
311 posts

When You Want To Learn More About A Disability Or Disorder And Does Not Have Access To Irl People, Be

When you want to learn more about a disability or disorder and does not have access to irl people, be it people with that disorder or doctors or Just a reliable information, what do you do? Google It?


As Google is Full of bias and ableism, with things like "retarded" or "narc abuse", you gotta go to a place where there are people who actually experience It. GO ASK YOUR TUMBLRINAS

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More Posts from Idontknowanametouse

9 months ago

Liga a todos nós (uma fanfic de Ordem Paranormal) (não é meu melhor trabalho mas tá aí, né)


Equipe de Varredura.

Eles estavam próximos da Degolificada. Tão, tão próximos. Quando entrassem naquela biblioteca, talvez ela já estivesse lá. Ela poderia matar todos eles e não restaria nada para contar quem eles eram, apenas cascas vazias e sem olhos.

-Hora de morfar!

Uma frase interrompe a trilha de pensamento de Liz e ela, Daniel e Thiago olham para Alex, igualmente confusos. Ele havia estendido o punho, como que esperando por um soquinho, e olhava levemente esperançoso para eles.

-O... - Daniel apertou a ponte do nariz. - O que é que é isso?

-É a frase dos Power Rangers, ué.

-Não, eu sei que é a frase dos Power Rangers, mas porque você tá falando ela quando a gente provavelmente vai morrer?

-A gente não vai morrer. Essa frase é pra gente se sentir pronto. Eu sempre fazia isso com meus alunos antes da prova. E, quando a gente sair daqui, caso, Deus me livre, a gente encontrar isso de novo, a gente fala pra dar sorte.

Daniel olha pra Liz, parecendo incrédulo. Ela, por sua vez, olha para Thiago, tentando ver o que ele achava daquela palhaçada. O homem dá de ombros, como que dizendo "mal não vai fazer, né".

Liz fechou os olhos e respirou fundo. Ela ia se arrepender daquela coisa ridícula depois.

-Hora... de morfar. - e, revirando os olhos, estendeu a mão em punho para a de Alex.

-Hora de morfar. - disse Thiago, parecendo convicto de que aquilo salvaria suas vidas, também estendendo o punho.

Daniel olhou para os três como se eles fossem idiotas, e recebeu em troca olhares que diziam "o que você tá esperando? Vem logo pra gente entrar ali e morrer". O homem murmurou:

-Eu odeio vocês. - e estendeu o punho, gritando: - Hora de morfar!

Os olhos de Alex brilharam.

Equipe E

Liz sentia que ia vomitar ao ver o Porteiro prestes a gravar o símbolo nas costas de Thiago. Ele, no entanto, ergueu a mão e pediu:

-Espera! Uma última coisa. - e estendeu a mão em forma de punho, olhando diretamente para Liz. - Hora de morfar.

O coração da mulher parou. Ela mal conseguia acreditar que ele se lembrava daquilo. (ela se lembrava, claro que se lembrava, ela passava mentalmente cada segundo daqueles dias em sua mente todo o tempo, se perguntando qual foi seu maior erro)

Liz engoliu em seco e, tremendo, repetiu o gesto:

-Hora de morfar.

E o restante da Equipe Esperança fez o mesmo.

Força D

-Aí, todo mundo! - chama Kaiser. A equipe (o que sobrou) olha para ele quando estavam prestes a sair da van e ir para o cemitério. Kaiser ergue o punho. - Hora de morfar.

Ele olha de canto para Arthur, o homem parece prestes a chorar, mas faz o mesmo. A Força Desconjuração realiza um último ato em conjunto.

Equipe Abutres

-Ei, gente - começou Arthur na saída de Bariguara, chamando a atenção dos outros. Ele olha para sua mão e murmura: - Eu sei que a gente só se conhece a umas horas, mas... a gente formou uma equipe hoje, então... eu queria fazer um gesto que alguém muito especial pra mim me ensinou. Ele dá sorte. - e ergueu o punho. - Hora de morfar!


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7 months ago

The straw hats are just. So queer guys

Luffy is aroace and nonbinary and just uses any pronouns because. Just look at him, please. He wouldn't know what's gender or romantic or sexual attraction even if they slapped him in the face. He also is the definition of the whole "people perceive me as male in the same way they perceive something non-human as just a little guy"

Zoro? Trans (he walks with his tits off, for gods' sake) and super gay. He is, like, 100% gay. No discussions. (and also dating Sanji, and yes, partners with conflicting labels are still their labels, stfu exclusionists)

Nami is, as quoted by a person whose username I forgot (I'm sorry if you read this just tell me it's you and I'll add your url): the lesbianest of lesbians in the story of lesbianism for lesbians by lesbians. And she obviously has her princess girlfriend, Vivi.

Usopp seems to be straight, but, in fact, they only felt attraction towards Kaya and also are 100% nonbinary, just like Luffy. Very he/they vibes.

Sanji is bisexualest person alive. And also transfem bigender, no, I accept no criticism, the absolute she/he.

Chopper does not know what is gender, because, for gods' sake, he's a reindeer. Obviously he doesn't care which pronouns you use to him.

Robin? Bisexual and trans queen. Look at her. Look at her backstory. She is so queer coded, guys, you don't know. She is also dating Franky, they are the absolute t4t couple.

Franky is straight with the biggest ever love for Robin and also trans, he modified his body to be a super-man like.

Brook is way too nonbinary for me to say it. Just look at them. Your they/them lovely grandpa.

Jinbei is, too, super aroace and I don't take criticism. Just look at him, he's got the vibes.

Vivi is, as before stated, a lesbian. That is pretty obvious, though.

Yamato is canonically trans, bitches (affectionate). And also very Gay. Definitely in some sort of relationship with Ace.

Bonney is transfem demigirl, trust me, Oda told me himself, and she came out first to her dad.

Law is transmasc nonbinary, the absolute they/he, they just got that vibe. And also very aroace, wouldn't know what the fuck is attraction even if it slapped him in the face (just like Luffy, that's why they are BFFs)

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7 months ago

Fuck Arlong and the Marine and the World Government and Judge Vinsmoke all my homies hate Arlong and the Marine and the World Government and Judge Vinsmoke

(feel free to say another one piece character you hate, I may add them later)

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7 months ago

When I first heard "home" by cavetown, I didn't knew it was about trans experience and related it to my autistic experience. Now, as an autistic trans person, I like the song even more

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7 months ago

JJK fairytale fanfic based off the snow queen

Once upon a time, there was a very distant world divided between the demon realm and the human realm. The demon realm was ruled by a cruel king, known as the worst one out of all of his species, with four mouths, four arms and four blood-red eyes, but one day, he was dethroned by his subjects. The other demons fought for the throne, but nobody could reach the power level of the old king, and, in a short time, the war desolated the realm, leaving very few survivors.

One of those who survived was the malevolence demon, which was known as the most intelligent one of their species, even though they was weak. They created a plan to bring back their species' glory, not only over the demon realm, but also over the human realm. To make their plan come true, they filled a bottle with the blood of the dead king. All said that this old demon was so powerful that a drop of his blood would be enough to turn a person's heart into something dark and cruel, merelly a shell of what it once was.

Ages passed by, and one day, in a distant village in the human realm, a child was found on the snow right by side a baby. Shockingly, they were both alive, and were adopted by an old man from the village. The older boy, as he grew up, revealed himself to have a very frail and weak health, while his younger brother was more full of energy and strong than anyone his age. Due to the circunstances in which the two were found, some rumours started spreading through the village saying that they were children of demons, but nobody did anything towards it.

As the younger brother grew up, having a name that meant "benevolence", he was a happy and kind person to everyone around him, but specially to someone. This someone was a girl named as a wild rose, with thorns on her words and hidden flowers on her heart. The benevolent boy was the only one to see her true nature, and that made the two of them become friends, so close that some would say they were inseperable.

Although, one day, something changed. The benevolent boy and the rose girl were walking through the forest when, suddenly, as he spoke, the boy gasped. None of them knew that a drop of blood of the king of demons had just made its way to the boy's throat.

"What happened?" the girl asked, frowning in worrying.

"I am alright" the boy said, unconscious of the terrible change that had just reached his heart. "See, the coughing is over"

Then, as they kept going through the forest, the boy asked if the girl thought it was cruel that her name showed she had thorns in the place of a heart. The girl, angry and upset, ran and let him in the middle of the woods, alone. That night, the young man didn't come back home, and, when they looked for him, they couldn't find him.

On the next morning, the girl, feeling guilty for leaving her friend alone, went to his home to apologize the older brother, however, she gets surprised with what he tells her:

"It is not your fault" says the older brother, looking through the window. "On yesterday's afternoon, I saw a figure flying over the woods and recognized it: that was the demon of malevolence, my parent"

"What?! The rumors where true, then?!"

"Yes. Our parent, the demon of malevolence, discarded us when they thought we were not adequated, but yesterday, they came to get my brother. Neither me or our father can go after them for we have way too weak health, so, I do not know what to do"

"I will" says the younger one, suddenly. "I will go after him and bring back your brother and my best friend"

The rose left home with nothing more than a simple hammer and pure determination to bring back a benevolent heart stained with cruelty.

She walked through the forest until she stopped in a close city and heard rumors about a boy that hid in a garden guarded by ten monsters so he would not be found by anyone. Thinking the boy could be her friend, she went to the garden of the darkest shadows of the forest and faced each monster that appeared, determined to find whoever was in the center of that labyrinth.

When she arrived at the center of the garden, the girl was disappointed when she saw it was not the benevolent boy. The boy at the center of the shadow garden, however, was surprised when he saw her and didn't let her go until she explained why she was in there. After hearing her story, the young man, who had isolated himself after his sister's death, the only one that cared about him, decided to leave alongside her to help her in the search. He explained that he didn't have nothing left to lose and that his heart was touched by her decision to save her friend.

And so, the shadow and the rose went after the benevolent heart.

During their journey, they stopped by at a kingdom with a huge celebration. When they asked why, the people said the prince was about to get married. That heir had been loved many years ago, but, after losing the one he loved, he closed his heart, afraid of being hurt again, until the day someone appeared at the court.

That person came from a long lineage of prophets, however they were cursed so that the only one that could understand their words would be their future true love. Just as the person entered, the guards wanted to arrest them, but they were stopped by the prince, for he could understand everything the prophet said.

Once they knew the prince would marry to a prophet, the rose and the shadow decided to go to the wedding to find out where was the disappeared benevolent one. Even though their presences caused shock and horror, the prince listened carefully and decided to attend her wish of consulting his consort. However, when the prophet spoke, the prince announced they could only forsee anything clearly if they were alongside the girl on her journey. When she was about to leave, the heir suddenly decreed the couple would leave the kingdom for a short time after the marriage.

And so, the prophet, the prince, the shadow and the rose went after the benevolent heart.

On their way, they found a young woman that tried to rob them on the road, but was repelled by the rose's hammer. The prince, who had a giantic heart even to bad people, insisted for her to tell them what lead her to that point, and wouldn't let her go until she did it.

That young woman was member of a noble family that was just a facade for a clan of assassins, which were cruel to her ever since she was born. She, now, struggled to find a way to free her twin sister after they kicked her out. After telling her story, the assassin requires the group to tell their's, as she could not imagine why those people were reunited. After hearing the rose's tale, she decides to join the group, as she knew how it was to want to rescue someone you care about.

And so, the assassin, the prophet, the prince, the shadow and the rose went after the benevolent heart.

When the group arrives to the frontier between the human realm and the demon realm, a man makes them stop. When his identity is questioned, he reveals himself as a child of the divine, the one who knows all that happened, happens and will happen. The man says he merely wants to warn them about what comes later.

He takes them to the cave where he lives and tells the tale of the king of demons, the malevolence demon and the blood that turns all good in evil. He tells about how malevolence is cunning and manipulative, and how they once took from him someone he loved.

"Girl, you will enter the land of demons. All that was once hard shall be much harder, and all your weaknesses shall go after you. Any arms or abilities that once worked in your hands will be useless, and, to win and bring that boy back, you will need to use the most dangerous and terrible weapon of all. It is treacherous and can kill you, but is, too, the only way to save your friend. At least, you already have it with you"

However, even though they asked him many times, the man whose eyes saw everything refused to say what was the weapon that could help them. After that, the group left and entered the demon realm.

Once they arrive at the malevolence's palace, the rose goes on while the others decide to stay back and fight the hordes of demons. Once she enters the room her friend was, the first thing she sees are red eyes in a body that is not theirs.

"What are you doing here?" asks the voice she heard a million times, but now decorated with a smile of cruelty and of a hunter. "The one in the border warned you that you would not leave this place alive"

"Who are you, now?"

"Fool and selfish girl, I am the one you have known for such a long time. I just became this way because of your thorn words"

"Stop lying following what they says. I know your heart is not on those words"

"Oh, but it is" says malevolence for the first time. "His heart became as dark and horrible as I wished. He will be what will help me to bring the demons back to this world"

"That man warned me that I would have to fight using a terrible weapon" the girl looks at the hammer which her fingers squeeze tightly. "I know it is not your true will that makes you do this, but I have no other choice than to use my weapon"

She runs towards him, and that makes him run in her direction. As they get closer to each other, the more he is sure to be prepared to any kind of attack. He is sure that, no matter what she pulls, he will be ready. However, he was not ready for what happened.

The girl's hammer creates an enourmous sound when it hits the ground. The boy's blood eyes widen. The space between the two bodies ceases to exist.

"Let me go" he says, a cold, icy and frightened voice, but that only makes her hug him tighter.

"No" she answers, for the first time in her life not caring that her eyes are filled with tears. "I will never let you go, now or in any moment of our lives! Because you are my best friend and we promised we would never leave the other behind!"

The girl's tears make their way to the boy's heart, purifying it from evil and washing away the blood of the king of demons. And, when the young man starts sobbing, his own crying washes away the red colour of his eyes.

"Oh" he whispers, and then holds her, exclaiming: "I am sorry! I am sorry, sorry, forgive me, forgive me!! Please, forgive me!!! I am sorry!!!"

"It... is alright"

"No, it is not! I hurt you and others!"

"It was not you, and now you are back"

It does not take long for the rest of the group to arrive and, together, they can defeat the malevolence. They leave, and that was the tale of how the rose saved the benevolent heart with love.

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