☆-Red | he/him | Dude ♂ | 🇺🇸 Disabled,Autistic | AroAce ♠ | Anxious little shit🫗-☆ —————————————————————☆-Main blog | Sideblogs: RedsSimsFinds, RedsLBPFinds, Journspo, Zeesoupnerpy-☆—————————————————————Special interest is LittleBigPlanet if you couldn’t tell.I post other stuff sometimes.—————————————————————Hmu
341 posts
Dont Talk To Me Like That
Don’t talk to me like that
More Posts from Imredtee
i've posted the sketch to this one a while back, but i finished it a couple of days ago and made a pin out of it!
Feel free to use it however you like (with credit duh), not for sale tho-
Was inspired to draw guys from THE most comfy nostalgia franchise ever again! I do love to revisit LBP from time to time here. The character designs and shapes never get old (at least to me)!
Felt the need to experiment with different brushes for a bit to get back in the groove and inspiration struck big time... I had fun!
A small word of advice for anyone who's ever been bullied or shamed for the crime of simply being yourself:
In my personal experience, those voices never stop - I'm talking about the ones telling you there's something wrong with you... they never quite go away. Whether these voices belong to your parents, old friends, strangers, or otherwise... they don't just up and vanish, especially if they got to you young enough.
What changed for me is that I stopped seeing any value in what they had to say. Sure, they still speak the same old stupid lines in my head near daily but I now see them for the lies they always were.
I hope that instead of waiting for the unrealistic moment when their hate no longer exists in your head that you find the strength in your journey to stop caring too.
And if it still hurts on the way there, that's normal too. These things aren't linear.