i like to write cringy fanfics or analise caracters requests are open! :3
39 posts
I Really Miss The Earlier Stages Of The Internet Am Talking 2016-2018 Type Of Early When It Was Okay
I really miss the earlier stages of the internet am talking 2016-2018 type of early when it was okay to post whatever you like even if you arent conventionally attrative not everybody was begin revealed as a wierdo and all of it wasent just so overwhelming i miss those old creepypasta animations and those 25 minutes long nightcore speedpaint videos i wish people just stayed cringe
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More Posts from Itsmeeleanorstill
No words how much i love this and ive been WAITING for somebody to talk about this i love fem Habit
Why does literally no one talk about canon fem habit… LIKE HELLO ITS RIGHT THERE WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS MORE.
Me reading the sweet comments yall leave under my writing

I really dislike the creepypasta "fandom" on tiktok because all the cannon information gets ignored and the caracters get changed so much especially ticci toby so heres my opinion on the "toby would be an abuser" situation as a person who deals with similar disorders to him and i just generally relate to him as a caracter and just because somebody deals with mental issues and traumas that does not mean that they are abusive, tobys cannon personality is even tho reckless in my opinion is still caring torward partners and the people he likes i think he would rather hurt himself then the people he loves if corse he would sometimes acedentally hurt you or your feelings and ends up feeling super bad about it but that hapens to everyone in the world especially people with mental issues but i dont think he ever means it
even tho he haves mentall issues its not the right thing to ignore them all they are part of somebodys personality and the way they act and i complitely think that if somebody cant write about ticci tobys mental illnesses or does not look up any information about them i think its better if you dont even write about him instead of watering down his caracter and making your own version of him
Am gonna be very honest with you all i cannot stand most of the everymanhybrid fandom it was such a big shift for me compared to mardle hornets and yes i am aware that everymanhybrid does deal with more sensitive and intense topics in the show but that does that give people an exuse to be horroble and just generally very bad people me personally i didnt saw anything generally bad in the marble hornets fandom other then proshipping and people getting a bit wierd with the ships but thats something that hapens to bigger fandoms all the time but the emh fandom is so much i dont want to be in the same fandom spaces as nazis and racist people just because you are a fan of a caracter that dosent mean you can push belives and political views onto a caracter it really takes away the meaning of Habits caracter and how deeply well written he is and how acually he is a very smart caracter almost everything he does in the show is for a reason and i see a lot of people choosing to ignore everything just because they think he is hot yeah i think hes hot too but am not begin disgusting about i dont want people to know me only for my content about evan i will write about him but maybe later when i dont feel so grossed out with this fandom
I promised i will make a post about explaining what the scp fundation is because i think not many people are familiar with it but i mean most people who haves been around the internet enough have heard about it but we can never get the cannon information, can we?
Thats because there isint but kinda is cannon information! The scp fundation is an online wiki where people can upload stories about all kinds of cool creatures they can think of on the wedsite scp-wiki.wikidot.com
The only thing that really ties these stores togeder is the name S. C. P. wich is short for secure contain protect and the sistem that haves been aplied to these creatures based on how much of a danger they are and if corse much more but thats for anouther post lets get into the easy stuff and those are and those are
NEUTARILZED - no longer anomalous
SAFE - easy to contain not gonna kill you
EUCLID - was a bit hard to contain can be a danger just be carefull treat it well and everything will be fine
KETER - will not hasitate to kill you it is a danger and it was hard to contain so if it gets out we are fucked and it can get out of hand
We got the basics down lets get into the unversal lore stuff thats not but at the same time cannon
The scp fundation captures creatures that does not look or act or do anything that is not very fitting for our normal human world and studies them to know how they got to be that way or to just get them away and protect normal people
There are researchers and scientist (two different things wich i didnt knew)
Scientists focus on developing theoretical knowledge, while researchers concentrate on practical applications of knowledge to answer questions or solve problems. (Copied that straight from google yall i dont know the diference eather but they are diferent)
So the scientists gather informations about the scps take tests basicly try and figure them out in any way possible
And there are the personels/solders those two words just basicly mean the same things here its depens really on the person they are the people with the guns who contain the scps keep the staff safe and make sure everything goes in order almost like security guards but a like more cool (people who like the cool swat solder look but dislike the military or for any reason they need something thats similar this is a great option)
And there is the D-class basicly human sarcafise am sorry i cant say it other way they are there to die they help with the experiments for exaple see how an scp would react to humans begin locket up with them all kinds of stuff honesly