Anastasia She/Her
73 posts
Imastxar - Ana - Tumblr Blog
not now sweetie, mommy is being pathetic on tumblr.com
do me a solid and just reblog this saying what time it is where you are and what you’re thinking about in the tags.
Sucks that "sleeping together" refers to sex. Sometimes a fella just wants to snooze with a pal.
sending this to him
Wtf is hook up culture? Write me poems then die in a war
Babies are so cute!!! But being pregnant looks so scary, especially giving birth...
im just a tumblr girl in a tiktok world
does anyone want to give me a billion dollars i think it would be really good for my mental health
She really should've
The fact that lana didn't win a grammy is a crime

My definition of girlhood? Having a present yet absent father and an unaffectionate mother whose love is conditional

This is something Charlie Dalton from DPS would most definitely say

He's so hot xoxxo

They literally did <333

So having sex outside of marriage is considered a sin or smth but if a woman didn't want to have kids she was considered a witch????????? Like I wont have sex but bc I'm not having sex your going to kill me.

I have the best tits, no lie


Feels like a fat minute since I posted <3