hxmicide - suicidal maniac
suicidal maniac

// 19 y.o. // any pronouns //

61 posts




★ summary: female! reader finds a tattooed stranger asleep on her bed in the middle of her squishmellows at a house party.

★ pairing: college!eren jaeger x soft maths major fem!reader ♡

★ warnings + tags: 18+, college au, tattooed eren, softcore cute reader , eren w a snakebite piercing , thick thigh reader , poetry from eren, smut .

★ wordcount: 3,395

a/n: this is my first fic here ! i read a lot of eren au’s today and this idea suddenly came to mind ! i decided to share . please enjoy !

“ not again…” an exasperated sigh fell heavily from your lips like it weighed a thousand pounds . you were standing in front of your house , a small pile of books you had borrowed from the library squeezed against your chest as you looked at the fluorescent lights peaking out of the windows . the bass from inside your house reverberated throughout the neighborhood , and even from the outside , you could distinguish the faint sound of a pop song .

another college party .

your brother was a heavy partier , but you strongly disliked when he did those at home without even warning you first . you had a throbbing headache from having your nose in books all day , practicing for mid-terms . the last thing you needed were drunk college kids slurring around and music blaring in your ears .

rest , you needed rest .

options - doja cat ft JID

you pushed the front door to your house open and instantly wished you hadn’t . as if it was waiting for a chance to hit you , the sound of music rushed to you and assaulted your ears , making you wince back in surprise . “ im gonna kill this asshole,” you grumbled under your breath as you started pushing past the squeezing bodies that danced in the living room .

you stopped in the kitchen which seemed relatively empty , except for a flury of red hair moving between the fridge doors .

“ sasha ?” you called out over the music . the red-headed girl in question jumped in surprise , her head yanking up to smash directly against the frame of the fridge . the force of the action caused it to shake a little . she yelped out in pain . “ are you okay?” you quickly questioned with your hand slapped over your mouth to hold in a laugh .

“ im good , im good !” she quickly said as she stepped away from the fridge with a bottle of tostios’ spinach dip . “ you’re not here for the party , are you ?” she said , eyeing your outfit with an amused look on her face .

you obviously looked misplaced and you knew it . with your printed , pastel yellow high-waist pleated skirt , yellow oversized ‘ LEMON’ sweatshirt and knee high socks , you rather looked like you belonged browsing an empty aisle in a CD store or at barnes and nobles . – and honestly , you wish you were .

your style has always been the epitome of soft girl core , with small stickers adorning your cheeks and orange blush at the tip of your nose . your requirement was to look like a cute fairy nymph at all times .

you’ve been like this for as long as you could remember and before the trend gave it this name . your brother found it endearing , even though he’d mask it by poking fun at you . you didn’t care though , it gave you comfort .

“ where’s my idiot brother ?” you questioned . watching her prying open the bag of chips and scooping up some of the dip . a lot of it .

“ oh – he’s gone somewhere upstairs with katie “ she paused to swallow, “ you don’t wanna see him now…” she shook her head and you quickly caught on to her suggestion .

“ ew!” you grimaced . the last thing you wanted to think about was your brother…doing it .even though he was two years older and you were relatively close , one thing you didn’t want to know about was...this.

you shuddered softly and stepped forward to make way for the drunk couple that stumbled in with their mouth glued to each other in an intense make-out session . your mouth lifted in an annoyed expression while sasha shielded her face away like she had looked directly into the sun for too long , ‘ gross ! connie i dont wanna see this !’

you laughed softly at these two before deciding that your hunt for your brother was over . you just really wanted to sleep – as much as you could despite the music. “goodnight , sash ! and…connie ?” the last part came out like a question as the man seemed to be too preoccupied by the blonde he was kissing . you smiled at the waving sasha before making your way out again.

you inhaled again before diving back in the crowd , looking to reach the stairs that lead to your room . you got a few stares which you completely ignored , not wanting anything to do with drunk college boys . your eyes stayed focused ahead of you , giving the clear message that you weren’t here to have fun . you balanced the books against your chest as you went up the stairs and into the hallway . the sound of the music was considerably lower , but still bothersome . you walked past a few people making out in the hallway , your eyes focused on your white bedroom door at the end of the hall , holding your breath at the mere idea of finally finding solace – peace in your sanctuary . you lifted your knee to allow one arm to reach for the handle while the books took support against the other arm steadily . you twisted the doorknob and wasted no time to walk in your room , but what you saw nearly made you scream for help .

i was never there – the weeknd

in the middle of all your squishmellows , sprawled out , and in a seemingly deep sleep , laid a complete stranger . he wore black cargo pants , a white shirt and a black bomber . he slept comfortably on his back with a tattooed arm draped over his eyes , glossy lips slightly parted letting air through as his chest rose and fell softly . the shiny metal on his lip caught your attention , and you identified it as a snakebite piercing. the position had allowed his shirt to ride up his hips , the V lines showing a sinful path that curved and dipped down inside his Calvin boxers which were peaking out of his pants . the fairy lights above your headboard shone soft golden orbs on him , painting an ironic picture as he laid against your avocado-patterned comforter . you felt your throat closing , strangely aroused by the scene .

 you couldn’t stop the book avalanche even if you wanted to . the book on top slipped out of your grip , dragging down all the other ones with it and  they subsequently hit the ground with a loud thud . ‘

“shh ! shh !” you tried hushing the book as if they were alive as you knelt on the floor to pick them up . the sleeper immediately froze at the sound before he quickly sat up , his messy bun almost coming undone at the abruptness of his reaction. he stared at you through confused , tired eyes before realization hit him . “ oh shit !” he croaked out , voice deep from his tiredness as he sank on the floor to help you pick them up .

“ w-who are you ?” you questioned while looking down , feeling the tip of your ears go red . why are you even getting shy ? he’s the one in your room .

“ eren. “ the stranger you know as eren held out a small pile of books towards you . you didn’t look at him directly . “you ?”

you mumbled out your name.

his green eyes peeked at one of books he held and a thick eyebrow scrunched in confusion , “ differential …equations…?” the confusion was evident in his tone as his head tilted to decipher the picture on the book cover . a few strands of hair fell above his eyes .

“ applied mathematics major ,” you answered after having swallowed the ball of anxiety that had settled in your throat .

his emerald eyes widened in surprise before a small smirk lifted the corner of his lips , “ for real ? damn . “ you were used to this reaction . most people thought you studied theater or fashion because you always looked like you could be in a winx club live action .

“you ?” you asked back . quickly taking the books from him and dropping them on your lap , the impact causing your thick thighs to jiggle softly . eren did not seem to miss this action , his eyes lasting a minute longer on the sight before looking up at you . you subconsciously thought of the typical college fuckboy majors; business , or music...

“ literature.” it was your turn to show surprise , and the boy chuckled softly at your expression . you couldn’t help but notice how white his teeth were .

“ah…” was your answer . you wanted to slap yourself for losing your social skills for a minute , but you were just too tired to handle so many emotions and words at the same time .the boy only chuckled in response , his hand brushing back the bangs that only managed to fall over his eyes again . “you don’t seem convinced .”

miss you – oliver tree , robin schulz

“i’m not,” you answered honestly , a small smile of your own dancing on your lips , “ you look like you study…”

“ business ? music ?” he took the words right out of your mouth as he stood up , extending his hand down towards you . you were suddenly taken aback by how tall he was and how he seemed to command all the attention in the room . you blushed when you realized how close you were to his thigh and quickly grabbed onto his hand to stand up , except he pulled you up harder than you expected and you crashed against his chest . the smug look on his face told you he did it on purpose . your chin rested against his chest , slowly assessing the height difference between you two .

for a moment , his eyes seemed to have darkened into something more primal before they softened again , a smirk curling his lips upwards , “ and you didn’t strike me as a maths major either . “

you rolled your eyes , feeling slightly offended . you turned around and stepped out of his embrace towards your desk , suddenly feeling chilly. you knew it was your insecurities hitting at you – people always had a hard time believing you were smart and it pissed you off . however , you had long moved passed this – or so you thought . how did eren manage to set you off so easily ? it wasn’t even that bad .

he felt the cold air coming from you and raised his hand in defense , “ hey , hey . not saying there's anything wrong with that , you know ? i wouldn’t be able to half of what they do anyway, “ a small smile drew on your lips at his attempt to reprimand . “ plus,” he added as you arranged your books on your desk in no particular order to distract you from your wild pulse , “ its ‘cause you’re really cute . in a…forest pixie kind of way…”

love lost – mac miller , the temper trap

a small giggle broke from you , “makes sense . thanks. “ you answered , bending forward a bit to work your sneakers out of your feet while holding onto the table . the cold air hit the cheeks of your ass which was unknowingly protruding out of your skirt and you heard a sharp breath being drawn behind you .

when you turned around , eren almost looked like he wanted to pounce on you . you cleared your throat gently , feeling blood rush to your lower stomach like molten lava .

“ what do you do in literature anyway ? analyze Shakespeare’s attachment issues ?” this ripped a laugh out of eren . his laugh was even more attractive than his smile - it chimed pleasantly in your ear , sounding boyish but deep .

“ good point . but we did study him a lot .” 

you arched an eyebrow and smirked , “ what’s your favorite quote by him , then ?” you asked challengingly , not really expecting him to answer . you just wanted to mock how boys challenged you whenever you expressed interest in something unconventional . eren shrugged before lifting his eyes towards the ceiling in a small moment of contemplation.

“ love is not love which alters when it’s alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove. it is an ever-fixed mark, that looks on tempests, and is never shaken.” he finished the last part , teal eyes boring into your soul .” my favorite author is bell hooks , though.” he added with a small smile .

to say that you were taken aback was an understatement . the tattooed stranger that broke into your room just spoke the most meaningful words in the softest , yet firm tone you’ve heard. you wanted him to recite poems to you over and over.

the two of you stayed silent before you looked towards your bed and back at him . “ uhm…what are you doing in my room , anyway ?” you decided to address the elephant in the room which you should’ve obviously done a while ago .

“ oh , uh i was looking for a bed to crash and sober up and your room smelled good ... like strawberries .” he explained and looked at your bed and the array of squishmellows decorating it with a look that seemed endearing . “ not gonna lie , it’s the most comfortable sleep i’ve ever had .” he said and you smiled with pride knowing that you had invested a lot of money into making yourself the softest , most comfortable bed ever .

“ but , i can leave if you want...” his voiced trailed off as if hoping you would say no - which you did . “ i mean you can stay a while more...”

“ hell yeah ! “ he cheered and let himself fall back on the bed which allowed him to bounce back a few times before he grabbed one of your blue axolotl squishmallows and pressed it against his face . you laughed softly , oddly proud that someone loved your bed so much . your friends always loved staying in your room when they came over, but it’s the first time a stranger - who seemed so different from you expressed such content from being here .

you plopped down on the bed and brought your knees to your chest , looking up down at your hands while you chipped away at your pastel nail polish . eren pulled the plush down slowly , green eyes peeking over at you. “what ?” you asked feeling your face heat up uncontrollably. “ you’re cute. “ he simply said with a smirk before looking up at the ceiling . 

you bit your lip from stopping your smile from spreading too much . “you’re flattering me .” you replied as you looked down at your thighs which seemed to have been more exposed than you thought . the elastic at the hem of your thigh-highs sank slightly into your skin , squishing it out in a way that seemed more lewd than you intended . you quickly reached to pull your skirt down but ring-covered fingers pressed against your thigh , the cold metals sending chills down your spine as he blocked your action. 

“no.” he said in a semi-commanding tone . “ they look great.” you could see the intensity in his eyes as he looked at you and moved his hand away after letting it slide down a bit leaving a burning path from where he touched you .

your heart was beating inside your ears at this point and you needed a distraction . “where are your friends anyway... or girlfriend ?” you bit your lip .

white tee - summer walker

this was a bait to see if he had any girl in his life , which , why wouldn’t he ?

“they’re all drunk and annoying right now...and don’t have one” he answered the last part with a smirk on his lip as he looked at you teasingly , long and thick eyelashes that curled at the corner giving him a gracious aura . “ why ? wanted to know if position was empty? “ he asked in a teasing tone .

“ you’re such an ass!” you whined , pushing him with soft laugh to mask your embarrassment at the fact that you were, in fact , checking. eren chuckled and reached towards your face , pointing at one of the stickers adorning your eyes . you understood that he wanted it , so you pulled a little star and placed it against his hand .eren looked at it like it was the first time he’s even seen a sticker.

a small silence settled between you two as you played with your fingers . 

“ what about you ?” he suddenly asked after his silent contemplation . 

“ nope !” 

“damn...how ?” he asked , genuinely confused and you shrugged in response , “ they’re not business majors “ you replied teasingly which made him release another amused laugh . the vibration shocks throughout your body .

eren looked at you silently , bangs brushing agains his long lashes which clearly annoyed him . he tried swatting them away but it never worked . you giggled softly and motioned for him to come closer to you , “ come here,”  you told him as you removed one of the hairclips that held your ponytail . 

eren obediently scooted closer to you , resting his cheek against your thigh while his hand palmed at either sides of them . “ is that okay ?” he asked . to have the hottest boy you’ve seen resting on your lap ? 

YES , YES , YES , YES !!!

“ sure “ you answered and he simply closed his eyes with a content smirk on his lips . you were ready to combust as you reached down , brushing the soft strands of his dark hair away from his face and slicked it back into his messy bun before sliding the hairclip over it and securing it . you smiled as you looked at him . what a contrast it was - this edgy , tattooed man with a strawberry hair clip in his hair . he didn’t seem to care either . 

“i’d eat you out real good right now .” the words he let out almost made you choke on air. he opened his eyes looking back at you and he was dead serious.

the man let out a laugh at your expression before closing his eyes again , his lustful expression suddenly gone like it was never here . “ don’t worry , i won’t.”

you probably looked at him like he grew two heads . you didn’t say anything back , your stomach in knots. he was so hot , it hurt . would you really pass up an opportunity like this ? when the last time you even got laid ? this time by the hottest man you’ve ever laid eyes on .

“what if i want you to...?” you attempted back , voice coming out small but hopeful . 

suddenly the hands that were resting so softly against your thighs tightened their grip and eren smirked at he lifted his head . “good girl”  he praised

you gasped softly as he pushed your back to the bed , your cunt throbbing uncontrollably . he parted your legs and knelt between them , his erection pressing against your thigh . he felt so hard . you bit down your lip , feeling your wetness spill out . “ wanted to eat that pussy the second i saw you on that floor...” he admitted , his voice low and guttural . his fingers pulled your panties down and hooked your legs over his broad shoulders . his fingers separated your puffy folds , exposing your pussy completely to the cold air . you bit down your lip , letting out a needy whine causing your tiny hole to clench around nothing and eren nearly felt his mouth water . “shit...” he breathed before sticking his tongue out , letting fingers collect the saliva on them before rubbing them on your bare folds . you didn’t need any lubrification , but he just wanted his spit on you . he was convinced he’d never seen a pussy like this . he was about to dip his head down and eat you like a caveman when you stopped him mid-action. 

“eren ?” you asked , blushing beet red . he was confused but paused to listen , hoping you didn’t want him to stop already . “ c-can you tell me another poem ?” the man couldn’t help the smile on his face. “ you wanna be talked to while getting your pretty pussy eaten ?” he mused before nodding, “ of course, princess. “

he dipped down between your thighs , his hot tongue sliding down your folds .

“by my soul,”

his hands squeezed your thighs around his head even more , like he wanted be suffocated . you moaned out at the delicious contact of his tongue gliding down to your hole. 

“ i can neither eat”

his lips closed around your clit , his piercing brushing against it making your body jolt on the bed. “eren !”


his lips sucked on one of your labia folds before releasing it. “fuck - eren !”

“nor sleep;”

he lifted his head and ran the flat of his tongue against your whole cunt before moving his head sideways to place kisses on your inner thighs , his warm breath fanning soothingly over your skin .

“nor– “ a finger dipped in your hole , slowly thrusting in and out. you screamed his name again, body shaking on the bed, “,what’s still worse , ” he placed another kiss against your pussy ,

“love any woman in the world but her.”

his head dipped down again, and this time, he wouldn’t stop eating you out. you felt pleasure ripple through your body in delicious waves as your eyes closed and you let yourself go . the last thing you saw between your thighs was his dark glossy hair and the strawberry hairclip that held his bangs together .

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More Posts from Hxmicide

1 year ago




Summary: Bruce Wayne is the happiest he’s ever been in a while. He has a beautiful wife, amazing children, and is stopping crime left and right as Batman. All that shatters when you, his wife, mysteriously disappears.

Pairings: Bruce Wayne x Wife!Reader, Batfamily x Batmom!Reader

They came for you when you least expected it.

That’s how it always goes, right?

You were on your way home from Gotham’s Police Station, where you worked as one of the best detectives. You were already running late, as you so often did when you were deep into cases, and you weren’t paying much attention to your surroundings. You knew this city like the back of your hand, even when it was dark out, you could probably navigate home with your eyes closed.

You grabbed your phone from your pocket, wanting to update your husband that you’d be home soon. You already told him that you’d be a little late but you knew how he worried, and how he hated when you tended to push yourself at work with an abundance of cases.

Just as you began to type out a message, a sudden bolt of electricity hit you square in your back. You could hardly form a thought before your muscles locked, body tensing and seizing up, and you collapsed onto the ground, going limp.

Your phone shattered to the floor, the screen cracking as it met the pavement — just like your forehead, blood spilling as you banged your head.

A foot came smashing down on the phone, rendering it completely useless.

“Should we grab the phone? We don’t want anyone to know she’s gone.”

“She built a life for herself here. They’ll know either way, but they won’t get her back.”

Two pairs of arms hauled you up from the ground, dragging you back, legs and feet roughly hitting the sidewalk over and over again. Your wedding ring slips off your finger, falling onto the ground.

“Tell Dreykov we’ve got her. She’s coming home.”

One of the agents pushed a button on their belt. It began blinking and, wish a flash, the three of them — one unconscious — disappeared into thin air.

No one was around to see. It was a rather quiet night.


Bruce couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed when you still hadn’t shown up. Usually you’d text him if you were going to have a late night at the office, but you’d gotten to a habit of forgetting to send it over the past few weeks, too engrossed in whatever case was on your desk. Bruce already didn’t think that staying so light and pushing yourself was good for you, the forgotten texts made his stomach twist even more.

“Alfred, you haven’t heard from Y/N, have you?” Bruce asked, already knowing the answer.

His butler fixed him with a regretful, pitying look. He’d heard this question many a time before. “No, Sir. Perhaps one of the children has?” Alfred suggested. They both knew that if you hadn’t texted Bruce, you hadn’t texted anyone else.

Still, Alfred followed his boss into the main living room, where the kids were lounging. “Have any of you talked to your mother?” Bruce asked.

He received shakes of heads and murmurs of no.

Bruce sighed, sinking into his eloquent armchair, gaze resting on the clock as its hands ticked by. It was getting late, even for your standards. Should he be worried? You always scolded Bruce for being too overprotective, but still . . .

“Dad, look!”

Bruce snaps his head to see his son, Damien, standing over at the window. He joins him and the rest of the family crowds around, only to gasp in horror.

There, in the sky, is the unmistakable bat light. But not the usual one. No, this one is red. When the two of you got married, Bruce had a small device inserted into your bands. It would be able to detect a hard fall and, upon doing so, would display that light if you were ever in danger.

Bruce’s heart began pounding.

“Stay here. Alfred is in charge,” he instructed. Even though the kids were worried for their mother and wanted to go out with Bruce, no one dared go against him.

Within minutes, Bruce was suited up and hopping on his motorcycle. The Batmobile was too flashy for this time of night and he had no time to worry about making it invisible. Bruce sped off, not caring how cold or loud the air was was. He raced towards that light, expertly driving down the streets.

Coming to a sharp stop, Bruce sprinted towards where he could see the glint of the band. He looked around widely — the street was barren.

It was only when he got close that he noticed your shattered phone on the ground. This damage couldn’t have been done from a simple drop.

Bruce felt sick. Physically sick.

Something had happened to you. Something bad. There was no ransom, no villain threatening him. He always thought he’d know what to do if anyone he ever loved was endangered, but you had been taken from him.

There was never enough preparation for that.

1 year ago



you’re a single mom who lives two doors down. leon thinks you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen.

part one —

part two —

part three —

part four —

part five —

part six —


general warnings: modern au, afab!reader, reader is clementine’s birth mother, neighbors -> friends -> lovers, fluff, hurt/comfort, slowburn, mutual pining, eventual smut, angst, age gap ( reader is 20, leon is 27 ), general mom struggles.

each part will have specific content warnings!

note(s): i’ve been meaning to do a series, and after wracking my brain for what seems like forever; i came up with this. my baby fever has been through the roof, so what better way than to write through it with my most favorite man in the world?

also hi, think of this as a tiny small thank you for 1k. literally last month we were at 800. it makes my heart so happy to know that you guys liked my work enough to want to stick around for more. i promise i’ll do something bigger once we hit our next milestone, i pinky promise. thank you all again, sending kisses and hugs! mwah mwah mwah!!

— venus <3

2 years ago

and I'm eating that shit up each and every time 😋😋😋

all the GOOOODD ass gojo/eren smut b written by black writers u can nawt tell me otherwise

2 years ago
 Tethered Geto Suguru & Kenjaku
 Tethered Geto Suguru & Kenjaku
 Tethered Geto Suguru & Kenjaku

─── ⠀ ⠀⠀ tethered⠀ 〳 ⠀ geto suguru & kenjaku ‵

⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀( synopsis ) your husband has been acting quite strange lately.

♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — reader discretion is advised: female reader, female anatomy described, written with black reader in mind, husband!geto suguru, soft!geto, mentions of geto being a musician, i think in this geto gives off hozier vibes when it comes to being a musician, yes i describe geto as having tattoos cause who going to stop me, geto calls reader pumpkin bc it's cute (thanks alfie), sick man kenjaku, i mean geto is like briefly mentioned, so does this make this a kenjaku thing idk, partner swapping, siri play she knows by j.cole, spit kink, choking kink (but nothing too extreme), missionary position, marking kink, brief mention of oral (f.receiving), overstimulation, breeding kink, inspired by jordan peele's 'us', wc: 1.9k, minors dni !

click here to read on ao3

 Tethered Geto Suguru & Kenjaku

YOUR HUSBAND WAS COMPLETELY BREATHTAKING. The way his long black hair fell down his back in the morning when the sun was playing peek-a-boo through the curtains of your condo. Some days you found yourself tugging on those strands of hair when he took comfort between your thighs and was eager to taste you on his tongue like a piece of sweet candy. It was breathtaking how the tattoos that imprinted his skin caused your heart to skip. Especially the one behind his ear that was your initials. The cute nickname of pumpkin he would call you when he peppered your face with soft subtle kisses, the scent of him causing you to be intoxicated while giggles bounce from the back of your throat.

How gentle he was with your puppy Doberman Abel because he thought a puppy was perfect practice for a child. The way he would strum his guitar in the living room while humming a lyric from a song he had written. While also claiming he needs a quick kiss on his lips to help his creative juices flow. Your husband was like a prince charming written by a lovesick author. You couldn't ask for another husband. 

But lately, he's been acting strange.

He was coming home later than usual. He's been forgetting about date nights. His touch just became cold. You expected he was cheating, like any other partner who could feel their soulmate tugging away from them. On nights when you thought it would be perfect for doing random pops-up at the studio, he would be there when you waltz into his studio—alone, strumming his guitar and jolting down music lyrics. When he sees you, that twinkle in his eyes you knew so well lit up.

Maybe, you were overthinking.

You confided in his best friend. You were questioning if he's been noticing anything strange about Geto. No one knew him better than his best friend, Gojo Satoru.

"We went out drinking the other night, and he was his usual self. He was so excited about finishing up his album. You know how he gets when the label pushes him to wrap up a song or something." Satoru would exclaim.

That was true. Suguru’s manager has been a bit pushy about the deadline for his sophomore album.

You were overthinking. Your heart settled back to normal as the thoughts of your husband's strange behavior went away. Geto's touch no longer felt like a touch that felt like it was from a stranger. His kisses went back to feeling like you were on cloud nine.

Or so you thought?

Suguru was an excellent kisser. His kisses started soft and subtle. Like a quick peck just to see what lip gloss flavor you were wearing for the day. Then they got eager, like he had to get one quick kiss before getting tugged away for something. He'll pull you close. He'll let his large hands grasp your body like you were the most delicate doll ever. Finally, he'll strike. He'll let his lips drag across your jawline while his fingertips trace your waistline. He wanted you to beg for you to slip his hand into the comfort of your bottoms.

But for some reason, Suguru didn't even let you beg for him to feel how badly you wanted him. His hand instantly climbed into your bottoms as he was on top of you. Through the rough kissing, you could hear him let out a sigh of satisfaction. He completely indulged in the pool of wetness in between your thighs, and you eagerly spread them further apart to give him room.

You winced at the feeling of him biting your lower lip, not even having enough time to react to the pinch of blood that drew from your plush lips. Suguru took it upon himself to let his tongue lick up the blood on your lip as he was aching to taste you. 

In the back of your mind, you wondered what had gotten into your husband. The two of you did have a couple of drinks tonight during dinner, but that never had him acting too brutish. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it; the only thing you could do was indulge in his newest sexual ways. Especially when your slick was staining his guitar-playing fingertips as your fingers grasped at his hair to tug out the black scrunchie holding his hair out his face. Your fingers glide through the strands of silk, occasionally tugging at it to gain a groan from him. 

Clothes begin to vanish from your bodies with each passing second. You could hear your heart thump against your chest each time Suguru placed a kiss on your neck, which turned into nibbles. Your skin grew hotter, feeling the swelling of the hickey that formed upon your neck. Your kiss-bruised lips gasped apart when the two of you finally became one. Perfect-manicured nails pierced at Suguru’s tattooed skin feeling his cock stretch you out. His callous fingertips brush against your waist, cooing softly in that voice that makes you feel lightheaded. On a regular night, he always comforted you at a time like this. He consistently mumbled delicate words of praise like a sweet tune on a Sunday morning while his thick cock was barely inside you. 

Once again, you didn’t know what had gotten into your husband. He tugged you closer, and his hips pushed forward, bullying his cock into your drooling cunt that twitched in anticipation due to his sudden movement. He let out a hiss as if it was his first time feeling you clasp around his hardened member. His eyes traveled down to admire how your face scrunched up in pure bliss. His lips curled into a smirk before he rolled his hips at a rhythmic pace that drove the both of you insane. If only you knew. 

If only you knew the despicable deal, your husband made for the price of fame. 

You had lost track of time while the only thing that echoed in your eardrums was the lewd sound of skin slapping against each other. Geto decorated your skin with so many markings that you mentally lost count. Your breath hitched in your throat as you could feel the fiery pit in your stomach. You were so close to cumming; frankly, you didn't want it to stop. Your nails dragged across his skin like a teacher would do to a chalkboard to get her students' attention. Your tears blinded your sight, and your brain was in complete mush. Your thoughts kept spinning back to why your husband was fucking you like this? Your Suguru never let his hips ram into you so aggressively. His kisses never were so stern that they made you feel abhorred.

As if he read your mind, his hand went up to grasp at the headboard that was colliding against the wall. The sound distracted him from not only your cute whithers of a name that wasn't his but the voice in his head of the other man screaming at him to stop, that this wasn't a part of the deal.

"I'm fuckin' you like this because you're mine."

You felt like your lower half exploded when that phrase fell from his lips, letting out a long, drastic cry of pleasure. Although your drooling cunt fluttered around his cock—he wasn't finished with you yet. Your eyes looked at your husband, above you, with a look you never gave him before. It was a look with so many questions you were too exhausted to search for the answers. You watched him stick his index and middle finger inside his mouth before letting it tiptoe between your sweat-coated bodies. His fingers rubbed at your clit, and his grin grew even more sinister, watching you attempt to slither from his cock, tapping at that one spot that caused your toes to curl.

"Go ahead, let it all out." He coos while his strokes slow down to mimic your pants.

The blood rushed to his face quickly, causing his cheeks to crimson. His strands of hair stuck to his forehead due to the sweat droplets that decorated it, and it finally hit him that he was at his boiling point. He was so close to filling you up. Because you were his, you were his, not that lousy musician. Soon, he couldn't control himself. His hips were bucking forward like a hormonal college student that just gotten his first whiff of pussy. With a hushed groan of your name, he cums quickly, and it is so much of it. Thick ropes of cum spill out of you with each exhausted and sloppy thrust from the man you call your husband, Suguru. A complete mess stained the sheets before his body plops down next to you. His cock went limp, and his brain was still egging him on for more (or was that the voices in his head?).

Your face was buried into the crook of Suguru's neck while exhaustion finally washed over your body. You could feel him place a kiss on the crown of your head as you cuddle up against him some more. Your body is completely marked up and leaking with his cum. You didn't even have enough energy to utter I Love you like you usually do after sex with him.

"Sleep well, pumpkin, and I love you too." You heard your husband say before your eyes fluttered closed.

The following morning, as you were standing in front of the mirror in your bathroom, your mind replayed the events from last night. That wasn't your husband. That wasn't the man you said I do to. But he looked like your husband. He looked like Suguru. His touch didn't feel like Suguru's, though. But it was him, right? He called you by that nickname that had you giggling when it flew out his mouth. Pumpkin.

Your fingertips delineate alongside the bite marks and hickeys on your soft flesh. Suguru never marked you up like this. He would always say—he didn't need to decorate your body with marks to prove that you were his. His demeanor and his words confirmed it.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of damp arms wrapping around your waist. You are so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t even notice your husband has finished showering. The water droplets stained the t-shirt that belonged to him while his grasp on you grew tighter. His lips kiss the artwork he created on your neck the previous night, and the scent of his shampoo tickles your nose. With each second, the kisses on your neck grew rougher, and below in your panties—grew damper.

"Suguru, not right now. I have work soon, and you must go to the studio to wrap up your album." Your words come up as an ached whisper, not wanting to cave in his sexual favors this morning.

Your eyes shifted closed when you felt his teeth nibble at the sensitive spots on your neck, and his hand disappeared in your underwear. Your eyes soon snapped open when you heard a voice that didn't sound like Suguru. It was more sinister. Bone-chilling. Menacing.

"Who's Suguru?"

Your eyes looked into the mirror, and you felt your stomach create the most unappealing knots. Your heart felt like it was bashing at your chest so aggressively that it was trying to escape from your body.

As you stared at the man in the mirror who was grasping at your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder, and the most devilish smirk on his face, you knew you should have gone with your gut.  The stitch lines on his forehead were as disturbing as the thought that you didn't sleep with Suguru last night.


 Tethered Geto Suguru & Kenjaku

TAGS — @maydayaisha @eiflawriting @aiyaaayei @shamelesshoefairy @noriken @satorhime @reiners-gf @getosbunny @gobblethiskitty @soumies @mind-over-meagan @mymelancholy @kristvns @nathalunalune @vivibabiez @4522-08 @heejayy @uzumakioden @ddostoyevskyy @honeycomb-biscuits @puff-puffsweetener @holeyahsama @shyartnerd564 @comatosebunny09 @whatdidhesayyyy @sways-posts @animepickle7 @acourtof-stress-and-kpop @alittlearlert @r-xochitl @sookisaurus @cyancherub @sleepy3 @hellavile @stunnababyyabyyy

1 year ago

Of Winter’s Flame Masterlist

Of Winters Flame Masterlist

What if Daemon Targaryen married Cregan Stark’s sister instead of Rhea Royce? What if instead of murdering her, she died in childbirth…giving birth to you.

Y/n Targaryen, a dragon raised by wolves. You grew up knowing only the North as your home, Cregan acting as your mentor and elder brother throughout your life.

Now you have been summoned to join the court of Viserys Targaryen a few years after the grueling incidents on Driftmark with no knowledge of why. A Stark rides South at the behest of a King.

What a familiar story.