hydrotropicguy - HydrotropicGuy

40 posts

Hihi, Was Sort Of A Quick Little Thing I Drew Yesterday Based Off Of A Scene I Pictured With A Few Friends!

Hihi, Was Sort Of A Quick Little Thing I Drew Yesterday Based Off Of A Scene I Pictured With A Few Friends!

Hihi, was sort of a quick little thing I drew yesterday based off of a scene I pictured with a few friends! (Admittedly a little messy I know but yeah) Just in time for the day itself! Merry Christmas Selfie!! Featuring: Aurath Zerak, Beatrice Zerak (His mother, although Roboticized cause AU stuff here) andddd Candy the Cat!

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More Posts from Hydrotropicguy

1 year ago
hydrotropicguy - HydrotropicGuy

Second piece of art I wanted to share but here's another OC design I made, her name is Milla the Fox! Born in the Sol Dimension with Hydrokinetic powers and after obtaining herself an abandoned pirate ship through...means that she doesn't feel comfortable with sharing yet, she explores the world in the hopes that she'll be able to find her purpose! Like Aurath, I may drop some more info on her another time, but for now this is what ya get. Bonus, meme drawing based on a joke in a server I'm in:

hydrotropicguy - HydrotropicGuy

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1 year ago

Bonus art I wanna get out of the way before I finish anything new

Yeah there's a few other things from my art folder I felt like showing that I wanted to share before finishing any of my newer pieces of art, hope you guys enjoy!

Lifeguard Milla design! A potential job she'd get if she ever somehow visited and settled into Mobius.

Bonus Art I Wanna Get Out Of The Way Before I Finish Anything New

Some Mii Gunner art I once drew after playing through the Switch Demo of Miitopia!

Bonus Art I Wanna Get Out Of The Way Before I Finish Anything New

Andddd some sprites of Aurath I made that I'm pretty proud of!

Bonus Art I Wanna Get Out Of The Way Before I Finish Anything New

Yeah, that's about it really. Hope you guys enjoyed all this for now!

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1 year ago

Part 4!!! OF MY OC Christmas Shenanigans

Knock the Solenodon, feat. A very much destroyed gingerbread house

Part 4!!! OF MY OC Christmas Shenanigans

Time to ramble:

Ah, my first Sonic OC. Knock is still a fun piss goblin that I adore to this day. She was born early on this year, very fun stuff. Her design is a sort of mix between Surge and Clutch.

My dear friend @spirotic came up with the idea of her being a solenodon, a little rat lady.

Anyways Knock is violence

She loves fighting. Picking fights with randoms, fight clubs, so on. Her main draw? She is scrawny af, but really strong. Can lift big rocks. Also a big fan of food. Like, she is like kirby levels of hungry. She can eat anything. And will.

She is also a dummy. An airhead if you will. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. Very much not smart.

Fun trivia: Her voice claim is Junker Queen from Overwatch.

1 year ago

Part 3 of my OC Christmas Shenanigans!

Featuring: Morgan the Raccoon, Octaviotto the Liger and Adrian the Lamb, the criminal trio like none other!

Part 3 Of My OC Christmas Shenanigans!

And now for your regurarly scheduled rant:

So, this trio was born like a month or two after the creation of Ava and Clip, and their designs... Are really based on nothing, I just kinda started doodling until I came up with something.

For some reason I always struggle drawing Morgan lmao

So anyways lets start our summaries with Octaviotto since he's the glue holding these 3 together.

Octaviotto the Liger is an arms dealer and mob boss who hasn't been caught once due to one small thing: His luck. This man has zero abilities, except for the fact that he is the luckiest mf on the planet, and whenever things start to go south the tables suddenly turn to his favour! He also is pretty strategic, being even able to go head-to-head with Clutch back in the day in the arms dealing business.

He also has a pretty big arsenal of weapons, and a whole mob of people working for him. Including his 2 bumbling and fumbling henchmen.

Fun fact: He hires Clip to do odd jobs for him sometimes.

And now to the duo of the clumsy morons, Morgan and Adrian.

Morgan the Raccoon is the brawler of the duo. While not the sharpest tool in the shed, Morgan is a force to be reckoned with when fighting, for if it happens that she isn't being clumsy, she can give you a run for your money. Even without her proficiency with firearms, she does possess sharp claws that can do quite some damage if need be. Morgan isn't against fighting dirty either. In fact, she prefers to do things on her own terms.

Fun facts: - Morgan is irish!

- Morgan joined Octaviotto by breaking into his secret warehouse and accidentally alerting the mob of an upcoming police raid.

Now, for the brains...? of the duo, Adrian the Lamb! No, no, that isn't right... Adrian is just the other one. While he can fight, and can use weaponry pretty okayish, he is definitely not nearly as efficient at fighting as Morgan is. But he isn't also really the brains, since he is just slightly above Morgan's intelligence, and not only that, he is a person with actual morals, although not that much. But yes, Adrian can be guilt tripped to some extent. He is also completely useless without Morgan with him, because this dude cannot be alone without Morgan for a more than two seconds or he will explode or smth.

Fun facts: - He tackles people. A lot. Why? Why not.

So in a way, they are kinda like Giovanni, Jessie and James of Team Rocket!