Everything here will probably/most definitely be related to male vore and stuffing, and such. Please view at your own discretion
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HMMMM What Sorta Content Do People Like To See From Me? Just Curious~
HMMMM… what sorta content do people like to see from me? Just curious~
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I kinda went overboard with making an actually summonable servant for @dumdumdrawstumtums’ C/u-taur… Please enjoy

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Latest event in F/GO looks like it revisits little snippet of previous events and stuff, and...

Uh oh
Whats one food that Ozy is most likely to devour and eat too much of without thinking?
Oh that's a toughy... I'm not too sure hahaha;;;;;; do weaker servants or the occasional master count?
But I like to imagine exp or rider gems being an easy go to snack for servants, so him just casually snacking on those without realizing how much he's eaten is an easy one!
Otherwise, just about anything fancy or expensive! And obviously, after he's seen the result of his accidental feasting, he'd proudly flaunt his belly around C/haldea
Send me asks, I’m boooooooored

Technically she’ll be leading the way, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to contradict him right now.
My half of an art trade with @terra-bitez ! They requested Terra/Aqua vore, and I thought the spat between them at Radiant Garden would provide a good opportunity for just that. Because clearly he’s made a great case for himself on the whole “I don’t need supervision” argument, right?