An imagines blog for all your favorite fandoms! if one of your obsessions isn't on my list, then feel free to ask! Requests: OPEN
36 posts
Okay Thank You! Well In That Case Could I Get A Fluff Alphabet For Human Seidou, From A-z? Thank You
Okay thank you! Well in that case could I get a fluff alphabet for human seidou, from a-z? Thank you so much
Im really excited to write this. He is one of my favorites. Second only to Shuu. Please enjoy!
Human! Seidou Takizawa:
Activities- He loves to go on walks with his dog and s/o. Especially if they can have the day just exploring and losing track of time until they realize the sun is setting.
Beauty- He loves everything about them, but he admires their heart and personality. To him he's entranced at how a person can be so kind.
Comfort- Depending on the situation he is trying to do everything he can to make his s/o happy again. He will hold them, kiss them, talk things through with them, and even attempt to crack jokes if the atmosphere calls for it.
Dreams- He wants to marry his s/o. He wants a normal family life with kids and dogs. He wants to protect them and as a CCG investigator, he will do just that.
Fight- It is not common that they seriously fight. It's mostly petty arguments about simple things like what will they have for dinner or who should do what chores. When they do get into it, then apologies and a serious discussion are to follow. Maybe some tears too.
Gratitude- He is extremely grateful. Sometimes he feels undeserving of them.
Honesty- This boy cannot keep a secret even if he tries. Its only a matter of time before he spills everything to them. It's very open and honest.
Inspiration- He learned to be more assertive and also helped him find his way.
Jealousy- Very, but he will try (and fail) to hide it. His cheeks will puff out and turn red.
Kiss- He is learning. Their first kiss was awkward and sweet like something straight out of a slice of life. He was left scratching his head and blushing.
Love Confession- He didn't want to outright say that he loved them so he casually brought up that he liked someone a lot and began to describe them. Upon seeing his future s/o getting visibly upset he confessed, "It's you dummy."
Marriage- As I said before, this man really wants to get married. The proposal would not be clean. Sure, he would plan everything out, but when the time comes, his voice caught in his throat. Things would go on like this for a long time until he just blurts it out while they are laying down. "Marry me." Then he pulls out the ring. Their life together is really comfortable and happy.
Nicknames- Cliché nicknames like sweetheart and honey. If it's sickly sweet then he will call them that.
On cloud nine- Home boy is drunk on love. He's always staring at them or talking about them. Especially during the honeymoon phase.
PDA- He loves pda. Hugs, touches, kisses, and his arm around their shoulder. He loves to brag about every little thing.
Quirk- He's actually really good at catching things as they fall. He doesn't even have to be looking at it, but once it falls, his hand is extended and the item is safe.
Romantic- He is really romantic and sweet. He will buy them flowers,sweets, or random gifts that remind him of them pretty often. He will also put on some music to dance to. They also sometimes bake together, but it usually ends up with a mess of the kitchen and eachother.
Thrill- He is perfectly content with a simple, mundane, normal life, but its never a bad thing to spice things up every now and then.
Understanding- He knows his s/o like the back of his hand. He notices any changes and always tries to be there for them.
Wild card- He often has dinner with his family and s/o. He loves when everyone he loves is in the same space.
Xoxo- He is very affectionate. He loves everything from hugging them, kissing them, cuddling, and anything really. He just really loves his s/o
Value- His s/o matters a lot to him. His s/o is a part of his family and will do a lot for them.
Yearning- He is actually pretty independent for the most part. He will work, but if he misses them a lot then he will call or text them.
Zeal- He will do a lot for the relationship depending on their closeness. If they are inseparable then nothing is completely off the table as long as no one gets hurt.

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More Posts from Hopelessly-devoted-to-shuu
I have a question, so if I were to request a fluff or an nsfw alphabet for one character what’s the letter limit amount? Like could I request a-z or is that too much, would you rather me do it in smaller batches? Thanks either way, love! Love you’re blog!
Honestly, as long as it's one character than any amount works. When it gets up in characters I suggest keeping the total of letters to 26. I haven't posted on here in forever, but with the quarantine I should get back into it!
Im not dead lmao
it could’ve been worse. ishida could have forced gay shuu and ace/aro chie to be straight and get married
Hey!! Glad you came back, I was waiting abd turned up the notifications! :3. Can I request some Young Renji in Anteiku, meeting a quiet girl who is frequent client? (Headcanons!)
Oof this has been my asks the longest time I'm so sorry anon! Also I made it gender neutral I hope you understand!
Once he sees them he wouldn't think much and just kinda shrug them off until Yoshimura greeted them as if they were an old friend.
From then he explained to Yomo that they frequented often and stayed long hours to finish their studies
From there he gains a slight interest, but his pride and lack of trust in humans is enough to make him stay away
Until he had to serve them
From then he would talk to them trying to make small talk, taking note that they didn't really talk much
They kept to themselves and Yomo was really intrigued now
Whenever they would come in he would always be the first to serve them
They would talk to each other from that point
Even if it was mainly Yomo telling some sort of story they we're both happy
One day when he was cleaning the table he noticed they scribbled their number on a napkin
What happens next is up to you.
"you deserve to be happy Karren. You deserve to feel like yourself don't let anyone tell you otherwise. To be happy is your birth right.", And with that the spell was cast. The room disappeared and all Karren could see was y/n. A kiss was shared, one filled with passion and love for one another. She raked her fingers through their hair as they deepened the kiss. After a few more seconds of this Karren pulled away with a look of shock. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-"
"Do not apologize, my love never apologize for this, for us."
Enjoy this draft I made back when I first started. I wanted to take it somewhere, but I was afraid to post it. I still am in love with this woman.