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I-am-iela - Laugh Hard At The Absurdity Of Evil
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mokita and sabriel, please!
Mokita (New Guinean): the truth everyone knowsbut nobody says.
AHHHH THANK YOU! I have loved this word ever since I wrote a Destiel version of this prompt a while back, and now I get to write a Sabriel version! Thank you somuch for this prompt, and I hope you like it!!
Sam didn’t know what to call this… thing he had with Gabriel.
There was never a name or a label placed on it. They just…were.
It was a gradual progression, but over time Sam’s bitternesstoward the Trickster-turned-archangel gradually morphed into a type of fondexasperation the longer Gabriel stayed with them at the Bunker. Sam began toappreciate the amusement behind Gabriel’s pranks (so long as they were Gabriel’spranks, and not Loki’s), learning to take them all in good-humored stride ifone day Dean suddenly began sporting a hot-pink hair-do, or if Sam was suddenlyonly ten inches tall, or if the Bunker became an exact replica of Charlie andthe Chocolate Factory.
Sam learned that it was all in good fun and more often thannot he found himself breathless with laughter at an outrageous display ofGabriel’s creativity.
Eventually, Sam began to hold longer conversations with thearchangel, and Sam was immediately enthralled with all the tales that spewedout of Gabriel’s mouth; omitting the more stomach-turning events of Loki’slife, Sam discovered that Gabriel had so many fascinating stories to tell andall the enthusiasm in the world to share them. Over time, Sam was even able topick up on certain tells of the archangel; a really wide smirk indicated thatGabriel was in distress, a tiny head tilt indicated interest, a raised browindicated confusion while two raised brows indicated disbelief, and runningfingers through his fringe indicated that Gabriel was lying.
In retrospect, that was probably where the platonic behaviorbegan to shift; Sam began to notice more than just Gabriel’s tells. He noticedthe way Gabriel’s dimples deepened into his cheeks when he smiled or laughed.He noticed the smooth execution of Gabriel’s snapping fingers. He noticed thealternation between a high-pitched trill of mischief or humor and thelow-husked murmur of anger or playful suggestion. And he noticed the wayGabriel’s amber eyes gleamed golden mirth and reflected light so beautifully thatSam felt like he was staring at the sun setting over an ocean every single timehe locked gazes with the archangel.
He noticed it all.
Touch was next. At first, it was a gentle pat on a bicep, ahand clapping on a shoulder, a firm handshake, a ruffle of the hair, a tap on aforehead, or a playful punch to a chest.
Sam didn’t know when it happened, but the change seemed sonatural that he didn’t even seem to realize it. All he knew was that somewherealong the line, Sam suddenly began to reach out and grab Gabriel’s hand whenthe archangel was reasonably upset with something, caressing the backs ofGabriel’s fingers until he calmed. Sam began to stroke his fingers throughgolden-blond hair when Gabriel just couldn’t summon up the energy to face theday, struck with the weight of memories from Heaven that he didn’t wish todiscuss. Sam began to wrap an arm around Gabriel’s neck and bring the angel infor a noogie when Gabriel played a hilarious prank on Dean. Sam began to hugthe archangel, whether it was for comfort or relief or just because.
Sam didn’t know when it was that he realized that Gabrielwas touching him the exact same way.
In the end, all of it finally led to the one touch they wereboth desperate and wishing for in the hidden depths of their minds, and Sam couldstill remember the sparks he tasted when his lips finally met Gabriel’s for thefirst time and all the times that followed afterward.
They conversed, they touched, they kissed, and theyeventually became one with each other as they met under the covers, the wallsdoing little to muffle the sounds of their mutual ecstasy.
They never spoke of it though. But if Sam were to becompletely honest, it didn’t bother him at all (and besides, calling theArchangel Gabriel his ‘boyfriend’ was kind of surreal).
Gabriel was a more action-oriented individual; much likeDean was, Sam deducted that Gabriel was uncomfortable with spoken declarationsor laying out his emotions from his own mouth in general. Sam was more inclinedto speak about these types of things, but with Gabriel it was different.
With the archangel, Sam had no doubt in his mind thatGabriel loved him.
It was obvious in the way Gabriel spoke to Sam; Gabriel wasan honest individual to begin with, but with Sam, the archangel’s voice rangwith the depths of his true feelings. With Sam, while Gabriel’s tone of voicewould never lose any of his flamboyant enthusiasm and vulgar demeanor, it wouldcertainly soften. It rushed over Sam in a caress of warmth and security, an extralayer of protection gifted upon him from the angel. The sound of it caused awave of pleasant delight to run through Sam’s blood, especially with the knowledgethat that particular tone was reserved especially and only for him.
It was obvious in the way Gabriel looked at Sam; hisgorgeous sunset eyes sparkled and lit up whenever they fell upon Sam, as if onelook at the hunter had managed to make the archangel’s entire world shine. Andconsidering how long Gabriel has lived and all the wonders of the universe hehad seen since his creation, that was really saying something.
Gabriel’s eyes were also an open window to Gabriel’s trueemotions when the archangel opted to hide the rest of his demeanor behind amask in front of others. They sparked fire whenever Gabriel was angry, theydrowned in orange waters whenever Gabriel was distraught, and they danced merrilywhenever Gabriel was happy. Occasionally, Gabriel’s eyes were wiped clean ofall emotion; this was primarily for days Gabriel couldn’t take the weight ofhis memories anymore and the only person he’d allow to see him was Sam. Hisvibrant amber pools would dull and reflect no life, but Gabriel would stillrevel in the comfort Sam offered him. As much as Sam adored being there for hisarchangel, he loathed the absence of Gabriel’s glimmering and expressive eyeson those days.
It was obvious in the way Gabriel touched Sam; his previousroughhousing was still there, but in private moments, away from the prying eyesof Dean or Castiel or anyone else, Gabriel’s soft caresses and smooth strokeswere everything to Sam. Gabriel’shands would reverently run up and down the expanse of Sam’s skin, leavingbehind a trail of healing fire in their wake, and it was as though Gabriel wasworshipping him rather than the otherway around. His fingertips and teeth would graze, his tongue would languidlystroke up burning skin, his hands would clutch and grip and squeeze, and all ofit was Sam’s perfect idea of Paradise on Earth.
Gabriel touching him in public was tamer for obviousreasons, but no less passionate. His embraces were warm and secure, his smallervessel not even a barrier for the level of protection Sam felt in Gabriel’sarms. Gabriel’s fingers stroking through his hair was a definitive source ofsoothing and comfort, gently sinking Sam into the realms of dreamless sleepwhenever the outcome of a hunt was bad. Gabriel’s always-present hand wasusually curled around one of Sam’s own, or gripped around his tricep, orwrapped around the back of Sam’s neck. It grounded the hunter, reassuring Samof Gabriel’s constant presence without saying any words.
And Gabriel’s wings…
There was nothing comprehensible in the entirety of the humanlanguage that described the swell of emotion he got whenever Gabriel wrappedSam up in the beautiful heat and comfort of his wings.
They never once hadto say “I love you” to each other because of their solid knowledge and faith inthe other’s feelings.
Still, now Gabriel was leaning over the stove cooking upsome spaghetti, and Sam was sitting calmly in his usual chair at the kitchentable, scanning through reports on his laptop. They were conversing easily whensuddenly the archangel stopped talking midsentence. The abrupt silence caused Samto look up from the screen, quirking a brow in confusion as he caught sight ofGabriel staring at him, brows lightly furrowed and eyes incredibly soft.
“Gabriel?” Sam asked.
“I love you.”
It was clear-cut, it was simple. No extravagance, nostreamers or banners. Just an archangel and a hunter in the kitchen, cookingand researching, and Gabriel watching him with all the love and adoration ofthe world embodied in his shining eyes.
Sam couldn’t stop the lump in his throat from forming,swallowing thickly as he stood up from his chair and made his way over to thearchangel. Without looking, Gabriel turned the stove off with a flick of thewrist, his gaze never leaving Sam’s as he snaked his arms around Sam’s torsowhen the man was close enough, and smiling gently as Sam slid his arms around Gabriel’sshoulders. Eyes burning, heart racing and pulsing bliss throughout his veins,Sam leaned in and kissed Gabriel tenderly, eyes fluttering shut at thearchangel’s immediate response.
They stood there for a long while, kissing one another,hands caressing and stroking necks and hair and backs and shoulders, and whenSam was able to get the words out, he murmured, “I love you too” againstGabriel’s lips. He could feel rather than see Gabriel’s mouth twisting up intoa smile.
They may never have hadto say the words before, but damn, itsure felt nice when they did.
Send me a SPN pairingand a word??
(Not limited to these!)
You have until May 15 at 3:00PM CT before my ask box closesfor a week!
Kinda need that one now 😄
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿