iamthenight242 - You ever just... cry?
You ever just... cry?

Then we would get along just fine. 

30 posts



An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

It’s a long road to recovery. That’s what the doctor had said to Eddie outside Chrissy’s hospital room. She’s been through a lot and we don’t want to rush anything. Eddie nodded in agreement because that’s all he knew to do right now. You don’t want her to have a setback, that could make it worse.

TW: there are depictions of an eating disorder in this story, please read at your discretion.

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More Posts from Iamthenight242

7 years ago

*katniss everdeen voice* from now on, we’ll be using codenames; you may all address me as, “eagle one.” peeta is, “been there, done that.” johanna is, “currently doing that.” annie is, “it happened once in a dream.” finnick, “if i had to pick a dude.” madge, “i’d be lying if i said i hadn’t thought about it.” gale, “been there, done that, AND got the t-shirt.” and haymitch……… haymitch is, “eagle two.”

*haymitch abernathy voice* oh thank god

2 years ago

You know what I need?

I need Billy and Chrissy at some shitty high school party in the middle of the forest.

Jason takes Chrissy into the woods for some "alone time" and starts going too far. She's trying to push him off of her, screams out no, but then he's got a hand over her mouth and nobody can hear her screams. He's got his fly down, just about to pull off her skirt, when he feels himself being lifted into the air by his collar.

Chrissy pulls herself up onto her elbows, watching with wide eyes as Billy Hargrove picks Jason up like a sack of potatoes and swings him against a tree, arm across his throat.

"The girl said no, Carver," Billy breathes into Jason's face, nostrils flaring like an angry bull.

"Mind your business, Hargrove," Jason spits back, and Billy presses his arm into his windpipe until he goes purple.

"Tell her you're sorry," Billy instructs through gritted teeth.

Jason eventually gasps out a breathless sorry and Billy loosens his grip, letting Jason fall to the forest floor, clutching his throat and gasping for air.

Billy leans down and grabs Jason by his preppy hair, forcing him to loop up at him. "You touch her again, you answer to me," he threatens in a viciously whisper. Jason squeezes his eyes shut and nods, scrambling away into the darkness as Billy turns his attention to Chrissy.

"You okay?" He reaches his hand out to her and helps her stand up. She's shaking like a leaf, her eyes still glassy with frightened tears.

"Y-Yeah. I'm okay. Thanks, Billy."

Billy sighs, taking a cigarette out of his shirt pocket and lighting it, taking a long drag. He offers it to her but she politely declines.

Chrissy is still looking around the forest, as if she's paranoid that Jason's going to come back from round two.

Billy casts her a sidelong glance. "Look, I've been drinking, but a friend of mine is DD tonight. He could take you home if you want."

Chrissy nods frantically. "Yeah. I don't really want to be here anymore."

She's blushing in embarrassment and Billy plucks the cigarette out of his mouth, stomping it into the ground. "Carver's a piece of shit, but this stays between us. You have my word."

Chrissy looks relieved. "Thank you."

Billy nods like it's nothing and gestures for her to walk ahead of him. They make their way back to the clearing with the bonfire, tons of students laughing raucously and swigging back liquor and beer. Chrissy hangs back in the shadows while Billy strides forward, calling out, "Hey, Munson - Come here for a sec."

The crowd parts and Eddie Munson walks through, stumbling over a tree branch on the way. He jogs up to Billy, looking at him in confusion. "Hey. What's up?"

"Princess here needs a ride home. Can you help her out?"

Eddie nods immediately as Chrissy comes out of the shadow of a nearby tree. "Yeah, man. I can do that. You ready to go now?"

He looks at Chrissy and she nods, pursing her lips as she tries to keep the tears at bay. Eddie's expression immediately softens.

"Okay, my van's parked out on the road." Eddie gently touches her shoulder, guiding her forwards.

Billy watches them walk away together, a hell of a pair. He hears Chrissy laugh, probably from some dumb joke Eddie made up, and hopes to God that son of a bitch acts on the crush he's been harboring for about 7 years.

"Is that--?"


Steve hands Billy a beer and they both watch as Eddie opens his van door for Chrissy, bowing as she gets in.

Billy grimaces. "Jesus, he's a fucking nerd."

Steve laughs. "He also loves Metallica, so you can't really fault him on his taste." He pauses, watching as Eddie's van drives away. "Rumor has it, someone scared Jason Carver so bad, he left early."

Billy takes a swig of his beer. "Doesn't sound like my problem, Harrington."

"Well, whoever put him in his place, I'm sure Chrissy appreciated it. Eddie, too."

Steve gives him a pointed look, clinking their beer bottles together before striding back to the party. Billy watches Steve's ass walk all the way back to the fire before following. He figures he's earned it.


When Billy hears the rumors on Monday about Chrissy & Jason's breakup, he can't help but smile to himself--Especially when he sees Chrissy at Eddie's locker later, returning the leather jacket he'd loaned her with way too big of a smile.

Just call him a fuckin' matchmaker.

2 years ago

😏 *tucks hair behind ear*

 *tucks Hair Behind Ear*
4 years ago

Y’all I’m rewatching PLL on a free trial on HBOMax and I have a lot of thoughts from the first season... 

6 years ago

if you have ever suffered from…

• depression

• anxiety

• eating disorder

• self-harm

• ocd

• bipolar

• feelings of guilt and hopelessness

• suicidal thoughts

can you please reblog to show support for people who also suffer.

you are not alone.