hotch33tos22 - 👅

🔞 WRITER 🔞Taking RQLokey Tomura Lover🙁

22 posts

Ahhh, I Love Your Writing Hotch33tos! May I Request A Fluff Between Tomura Shigaraki X Fem Reader Who's

Ahhh, I love your writing hotch33tos! May I request a fluff between Tomura Shigaraki x fem reader who's quirk is healing. One night she's healing Shigaraki and she just can't stop looking at him leading her to blurt out if she can do skin care on him. That or just a fluff scenario between him and a fem reader healerđŸ«¶đŸ’›

Thank you sm for my first Request! You asked and will receive! (Hopefully it’s to your likingđŸ«¶đŸŒ)

Shigaraki x Reader Healer



Ahhh, I Love Your Writing Hotch33tos! May I Request A Fluff Between Tomura Shigaraki X Fem Reader Who's

"What- What the hell? It's 2 in the morning What are you doing in my room?!" Tomura looks up from his gaming set he was surprised to see you up so late.

"Hey... I noticed you had some scars that needed healing and I thought I might come check them" you softly replied as you walked in closing the door behind you as you turned on the light.

He flinched as the light turned on, the brightness was unexpected for him. He sat up on the edge of his bed, looking at you.

He rubbed his neck, his eyes looking you and your hands up and down.

"You- You want to heal my scars?"

"Shigaraki im the leagues healer it’s my job remember" you laughed softly.

He rolled his eyes as you spoke as if he could've forgotten that, a hand going up to rub one of his scars.

"Yeah yeah I know idiot, but can you heal all of this? I have a lot of scars you know..."

"I'm sure I can" you walked over to him, "can I sit down?"

He nodded, shifting over slightly incase you wanted to sit on the bed. He eyed your hands, still unconvinced you could heal any of his scars.

"Go on... Try it. You probably won't heal anything anyway..."

He smirked, a bit of skepticism in his voice.

"Are you doubting me?" You chuckled as you looked at his scars on his arms.

He chuckled back, letting you get a good look as you came closer. He held out an arm, waiting for you to try and heal it.

"I'm just saying, ive had these for quite some time though they haven’t healed. I doubt a healer would be able to do anything about them now. Go on, try."

You picked up his hand gently as you traced your finger over the scar before leading it do your lips giving it a soft kiss.

To say he was surprised at the kiss would be an understatement. His eyes widen, face turning slightly pink as he stares at your lips for a few seconds.

"Wha- What are you doing...?"

His voice is quieter now, trying to hide the surprise. No one has ever gone so far as to kiss his scars, let alone kiss him in general...

"Healing you" you chuckle before you noticed his scar was gone you looked up at him admiring his other scars they made him seem like so much more...

His eyes widen again as he looks down at where the scar once was, watching as the skin completely healed over, as if the scar was never there. He glanced up at you in disbelief, almost not believing what just happened.

"You- You actually just healed it... I can't believe it. Can you do the others too?"

You nodded as you traced and placed kisses on the other scars and injuries on his hands, you felt yourself blush a little you finally stopped to admire his face... it look okay right now it wasn't the best skin he's had which made you think of something... skincare.

With each kiss that healed on of his scars, his face got more and more red. He was starting to get flustered from all of this affection, glancing down as you finally stopped. Seeing you studying his face, he raised an eyebrow, looking curiously at you

"Why are you looking at me like that? What is it?"

"Can I do a skincare on you!?" You blurted out as your ears turned red "ah.! Sorry i didn't mean to-" you waved your hands trying to take back what you said.

Shigaraki blinked, completely taken aback by the blurted question. His cheeks were a deep blushing red at that point, but he didn't hate the idea at all...

"Uh... Yeah sure... Go for it I guess. Just don't make me look like some damn doll, got it?"

You chuckled at his doll comment,

"I won't" you covered your mouth with one hand trying to lower your laugh.

He gave a small pout at your laughter, crossing his arms in a jokingly upset state.

But he was secretly enjoying the attention you were giving him. He tilted his head at you, his messy hair covering his left eye like a curtain

"What? Why are you laughing at me? Just do your damn skincare already, woman."

"okay 'll be right back" you got up in a hurry to your room while you were walking you wondered why he had agreed it seemed odd but you were glad he didn't decline your sudden offer

He sat there on his bed, watching you run out of the room in a hurry.

He still questioned himself on why he agreed to letting you even touch him, even more so with the thought of doing a skin care routine on him. Shigaraki shrugged, sitting back in his bed and waiting for you to return.

As he sat there waiting, he let his mind wander to his feelings towards you. He had to admit, you were attractive. But he never thought he would ever get any affection from you, yet here he was, agreeing to you to do a skincare routine on his scars and skin. Shigaraki leaned back in the bed, thoughts of you still in his mind...

A few minutes later, he heard your footsteps approaching his room.

He slowly sat up, waiting for you to come back in. He was still questioning why he was letting you do this to him, but deep down, the idea of having your hands touch his face excited him, just a bit.

You opened the door, holding your skincare products in your arms. You looked up to see him leaning back on the bed, waiting for you with a neutral look on his face. He glanced down at your arms, looking over the products you brought with you.

"Looks like you brought a lot of stuff...Are you gonna put all of that on my face?"

"Well if I want your face to be smooth and glowing yes!" You chirped as you placed everything in the bed in order.

He rolled his eyes at the thought of his face being 'smooth and glowing.' He had never had a full-blown skincare routine before, so he had no idea what was coming for him.

He looked over each product you had laid out, seeing so many creams, lotions, and other stuff.

"Yeesh... You need all of that to fix my skin or something?"

"Just to make it better trust me you'll relax just lay back on the bed and let me handle you" your lips Curley into a smile as your cracked your fingers, one thing about you was out LOVED doing skincare's and when you did them you always did them right.

He flinched slightly, hearing you crack your fingers. It seemed so... Professional? He let out a low sigh, laying back on the bed, his head laying comfortably on the pillow. He closed his eyes, preparing himself for whatever you were going to do to his skin.

Despite the skepticism about the skincare, in the end, he just wanted to have your hands touching him...

As you begin to work your magic on Shigaraki, he can feel the various creams being applied to his face, followed by the gentle feeling of your hands rubbing his skin. As much as he wanted to act cold and distant, your touch was soft and gentle, making it impossible not to relax and enjoy the feeling of your hands on his face.

"Damn... Your hands are softer than I thought they'd be..."

"Well ill have you know I do hand-care too" you softly spoke as you applied a cleansing cream rubbing it over his safe as you waited a couple of minutes before wiping it with a damped towel

As you gently rub the cleansing cream on his face, he couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief. The cream felt cool and soothing on his skin, and your soft touch made the entire experience even more pleasurable. He couldn't believe he was actually enjoying something like this

"Hmph, you seem to have a lot of knowledge on this stuff... Where'd you even learn all of this from anyway?"

"I watch a lot of videos and before I joined the league I did not have this pretty face" you smirked

He raised an eyebrow as you mentioned not having a pretty face before. He found that hard to believe, as his own opinion, you were very attractive. But he was curious now about what you looked like before.

"Oh really? Well, now I'm interested to see what you looked like before this 'pretty face.' Got any old pictures lying around?"

"Maybe I'll see if I can find any later" you wiped his face before turning in the air mister you had

He watched as you turned on the air mister, the cool mist spraying lightly on his face.

The sensation was unexpected, but not unpleasant. He closed his eyes, enjoying the coolness as the mist touched his skin.

"Hmph... I guess this stuff isn't half bad. What else you gonna do to my face?"

"Well I'm going to hydrate it,moisturize, pluck any hairs,massage it..."

His eyes widened as you rattled off the list of things you were going to do to his face.

Plucking, massaging, what the hell did you have planned on doing to him...

"Plucking hairs? And massage? You gonna turn my face into rubbery mush or something?"

"Just close your eyes and relax" you huffed as you started to place under eye and mouth hydrating patches.

He gave a slight eye roll at your comment, but closed his eyes nonetheless, letting you place the patches on his skin. He had to admit, the feeling of the patches was slightly soothing, almost like a small massage of sorts.

He let out a small sigh as he laid there, wondering if all these products were actually necessary for a skincare routine.

You took out your phone raising it up as you took a picture quickly putting it away

The sudden sound of your phone camera clicking made his eyes shoot open in surprise. He turned to glare at you, a small pout forming on his face

"Hey, what was that for? Were you just trying to snap a picture of me with this stuff on my face?"

"no! just shush!" You closed his eyes as you grabbed your eyebrow pluckers.

Shigaraki grumbled, but obediently closed his eyes once again. He knew there was no point in arguing with you when you were so determined. He held still as you picked up the eyebrow pluckers,

"Damn... You really gonna pluck my eyebrows?"

" you know you talk to much" you giggled as you began to pluck his eyebrows but you realized... he had none...

He rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but chuckle a bit at your comment about talking too much. As you started to pluck his eyebrows, he noticed that there was nothing there to pluck.

"Uh, you do notice that I don't have any eyebrows, right? What's the point of plucking something that's not even there?"

"Shigaraki... I just noticed." You busted out laughing.

He looked at you, his face a mix of confusion and annoyance. But seeing you laugh so openly made it a bit impossible to stay frustrated with you. He sighed, crossing his arms in a pout

"Well, I'm glad you find humor in my lack of eyebrows, but seriously, what were you planning to do to my nonexistent eyebrows anyway?"

"Okay okay let's just move on to something else oh I know let's take off your blackheads!"

His face twisted into a look of discomfort at the mention of blackheads. He hadn't even thought about the possibility of having blackheads on his face.

"Yeesh... You sure you're gonna find any? I don't even remember the last time I looked at my face up close in the mirror..."

He laid back on the bed, resigning himself to letting you do whatever you wanted. He just hoped the blackhead removal wouldn't be too painful, especially since he wasn't sure how many there were on his skin...

You placed a nose patch in his skin and waited for it to dry before peeling it softly

"okay we got some just need to take off the rest..." you mumbled as you started to press down his nose with a blackhead removing tool

Shigaraki watched as you placed the nose patch on his nose. He wrinkled his nose at the feeling, but said nothing. Once you started to press down on his nose with the tool, he flinched, feeling the slight pressure of each blackhead being removed.

"Damn... that feels weird. How many of those are you gonna get out..?"

"Just a little more..." you mumbled focusing

He huffed in slight annoyance, but he knew better than to question you when you were so focused. He closed his eyes, letting you continue to work on his nose. The feeling of each blackhead being removed was... strange. It wasn't painful, but it wasn't pleasant either.

"Hurry up... I'm starting to feel weird just laying here."

"Okay okay I'm done" you replied as you cleaned his face with a makeup remover and removing all the hydrating patches you had placed on his under eye and lips

"Wow your lips look just a bit better but it’s missing something.."

He opened his eyes as you removed the last of the patches, feeling a bit lighter now that all the products were off his face. He sat up slightly on the bed, his hand coming up to touch his cheek.

"Huh... I have to admit, that actually did feel kinda nice. And you really think my lips look better already?"

"I'm not done yet!" You pushed him down softly as you began to grab your watermen lip mask and spoon some out gently rubbing it on his lip

He grunted as you pushed him back down, a small pout forming on his face. He watched as you rubbed the watermelon lip mask on his lips, the cool sensation on his skin feeling surprisingly refreshing.

"Hmph... This stuff better be worth it. My lips better be as soft as yours by the time you're done with me."

"Yeah yeah well I'm trying my best" you huffed as you took a bad and opened it revealing a face mask

He chuckled at your huff, knowing he could get under your skin with just a few words.

As he watched you rummage through the bag to pull out a face mask, he raised an eyebrow

"Are you seriously putting a face mask on me too? What the hell is the point of that?"

"Don't worry just know you'll skin will feel much better" you smirked as you placed it over his face

He let out an exaggerated sigh, but remained still as you placed the face mask over his face. He had to admit, he had never done anything like this before, and having you take care of his skin felt a bit nice.

"This is so ridiculous... I feel like a damn doll being pampered right now."

He laid on the bed, his face covered in the mask, feeling completely ridiculous. He could faintly smell the scent of the face mask, a bit of chamomile and lavender.

"You better hope this stuff actually works, or I'm gonna look like a complete fool for letting you to this to me..."

"Well don't worry about it just relax.!"

He rolled his eyes, but he had to admit that the face mask actually felt somewhat nice.

He closed his eyes, trying to relax as you instructed.

"Easier said than done... When will you take this damn thing off my face anyway?"

"Just 10 minutes even tho it's suppose to be 15 but you get impatient"

He sighed in annoyance, not wanting to admit you were right about him being impatient. 10 minutes... he could handle that.

"Hmph... fine. 10 minutes, but I better be getting something good at the end of this. Better be some smooth skin at the very least."

He laid there, feeling the minutes ticked by slowly as the face mask stayed on his face.

He tried to distract himself by thinking about other things, but every minute felt like an eternity.

"Ugh... How much longer do I have to keep this thing on? It feels like it's been 10 minutes already..."

"It's barely been 3" you chuckled

He grumbled at your comment, feeling even more impatient now knowing it had only been three minutes.

"Ugh, seriously? Only 3 minutes? I feel like I've been laying here forever. I don't even think this damn thing is doing anything to my skin anyway..."

"Oh my god okay well just leave it for 5"

He huffed, but resigned himself to waiting another 5 minutes. He knew resisting would be pointless, especially when you were so determined.

"Ugh, fine. 5 more minutes. But if it doesn't do anything, I'm never letting you touch my face again."

You huffed in annoyances as you waited for 5 more minutes to pass, after they did you took off the sheet mask and began to massage his face with cream

He grumbled as he lay there patiently, time seemingly dragging on forever. But finally, after what felt like an eternity, you removed the mask from his face.

He opened his eyes expecting to see the same old dry skin on his face, but instead, his skin actually felt surprisingly smooth and supple. The texture was completely different than what he was used to.

" this real? My skin feels different... Did the face mask and cream actually work?"

"Well just a little you don't care much for your skin huh" you messaged his face softly

He chuckled at your comment, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah, I guess you can say l've never really paid much attention to my skin. I've always just thought it's skin, why worry about it? But I have to admit, it feels kinda nice having you take care of it like this..."

He let out a small hum as you continued to massage his face, the feeling of your fingers on his skin was surprisingly soothing. He closed his eyes, letting himself relax into the comfortable rhythm of your motions.

"You sure know what you're doing. My skin feels so much nicer than before. I might have to let you do this more often..."

You chuckled "well l'd be happy, to I enjoy these kinds of things anyway..."

He smiled slightly, feeling surprisingly relaxed with you taking care of his skin.

"I have to admit, I didn't think this whole skincare routine thing would be so... nice.

I always thought it was just for girls, but having someone pamper me like this feels kinda good."

He opened his eyes, looking up at you as you continued to massage his face. The feeling of your fingers on his skin was strangely comforting, and he found himself wanting the moment to last longer.

"You know, I never would have thought that l'd be the kind of person to enjoy getting pampered... But here I am, lying here letting you touch my face and treating me like royalty."

"Well you have to take care of yourself now and then" you smiled softly as you finally stopped

"god my back hurts..." you whined as you sat back all the standing up while bending your back did a number one you

He sat up as well, noticing the tired look on your face.

"Hey, you look like you're exhausted. You were standing over me for like an hour, no wonder your back hurts."

He couldn't help but chuckle as you complained, but he still felt somewhat guilty that you were tired out from pampering his skin.

He patted the empty space on the bed next him, gesturing for you to join him on the bed.

"Come here, sit down for a bit. I feel a little bad that your back is so tired because of me..."

"It's okay this is the pain of a successful skin care routine " you laughed as you laid down on his bed enjoying the softness

He chuckled at your comment, feeling slightly guilty but appreciative nonetheless.

"Yeah, I guess that's one way to look at it. But still, you worked hard pampering my skin, the least I can do is let you relax a bit on the bed."

He laid back on the bed beside you, feeling its softness beneath him. He looked over at you, admiring your tired but satisfied expression.

He reached out a hand and gently touched your hair, running his fingers through it.

"You look exhausted, but happy. I guess pampering my skin really was that much fun for you, huh?"

You felt yourself shiver from his touch enjoying yourself get pampered by him now

"pampering me now Mh?" You softly spoke as your eyes closed

He chuckled softly as he saw you shiver slightly from his touch.

"Yeah, I figured I could return the favor and pamper you for a bit, since you did such a great job pampering me."

He continued to run his fingers through your hair, his touch soft and gentle, enjoying the way your eyes closed in contentment.

He leaned a bit closer to you, his hand moving from your hair to gently caress your cheek.

"You know, seeing you so relaxed like this is... nice. I never would have thought doing something like this together could feel so good
.” He mumbles before he notices you drifted off to sleep..

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More Posts from Hotch33tos22

8 months ago

Tomura shigaraki x Gf reader


Tomura Shigaraki X Gf Reader

"A date? Why the hell do we have to go on a date...?" He scratched his neck, you couldn't tell what kind of expression he was looking at you with by the hand that covered his face. You and Tomura had a... complicated relationship. You declared your feelings to him shortly after joining the league and he accepted you. But he was always pretty uninterested in you in certain moments.

"Because we're a couple? Don't you want to spend time together tomara?" You question with a saddening tone. You love tomura but you can tell he didn't enjoy the same things you did at all.

"We spend plenty of damn time together." He said bluntly, scoffing and finally removing his hand from his face so he can look at you. He sat down in a couch and crossed his arms. "What's wrong with just sitting and talking? Why do we have to eat out somewhere?"

"You don't get tired of the same thing over and over again?" You tell him as you followed behind him sitting next to him not too close enough to give him his space.

He shrugged, looking down at his thighs for a moment before shifting his gaze back to you. His eyes trailed over your body and a smirk pulled at the corners of his lips.

"I guess not. You certainly don't get tired of being a pain in my ass though, heh."

You groan in frustration he didn't get you and you didn't get him but that didn't mean you gave up easily,

"Let's go out tomura..." you plea at him

He groaned back in annoyance and ran a hand through his messy hair.

"Fine, but only if you shut up. It's always "please this" and "please that" and "let's go here" with you. If you aren't saying some bullshit like that, you're complaining about some other stupid thing!"

His words hurt you it's not like he was wrong but you didn't do it to annoy him you just wanted him to feel the same joy you felt when you did whatever he wanted to do,

"Never mind we can just stay here..." you tell him trying to hide your pain, Of course, he noticed your expression. His eyes watched you closely, picking up on the slightest shift in your mood. He knew what he said hurt you. Hell, he was trying to. But seeing the way your face dropped was something he wasn't expecting. Tomura sighed and leaned back in the couch, looking away from you and rubbing his eyes.

"No... whatever. Fine. We can go out, just stop looking like that." He was trying his best not to sound like he cared.

"A-are you sure?.. I don't want you to be mad at me or anything..." you mumble underneath your breath with slight excitement in your voice, he was really considering going out with you...

A small scoff escaped his lips as he looked back at you, the same smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth again.

"Yeah, whatever, I'm not mad, idiot. I just don't get why you want to go somewhere so bad. Can't we just sit and watch a movie or something?"

"I don't know I just want to make ..." you mumble softly before you could finish your sentence afraid he might say your reasonings are stupid. you fiddle with your fingers trying to not look embarrassed, He raised a brow, looking at you in a confused yet curious manner. He could tell you were holding something back, and he was a bit frustrated that you weren't finishing your sentence. He leaned forward a bit, resting his elbows on his thighs as he kept his eyes on you.

"You just want to make what? Spit it out, 'll probably hate it whatever you say anyways."

"M-" your words budging in your throat you couldn't spit it out, but you knew you had to or he'd get irritated.

"M-make memories with you..." you let out,

Well that... was not at all what he was expecting. He expected your answer to be something stupid and annoying, but instead it was... somewhat endearing. For a moment he sat there in silence, looking at you with a blank expression as he processed your answer.

"Memories? You only want to go out so you can make memories with me? That's... stupid."

You knew he's say that and it didn't bother you since you had predicted it, sometimes you wish he's see your point of view on relationships this might be his first but it didn't mean he couldn't try.

"Y-yeah you're right..." you sigh

He raised a brow when you agreed with him. He expected you to argue with him or something, not just give in. It made him want to... not insult you? What the hell was wrong with him? He stared at you for a minute, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Huh? So you agree that it's stupid? Why'd you even say it then? You want to make memories because it's something happy couples do, right?"

You turn in embarrassment you knew he didn't do what other couples did especially "happy" couples.

"I'm not sure..." you respond in a low voice

He rolled his eyes at your mumbled response, a smirk pulling at his lips yet again. He loved getting under your skin. He always found it slightly amusing how you got so easily flustered

"What, can't even look at me when you're answering? Tch, you're so weak, it's pathetic."

He said as he started shifting himself on the couch, slowly moving closer to you.

You turn up to look at him, as if you were a lost puppy trying to find your owner you didn't know what to tell him. Dealing with tomura meant dealing with names but you tried to not let them get to you. He chuckled softly when he saw the expression on your face. He shifted closer to you until he was basically pressed against you, his face now only a few inches from yours. A smirk tugged at his lips as he ran his finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him directly.

"Aww, I struck a nerve, huh? You get all shy when l insult you because you know they're all true, right? You're weak and pathetic, but you're always following me around like a dog."

You perk your lips feeling his hot breath below them,He slowly dragged his finger from your chin up to your bottom lip, gently running it across your soft skin. He couldn't help but notice the look you gave him he leaned in even closer, his face just barely hovering over yours.

"Always looking at me with those big round eyes and following me around, trying to get my attention. Like a dog, waiting for its owner to say something to it...”

He chuckled as he heard you let out a soft gasp, watching as your face turned red. It was so fun messing with you, seeing how easily flustered you got over the simplest things. He leaned in a bit closer, his mouth now right next to your ear.

"And now look at you, you're a mess just because I got a few inches closer to you.You're too easy, you know that? I bet I could do anything I wanted to you right now and you'd let me."

He was right you would but you wouldn't admit it not right now atleast not while he was turning you on. It's silly getting turned on just by words.

"I-I'm not..." you let out

He smirked again as soon as you spoke. He knew you were trying to hide your true feelings, trying to act like you weren't desperate for his attention. He leaned back a little so he could look at your face again and see your expression as he spoke.

"Not what? A mess? Easy? You're both, doll. I can see it in the way you're looking at me right now. Your face is so red, it's cute."

You try to control yourself as he moves closer to you causing you to yelp as he caresses you cheek, He smirked at the small yelp you let out, finding it adorable. He loved how sensitive you were, how easy it was to get a reaction out of you. He moved the hand that was on your cheek so it was tangled into your hair, his nails gently scratching your scalp as he spoke.

"I'm barely even touching you and you're trembling. I bet I could just pin you down right here right now and you wouldn't fight back. You're so obedient, just like a good little pet~"

"T-tomura..." you let out a gasp as he pins you down looking at you beneath him feeling his pent up member hard onto your core, He chuckled as he heard the way you whined his name out to him, the way your voice got all needy because of him. Your voice was music to his ears.

"What's wrong, doll? Got no other words to say?"

He said as he leaned down to your ear again, gently biting your earlobe before moving his lips down to your neck.

You repeat his name as he places kisses on your sensitive skin causing you to treble.

You wanted him and he wanted you it was obvious they way his pants tightened around his shaft. The way his hips moved slowly around your core repeatedly...

He groaned against your skin as he felt your body squirmed underneath him. He continued leaving a trail of kisses on your neck, moving his lips down to the crook of it and nibbling on the skin. He let out another groan when he felt you say his name again, and his hips subconsciously started moving more against you.

"You're so easy, it's pathetic."

He said huskily as he let out another groan.

"I-I'm n-not!" You let out as his kisses weakened you. He chuckled, finding your stubbornness both cute and ridiculous. He started leaving smaller kisses along your jawline, getting closer to your mouth.

"Oh yes, you are. You get all whiny and flustered whenever I touch you. You get all shy and quiet when I get close to you. You're a mess right now, and I all I did was pin you down."

He said against your skin before biting gently on your jaw. "I'm not the o-only one !" You exclaim as you look at his thick hard member

He chuckled again when you spoke, before slowly moving up a bit to look down at you.

He smirked at the way you spoke so boldly all of a sudden, his eyes locking onto yours as he continued rubbing himself against you.

"Oh, really? You think you're not the only one acting like this? Then what about me, hm? What makes you think I'm flustered, doll?"

"Your hips... the way you're moving them on me" you let out a soft moan as he continues his motions. He froze as you pointed out the way his hips were moving against you, realizing that you were right and he was losing his cool. He let out a huffed breath, trying to compose himself. He didn't want to show any kind of weakness in front of you. Instead, he leaned down to give you one quick kiss on the lips, like some kind of distraction, before speaking.

"That's... it's just because you're making me like this, doll. You're so pathetic that I can't help but get a little riled up."
 "Im going to take you up like the slut you are and screw you untill you come undone" he says with his low raspy voice it turned you on so much. His words were blunt and vulgar, but they had a different effect on you than he would ve expected. They made you shiver, made your face turn redder than it was before, and caused a jolt of something in your lower stomach you hadn't felt before.

He saw the way you reacted to his words and the look on your face, a smirk crept onto his face as his eyes darkened. tomuras words fall from his lips like honey, you couldn’t help but feel something turn on inside you felt empty as if you needed him, needed him badly.

“tomura please.. p-please fuck me..” you cry in despair begging for him asking him to do what you’ve been expecting. He wouldn’t let you have what you wanted easily, you would have to work for it and hard. His lips formed a smirk as he replied

“Fine I’ll fuck you.. I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll beg me for more..”

You were relived, you were eager but before you could plea he spoke again.

“But you’ll have to work for it princess.. you have to prove to me how badly you want it ..“ he smirks as he lets you go and sits up undressing his lower half and sitting back down positioning himself with wide legs.

“Suck it.” He commanded.

You did as you were told, But he wanted more. You slowly kiss the tip of his shaft tasting the pre cum leaking from his cock what made it even better were the grunts he let out when you touched his dick.

“f-fuck..” he lets out, he doesn’t know why you have him like this you haven’t even put it inside your mouth and he wants to just forget about your punishment and fuck you but he knows you won’t learn.

You start kissing his tip as you feel the pre cum on your lips the sweet but slightly sour flavor falls on your tongue like heaven.

“My sweet fucking g-girl~” he moans out “You love my cock don’t you?” He chuckles as you bob your head feeling his hard cock inside your mouth as it twitches, he grabs your hair gently but roughly as he pushes your head down even further hitting the back of your throat.

“Mhm!!!” You squeal as you felt his cock deeper inside your mouth tears start to form, your gag reflexes weren’t the best but it was enough to handle his size,

“My pretty girl s-so pretty..” you give a final bob as he finishes inside your mouth filling it with his seed, you felt yourself get wetter and wetter panties soaked.

He commands you to swallow every last drop before he helps you up and shoves you to the couch, his cock rubbing in your throbbing pussy.

“beg for it.” He says in a low raspy voice

Without a doubt you do as he says,

“P-please b-baby please!” “Just fuck m-me!” You beg hoping he’d hurry, hearing you beg turned him on and he sure was gonna fuck the voice out of you. He positions himself in front of your wet entrence causing you to moan causing music to his ears and he slowly enters himself as a way to make you suffer he was going to take his time with you pressuring you and make you wait for what you wanted.

“T-omura!” You whine as you more your hips like a horny dog trying to make him move faster

“Keep trying and I won’t put it in you brat..” shigaraki a husky voice tells you in a serious voice he meant what he said.

You whimper you wanted him inside and when he was it drove you mad he thrusted in and out of your core causing you to moan like a mad woman it felt so good the way his cock cam in and out in and out in repeat pushing against your gummy walls and you tighten with each thrust,

“fuckfuck fuckkk..” you moaned out in repeat your walls were clenching on him hard and he enjoyed ever last one he lived the way your eyes fooled back with tears on them the way your young made its way out panting rapidly as he pushed your lug towards your chest making even more access to your core.

“My pretty little c-cunt
”. He let out with grunts

“Fucking mine..” he smiled at your figure, you felt yourself cumming soon pleading for his seen deep inside you,

“p-please p-please cum inside me!!!” You whined as his final thrusted in you spreading his seed all over your walls

“FUCK!!” He yelled as he panted slowly trying to gain his breath he feel beside you as his eyes were searching for something to cover you with.

He soon found a blanket and got up to get it sitting down as he commanded you to lay on his side while covering both of you as you fell asleep in his chest.

As you felt asleep he looked at your weak figure the way it was fragile
 he loved the way you look like a lost puppy in need of a home loved the way you begged and plead underneath him


He was hard again.

(if you liked my work feel free to check out the rest on my page and follow <3!! Or click the #hotcheetos22 )

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9 months ago

Jealous izuku Midoriya x reader


Jealous Izuku Midoriya X Reader

You were in class talking with Bakugou, your friend, or well boyfriend Izuku, was looking at the scene with a frown, the truth is that he was jealous to see you talking so happily with his rival. You approached Izuku, but before speaking, he interrupted you “ look who wants to talk!, I’m sure your so busy talking to Kacchan, you should head back besides you two look very happy together" Said in a sarcastic and clearly jealous tone. “what are you talking about izu?” You were taken aback from his bold remark

“Stop pretending that you don’t know
 you and Shittygo are glued to each other, he's around you most of the time, always talking to you, you're laughing with him... It's obvious that you prefer him over me” The jealousy of seeing you and his rival together and constantly talking was driving him crazy. “W-what?!” You shout nearly everyone turning to you,realizing how loud you were, you take him by the hand to speak privately outside the hall Following you to a secluded place where nobody can spot you

“What, did you think I wouldn’t notice it, huh? You and him are always together
 he’s always glued to you
.he’s the one making you laugh. You’re always with him
 now”. “It’s not what it seems izu.. can’t I laugh with others?.. you pount “are you jealous or something?” You ask, “You can laugh with whoever you want... but you look more happier with him than you are with me” he replies in a sad tone..

“And what if I’m jealous? Is it bad that I want to see you laugh because of me and not him?”. You giggle and reach to hold his hands “ it’s not bad izu it’s just cute when your jealous~ I’d rather laugh at your jokes than his me and bakugo are just friends nothing more “ you smile at him. Izuku blushes a bit upon hearing the words you spoke and calling him out to admit his jealousy, “It's just
 I can’t help but feel jealous
 it’s like no matter what I do, everything goes wrong and you prefer him more than me
”, “ your such a negative thinker! do you think I’d prefer him over you?.. honestly izu you must think I’m crazy or something..” you interlock your finger with his and pull yourself closer to his chest, “Of course I don’t think you prefer him over me
” He says looking away as he felt his face heat up when you got closer to him, trying to avoid eye contact so you wouldn't notice he was blushing a lot, You look up to him as you and cup his cheek with one hand as the other leads his hand to your waist “oh izu your so adorable when your jealous!” You exclaim in excitement. he places his hand on your waist looking anywhere but you trying to avoid eye contact “I-I’m not adorable
 sh-shut up”,

You laugh out loud and kiss his soft lips followed by softly bitting his bottom lip “ your so handsome izu” you start to touch up on his hair. His eyes widened as he freezes for a few seconds not knowing what to say “S-stop it
 you’re embarrassing me
” he mumbles.

“Y-you’re such a tease
 you’re doing it on purpose, aren’t you?..” he asks, “Of course I am I love it so much when I get my way with you ~” your pur smiling at him. He wraps his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him, trying to look away from you as his face heats up more little by little. You turn his face towards yours “do you want me to stop paying attention to you then?.. since you want to look away from me should I let go?” You smirk “No! I don’t want you to stop,” He quickly says wrapping his arms around your waist tightening and pulling you closer to his body, stuttering as you look up at him mesmerized by your eyes. “I-I mean
 don’t let go
 y-you can continue your a-Attention to me
”, You laugh and kiss him all around his face grinding on his lower body with your hips “ your such a desperate attention seeker “ you purr. He blushes feeling your grinding on his lower body with your hips, he couldn’t help letting out a gasp and trying to hold back a moan, having trouble speaking
. “S-shut up...I-I’m not an a-attention seeker a-an—“ He was cut off letting out a small moan at the feeling of you grinding on his body, his face turning completely red from embarrassment.

You stop and pull apart form him “oh izu i wish we could continue but we need to head back to class”
 he wanted you close to him just a little bit longer, but unfortunately, you were right. He let out a sigh and looked at you with puppy eyes, he honestly looked adorable when he did it.

 do we have to go back already? I don’t want to go back yet
” he grumbles..

“You know Mr.Aizawa will be here any moment.. but don’t worry when we’re done you’ll get a little price as a way to forgive me for ignoring you for so long~” you wink at him and bite your bottom lip. the thought of a "price" as a reward for "ignoring" him earlier sounded very tempting. He wanted to ask what that "price" was, but he figured it would be better as a surprise,even so he accepted the fact that both of you had to return to class.. “S-so
 this "price", what exactly is it?”, “You’ll find out later needy boy~” “come on let’s head back” you hold his hand leading him to the classroom, Blushing as you call him a "needy boy", which was technically true, if he was being honest. He was just desperate to spend more time with you since he couldn’t stand to see you with Bakugou most of the time, and to top it off, the fact that you wouldn’t tell him what that "price" was was driving him crazy, he just wanted to know what it was..

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7 months ago

Tomura Shigaraki Headcannon


Tomura Shigaraki Headcannon


"I can feel your tiny buldge practically grinding on me!

Tomura's cheeks turned red as he heard your blunt statement, clearly caught off guard by your directness. He was not expecting you to be so upfront.


He sputtered, clearly embarrassed by your observation. He tried to back away, but found himself unable to due to the fact that he still had you pinned against the wall.

"For a villain your pretty small" you snickered softly.

Tomura's face turned even redder as you insulted him, clearly not used to being talked to like that.

"Shut up, I'm average!"

He shot back, clearly offended by your comment. He tried to keep a stoic expression, but it was obvious that your words had struck a nerve.You laughed out loud as you tried to cover your mouth from louder laughs escaping,

"you sure?"

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8 months ago

Husband/ Shouta Aizawa x reader


Husband/ Shouta Aizawa X Reader

you slid out of bed and slowly started walking over to the door. Wondering where your husband could be, Pressing down on the handle, you opened the wooden door to reveal your husband sat up working.

Shouta noticed the sudden opening of his door, and he snapped his head up to look at you. "You should be asleep..." He mumbled, keeping his voice deep and quiet as he placed his pen back down onto the desk.

"You should be asleep with me " you smile at your husband. Shouta couldn't help the small smirk that crept across his face as you spoke.

He leaned back in his chair and looked you up and down, his eyes lingering on your figure for a minute. He chuckled lightly.

“You're distracting me, you know?"

You walk over to his desk with a hum

" I can always leave you alone then”. A shiver ran down his spine as you leant down and whispered in his ear. He looked at you with that all too familiar smirk before gently grabbing your hips and pulling you onto his lap.

"No, no..." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling into your chest. "Stay."

You giggle at his actions and began stroking his hair softly "you're so cute..." you tell him

Your touch was a welcome distraction, and his smirk widened as you called him cute. He closed his eyes and relaxed against you as you continued running your fingers through his hair.

"And you're a pain in my ass..." He mumbled, leaning into your touch even more as he spoke.

"Oh? I am" you giggle at his words and snuggle at his chest, Shouta chuckled softly and nuzzled into the crook of your neck. His hands rested on your waist and he began rubbing circles with his thumbs into your skin.

"You are. You can't even let me work in peace..." He sighed, though there was a hint of amusement in his tired voice. "Mhhh" " im not your peace yk" you chuckle as you began to kiss his neck softly. A low hum rumbled in Shouta's throat as you started kissing his neck. His grip on your waist tightened slightly, keeping you in place on his lap. He titled his head, giving you better access to his neck as he closed his eyes again. You start to kiss and suck of his neck leaving purple love marks on your loving husband teasing his member

Shouta let out a shaky breath as you marked his neck, slowly becoming covered in hickeys. He groaned as you began to tease him, he moved one of his large hands up to grip your hair.

"Ah... you're such a tease..." He mumbled as you continued leaving love bites across his neck.

"Mh I know~ it's just so fun looking at your reaction my love" you say as you continue teasing him. He chuckles softly, his breath hitching every now and then with a small gasp or a soft moan as you continued marking him. Opening one eye to look at you, his pupils dilated and his expression was one of pure need.

"You're gonna be the death of me..." He huffed.

You laugh at his words once again and pull on his scarf pulling him closer to you, you kiss his soft lips, As he leaned returning your kiss with just as much passion his tongue traced at your lip, silently begging for access to your mouth.

One of his hands tangled in your hair, pinning you in place to keep you from pulling away and teasing him further.

"When your done we can do more things” you tell him, Shouta froze at your words, heat rising in his cheeks once again. he broke the kiss, and stared at you for a few seconds without speaking. He smirked, his gaze dark and almost predatory as he stared up at you.

He slowly moved a hand up to your thigh and started rubbing up and down. "Oh, really? What did you have in mind?"

"you'll find out later baby~" you reply as a soft groan escaped from Shouta's throat as you continued to tease him through his pants. "You're driving me insane..." He mumbled, his grip on your thigh getting even tighter.

(if you liked my work feel free to check out the rest on my page and follow <3!! Or click the #hotcheetos22 )

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7 months ago

Tomura shigaraki x reader

“Shower” (smut)

Tomura Shigaraki X Reader


You poured cream and sugar into your coffee as you heard your needy boyfriend call your name.

“Hm? What is it tomu?” You softly smile at him as you lift the coffe cup and held it taking a sip.

“I want to shower together.” He demands as he looks at you with pleading eyes across the table.

You spit your your coffee as your eyes wide open in the shock.


“You heard me.” He looked at you with a serious expression.

“I’ve been playing with my.. “acquaintances” and they’ve informed me that they shower with their girlfriends multiple times.”

You look at him in disbelief he wanted to shower with you because he’s heard of if from his “friends”?!

“let’s go.” He stands up grabbing the coffe cup from your hand placing it on the table as he drags you to the bathroom.

“W-wait tomu-!”

“No I can’t wait.” He replies as he shoves you in the bathroom closing the door behind him locking it.

“C‘Mon hurry and take your close off” he tells you harshly as he starts stripping.


“I said strip.”

You sigh as you did what you were told,he wanted to shower with you it couldn’t be bad

You began to take off your clothes feeling insecure as you removed piece after piece.

“Stop hiding yourself
. You look

You blushed expectedly at his words, it true you’ve sleeped with tomura but this was a different type of vulnerability. You took of your last piece of clothing as you stood still covering your chest.

His sheepish eyes scanned your body as his cheeks were left with a small tint of blush, he opened the shower door as he turned on the shower head setting it to a good temperature. After some time passed and the water was set he got in signaling with his eyes for you to do the same.

As you got in you felt the lukewarm water touch your body it felt
 good. You were turning away from tomura still ashamed before you felt him presses himself against your back feeling his cock touch your ass as his hands moved their way over to your chest.

“finally..” he let out as he began to groap your boobs in circular motion, kissing your neck softly.

You tilted your neck in order to give him more access to it as you moaned his name softly

“T-tomu..” you whined as you felt him place love marks on your neck.

“Turn around.” He commanded as you did what you were told.

You were now facing him as his cock pressed against the top of your pussy hard grinding softly as all you could hear was the water fall.

“Lift up your foot for me princess” he smirked as he lead his hand under your tight helping you lift it as it rested on his arm.

“Hold onto me.” He said in a husky voice.

you knew where this was going and you were here for it. You wrapped both of your hands onto his neck for security as you felt him press his cock on your entrance.

“M..Mhh..” you whined softly as you felt yourself become wet.

“shit. I dont know if it’s you or the water but you’re really turning me on.” He scoffed as he began to teased your entrance.

“t-tomura.. please..” you whined onto his shoulder.

“fuck..fine..” he panted as he slowly pushed himself inside you.

” he groaned as he felt himself come harder inside your gummy pussy squeezing him tightly .

“You feel so tight are you trying to break my dick off..” he huffed as his face grew red moving in and out of you slowly.

“fuckkkk..” you whined as your back arched and toes curled by his cock inside you.

“please tomu..please...” you whined and moaned as your felt yourself want more.

He scoffed at your remark as he began to go faster in you.

“H-..heh.. I can see my dick outlined on your stomac..tsk..” he groaned as he pressed on the bump with his free hand.

You moaned loudly at his action as he fastened his pace

“S-so deep..!!” Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as tour tongue stuck out filling the room with pleasurable lewd moans.

He pressed you against the wall as his hand still held your leg up gaining deeper acces to your pussy.

“Look at me.” He demanded on a groan.

You couldn’t even keep eye contact with him as he thrusted deep inside over and over repeatedly. He leaned into your lips as he bit your lower lips softly pushing his tongue against yours dancing around inside your mouth sucking on it repeatedly.

“Feels so good.. that feels so good..” you moaned on his lips.

-tomura..” you whined as you held onto him tightly feeling your leg give out.

“almost..there..fuck tight.!” He groaned as he felt his cock drop with precut inside your walls as they clenched around him so good.


With a final thrust from his teasing cock you came undone on him.

“Ha..ah!!” You moaned out as you felt his cock throb inside you leaking its seed inside.

He gently let down your leg as you clung onto him for support.

“now lets shower..” he panted and smirked in satisfaction as he held onto you tightly.

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