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I’ve seen so many people like my works and I wanted to say thank you to all of them. You have no idea how much this means to me!
imgucciking liked this · 4 years ago
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I feel kinda bad after the sad joon so i put in a happy joon one as well that I love
Outro:Tear | Namjoon

Genre: Soulmate!AU; Fluff
Soulmate System: Music; Whatever song your soulmate is listening to, the opposite soulmate can hear it and vice versa
Pairing: Namjoon x Foreign!Reader
Summary: You figured out that your Soulmate was someone in BigHit Entertainment, as the songs you constantly heard in your head were one that weren’t released yet. You have no idea who, and when you finally figure out how to get into the building, you’re surprised at what you find out.
Warning: None!
Word Count: 1,861
Author’s Note: Thanks for the request!! Ooooooh boy is this a long one! I hope you like it!! ^_^

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dayum son

filter by jimin.

Shit, Im obsessed with this series and this author. Please go check out the original one and give it loads of love!
Blizzard: let it snow
Epilogue/Christmas Ova to Blizzard
Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Summary: It’s holiday season, and you have yet to disclose your new romance with Jungkook to the rest of your friends. But during your traditional Christmas gathering night filled with food, Love Actually and mistletoe, each of the six of them discover your secret relationship with your shy roommate one by one in ways that you dread…
Genre: domestic au, fluff, crack, established relationship
Warnings: none except little jealous koo, his raging boner and mentions of sex
Word Count: 8.4k
A/N: Highly requested part 2 to Blizzard!! Just a nice wholesome Christmas-themed fic to conclude the story of these two (which doesn’t mean I’ll stop writing drabbles of this couple because I know how much you want more smut of these two.) I wrote the last 3k of this on my 22hr plane ride, so please excuse me if it’s really shit. I hope you like it and Merry Christmas!
(Again, I’m sorry if this doesn’t live up to your expectations.)
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