay…but how would this happen?” Liv asked. “Like honestly Y/N, tell me if you robbed a bank because if you did—I am mad that you didn’t ask me to help.” Y/N cracked a smile.

“I don’t know—I don’t know how…” She shook her head. “But—” She pulled open the envelope. “It’s definitely true.” She gave her the sheet. “The…the head of the department signed it.”

“Yeah that’s official.” Liv said, leaning back on the couch. “So—so are you gonna keep working…at…you know?”

“The strip club?” Y/N asked. She swallowed, looking at her fingers.

“I don’t know.” She mumbled.

“You don’t know?” Liv asked. “Y/N you hate your job.” Y/N bit her lip and shrugged.

“I don’t…I don’t hate it.” She said. “I mean, there’s somethings I like about it.” She bit her lip.

“What, random men flirting with you?” Liv giggled, leaning against the back of the couch. Y/N shivered a little, her mind snapping to one particular man. She shrugged, looking at her hands. “Wait what?” Liv asked. “you—Y/N Y/L/N like random men flirting with you.” She raised her eyebrows.

“No—no—” Y/N closed her eyes. “I don’t.” Liv nodded slowly.

“Then you like one guy that’s flirting with you.” Liv smirked a little.

“I…” Y/N blushed, looking away.

“Wait—wait—wait—wait—you like someone?” Liv asked. “Seriously? Has, has that ever happened?” Y/N shook her head looking away.

“I don’t like him.” She mumbled.

“You totally do!” Liv grinned. “Who is he, who is he—”

“I don’t, I don’t like him okay?” Y/N looked away. “He’s…I can’t.”

“Why not?” Liv asked.

“He owns the fucking strip club Liv.” Y/N sighed. “And he’s….he’s so hot…I mean, incredibly hot…like…” She shook her head. “Really Liv, he is like…so so so hot—”

“Hold on—” Liv leaned forward. “He owns the strip club?”

“Yeah…” Y/N trailed off.

“You can’t like a guy who owns a strip club—he probably sleeps with every girl there.” Liv looked at her friend. Y/N paused and looked at her hands.

“Yeah I know.” She sighed. “Which is why I don’t like him.” She swallowed. “Besides, he’s way too handsome to like me, and he…he probably sleeps around.” Y/N bit her lip. “He would—he would never like me anyway.” Y/N swallowed. “I’m being stupid, he’s just handsome—He would never—he wouldn’t even look at me—”

“Y/N.” Liv started, looking at her.

“What?” Y/N looked back at her friend. Liv bit her lip and leaned back.

“First,” She started. “That’s not true, you are gorgeous, and second—the reason you shouldn’t like him is because he wouldn’t treat you right.” She looked at Y/N. “But not that all matters.” She shrugged.

“What?” Y/N asked. Liv sighed.

“You like him already.” She shrugged.

“I do not.” Y/N mumbled.

“Oh yes you do.” Liv looked at Y/N. “What was all that before? Y/N you have never liked anyone before.”

“I’ve liked people before—”

“Well you never talked about them like you talked about this guy.” She shrugged. Y/N sighed, leaning against the back of the couch. “So I think that you need to quit.” Liv looked at her friend. “Because I don’t want to see you get hurt.” Y/N bit her lip and nodded. “I mean, it’s up to you but…I think that might be the best idea. You shouldn’t stay with the job because you like the dickhead that owns the club.” Y/N nodded.

“Yeah.” She whispered. “I should…I’ll, I’ll do it tonight.” Y/N swallowed.

“Can’t believe you like a pimp.” Liv giggled.

“I don’t—” Y/N started. “Stop it.” She covered her face. Liv giggled.

“But honestly, it’s about time you liked some guy,” Liv looked at her best friend. “But…this guy—”

“Trust me.” Y/N swallowed. “I know I shouldn’t like him.”

“I don’t want you to get hurt.” Liv sighed.

“I know Liv, I know.” Y/N smiled.

“Good.” Liv swallowed. “Specially with the whole…your a virgin thing—” Y/N sent a glare at her friend. “What! It’s a big deal!”

“No it’s not.” Y/N covered her face,

“Yes, yes it is.” She smiled. “It’s okay—”

“Can we not talk about this?” Y/N asked.

“Fine, fine.” Liv stood up. “Come on, I’ll make us hot chocolate and we can talk about disney movies or something.” Y/N smiled, looking up as her best friend stood up, walking to the kitchen.


“Wait, wait.” Harry leaned back on the chair. “You paid for her tuition?” He grinned. “Like, her school tuition…and you don’t even know her—”

“I know her.” Tom interrupted, glancing at Harrison. “And I didn’t pay for it.”

“What?” Harrison chuckled.

“I didn’t pay for it, I just cleared it.” Tom shrugged. “Gave a Chris a call and cleared her debt.”

“Damn.” Harry smirked. “She better fuck you now.”

“Shut up Harry.” Tom muttered looking away.

“Mate, you are trying so fucking hard—” Harry leaned forward, a wide grin on his face.

“No I’m not—”

“You kind of are.” Harrison chuckled. “Not saying it’s bad or anything…but you know…you should probably make a move.” Tom let out a breath and looked away.

“Shit—He’s afraid—” Harry smirked. “Haz he’s scared—”

“Shut the fuck up Harry.” Tom glared at his brother. He chuckled and shrugged, leaning back on the seat.

“Okay, you like her right?” Harrison leaned forward. “You want to be with her right?” Tom let out a breath and leaned back in his chair.

“I don’t want her working there anymore, and her tuition is the only reason she’s working there so…problem solved.”

“So you did this so you didn’t have to fire her?” Harry asked. Tom shrugged taking his scotch from the desk.

“You realize you still might have to fire her right?” Harrison asked. “I mean…she might keep working there.”

“She won’t.” Tom responded.

“She might.” Harrison  grinned. “And then what are you gonna do?” A knock came at the door and Tom leaned back, letting out a breath.

“Then I’ll fire her.” He muttered. “Yeah!”

“Mr. Holland, Henry Farr is here to see you?” The receptionist who’s named was Spencer said from behind the door.

“Did he just say Henry Farr?” Harry asked, glancing toward the door. “Like…Henry Far, Henry Farr?” Harrison glanced at Tom who smirked a little and shrugged. “Like Henry Farr—”

“If you say his name one more time I am going to shoot you.” Harrison muttered, with a small smile. Harry held up his hands and shrugged. Harrison grinned and walked behind Tom’s desk so he could pull a file from behind him.

“What is he doing here again?” Tom looked back at his best friend.

“He scheduled a meeting.” Harrison stood up and pulled a file from the file cabinet. “Remember?” He put the tan file on the table.

“What the fuck did he do?” Tom muttered, opening the file and scanned the document. “Shit. This should be fun.” He smiled up at his friend.

“Ooo what did he do?” Harry stood up. Tom smirked a little and leaned back.

“Wanna stay?” He asked, a smirk on his face.

“It’s an annoying rich boy with a squeaky clean image, fuck yeah I wanna stay and see what he did.” He smirked.

“Trust me.” Tom moved back a little. “He’s only squeaky clean because I’m gonna pay for it, send him in Spencer!“ Tom called out. Tom leaned forward grabbing his scotch as the door opened. A blonde man stepped in the room, dressed in a expensive suit.

“Hey Tom.” He greeted, and Tom could tell he was nervous. He smirked a little, leaning back in his seat. Tom didn’t answer and just stared at him.

“Hey I’m Harry.” Harry greeted from next to him. “It’s a honor to meet you your excellency.” He said as he wore a teasing smirk across his face. Harrison chuckled, moving to  pour himself a drink. Henry shook Henry’s hand and swallowed, his arm shaking by itself a little.

“Uh—” Henry swallowed as Harry pulled away.. “Hi. Listen…it…it was a mistake—”

“But you are choosing to hide this mistake…reason why you aren’t telling your dad?” Tom asked. “Oh wait—” He opened the file, scanning the sheet. “That’s why.” Henry paused looking at Harry and then Harrison.

“Listen…” Henry paused. “ It c-can’t get out—they just got married I can’t—”

“Yeah I know all that.” Tom pushed away the pile. “You sure you wanna do this?” He leaned forward. “You know what you are getting into right?”

“I t-think so…” Henry trailed off.

“You ask me to keep this a secret, you owe me a lot of money.”

“How much in total.” Henry swallowed. Tom smirked a little and sipped his scotch.

“50,000.” Tom responded.

“What?” Henry’s eyes widened. 

“It’s a normal starting price,” Tom adjusted, still smirking a little. “Is that a problem?”

“No—no I mean I—” He swallowed. “That’s fine.”

“Is it?” Tom asked. “You wanna be sure Henry, it won’t end well if you aren’t.”

“Y-yeah I’m sure.” Henry stuttered a little bit. Tom smirked, looking at Harry who leaned forward collecting the file to look at it. Henry moved, looking at Tom with alarmed eyes. Tom smirked, looking at his younger brother who looked through the file.

“I thought it waas…it was supposed to be a secret.” Henry said, his voice wavering.

“It will be, when you get me my money.” Tom responded.

“But he…he is—”

“Don’t worry, I won’t anyone know that you…slept with your step-mother?” Harry asked. “Fuck mate, that’s pretty bad—I mean…” He smirked. “What would your father would do if he found out…” Henry swallowed, looking down at his hands.

“I’ve, I’ve heard that you can…you can make sure no one finds out.” Henry looked at Tom. “Ever.”

“I can.” Tom chuckled. “Though this shit is a little weak compared to what I usually deal with but,” He shrugged. “Yeah, I can.”

“I can get you the money by the end of the day.” Henry nodded.

“You should have the money now, that’s why you are here.” Tom looked at the blonde haired men. “You were supposed to bring at least half of it. I said 25, 000.”

“I…I only have 10,000.” Henry swallowed. Tom raised his eyebrows and glanced at Harrison who smiled a little.

“Then seems like we’ve got a problem, Farr.” Tom leaned back and took a swing of his drink. Henry swallowed, and looked away.

“I h-have the money—just not…not on me—”

“Yeah but you are supposed to have it now Henry.” Tom leaned forward. “I believe that Harrison made that clear.”

“I did.” Harrison spoke, leaning against the wall behind Tom.

“I’ll—I’ll pay the 10 now—and I’ll get, all get you the 15 later—”

“Do you know what happens when people who don’t pay me?” Tom leaned forward.


“Mr. Holland.” Tom corrected. “Usually it would be Tom, but…I look down on people who don’t fucking listen when they should.”

“I have the money—”

“Then why isn’t here?” Tom asked.

“I…I forgot to grab it—” Henry started.

“How hard is it to grab a fucking checkbook?” Harrison chuckled and leaned forward to grab the file on the desk. “Is that too hard for a guy like you to remember?” He asked.

“I have it with me but I only have 10,000 in my check account.” He stuttered. “I…I thought that’s what you said.”

“I said 25,000.” Harrison looked at him. “About, three times.” Henry swallowed and looked away.

“I…I can pay a fine—” Henry started. He stopped when he saw Tom shook his head a little. “Or…do—do something else—” Tom leaned back in his chair as silence crept around the office. Henry stood shaking in front to the desk as Harrison moved from behind the desk. “Mr. Holland I—”  The words were caught in his throat as Harrison kneed him in the stomach before, throwing a swift punch to his jaw. Henry fell to the ground, a groan falling from his lips.

“Fuck.” He whispered as Tom stood up, rolling the sleeves up his arms.

“You made a choice Henry.” He spoke, moving from the desk as he grabbed his empty glass. “And you choose to get involved with me.” He murmured, pouring a himself another glass of scotch. “And,” He turned around, his eyes locking with Henry’s as he still was on the ground. “Daddy’s not gonna help you with this.” He glared down at Henry who swallowed, his lip busted open. “So,” Tom took a drink of the achole. “You get me 45,000—yes 45,000 incase your ears aren’t fucking working again—by tonight, and another 25,000 by the end of the week, or—I’ll get creative.” Tom smirked and took a little drink. Henry nodded slowly. “Go, now.” Henry got up quickly, moving out of the room, the door closing behind him.

“He’s gonna regret getting involved with you.” Harry smirked.

“I think he already does.” Harrison chuckled, taking his glass. He lifted it up, his glass clinking with Toms as they both moved and took a drink.


Y/N swallowed, moving down the dimly lit hallway to Tim’s office. She was gonna quit, she had to quit. Her thoughts lingered to Tom, and wondered if she ever see him again. Didn’t matter, she couldn’t see him again. That was clear…she couldn’t let her…her crush go one any longer.

Y/N stopped, knocking on Tim’s office a sigh leaving her lips. There was a silence as she waited for the okay to let her in. It didn’t come and Y/N bit her lip, knocking a little harder.

“Just a minute!” Tim called out and Y/N let out a breath, her hand running through her hair. There was a moment of silence before the door swung open and Y/N’s eyes connected to one of her coworkers, who went by the name Grace.

“Hey Y/N.” She smiled, adjusting the lingerie that she wore.

“Uh—” Y/N swallowed, looking toward Tim who adjusted his tie he wore, his hand running through the his hair. “Hi.”

“Y/N come on in.” Tim nodded. Y/N swallowed and moved in the room as Grace exited.

“I’ll see you later.” She winked at Tim. He smiled giving her a nod.

“Close the door if you would.” Tim nodded. Y/N closed her door, moving to the desk, her hand running through her hair. “You aren’t on the schedule today.” He leaned back, pulling up the sleeves of his shirt.

“I know.” Y/N swallowed. “I…I came in to tell you that…that I’m…I’m quitting.” Tim leaned back and nodded slowly.

“Okay.” He spoke, not seeming surprised.

“Is…is that okay?” Y/N asked. “I can work through the week or the month, if you can’t find anyone else—”

“No, no it’s fine.” Tim nodded. “Just clean out your locker, and I uh—I have the last of your checks I guess.” He chuckled leaning back and pulled the envelope from behind him.

“Oh—oh thank you.” Y/N nodded. She took the envelope, noticing that it had a few more checks in it then usal. “This is…this is more than I usually make?” She looked up at him.

“Put some extra in there, you were one of my best servers.” he smiled kindly.

“Great.” Y/N smiled. “Um—thank you—sorrry….I had to quit after a month—”

“It’s alright Y/N.” Tim smiled. “Thanks for all your help.” Y/N nodded.

“Yeah, thank you as well—uh—bye.” She smiled and turned walking out of the office. Letting out a breath she opened the door to the staff room.

“Y/N!” Emma smiled from her locker. “What are you doing here?” She asked.

“Uh—I…” Y/N stopped, not knowing what to say to her closest work friend. “I…uh quit.” She swallowed.

“You quit?” Emma stopped, putting her brush down. “What why?” She asked. “Is it because of what Fiano said last thrusday—she didn’t mean it—she’s such a bitch—”

“No, no—it’s not.” Y/N smiled. “Just…just don’t need the money anymore…and I…I don’t know…shouldn’t really work here.” She swallowed, turning to the locker.

“Okay.” Emma nodded. “Well I’m gonna miss you, you are like…the only sane one here.” Y/N smiled.

“Are you…are you done with your shift?” She turned to Emma.

“Yeah, just got done.” Emma grinned.

“Well—my friend Liv and I are going out do get some dinner, do you want to come with us?” She asked. Emma grinned widely.

“Of course!” She smiled. “Get me away from this hell hole, come on.” Y/N collected her stuff as they moved toward the door a small smile on her face.

Taglist: @tomhllvnds​ @shawn-of-the-times  @dragoste-lunes  @josislife  @aussie-mantle  @leni-lion-luke-larb-logic  @foreverbelieveinyourdreams  @truestrengths  @casualprincess77  @green-lxght @majestichoechlin  @unknxwn-intrxvert  @youremyfriend–youremymission @princessskylarsblog  @saracastickid  @extra-terrestrial-et  @aelin-firehearts-court  @tater-totts-hp  @moonandstars-xo  @julietheteenagewitch  @fin-the-pigeon  @shipperfangirling  @woah-jess  @once-upon-a-walking-wolf-demigod  @stargirlish  @rsublett  @marty-maus  @wtfholland  @thollandtrash  @tomholland-mcu  @avatarkyoshithewarrior @spider-mendes  @cindersglamour  @peachyhollands  @loverboy-holland  @gaiasambuci  @puffedgill   @thatoneloverloser  @stop-wonder-think  @cahtastrophie  @im-meant-to-be-bi-myself  @unadulteratedgalaxyprogramming  @fairydustparker  @sebsmila  @karlo45  @unicorngummybears  @amidblogger  @mrsdaryldixion99 @haroldhookwriter  @0hmywonderland @parkeret @zseonlydavinci @totanimarum  @satan-chicken  @carrotsunshine  @awkward-is-i   @iron-spiderr @cutehollands  @tiau-man  @cherryflame14  @zuni181336  @holyrose96  @everythingthatisrandom @andy497  @amore-sole @rose-coloured-me @revivalbenito @deranged-sewer-rat @imgonnabefearlesslove  @sarcasticvodka  @noelleruiz17  @josislife @the-beauty-queenn  @r5rocks101 @torontomaplefucks  @clarrebarre  @xsilentyuko  @f10pc @penisprkr  @agent-a371-barton  @padmekay @networkpop @slytherinshadowhuntersuperhero @thisisthetragicstoryofme @littlevelvethearts  @hollandluv @midgymidget 

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6 years ago

tony stark loves peter parker and just want to protect him

when tony meets peter, he shows interest in him, he tries to find out if peter is a good person, before recruiting him 


peter was already spiderman and tony just gave him more protection with a new suit


he believes in him when no one does


he brings peter into fight because he thinks captain wouldn’t hurt him, and he hoped they wouldn’t have to fight


after all the sufferings he’s been through, after being betrayed, after seeing his parents get murdered, and after being left alone in siberia, the first thing he does is taking peter home


tony is scared for peter, so he creates him a suit with everything he might need, to protect him


he puts a parachute in his suit because he saw pepper and rhodey almost die falling, and doesn’t want it to happen to peter


he puts a heater in his suit so that peter is not to suffer the cold as it happened to him


he puts a tracker to be able to find peter wherever he is, because he knows what it’s like to be lost


he puts the baby-monitor protocol to be able to watch over him and act if something goes wrong


and an ai to help and support him


tony didn’t just “put a instant kill mode in a 15 years old child’s suit”, he protected this mode with the training wheels protocol that peter broke


he takes care of peter, he often asks happy how peter is


and listens to the messages he leaves him


he watches over him, protects him, saves him, he asks him to stay away from danger..


he wants him to concentrate on his studies, he suggests to get him into MIT


tony’s arm is shaking because he’s about to have an anxiety attack because he’s scared for peter ( it breaks my heart )


he supports peter


his dad never gave him support so he tries to break the cycle and be there for peter, he doesn’t want to reproduce his father’s mistakes


tony listens to peter, and calls the FBI as soon as peter warns him about the villains


peter made a mistake he almost got himself killed and other people so tony takes the suit back


he wants to teach him to take responsibility for his actions


he would feel so guilty if anything happens to peter, he don’t NEED that on his conscience. he already blames himself for so much things, even when it’s not his fault..


and he doesn’t want peter to have to live with deaths on his conscience. people always blame him and he always blames himself for everything, he doesn’t want peter to live the suffering he’s going through


when peter proves that he is ready, that he has learned from his mistakes, and learned that he can be a hero without the suit, tony offers him to become an avenger and gives him the suit back



Tony Stark Loves Peter Parker And Just Want To Protect Him

how can people say things like “protect peter from tony”?? tony is the best thing that could happen to peter. he’s the best mentor he could have had. he loves peter so much and does everything to protect him

6 years ago

Coming into a fandom late

7 years ago
Saoirse Ronan As Mary Stuart And Margot Robbie As Elizabeth I In Mary Queen Of Scots (2018)
Saoirse Ronan As Mary Stuart And Margot Robbie As Elizabeth I In Mary Queen Of Scots (2018)

Saoirse Ronan as ‘Mary Stuart’ and Margot Robbie as ‘Elizabeth I’ in Mary Queen of Scots (2018)

7 years ago

when you go back to daydreaming after having been interrupted and your brain does a previously on of your fantasy

7 years ago

Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $599.99

7 years ago

me at a party: hi can you play the stranger things opening theme

7 years ago
I Didnt Say AnythingYa, Well, Your Face Did
I Didnt Say AnythingYa, Well, Your Face Did
I Didnt Say AnythingYa, Well, Your Face Did
I Didnt Say AnythingYa, Well, Your Face Did
I Didnt Say AnythingYa, Well, Your Face Did
I Didnt Say AnythingYa, Well, Your Face Did
I Didnt Say AnythingYa, Well, Your Face Did
I Didnt Say AnythingYa, Well, Your Face Did
I Didnt Say AnythingYa, Well, Your Face Did
I Didnt Say AnythingYa, Well, Your Face Did

“I didn’t say anything” “Ya, well, your face did”

(Sciles and ‘that’ look)

7 years ago
I Thought You Were A Predator!
I Thought You Were A Predator!
I Thought You Were A Predator!
I Thought You Were A Predator!
I Thought You Were A Predator!
I Thought You Were A Predator!

“I thought you were a predator!”

7 years ago
Farewell Teen Wolf Challenge: Day 7 & 8: Favorite Relationships Scott & Stiles
Farewell Teen Wolf Challenge: Day 7 & 8: Favorite Relationships Scott & Stiles
Farewell Teen Wolf Challenge: Day 7 & 8: Favorite Relationships Scott & Stiles
Farewell Teen Wolf Challenge: Day 7 & 8: Favorite Relationships Scott & Stiles
Farewell Teen Wolf Challenge: Day 7 & 8: Favorite Relationships Scott & Stiles
Farewell Teen Wolf Challenge: Day 7 & 8: Favorite Relationships Scott & Stiles
Farewell Teen Wolf Challenge: Day 7 & 8: Favorite Relationships Scott & Stiles
Farewell Teen Wolf Challenge: Day 7 & 8: Favorite Relationships Scott & Stiles
Farewell Teen Wolf Challenge: Day 7 & 8: Favorite Relationships Scott & Stiles
Farewell Teen Wolf Challenge: Day 7 & 8: Favorite Relationships Scott & Stiles

Farewell Teen Wolf Challenge: Day 7 & 8: Favorite Relationships ↠ Scott & Stiles

“I had you before” “Yeah, and you still got me.”

7 years ago

signs that don't fuckin Do anything

Taurus, Cancer, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces

7 years ago


7 years ago

Steve Harrington? what a loser i hate him i- *trips* *thousands of pictures of Steve Harrington spill from pockets* fuck those aren’t mine i swear i’m just holding them for a friend i- *slips on a pile of pictures* fu ck no they’re not mine i hate him i just- *more pictures fall out as i fall to my knees, desperately trying to pick them up* hang on a sec jUst LISTEN

7 years ago

One direction didn’t have to go that hard on I want but they did for all of us

7 years ago

me, sitting here knowing that if will or mike were a girl more people would ship byeler:

Me, Sitting Here Knowing That If Will Or Mike Were A Girl More People Would Ship Byeler:
7 years ago

it’s fascinating how everyone sleeps differently…I sleep on my side, my friend sleeps on her back, and y'all sleep on noah schnapp’s perfomance in stranger things season two

7 years ago

yall hoes remember zayn? neither do the charts

7 years ago

landslide always gets me and it’s like… i don’t even have shit going on in my life but i always find myself crying about my life when i listen to landslide

7 years ago

My book series

Here’s the links to my trilogy book series by request.

The series follows the young innocent NYU student Candice Evans as she slowly falls in love with her English teacher Mr. Styles who introduces her to a whole new world full of alcohol, sex and romance. 

(Okay the story is a lot deeper than this summary, don’t judge me on my shitty summary skills. P.S there’s tons of kink)

My perfect hell

Letters from hell

Heaven and hell

7 years ago

Y'all need to STOP putting tom Holland x reader in the Harrison osterfield x reader and harry Holland x reader tags

It’s called Harrison osterfield x reader for a reason