iris-leon - -mysterygurl-

Sugar, spice and everything nice🍰

127 posts

Oh My Gosh I Still Can't Believe That I Met Piercetheveil This Is Has Been A Dream I've Been Wanting

Oh My Gosh I Still Can't Believe That I Met Piercetheveil This Is Has Been A Dream I've Been Wanting

Oh my gosh I still can't believe that I met piercetheveil this is has been a dream I've been wanting for 11 months already, I know that's late but I'm not going to lie and say I've known them since day one. The idea of ever getting to meet them never crossed my mind because whenever it comes to meeting someone I love it never happens and I'm just so amazed that I actually got the chance to meet 3/4 of my favorite band. They were all so nice and I was honestly really happy I had a smile one face the whole time and I cried of happiness after words. But I do regret my anxiety getting to me not letting me interact as much as I wanted to with them but what happens happens write and all that matters is that I met the people I look up to a lot, the people that get me through the day and the people that make thousands of people happy😊. If you don't like my kind of music that's fine with me you stick with the people that make you happy and I stick with the people that make me happy and that is piercetheveil so thank you Vic, Mike, ptvjaimepreciado and tonyperry ❤️

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9 years ago
I Haven't Posted In A Long Time But I'm Back!!!

I haven't posted in a long time but I'm back!!!💁😏👋✌️

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9 years ago

Honestly yes. Like if you want me to say the truth then don't get all offended, wasn't this all you wanted!?

iris-leon - -mysterygurl-

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9 years ago
I Dont Know Why But For Some Reason Im So In Love With This Picture?

I don’t know why but for some reason I’m so In love with this picture?🌾☕️

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9 years ago
"Ain't It Fun Living In The Real World, Ain't It Good Being All Alone."

"Ain't it fun living in the real world, ain't it good being all alone."

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9 years ago
"I Walk This Empty Street On The Boulevard Of Broken Dreams."

"I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams."

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