Haikyu Hurt / Comfort Works
haikyu hurt / comfort works
safe besides you - kiyoomi sakusa x sick reader
you're enough - shinsuke kita x reader who got rejected from an university
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I'm having so much fun searching through haikyu twitter page and looking at all the time skip illustrations especially this one of my onigiri man Miya Osamu
about me ♡
english isn’t my first language but I’ll try my best
I write essentially for haikyu (fluff, hurt/comfort, angst) with any characters so don’t hesitate to request on my blog for headcanons, fics, scenarios and more !
bye bye

a/n: sims 4 infants man…
warnings: pregnant!reader

soon to be dad!suna who is so excited about being a dad that he religiously shoves the picture of your first ultrasound into his friends‘ faces.
soon to be dad!suna who is even clingier than he was before, insisting to always be by your side (to the point where you have to usher him out of the bathroom to get some peace).
soon to be dad!suna who loves to tease you about your cravings, but doesn’t hesitate to go out and grab anything you want during any point of the day (or night)
soon to be dad!suna who still pokes fun at you when you complain about your swollen feet, yet in the same breath he tells you that he‘ll give you a foot rub.
soon to be dad!suna who gets very protective in public now — always right by your side with his arm around your waist, pulling you closely against him.
soon to be dad!suna who believes in all the old wives tales about whether your baby is a boy or a girl and will not back down (not even after what your obgyn told you).
soon to be dad!suna who already plans what kind of matching outfits he‘ll wear with his child.
soon to be dad!suna who does a full blown maternity shoot by himself once you‘re nearing the third trimester.
soon to be dad!suna who sometimes lies awake at night, anxious about your future as a family, doubting if he’s going to be a good father after all.
soon to be dad!suna who confides in you after you noticed him spacing out while you were shopping for some decorations for the nursery, telling you about all the doubts in his mind.
soon to be dad!suna who loves to just lie down with you on the couch, fingers absentmindedly drawing little shapes on your stomach until he jolts after feeling the baby kick against his palm.
soon to be dad!suna who always loved to nap with you, but now he can’t get enough of it; spooning you with his hands on your swollen belly.
soon to be dad!suna who whenever you‘re already asleep loves to talk to your baby, putting his hands on your belly because he swears that your child can feel it.
soon to be dad!suna who is elated that his dream of having a family with you is finally becoming reality.

reblogs to show support for soft!suna
hc that after hinata and kageyama become second years, karasuno becomes like. a magnet for finding the most insane players ever. and i dont mean just insanely good, i mean like. “freak duo” spiking with his eyes closed insane. nobody knows that the hell to expect with karasuno because theyre always up to some shit. one kid is infamous for solely receiving with his feet. another always manages to spike inside the bounds by like only an inch. it becomes a running joke amongst the teams. theyre always up to some shit.