Homoparanoia - Ariel - Tumblr Blog

Some freehand pen sketches from july when i began hyperfixating lol

there are three types of ink in this: plain black indian ink and two "Malevich" shades called "Medusa" and "Ursula"
seemed appropriate to try them sketching this face

Du Lac de Lioncourt fam I miss you
(Prints available check desc.)
I think we have to admit that old lesbian Daniel might have a real Barbara Stanwyck situation going on
Woman who’s been living with her female publicist out on a ranch off-and-on for 30 years (every gal needs a live-in publicist) and has been having affairs with women her entire career: I don’t know where you would get this idea that I might be gay. That’s crazy. You’re being crazy
Palestinian tiktoker Medo Halimy was martyred yesterday. He was growing a garden and making "a day in the life" tiktoks while in Gaza. He was just 19 years old and now he's gone, but y'all wanna pretend that people wanting hard stances against genocide is some kind of moral superiority issue and not the fact that people are literally dying.
This is his family's gofundme that's still linked to his tiktok. Please send some help their way so they no longer have to lose more of their family.

devil's minion

old maniel but he’s a butch

recent divorcee daniel molloy goes to the club for the first time in years

When they can do both
PRINTS on my bio 👆🖤

armand and lestat play with their dolls of each other because they are normal and have a normal relationship <3