hiael - So am I
So am I

Brazilian doing art and a lot of stuffs to escape the responsibilities

366 posts

I Hate The Idea That I'm Going To Have To Take This Exam To Get Into College When I Haven't Even Had

I hate the idea that I'm going to have to take this exam to get into college when I haven't even had support for studies in the last 4 years of my life (pandemic in high school+adult life with a job)

Like, I know how to write, draw, speak 3 languages, work on a lot of things, vote, drive, and do things that adults do, but because I can't get an acceptable average grade on the Enem after 5 hours of testing over two days, I'm not ready to go to college??

I'm literally going to take this test against people who don't need to work and had time to dedicate 3 or more years of their lives to studying, I had to work, no one will pay my bills if I quit my job just to study

Call it envy or whatever, fuck it I don't care, it's just not fair to depend my future on it, none will pay my bills if I quit my job just to study and I'm pissed about it

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More Posts from Hiael

1 year ago

Well, I don't think I have the slightest mental capacity for anything else after this test.

I need to read cute, comfortable and light fanfics to heal my tired soul and make me forget that I missed my Sunday and tomorrow I have to wake up at 5 am to work

Any recommendations?

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1 year ago

reasons why Mc is so popular:

1. they are very cute (a pink sheep? who wouldn't love it!)

2. they pretty much have a big part of the Devildom's political power wrapped around their fingers (they are also besties with the prince, wouldn't be smart to start shit with them)

3. they are very calming (they managed to get a family of 7 to get along in less than a year)

4. they kill everybody who threatens them (which got them even more Demon admirers)

1 year ago

Mc: *laying on a pool chair, unconscious*

Levi, panicking: They're not breathing!

Solomon: I'll give them mouth-to-mouth!

Mc: *opens one eye,* Ew no! Let Mammon do it! *Closes eye*








1 year ago

i love listening to my fiancée drawing

“no stop” “oh no i didn’t mean to do that” “wRONG LAYER” “wait go back” “what line is that?!” “cAN YOU– [irritated noises]” “oh you…bastard” “what..layer is that on??”

she’s so cute djksfh

1 year ago
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