Jess, 26, Sagittarius, Slytherin, Sometimes I write stuff MasterlistJust a writer obsessed with BTS Asks are always open!
274 posts
Hi! I Have A Couple Questions For Seoulmates!Reader:
Hi! I have a couple questions for Seoulmates!Reader:
What’s it like having the 7 hottest soulmates on the planet, and what do you think your soulmark is?
And for A Song In The Blood!Jimin:
Why do you seem to be fighting your obvious attraction to Prysm? Boy give IN!
You let out a light breath, thinking back over your time with the boys already. “It’s like I’m dreaming, really. No one pinch me though, because I really do NOT want to wake up!” You think for a moment. “In fact, if this is a dream I’ll gladly sleep my life away.”
You and me both, girl. You and me both.
“As for the soulmark...I have a couple ideas, but the guys seem to want to keep it a big secret or surprise...so 🤐”
What are your ideas on what the soulmark might be?
Jimin pointedly picks a piece of lint from his sleeve, avoiding looking at anyone. “I don’t know what you mean.”
I jab him in the side with my elbow, causing him to grunt and shoot me a glare. “You can give a better answer than that to my readers!”
He sighs. “If there was any attraction between anyone here and Prysm—and I’m not saying there is—and they chose to not act upon it, perhaps it’s because we’re all looking and waiting for our fated mates, and she doesn’t fit what Seer Bang has prophesied?” He cuts his eyes to me, crossing his arms. “Satisfied?”
I smirk. “I can’t wait to do more of these with you guys.”
He groans.
<If you have questions on any of my stories, send an ask and my characters and I will answer them!>
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More Posts from Ikpopwriting

Series Masterlist
Soulmate Idols AU
BTS OT7 x Reader
Status: Ongoing
The first time the writings showed up on your skin, it was the day of your high school graduation. You were thankful they were small enough to cover with a few bracelets, but otherwise were completely overcome with excitement and curiosity. You barely remember the ceremony, spending the time you should have been celebrating your freedom from public education instead daydreaming about your soulmate. You fantasized about meeting him, and finally getting your permanent soulmark, showing you had found your other half at last. You imagined your life together with the faceless man, how full of love and warmth, kindness and acceptance it would be.
You waited until the marks had almost faded, nearly a week later, to tell your friends and family. In fact, it was your cousin who informed you that they weren’t just scratches, they were Korean writing.
Of course, that information deflated you quite a bit. Korea? Your soulmate was all the way across the world, and the chances of finding him multiplied exponentially. How were you ever going to?
Teaser Image One
Teaser Image Two
Chapter One: Letters
Chapter Two: Blank Space
Chapter Three: Adventure Begins
Chapter Four: Dinner Conversations
Chapter Five: First
Chapter Six
Hey guys,
Unfortunately life has been hitting me hard since this past Thursday (5-27-2021), with 2 deaths of people I know (one a suicide) and an accident involving my grandfather (he’s okay, just had us really scared), I’m not in the headspace to write atm. Everything I have written seems lackluster and forced, because it is, and I don’t want it to be.
So, I’m taking a break for a bit. Maybe just a week, maybe longer. I’m not sure yet. I’m doing okay, considering. I’m really glad and thankful for my support system and my antidepressants, because I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t already taken that step before the past few months (since Thanksgiving, really) hit. I’ve lost a lot of close people, and am hanging on to prayers right now concerning a couple more (if you’re the praying type, send some my family’s way please).
Anyway, Seoulmates and A Song In The Blood will be on a temporary hiatus until my head, soul, and emotions are sorted (and not into Hogwarts Houses either) (humor is a coping mechanism, I will not apologize for it).
Thanks for your understanding,
My family has once again been turned upside down, so I will be taking another break. I’ve been trying to postpone this, but my heart isn’t in writing and I think the last chapter of ASITB showed it a bit.
So I will be on a temporary hiatus, effective today (6-22-2021). I am deeply, deeply sorry my writing is being hit. It and reading are my escape, and recently I find solace in neither.
I'm absolutely in love with Soulmates! Your writing is amazing and the story so sweet I feel happy reading it. Yesterday I read the five chapters and got to bed with a silly smile hahahaha Pleeeease I need the next one. Love from Brazil <3
Thank you so much! I’m glad it makes you happy reading it! I’m working on the next chapter now, and I plan on posting within a week! I’m trying to start a schedule of posting at least once a week, depending on what life allows. This made my day though, so thank you! Love back!
Prysm seems to be handling adjusting to her new world of magic and mythology really well. Why is that? Is she in shock, or just the type to take things in stride?
It’s mentioned a couple of times so far that she’s always felt out of place before, so to her it just makes sense that this whole other world exists and that she’s a part of it. To her it’s more like she’s found the answers she didn’t know she was looking for.
She’s grown up with naturally white hair, silver eyes, and pale skin surrounded by people who look nothing like her, and now she knows that it wasn’t because something’s wrong with her, she’s simply a different species from them—that she does fit in somewhere. I guess part of it is her taking things in stride, but mostly it’s this deep sense of rightness and belonging. It’s very different than if you or I were to find ourselves in Bangtan Forest among Vampires and Kitsunes—we’re human, we don’t belong there and our instincts would tell us so. Hers are doing the opposite, and instead telling her she’s finally home.