this took a lot of balls for me to do but i just wrote an email to my teacher about how i did almost all of the work in this group project and how these emo kids i'm with just kept making jokes about anime and undertale and how hot the joker is 💀 like let's bffr. NOT EVEN RELATED BUT i swear the dude is like misogynistic because he's like gay and REFUSED to admit any girl was pretty and literally kept calling anya taylor joy UGLY AND A FISH. like i will literally kill u LIKE U CANT TALK U LITERALLY HAVE A CRUSH ON EDDIE MUNSON!!! they literally said megan fox was "one of the better looking women out there" like what? they're so loud too and they kept singing i don't wanna be associated with that. they also said i look like one of "those girls" aka popular girls like yeah i am. i'm not your friend. THEY ALSO OUT OF THE BLUE STARTED SAYING MY SISTER ACTED LIKE A TRUMPY LIKE WHAT?!?!! NO SHE DOESNT 😭 i will defend my sister with my life. he had not even talked to my sister in like 3 years keep her name out of your unbrushed tooth filled mouth. bitch.
me when them:

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