iconiclettuce - No one can find you if you hide well enough
No one can find you if you hide well enough

She/her • asexual • aromantic

22 posts

In Theedville They Send Thnoods

In Theedville they send Thnoods

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More Posts from Iconiclettuce

4 years ago

dont wanna

current level of insomnia: tried to make a salad and just fuckin. poured salad all over my kitchen floor

5 years ago

There is a cat outside my window but instead of meowing like a normal cat, its repeatedly yelling 'HEWWO'

I want to move house

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4 years ago
Ryan Bergara Alignment Chart
Ryan Bergara Alignment Chart
Ryan Bergara Alignment Chart
Ryan Bergara Alignment Chart
Ryan Bergara Alignment Chart
Ryan Bergara Alignment Chart
Ryan Bergara Alignment Chart
Ryan Bergara Alignment Chart
Ryan Bergara Alignment Chart

ryan bergara alignment chart 

[shane ver.]

3 years ago

lmaoooo glitter and crimson slaps tho

farewell wanderlust :)


If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)

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4 years ago

sure, im down

one thing me n my art loving gf would do is visit galleries and play a game called “root, loot or boot” 

the gist is that you would look at a group of paintings in a room and decide which figure in the painting you’d root (fuck, in Australian slang), which painting you’d loot (steal and put on your wall at home) and which painting you’d boot (punt into the garbage because it’s shit and Not Art)

a couple of things about my experiences:

1. this game is a lot more fun if you’re attracted to women because there’s so many Hot Gals to choose from 

2. if you are attracted to men, you will spend a lot of time going “well, looks like I’ll have to pick jesus again” as my bi gf did

3. it gets more complicated in modern art museums and you find yourself having saying, “I’d fuck the rhombus” “you CAN’T fuck the rhombus” “then I’ll fuck that blue squiggle thing. what’s it called?” “creeping existential dread in blue” “then does that mean I’m fucking the squiggle or am I getting fucked by the existential dread it represents?” “aren’t we all already getting fucked by existential dread?”

4. if you play this with an art history nerd, they may decide to kill you over one of your “boot” choices

5. you will get Disapproving Looks from other patrons who overhear your heated debates

6. it’s also the best fun you’ll ever have in an art gallery