hufflepuffwriter1995 - A Hufflepuff Life
A Hufflepuff Life

I am 28 years old, aspiring author. all my work is 18+, meaning you need to be an adult to read my stuff.

80 posts

The Wonderful Adventures Of The Founders

The Wonderful Adventures of The Founders

Title: The Wonderful Adventures of The Founders

Pairings: to be determined

Fandom: Harry Potter: Founders Era

Canon Character(s): Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Peeves (alive) Nearly Headless Nick (alive) Rowena Ravenclaw, The Bloody Barron

OC Characters: Cressida Hufflepuff, David Hufflepuff, Tilly The House Elf, Nimly the House Elf,

Plot: Get to know the founders as they go about their lives leading up to the founding of Hogwarts and everything that happened after.

Disclaimer: I do not own the world or the characters penned by J.K Rowling. While canon each character will also have my own personal touch. None of these events in this series are linked to JK Rowling herself and are all of my own creations.

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Saw your original characters and wondered if you'd be willing to share what a death singer is? thank you!

Sorry life has been crazy lately and I have only just managed to get back on. A death singer is a crossbreed of a siren and a banshee. They are able to use their voice hypnotically while also able to use their voices to bring forward a vision. These visions are always some how related to a death. A stronger death singer, can have visions without the use of their voice but only after several years of hard core training. They are always female and are always linked to a shifter in their family as a form of protection, as a result they are most always twins.

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9 months ago
R O C K S T A R {cr. 0613data}
R O C K S T A R {cr. 0613data}

r o c k s t a r {cr. 0613data}


I found some one or two word prompts I liked. As well as some others so I decided to make a list. So if anyone likes the sound of them send them through with the character you would like me write them with. Characters I write for are on my Masterlist which is pinned. I will attach this to my master list as well

One/two word prompts

- Missed Connections



-The Letter

- Eavesdropper






-Closed Door/s

-War and Peace





Sentence Prompts

- “Darling you have got to kidding me!”

- “Pray that this kills me”

- “At the end you’re going to wish I killed you”

- “You are my everything”

- “I wish you could see yourself the way I do”

- “I was right here! The entire time!’

- “The devil has nothing on me”

- “Do you believe in magic?”

- “It didn’t happen all at once, it happened slowly, step by step, glance by glance, and trap by trap”

- “I will destroy the entire world to protect you”

- “Magic is everywhere, it isn’t something to fear”

- “The sun rises and sets and the moon goes through the same phrases and those constants are what keeps me going….and you”

- “I am both scared and horny”

- “Somehow that makes them more attractive”

- “Why am I not surprised?”

- “That was your mistake”

- “It isn’t what it looks like”

- “Well, yeah, maybe it is”

- “Can’t I stay here with you?”

- “Stay, please, I want you to stay”

- “Well, that did not go as planned”

- “Jesus! No not you!”

- “Did you just flirt with me?” / “Have been for a while now, thanks for noticing”