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apolloswords on ao3 | here (mostly) just for van der stoffels | they/them

322 posts

18/31 Days Of Skam Netherlands : Favourite Edited Sequence Pt. 2 // Watskeburt?! Props Voor De Heist

18/31 Days Of Skam Netherlands : Favourite Edited Sequence Pt. 2 // Watskeburt?! Props Voor De Heist
18/31 Days Of Skam Netherlands : Favourite Edited Sequence Pt. 2 // Watskeburt?! Props Voor De Heist
18/31 Days Of Skam Netherlands : Favourite Edited Sequence Pt. 2 // Watskeburt?! Props Voor De Heist

18/31 days of skam netherlands : favourite edited sequence pt. 2 // watskeburt?!         Props voor de Heist Rocker / En de watskebuuurt 

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More Posts from Infiniteiram

3 years ago
Im Not Exactly An Artist, I Just Do Random Sketches And Doodles So Pls Dont Come For My Lack Of Artistic
Im Not Exactly An Artist, I Just Do Random Sketches And Doodles So Pls Dont Come For My Lack Of Artistic
Im Not Exactly An Artist, I Just Do Random Sketches And Doodles So Pls Dont Come For My Lack Of Artistic
Im Not Exactly An Artist, I Just Do Random Sketches And Doodles So Pls Dont Come For My Lack Of Artistic

i’m not exactly an artist, i just do random sketches and doodles so pls don’t come for my lack of artistic depth 😭 ( + pls tumblr don’t ruin quality)

sketch of van der stoffels in marker + pen, because i love them.

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3 years ago

If You Should Fall Into My Arms.

a vds one shot. you can find more on my ao3.

( @ apolloswords )

feel free to comment/message me any suggestions for one shot ideas!

It's the '80's and Jens finds himself tagging along with Sander and Robbe to a David Bowie concert. The feeling of being a third wheel weighs him down a little bit, until he feels somebody tap him shyly on the shoulder.

This was going to be the best night of his life.

Jens didn’t know how Sander was going to be able to move around and jump with his heavy Doc Martens on his feet, but after knowing Sander for a couple months now, he decided not to question it. Him, Sander and Robbe had managed to snag tickets for the David Bowie concert in Amsterdam, making it a weekend visit away from Antwerp. A part of him did wish Aaron and Moyo could’ve came, but Aaron couldn’t take time off work and Moyo had some sort of dance rehearsal. Even though Jens would end up being the third wheel, he hardly recalled that issue as the three of them trudged around the area.

Not only had they scored tickets to see Bowie, but they had even scored pit seats. Jens wouldn’t admit it, but he would be willing to third wheel multiple disgustingly in love couples if it meant getting these tickets. He also would never admit being a big fan of Bowie, though not bigger than Sander. Overall, the adrenaline was rushing through his veins and he couldn’t help but bounce with every single step.

“I can’t wait, I think my heart is going to jump out of my chest.” Sander exclaimed excitedly, as Robbe looked up him fondly. “I hope you guys at least know some lyrics, we’re so close there’s no way I’m having you guys look like posers.”

“Hey, you’ve made me practice the entire set list and the lyrics for two weeks now.” Robbe gently reminded. “I almost know the songs as well as you.”

“Almost. That’s the key word there.” Sander reminded, tapping Robbe’s nose gently. Robbe only wrinkled it but gave him a wide grin, the crinkles of his eyes so very bright. Sander grinned at him, before turning his head to look at Jens and raise his brow. “And you?”

Jens only smirked at him, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip in attempt to look as smug as ever. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and clicked his tongue.

“No need to worry about me. You won’t embarrass yourself in front of them man himself.” He replied, his answer still vague enough to hide his inner excitement for the concert.

There was a glint in Sander’s eye, which seemed very knowing. Jens gave him a slight nod, as a way to confirm the unspoken assumption running through Sander’s head.

“No way, you’re a Bowie fan aren’t you?” Robbe groaned, as he studied the way his boyfriend and best friend were looking at each other. “I thought you were more into the Rolling Stones.”

The smirk on Jens’ face only grew wider, and he stood up straighter. If there was one thing Jens was always sure of, it was his great abundance of confidence. Robbe looked at him rather unamused, knowing he was only going to gain another smug response.

“I was, until I saw Mick Jagger and Bowie getting close. I just had to see who this guy was.” Jens replied.

“You do realized Bowie has been around just as long as the Rolling Stones right? Maybe a little later but still.” Sander snorted.

“Okay, I said I knew his lyrics not his life story.” Jens rolled his eyes playfully.

The three of them let out a few small laughs, and it wasn’t until Jens felt his body calm down a bit that he realized how packed the place was. Almost every seat was filled up, the entire arena packed to the brim. The space in the pit was starting to close in on him, and he was thankful for just wearing his thin black t-shirt to avoid literally passing out from the heat and general overwhelming feeling. Taking the front fabric of his shirt, he pinched it and flapped it against his chest, an attempt to cool him down.

By now, Robbe and Sander had wandered into their own conversation, as well as a few kisses on cheeks. Jens had no idea what they could be talking about, and not wanting to third wheel that conversation, he decided to scan out the area.

The place was starting to get a little packed, with blurs of brightly coloured tops filling his vision. Maybe he should've went for a more colourful outfit, after all, it was a Bowie concert. But to be fair, Robbe was really the only one with the most colour. Between him and Sander, with palettes of denim jeans, a white shirt and a black shirt, Robbe's bright green button down was probably the most eccentric thing between them.

His thoughts were quickly interrupted when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked to the side a bit, but noticed Sander and Robbe were still heavily lost within each others' eyes. Which, meant, it was neither of them who tapped his shoulder. Still confused, he turned around into his other direction, tilting his head down to look at what was calling his attention. When his mind finally registered, he had to bite the inside of his chin from dropping his jaw.

In front of him was possibly the most eccentric thing. Or, person.

The boy who tapped on his shoulder had a rather shy look in his eyes, but it wasn't the shyness that lured him in.

This boy may have had the bluest eyes he's ever seen. And by the way his shirt was striped with multiple colours only brought out the blue even more. Jens let his tongue swipe the bottom of his lip again as he eyed the boy a little more. He was very easy on the eyes, and Jens couldn't help the smirk grow back onto his face.

"Can I help you?" He asked, rather confidently.

The other boy still looked a little shy, but the way he was biting his lip to conceal a small smile had Jens feeling like there was a little spark between them. The boy ran a hand through the loose curls falling near his face as his cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink.

"Uhm," The boy began to say. His voice was a little muffled, due to the crowd around them, so Jens leaned down a little to hear him better. The boy gave a small smile at the gesture and began to scratch the back of his head awkwardly.

"Sorry, this might be a little awkward." He began to say, and Jens could sense the nervousness in his voice. Trying to assure him, he shook his head lightly and smiled softly.

"Don't be, it's okay. I'm Jens, by the way." He asked, his voice a little less cocky and more gentle.

The boy's small smile grew a little wider and he let out his hand for Jens to shake. "I'm Lucas."

"So Lucas, what was it you needed?"

"Uhm, listen, sorry, I'm not usually this nervous." He apologized. "I was just wondering if there was a chance that maybe I could squeeze in a little bit in front of you. You're a little tall and I can't exactly see over your head."

It wasn't until now that Jens realized that Lucas was shorter than him. Not by much, and he was still taller than Robbe, but he was still fairly small and Jens did have some height leverage over him. He probably should've figured this out when he had to lean down a little to hear him.

Of course, Jens was never one to let someone stand in front of him. He knew this could potentially end up pushing him towards the back of the pit, and from where they were standing, that would be a complete misfortune. If he did end up saying yes, this could imply to the rest of Lucas' friends that they could move in front of him.

Until, he realized that there was nobody else paying much attention to Lucas. He was kind of standing on his own, not even a Sander or Robbe to keep him company.

Maybe that was better.

Jens snapped his finger and pointed at Lucas, raising his eyebrow curiously. "Are you alone?"

"Uhm," Lucas mumbled again, looking around him for a few seconds and back at Jens. "Well, I am now. My two friends saw some cute girls and ran off to go sit with them."

This only left Jens with more curiosity, as pursed his lips in thought.

"They ditched you?" He asked.

"No, no, no, they're not shitty friends. Just a little girl crazy."

"And you're not?" Jens asked again, this time feeling his heart race a bit, and this time it wasn't just from the pre-concert adrenaline.

"I, I," Lucas mumbled and Jens wished it wasn't so loud so he didn't have to keep leaning down to listen to his words.

"I'm not exactly like that." Lucas continued, leaning in as if he was whispering and dropping his voice to a lower active. "I'm not crazy for girls."

The implication in his words sounded like music to his ears. Probably even than the better music that was about to play. Jens whipped around quickly, noticing that the concert was about to start. He looked over to his friends, who had finally stopped gazing into each others' eyes and remembering his existence. They eyed Lucas beside him, and gave suggestive eyebrow wiggles and cheeky smirks. Jens wrinkled his nose at them, before finally turning them to look back at Lucas.

His blue eyes were still staring at Jens, but they looked a little less shy now. They were even sparkling, and Jens knew there was no way he could say no to such a beautiful boy.

It wasn't like he was going to anyway.

He stepped aside to give Lucas a little bit of room to squeeze in front of him. Lucas smiled at him gratefully as he slipped through the little space. Jens felt him brush by, feeling even more sparks.

When Lucas settled into the little spot in front of Jens, he turned around and gave him the biggest smile of the night. Jens gave him a smile back, still marvelling at the way his eyes sparkled, even as the lights began to dim and the spotlights began to take control.

"Ready for the show now pretty boy?" Jens asked, winking before Lucas would lose his attention for him. If there was one guy Jens was fine with loosing Lucas' attention to, Bowie filled that role.

And maybe, Mick Jagger.

Lucas only winked back, as he flashed Jens an eccentric grin. The boy was a radiant blur of colours, and now, he was the only one filling up Jens' vision.


The concert was only becoming livelier by the second, as Jens cried out the lyrics to the songs while making sure to steal small glances at Lucas from time to time. He would never have imagined that at a Bowie concert, his attention was not solely focused on the man on stage. He also would never have imagined it would be on a boy who was looking like an angel in heaven as he also screamed out the lyrics.

"Everybody, I want you all the be able to get up and dance to the next song, as that's what it is all about!" Bowie announced to the entire audience. He gave one of his famous winks, which had more than half of the audience instantly swooning over. "Let's dance!"

The few notes of Let's Dance began to fill the arena, automatically sending a swaying rhythm to Jens' body. Sure, he may not be the best dancer out there, but he did manage to move without looking like an awkward worm slithering through the ground. His attention was diverted to Sander and Robbe, who were dancing together, Sander's arms around Robbe as Robbe pressed his back close towards him. After a few series of beats, Sander took ahold of Robbe's hand, spun him away from his body and pulled him back in. Robbe threw his head back, his fluffy brown hair falling with the dip, and the smile on his face happier than ever. Jens didn't like to admit it, but sometimes when he watched them, he felt a little envious. Not in a greedy way, more like he couldn't wait to find someone who made him feel the way Sander and Robbe made each other feel.

That was until he remembered the earlier encounter of the night. Smiling, he turned away from the general direction of his friends towards Lucas. Lucas, who was by far a better dancer than Jens, was moving to the music with smooth movements and a playful bounce to his rhythm.

Jens was about to reach out to him, to mimic the actions from earlier and to tap on his shoulder, but just before he was about to lift his hand up from his side, he someone on Lucas' side accidentally jerk into a much bolder dance move. While the move did look cool, a mix between some jazz hands, a dramatic sway and some extravagant foot work, and was much more advanced than Lucas' and his skills combined, the person unfortunately was too close to Lucas to be pulling a move like that. Poor Lucas was knocked off balance, and he began to stumble towards a fall.

Acting swiftly, Jens leaned forward and brought his hands out, quickly catching him. It wasn't until sudden weight of Lucas' body landed in Jens arms that he noticed he was holding Lucas extremely close to him. Lucas and his familiar blue eyes widened in surprise as well, probably just realizing that he had fallen into Jens’ arms and had his own arm swung over Jens' shoulder as an attempt to catch himself.

Neither boy knew what to say right away, and despite the crowd and music around them being extremely caught up in the performance, their exuberance atmosphere, there was this sense of calm and ease swirling around them. Jens gave out a small huff of laughter, almost in pure disbelief that he was holding Lucas in his arms.

Lucas scrambled back onto his feet, while Jens helped him balance by having a soft grip onto his waist. He watched as Lucas' blue eyes took in his hand gripping at the colourful stripe shirt of his, and huffed out a laugh as well.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall on top of you like that." Lucas apologized shyly, rubbing his hands on his jeans. Jens noticed the way he ducked his head, trying to bite back the grin on his face and the bright pink blush on his cheeks.

He waited for Lucas to look back up at him before he replied. When he did, he was met with the blue eyes again, and he realized they were starting to become the most eccentric thing in the entire world.

Next to David Bowie, of course.

"It's no problem." Jens assured, smiling widely at him. "Actually, I was just about to get your attention. I wanted to ask if you'd maybe want to dance."

At this point, the grin Lucas was trying to hold back was too wide to be contained. Lucas took a step closer, and Jens took it as his cue to unbunch the fabric of Lucas' shirt and actually place his hand properly on his waist.

"Well, I wouldn't want to go against what the man has to say." Lucas said with the most confidence Jens has heard him with all night. "So in the words of Bowie himself, let's dance!"

The sudden confidence made Jens feel much more of an adrenaline rush through his body. Him and Lucas winked at each other, and Jens placed his hand in his, and began spinning him out and pulling him back in constantly. The both of them twirled around, giggling at each other as their bodies got lost in a rhythm of their own.

If anyone else were to watch the way they moved together, you would've thought they had known each other since forever to be able to move both their bodies like one. Their synced up movements danced about, complimenting each spin, sway and dip. When Jens dipped Lucas over, he admired the way his curls fell back with his head, as the bright boy began to giggle a little more each time.

As they moved along to the sound, Lucas shook his head to sing along to the lyrics. The light brown curls on his head flowed around him, like an angel's halo with a dance of its own.

"Because my love for you," He sang out, as Jens spun him out. "Would break my heart into two."

"If you should fall into my arms," Jens continued singing. "And tremble like a flower."

"Let's dance!" They both cried out together, as Lucas was back in Jens' arms, doing a simple side by side step to keep the rhythmic motion.

Jens could feel his broad back against his chest, and when Lucas tilted his head back like he did to sing the lyrics, the soft curls grazed the side of Jens' neck. They were a little bit tickling, and he couldn't help laughing a bit, sending vibrations throughout both of their bodies.


Eventually, the concert ended and the later hours of the night had begun to take reign of the day. Sander and Robbe gave Jens some more teasing looks when they noticed Lucas standing behind him, only the his head being able to peek out from behind Jens' shoulder. Both of them gave him and Lucas a wink, and also gestured that they would meet them out in the lobby in case they got lost when the crowds dispersed.

He nodded back indicating he understood what they meant. They waved quickly, and headed off, quickly getting lost in the blur of the crowd.

Turning towards the boy, Jens grinned.

"So, your friends, do you see them anywhere?" He asked.

Lucas shook his head. "No, I told them I'd meet them at the lobby as well. When the concert finished." He let out a loose laugh and shrugged, like he was in disbelief. "Can you believe they ditched me for some girls? I didn't think they could be any more girl crazy, we literally had pit seats."

Jens shrugged as well, though a little more cooly. "I think it would be a bit unfortunate if they did stick around. I mean, would you have tapped me on the shoulder if they were here?"

The blush on Lucas' face turned the most vibrant it had been all night. His blue eyes were once again widened, and the swarm of colours within them were so entrancing.

"No, there's no way I would have tried talking to you if they were around. Let alone dance with you." He bit his lip and leaned forward a bit, just so Jens was the only one who could hear him.

"They would definitely make fun of me for talking to a cute boy with you." Lucas admitted.

Jens grinned, feeling the most happiest he's felt this whole night. It just kept getting better and better. At this point, he didn't think anything could top this. Knowing that Lucas thought he was cute.

"Well, my friends are not going to let me hear the end of this either pretty boy." He replied. "How about we get this thing over with? We'll meet both our friends in the lobby and we can endure their teasing together, rather than alone."

"Alright, but I can't lose you to this crowd. I may be able to see you through it, but I don't think I'll be able to avoid being pushed around into different directions."

He moved a little bit, creating a little space for Lucas to slip and squeeze through. Jens made a motion with his hands to gestured Lucas moved in front of him, like the same gesture he had done earlier.

"Go in front of me, that way I can keep an eye on you and I'll follow you." He suggested, only to be faced with Lucas grinning and shaking his head in disagreement. Raising a brow, he gave him a confused look on why Lucas was disagreeing to this.

"I have a better idea." Lucas said instead.

Still confused, Jens tilted his head to indicate his puzzlement. Lucas only winked and slipped his hand into Jens', squeezing it tightly. Jens quickly understood the implication. As long as their hands were intertwined with each others' and Jens led him through the crowd, there was no way they would lose each other.

So when Lucas squeezed his hand back one more time, and Jens gave him a smile one more time before turning around, he realized that he was wrong about earlier.

The night had managed to get even better.

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3 years ago
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus

gif request: s1 + s2 kes de beus

send me a gif request!

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3 years ago

this isn’t even my fave fanfic. there’s so many things i wish i could re-write or add or change or edit in it. the soundtrack isn’t even my favourite either.

but holy fuck do i re-read it and bawl so hard each time. like when jens moves to america and lucas hugs him one last time? brb CRYING

i’m at an airport rn and all i can think about is lucas visiting jens in san francisco :,)

gonna re-read home (love, vds) to cry on the plane

3 years ago


100 days ago marks the day SKAM NL was cancelled - but we won't ever stop fighting for it

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