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Oh Wow Law Of Assumption Oh Wow

Oh Wow Law Of Assumption Oh Wow

oh wow law of assumption oh wow

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More Posts from Intothecometverse

2 years ago

WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT YOUR LIFE? you can make your life into a movie, you can turn your life into a manifestation board- you can be those instagram girls, those bella swan grunge girls, you can be a boss ass lady with £1m with their own fashion business, you can be an amazing actor working alongside the best a list actors/actresses, you can be that person with an amazing mental health and a calming life, in the forest and surrounded by nature..YOU CAN BE ANYTHING YOU WANT, YOU ARE LIMITLESS. YOU REALLY ARE.

visualise, affirm, fill your mind with beautiful things and words and pictures. and persist in that, just carry on because it will benefit you, you might not see it now but soon enough you will look at back and be like “omg..i remember manifesting this..look where i am rn..i have it all” like stop doubting yourself because you believe you cant get what you want WHEN YOU CAN. you have all the information you need right there.

dont be scared. whats more scary staying in a world where you hate yourself, staying in the same place as always just sitting there jealous of others getting their life together or ACTUALLY GETTING A LIFE, MANIFESTING AND ACHIEVING THE LIFE YOU WANT!!!!!! stop being so scared of the unknowing.

everything is a risk, but the biggest risk in life is not doing anything…SO JUST GO FOR IT!

2 years ago
Via @/persistingqueen On IG

via @/persistingqueen on IG

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2 years ago

why is this so funny

Why Is This So Funny
2 years ago

You know what is Delusional?? Thinking that you don't have your desires. So stop being Delusional. You already have what you want, just persist.

You know Dory from that clownfish movie ( i forgor the name smh💀) oh shit it's finding Nemo. Yea so this blue fish 🐟 who is a friend of the clownfish says, "just keep swimming just keep swimming" regardless of what is happening around her so keep reminding of yourself " just keep persisting, just keep persisting." Be like Dory.

You Know What Is Delusional?? Thinking That You Don't Have Your Desires. So Stop Being Delusional. You
2 years ago

✨How to live your ENTIRE life in the end!!!

Listen up, my loves... this is really the key to living an ecstatic, fulfilled life where all your dreams come true!!!

You have to realize 4D is part of your real life.

If something happened in your 4D (imagination), then it truly happened... it REALLY happened. Because you EXPERIENCED it. The time you take to imagine something is real time. It wasn't "special 4D time" where time doesn't pass. If you started imagining something at 4:00 and finished at 4:15, bringing your awareness back to 3D, it will be 4:15. Therefore, is that imagining not happening in your real life? Of course it is, it can't happen anywhere else.

Let's say you imagine a scene with your SP for 15 minutes. You were living your life in those 15 minutes. That was your real life. You were experiencing an experience in real time, in your real life. You didn't leave your "real life" behind for 15 minutes. That WAS part of your REAL life. That was an experience you had.

The problem is that most people will daydream and then snap out of it and think, "Oh, that wasn't real. That was just my imagination." Excuse me? Where were you just now? In somebody else's body, living someone else's life? Or were you still YOU, in your body, living your life, passing your time?

If you think of imagination as "not real" then you are telling your mind not to print that out in your 3D. That print job has now been cancelled. It will instead sort through your thoughts and display into your 3D the ones that you deem "real". It will filter out your desire-fulfilling daydreams (because you think they're fake) and instead show you other things that you think about that you believe are real (mostly the crap you don't want but "think" is real).

That is why people experience 4D and 3D separately. They experience imagination as a fake escape and 3D as reality, and their dreams don't come true in the physical realm because they think one is real and one is fantasy. They struggle with "trying" to manifest and continue to fail to see their imagination become physical because they aren't accepting imagination as real TOO.

I don't believe 4D is your only reality, like some people say, because 3D is real too. Anywhere you are is your reality. 4D and 3D are equally real. You are experiencing both of them, so they have to both be real. 3D is just a replay where you get to experience things AGAIN.

You are here to experience BOTH 3D AND 4D! (Obviously, because we do!) We have both imagination and physical bodies! There is nothing wrong with wanting your 4D imaginings to replicate in the 3D. That is why we have human bodies! I am not telling you to forget about the 3D and live solely in the 4D. We have 5 senses to experience physical pleasure through them! So you ARE meant to experience ALL of your wildest dreams in the 3D too!

(Like you are crazy if you think I'm not getting my kisses and squeezes from my SP happening to my physical body - because that's why I have a body - to experience physical pleasure with it (eating delicious food, seeing gorgeous sights, smelling wonderful scents, listening to beautiful music, feeling pleasurable physical affection, etc.!)

I am not telling you to forget wanting things in the 3D! But you do have to acknowledge that what you experience in 4D is JUST AS REAL as what you experience in 3D because it was really you living that! Those 15 minutes were real, they were spent doing something, how is that not real? Nothing you do can be fake!!! You can't escape living, so whatever you do during your time here on Earth is REAL.

So you can never lack what you want. Whatever you desire, give it to yourself immediately. Your desires are meant to be felt and immediately fulfilled. You are not meant to be walking around wishing you had things. You are meant to experience fulfilled desire after fulfilled desire. You're not supposed to accumulate desires so they're all piled up and you're feeling heaps of lack.

Never go to sleep with unfulfilled desires. Whatever you want to have happened that day (whether you just didn't get it or you got the opposite), give it to yourself in imagination until you feel you really experienced it. Don't do it to manifest it in 3D. Do it to experience it in your life. Sometimes it will manifest into 3D and sometimes it won't. If you do it right you will know, because it won't matter to you whether it appears in 3D anymore because you will have satisfied that desire already. You will feel like you already experienced it (because you did!) and you will no longer feel that it hasn't happened yet, because you remember it happening!

Stop trying to manifest things in 3D, and start giving yourself everything you want in your imagination. There is nothing stopping you from living your wildest dreams. Nothing is impossible to you in your imagination. Don't condition your desires, just go into your imagination and give yourself all of your desires. Do it whenever a desire springs up. Get so good at it that your whole life is made up of fulfilling your heart's desires as soon as they come upon you.

You can always control what you think about. So when you think of something you want, imagine getting it exactly how you want to. And when you have fully experienced it, it will then become a MEMORY, not a desire!

The goal is to have NO unfulfilled desires, because you should be fulfilling them as soon as they come to you. You will lead such a magical inner life. Your 3D can ONLY show you the contents of your consciousness... so soon enough, you will be seeing your 3D transform into a fairy tale of your own making. If ALL you think about, all you imagine, is experiencing your fulfilled desires, then that's ALL your 3D can show you. You are giving it no other options!

You no longer have to "try" to live in the end for each of your desires to "try" to manifest them. You will be living in the end of ALL of your desires, every single one, big or small, at all times! That will just be how you automatically live your whole life.

Do not deny yourself ANYTHING. Whatever you want, you can have. There are NO limitations to your imagination. Do NOT hold back. I'll say it again. DO NOT HOLD BACK. Do not limit your imagination to what you think is likely or possible. You know what you want. Your desires come to you in the perfect condition. Do not change your desires to what your current 3D implies is possible. YOU decide what is possible. Dream your wildest dreams. If you can think it, if you can desire it, then you can fulfill it in your imagination. And if you flood your imagination with nothing but fulfilled desires, and you KNOW your 4D experiences are real, then your 3D will have no choice but to show you fulfilled desires in your physical realm.

I swear to god if I wrote all this out and y'all don't start living the lives of your dreams...