honeylove - honey

22 | femme | she/her | lesbian | men & minors dni | find my onlyfans in my pinned post

924 posts

Ah So The Little Slut Wants Me To Continue...

Ah so the little slut wants me to continue...

Ah yes...you ass up and me fucking you mercilessly....

How are u with ass slaps? Do you think you can handle it bby girl? Cuz you on your knees is tempting you know...

Lmk 🤠

omg hi I forgot to respond to this earlier

im very good with being spanked. I won't just handle it, I want it. I like getting slapped around until I turn rosy pink. I'll gladly get on my knees for you 🥺


More Posts from Honeylove

10 months ago

idk kinda yearning

yearning for that soft intimacy with my domme. the ability to have a good cry sesh in their arms. them stroking my hair and my back and kissing my forehead. not wiping away my tears, because they know I need this, but instead coming down to sit with me in the pit until I'm ready for them to help me out. knowing that they'll be there, holding my hand, through every step forward and step back I will take until we breach the surface together. just wanting that love that grows deeper even after seeing each other at our lowest.

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10 months ago

this blog stands with palestine and if you don’t you can get the fuck out. what israel is doing is genocide and i will not tolerate anyone who supports it.

10 months ago

sending so much love to everyone who feels like they’re never chosen as the best friend, as the partner, as the favorite. sending love to all of you who have been treated and felt like second best. sending love to all of you who have felt rejected and unwanted. to all of you who have had to try really hard to fit in because you felt like you never will. 

you are so loved. you will be seen and heard by the right people. you can trust that you are valuable and not defined by other people’s perceptions of you. if someone doesn’t see your worth, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

10 months ago

yes of course you can suck on mommy's nipples while you're trying to sleep baby. just remember I feel it in my cock though. <3 don't be surprised when mommy wakes you up by putting it inside you.

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10 months ago

Hi Honey

What's your dating age range?

hii! my preferred age range for my partner is 20-35! thanks for the ask! 😘

Hi Honey

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