Everything here will probably/most definitely be related to male vore and stuffing, and such. Please view at your own discretion
485 posts
..... Is It Showing Up Properly? Tumblr Seems To Struggle With Loading It On My End
..... is it showing up properly? tumblr seems to struggle with loading it on my end
zealousartisaneggsshepherd liked this · 3 years ago
More Posts from Itsawrites
HMMMM... what sorta content do people like to see from me? Just curious~

brief lil Blue back study. and also butt cause I wanted to focus on his body and now his clothes lol. bug booty
Are you alive? It’s nothing from you here for a long time. Missing your content, dude…
SORRY, I've just been going through a real dry spell lately and a lack of motivation
I'm still alive, mostly just lurking around, but I'm still here!! Hopefully I can be more lively sooner rather than later orz
I'm also on twitter at itsawrites where... I don't really post things either...
Send me asks, I’m boooooooored
Latest event in F/GO looks like it revisits little snippet of previous events and stuff, and…

Uh oh