impossiblepeacehideout - I am here for fun and time pass
I am here for fun and time pass

adhd, aroace, she/theyinfp, indiani write poems and storiesi draw sometimes tho not good at it loli rant about fandoms and gush over eemthats it i guess(p.s if any one wants to mesage me thats cool, i like intracting with people on the internet, also you could ask me to draw something if it's frpm fandom i am in or something you wanted recreated for free,but just know i am a beigeiner artist,and 15 soooothe drawing may be bad,it probay will lol and might take a bit of time to make it and might not make it if i have anything else going on if so ill tell ya other than that sure , i hav eit pined with more details or i could write a poem for you)no incestno pro shipingno pedophile(bigots,and pedophiles dni)

1553 posts

Cute Little Puppy Doing Cute Things

Cute Little Puppy Doing Cute things

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More Posts from Impossiblepeacehideout

5 months ago

I love how complex the dynamics of the Todoroki family are, like mha messed up a lot of things but the Todorokis are so well thought out. They exist independently from one another in a way that most fiction fails to capture. Each of the kids had very different relationships and experiences with their parents and it’s affected them all differently.

People love to say Shouto and Touya are similar but I think they are extremely different because of one detail: Touya knew what a happy family felt like. Before his quirk hurt him his parents adored him and were seemingly happy with each other. He was his father’s greatest achievement and Enji built him up, told him his whole life that he was going to be the best, trained him, praised him. He knew happiness, even if it coincided with physical abuse and unreasonable expectations to put on a child. Overnight he went from being abused but not neglected to neglected but not abused. He continued trying to train himself because for him pain and injury was already a part of his life, he didn’t see a reason for a few burns to stop him because he had probably been told that they shouldn’t by Enji before the truth of his quirk came to light. Touya’s feelings towards Enji are very different from Shouto’s because of this.

Shouto doesn’t seek revenge against his father the same way Touya does, not because Touya suffered more at his hands or because Shouto’s an inherently kind person, but because he never loved Enji. He was an abusive piece of shit for Shouto’s whole life. Touya hates Endeavor because he used to love him. He lives for revenge, his life and goals revolve around bringing down his father, proving himself and hurting the man who hurt him. Shouto would be happy to never even think of Endeavor again. Doesn’t want to see him, doesn’t want anyone to think of his father when the see him, doesn’t want anything at all to do with him. He’s indifferent to Enji’s existence as long as it isn’t immediately impacting him.

Touya and Shouto suffered similar abuse from their father but that key difference of ever feeling loved is what makes them so different. In the end Enji’s love and affection is the reason Touya went crazy, losing something is much harder than never having it in the first place. If Enji hadn’t just stopped spending time with Touya it would’ve been different. If he’d made the effort to really get Touya to understand and not expect overnight results… well it would’ve been a very different story.

5 months ago
An Attempt At Brotherly Bonding
An Attempt At Brotherly Bonding

an attempt at brotherly bonding

5 months ago
Honestly People Of Color Should Be The Only People Who Write Damian Or Talia Because They Dont Whitewash
Honestly People Of Color Should Be The Only People Who Write Damian Or Talia Because They Dont Whitewash

Honestly people of color should be the only people who write Damian or Talia because they don’t whitewash Damian and understand that Talia is really complex character who shouldn’t be villainized

5 months ago
[Image: I Just Realized That Annabeth Was Probably Trying To Get To Her Aunt When She Ran Away. Luke

[Image: “i just realized that annabeth was probably trying to get to her aunt when she ran away. luke was from connecticut, right? which is a a couple hours south of boston. so when he and thalia found her she was probably trying to get north to find her aunt and cousin. she was looking for magnus.”]

Source: tiktok @leonardodevieve