i-have-a-lot-of-ocs - Your Ordinary Tumblr Blog
Your Ordinary Tumblr Blog

I'm Ai, and I scroll through random stuff! Feel free to DM me/give an ask if the stuff I reblog is triggering to you! I'll put a tw.

442 posts



Reblog if you feel tired. Idk why I'm doing this I'm just tired.

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More Posts from I-have-a-lot-of-ocs

2 years ago

Since people are talking about Sumeru this is just my take on it. Not to offend anyone or start an argument, it's just my personal opinion. Mihoyo has a major problem with colorism, it was obvious before. There are about 50 playable characters so far and out of all of them, only two of them are not white (They have a habit of making these two paler in some art but thats a whole other part of this topic). The reason that its upsetting is because Mihoyo can research cultures and lands and they can make these other nations in a respectful manner (Ex: Liyue based off China, Inazuma based off Japan) but Sumeru was different from the get go. Sumeru is supposedly based off of at least two cultures and lands, India and probably Egypt, at least this is what I've heard. Not that its a bad thing but with the way they're taking it... It's like they're treating these cultures as an accessory. A good amount of people from the regions where Sumeru is based off of, have some melanin. So why is it so hard for Mihoyo to see that and why do they not want to add more colored characters? It's not necessary, but its the least they can do if they're going to use a culture for their game. Making colored characters literally takes away nothing, in fact it actually gives more by providing representation. Just by looking at some of the new characters I felt majorly disappointed. In fact, I don’t think disappointed begins to describe it. Take for example, the little girl in pink. I think she's borderline offensive because she's clearly based off the whole genie and aladdin thing which is almost like a stereotype now (probably not the right words to describe it but I can’t think of anything else right now). And don't even get me started on the dendro archon, she's a joke. Maybe my opinion is invalid, but as a Latina looking forward to Natlan (supposedly based off South America), I'm extremely worried that they're going to be using more cultures disrespectfully and as accessories for their pretty little cast of characters that's 95% white/pale.


2 years ago

Me with my Chocolate for Mal:

Happy Valentines Day My Beloveds, Please Enjoy Prince Popular And Wakasama Going Apeshit Over It UwU
Happy Valentines Day My Beloveds, Please Enjoy Prince Popular And Wakasama Going Apeshit Over It UwU
Happy Valentines Day My Beloveds, Please Enjoy Prince Popular And Wakasama Going Apeshit Over It UwU
Happy Valentines Day My Beloveds, Please Enjoy Prince Popular And Wakasama Going Apeshit Over It UwU

Happy Valentine’s Day my beloveds, please enjoy Prince Popular and Wakasama going apeshit over it UwU

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2 years ago

I remember being like, 7 and having my first OC with the most generic name ever and barely any worldbuilding (yes, I was a gacha kid. Don't ask)

For real I can't be the only one

For Real I Can't Be The Only One
2 years ago


I mean it makes sense but-

First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die

First Thing You See After You Zoom In Is How You Die

How you dying 👀

2 years ago

The Cater one hit me like a brick 💀

📂 TWST Characters as TikTok Comments I Favorited

i know no one signed up for these on my blog but you guys are getting them anyway

 TWST Characters As TikTok Comments I Favorited
 TWST Characters As TikTok Comments I Favorited
 TWST Characters As TikTok Comments I Favorited
 TWST Characters As TikTok Comments I Favorited
 TWST Characters As TikTok Comments I Favorited

if anyone reposts these let me know so i can leak their ip /hj

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