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60 posts
Do Any Of Your Preds Have Specific Prey Preferences? Like Athletic Prey, Chubby, Large, Small, Etc?
Do any of your preds have specific prey preferences? Like athletic prey, chubby, large, small, etc?
They do not have a strong preference on who is going to end up in their stomach, (obviously as long as they're adults), each pred is different based on their lore/backstory.
John: His preference of prey is athletic men, ideally bodybuilder types. Massively large but heavily muscular to keep up with his muscular physique.
Hans: He pretty much devours skinnier/lean guys as they're easier to carry when he wants a quick bite. He does devour women every blue moon.
Kyle: His type of prey is pretty much athletic builds because of his fraternity Iota Alpha, where during frat rushes and parties, he'll quickly pick off someone throughout the day unnoticed.
Sol: He has an equal balance on his preferences, seeing athletic builds, chubby, short, tall, men, and women on the menu. He primarily tends to focus on men but he likes to make it a bonus with those with a significant other just to have a double meal.
Hayes: Athletic builds have been his sweet tooth but he is extremely boastful when he catches chubby prey larger than him. He likes to basically be unable to move from his spot when devouring bigger people.
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More Posts from Izznts
Happy Pride Month!
Thought I'd do a cute post-vore short story for all of you with my hunky athlete OC John!
John walked heavily towards a nearby tree. Placing his strong back against it as he slowly plopped down on his rump. His legs spread open to accommodate the massive size of his enlarged stomach.
He was on his morning jog that consists of 30 minutes of straight jogging, 5 minutes of walking, and 5 minutes of sprinting and repeat.
Sweat poured down his head and body as he grimaced in pain from the run and from his belly that squirmed uncomfortably on his waist. He felt his manhood grow underneath, making it painful as it twitched, begging for release.
Looking down, his abs that were replaced by the spherical ball in front of him, was an egotistical trophy to him. One that he felt every punch and kick against his stomach walls and would only make small imprints and bulges to the surface.
"Shit man, you need to stop moving." He says as he smacked the side of his stomach. The belly bounced slightly, making it look like a water balloon. Placing a fist over his mouth, he tried to stiffle a loud belch. Failing, he opened his mouth as the loud belch echoed.
After his much-needed belch, a pair of shoes flew out of his mouth, covered in saliva. His mouth dripped with drool, wiping his lips with the back of his arm.
The same loud belch scared some birds above him as they flew away, making chirps of surprise.
Placing his left hand behind his head, while his right rubbed the curves and crevices of his belly, he soon felt his jogger snack barely moving within him.
"Just how I like it, a full belly and it being still-URRP." John says as he patted his belly in satisfaction. Hearing the soft wind breeze and feeling it against his bare belly, he closed his eyes to take a small cat nap.
His belly gurgling loudly in the process, making the hunk chuckle when it tickled.
Hello! Of your OC preds, how would you rank them based on belly capacity/ hunger drive (smallest to highest) 👉👈
Oh my god I love this question! Ahem I think...
I'll speak more on those that have been shared to the public~
Philip + Kyle both have a capacity of devouring atleast 2 people into their stomachs. They don't like carrying as much weight as they need too so equally they mentally know 2 is enough to fill them up.
Hayes + Dante both have an equal capacity of eating 3 people, HOWEVER, Hayes hunger drive is faster so him consuming his max and quickly digesting them when he wants to will get him within the month consuming up to 30 people in the month because he enjoys his belly squirming.
Hans + Sol; there hunger drive is really up top within my pred OCs and I believe it'll stay as such as they can consume and carry up to 4 people. Similar to Hayes, there hunger drive is really based on their horniness, Sol specifically would devour men/women whether because he feels like it or if his boyfriend needed something to rest on other than his bed. This puts Sol devouring people on a monthly up to 40. Hans merely devours just to merely use his belly as a seduce tactic to have sex with anyone that finds him attractive with his gut.
John definitely has the highest hunger drive and capacity, especially within my verse in general; NO ONE WILL TOP THE TOP HORNDOG! John can hold up to 6 people entirely, and when he wishes to grab more, he'll wait to digest his caught prey and go grab a brand new bunch. His hunger drive is merely based off of dominance and pleasure, finding ways to befriend strangers while giving that dominant aura and when those "friends" are a little hooked to him; down the stomach they go.
I remember reading a post earlier about ur convict verse, what's that gonna be about?? Also what made you think of a polygamy relationship in your universe??
So my convict verse, I summarized it this way to where it's going to have a lot of vore/stuffing art that I'll be commissioning to bring the story more to life in a visual standpoint. So be on the look-out for lots of art in the future.
I think as for the plot itself, I definitely wanted to make it more of a drama, romance, comedy writing (I planned a good several long chapters for this) So with that, I wrote down how a group of preds finally got arrested for their devouring crimes (get it? Hehe) and they go to court for said crimes. They each got sentenced and have to stay within their prison for however long the judge pleads them (not spoiling~). And so they get put into their cells and basically wait things out. They'll have a special treatment; as per requested from their lawyers, and they'll have assigned nurses (The observers) that will take care of them.
Thus far when writing, the nurses couldn't help but be drawn to the preds in question and was very attracted to them which causes an issue for sure between the prisoners and nurses. The preds do take this as an opportunity to trick the nurses that takes care of them to get them more food at the beginning. Which the preds uses their gluttony to attract the attention from the nurses and ask for special treatment in other ways.
Vore wise, definitely wrote a moment of a fight breaking out and one of the preds ate the prisoner that wanted to act tough. Things are still a work in progress but the idea is definitely there and shining bright.
As for the other question, I like the overprotective bodyguard attitude concept. I believe with my pred OCs, they each equally share a thought and that's to make sure that there beloved is safe and unharmed. I also think that within the vore/belly-kink community its very rare for a polygamy based relationship (especially in my verse its a 1 observer + 4 pred boyfriends)
I'll be honest though, it can get a little bit chaotic in my verse as I try to give each of them an equal spotlight (yet I do have favorites) and so some preds will have more attention than the others. It's really based on how things are planned.
Please tell me there’s a story to go with the John’s prideful feast art. I am begging
It's in the works right now! It'll be out soon I promise. <3
I hope this isn't weird or cliche but your oc couples seem like the type who gives each other cute nicknames
And they do for sure, with Izzy and his 4 canon boyfriends, the nicknames they gave for each other is very cute and cliché.
Izzy's common nicknames from his lovers would be Izzy Iz (reference to Iggy Ig's; Iggy Azalea), Izzybug, or the preds most favorite, Koala. Koala is a nickname Kyle gave him when he was drunk and he noticed Izzy snuggling on his bloated stomach (whether by eating someone or just lots of food) and he didn't budge or wanted to go anywhere; basically staying in one place until he was practically dragged off by one of his other boyfriends. This made the others agree within themselves that this nickname was the perfect one.
Kyle's nickname that Izzy gave him specifically is Koco Puffs; strange as it does resemble the cereal but Izzy always thought of Kyle's chaotic himbo-like behavior to be off that bird. Instead of cereal it's food (and/or prey); lots of it.
Sol's nicknames that was created for him were Soly, Sunny (as his origin name meaning means Sun), or Solmate. He always liked Soly more than the other nicknames, too him, it makes him feel like a playful person, which, that's up too debate ;). Solmate, if he hears that too much, his timeout session is 30 minutes safely in his gullet.
John's nickname is pretty straightforward, as his flirtatious and seductive behavior leads him to a simple name of JJ or Johnnykins, which he absolutely hates the most. He would give punishment to pretty much anyone that uses Johnnykins.
Hayes is the only pred that has the unique and playful nicknames, which has caused some jealousy from the other preds. They know it's really because of the unique and simple name. Izzy had lots of fun with choosing his nicknames; Hay-Hay and Haylo.
PET NAME wise, the most common pet name the preds are given is Teddy, as naturally of course they cuddle a whole lot and are very affectionate when in the mood. Another being Goober; mainly Goober is towards Hayes and Kyle for their himbo, playful behavior. The common pet name the preds give too Izzy is Sugar Plum, as he's very sweet and Hun Bun (mostly said from John when he's being extremely affectionate).