itsbaconbits - BaconBits

153 posts

A Mandala Project We Did At School. It's A Little Over A Foot Big. Took About 2 To 3 Hours, It Was A

A Mandala Project We Did At School. It's A Little Over A Foot Big. Took About 2 To 3 Hours, It Was A

A Mandala project we did at school. It's a little over a foot big. Took about 2 to 3 hours, it was a lot of fun! Done only with black felt tipped pens and markers.

More Posts from Itsbaconbits

7 years ago
We The People

We the People

So, this may seem kinda silly, but I made this little guy in commemoration (that really isn’t the right word is it) of today. I don’t super like spreading my political views on the internet for fear of backlash, but I don’t think I can keep quiet anymore. Net Neutrality was voted down, which is a bummer. What I think is worse still is that the voices of “the people” just aren’t being listened too. The battle certainly isn’t over yet though, so let’s not give up hope! Fight fight fight against it!

Anyways, I know it’s nothing grand or fancy-- but it means something to me, and I think that’s what is most important. Creating art is the my only outlet so this was the poster I made to express my feelings.  Feel free to spread it around if you feel the same way.

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6 years ago
Let Us Not Forget The Mermen During Marmay.......... (I Know It's June First But Just Go With It XD)

Let us not forget the mermen during marmay.......... (I know it's June First but just go with it XD)

6 years ago
I Love Chalk...

I love chalk...

6 years ago
Marked (Preview)
Marked (Preview)
Marked (Preview)
Marked (Preview)
Marked (Preview)
Marked (Preview)
Marked (Preview)
Marked (Preview)

Marked (Preview)

Hope this little preview gets you just as excited as I am! I’ve officially started on my first graphic novel which, for the time being, is called Marked. I’ll be posting pages of the novel weekly on Fridays, so be looking forward to that. 

I’ll give you more of a summary next week with the title page and page one. But I feel like it’s important to say this now: this book addresses mental illness, specifically anxiety and depression. It’s just as much for those who are clinically diagnosed as it is for family members, friends, or anyone who wants to better understand. Hopefully it can help you or a loved one to gain insight on these situations. Please share this with family and friends, and get the word around. I hope to be able to influence as many people as possible! :)

Thank you!

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