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924 posts
Legit Fucking Gasped When I Saw Your Picture Holy Fuck, Ill Breed You Baby. You Look Beautiful But Youd
Legit fucking gasped when I saw your picture holy fuck, I’ll breed you baby. You look beautiful but you’d look incredible on my strap
jdhsbshsjsnda yes pleaseee hhnnggg i need it so bad
More Posts from Honeylove
need someone to call me a good girl while fucking me with her strap
I hope the way I push my glasses up every 5 minutes still makes me fuckable.

do I have a praise kink? very likely yeah
how do I react to praise? next question please
For the love of god, praise and reassure your Dom after sex. I cannot tell you the amount of times I’ve told a Dom they did a good job after sex and they’re like “???? Why are you saying that???” It’s INSANE. Aftercare goes both ways! Praise! Your! Dom! Tell them the specific things you liked! Tell them how hot they were! Tell them that you appreciate them taking control! It goes such a long way, trust me.