izznts - vore-a-tour

Welcome aboard! You'll see short stories containing my OC's. Trust me, they're filling. Have a request, a question? Shoot me an ask, I'll do my best to get too them! 🔞+ page, PLEASE no minors.

60 posts

Look At Your Babes Francisco @manilonzo-22 !!!

Look at your babes Francisco @manilonzo-22 !!!

Thank you so much for drawing this @bastardofbabylon

Finished Comm For @izznts!

Finished comm for @izznts!

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More Posts from Izznts

8 months ago

Based on his preferences, I’d imagine John would see bodybuilding competitions like a ranked all you can eat meat buffet <3


The bonus behind this is that he most definitely would sign himself up into the competition, just to eat the other competitors and get disqualified. Losing the competition but walking/waddling off with a giant wrecking mass of a gut with the unlucky bodybuilders he caught. Belching up speedos when he needs to get a good burp out.

His favorite yet common quote I feel he'll use when he's muttering to himself would be

"I eat guys bigger than y'all and you all aren't trying to squirm in there."

When he knows why, it gets cramped with other bodybuilder hunks stuck inside.

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5 months ago

I'm curious

So throughout my time writing, commissioning from various artists. I wish to know not only what brought you to my page, whether a specific oc or OCs or a specific story or stories.

But is there something you wish to futurely see? There's something I want to plan for the future but I want to know from you guys what has been something you crave for.

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5 months ago


For those that have sent me asks related to discord I wanted to make this post dedicated to the several individuals who have asked. I haven't really chosen to answer those questions as I was unsure how much this page would grow and it has grown immensely over the several months and I thank everyone for sticking around and enjoying what I have shared whether from my writing or from the art I have bought.

If I were to create a discord server (I never made one before so it might be later on this year.) Would you be interested?

This server IS and WILL BE 18+ and I will plan a set up to make sure no minors sneak in. I already had to block a couple off of this page.

This server will be dedicated towards the OCs and future ones that I have and have NOT released just yet. Throughout time I wish to have more feedback on future ideas with you.

Again, this will be later on but wanted to post this for those that have asked. If you have a discord and wish to join. Add my discord ahead of time, I'll keep track.

Discord: izey_na

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7 months ago


After so long, a story is now in your arms, even after all the lovely comms I bought from artists and shared with you, NOTHING will take me from writing HAHAHAHA.

I am grateful for @gurren42 for also being a great friend and writing with me this piece with his oc Leo Marilyn who is now canon in my verse. The nerdy man of wisdom. Please enjoy what we have shared and more to come!

Barista To-Go!

“Could I get a name for the order?” The cute barista asked, subtly adjusting his work apron, hoping his nametag ‘Leo’ would be obvious to the tan, handsome man that stood on the other side of the counter.  

“Sol, S- O -L,” he grumbled, his name obviously misspelled frequently.

“Sure thing, Sol! Your order will be up soon!” Leo said chipperly as he went about crafting the espresso-heavy drink mixed with protein powder and ice. His last order of the day and his face was flushed as he thought of the large man he had been talking to. Flirting with a little. 

He glanced over at the athletic Sol leaning back against a wall as he stretched his arms over his head. His biceps bulged even through the light blue hoodie he wore. Leo’s gaze drifted down to the exposed few inches of belly above his gray sweatpants, admiring the toned abdominal muscles and faint treasure trail. He smirked and softly murmured an appreciative “mmm” to himself. He again adjusted his apron, this time for a different reason as he finished mixing the drink and went to the pickup counter. “Order for Sol!” He said with a smile, sliding the cool drink across the counter.

Sol walked up, took the coffee wordlessly with a faint, tired smile and a nod, and walked over to a table by the window and began to sip, idly looking out as though he was expecting someone. Leo watched the man sit down at the table, as he took off his apron and got ready to clock out. He made himself an iced blueberry latte  with an extra couple pumps of cherry syrup.

As Leo was leaving his job, his coffee in hand, he fished his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through his notifications to catch up. Out of habit he opened the door and walked out, bumping headlong into someone. The cold chill of dread as first he felt the sensation of his hand being wet from his drink and then he looked down to see that he had indeed splashed almost all of it onto this poor stranger. 

“Oh my god, I am so sorry, sir,” Leo frantically tried to apologize, cringing as he noticed how expensive those clothes looked. The well-dressed stranger seemed more concerned with the distressed barista than the stained clothes.

“Hey, hey,” he said in a disarming tone, “it's alright. Accidents happen. I guess it’s a good thing I brought extra clothes today. Be right back.” The stranger chuckled lightly and went back to his vehicle to get his clothes. He returned shortly with a different, comfortable set and went inside to use the restroom to change. Leo waited inside to apologize further, but his anxious thoughts were interrupted by a tap on his shoulder.  

“What the hell did you do to my boyfriend?” Sol asked angrily, Leo was shocked at the sudden anger, only stutters escaping his mouth as he tried to explain. 

“I-it w-was an accident, I-I was just trying to leave!” Leo said in defense. Sol gritted his teeth as he got closer, backing Leo into a wall.

“Sol! Don't you even think about it!” A stern voice from across the cafe as the newly dressed stranger  walked up and pulled at Sol’s arm, creating some space between the intimidating figure and the wide-eyed Leo.

“Izzy, are you serious right now? He spilt his dumb coffee on your clothes!” Sol retorted, glaring daggers at Leo. 

“It was my fault for not paying attention, accidents happen, so please, don't act out.” Izzy pleaded softly. Sol stood there a moment unmoving before finally he huffed as he walked past him back to his seat from before. 

Leo looked at Izzy and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. 

“It's alright, I'm sorry for that, he gets very protective,” He tried to apologize, Leo chuckled softly as he avoided eye contact. 

“It's fine, I should've been more careful with my drink.” Leo said quietly. Izzy looked over to see Sol looking out the window in the seat he chose for them. Izzy looked back at Leo and noticed his hoodie had the logo of one of his favorite games.

"So, uh…I play Overnight too," Izzy said casually, making Leo smile widely as he noticed that the stranger looked at his hoodie.

"Really?! It’s one of my favorites actually! We should play sometime," Leo said, immediately realizing what he just asked and awkwardly blushed. 

Izzy chuckled. "Sure, how about tonight?We actually planned game-night with him and the others," he answered softly, and extended a hand. “Come on, let's take a seat.” Izzy gestured, Leo tilted his head and nervously took Izzy's hand as he walked and dragged him to the seat quickly. Sol looked at them, facing away from the window, raising an eyebrow. 

Sol gave an up and down look at the barista from earlier, lightly scoffed to himself as he saw the tall man with his lover, looking as if they instantly became best friends from the simple incident. 

“What? You're making me fully apologize now?” Sol grumbled Izzy glared before looking at Leo, letting him sit down in front of Sol as Izzy moved next to Sol. 

“You need to stop, seriously.” Izzy said in a frustrated but gentle tone, wrapping Sol's muscular arms over his shoulder and began rubbing small circles on the muscular hand. Sol sighed as he relaxed a little more, eventually giving a small peck on the top of his lover's head.  

He sat up straight and looked directly at Leo.Sol's assessing stare made Leo kind of wilt, his confidence decreasing. "So....uh, he's your--"

"Boyfriend, yes," Sol interrupted, then folded his large hands together and leaned in slightly. "And you... I assume... are single?"

Leo flushed slightly and nodded. "New to town actually. Starting fresh, new friends, new job...living out of a closet," he chuckled at his joke that wasn't far from the truth.

“Ah, moved because of your sexuality?” Sol asked curiously, raising a slight eyebrow. Leo shook his head, hiding a slight and embarrassed chuckle. 

"Hey, not that kind of closet, though I am out and proud," rolling his sleeve up slightly to show a small rainbow heart tattoo. "Anyways," he continued, "the people are nice enough for a bigger city. I'm used to maybe ....a tenth the population. But there's plenty to do here and plenty of cuties. Cuties into video games specifically" He inquired gently flirting as he looked back and forth at the two. 

"Careful," Sol cautioned, "but yes, Izzy here plays when he has the time." Sol leaned over and wrapped a muscled arm around his smaller, slender lover.

"Sometimes Sol plays them too, but he's a sore loser." Izzy teased, rubbing his thumb on top of Sol's hand , which was wrapped around him. Sol rolled his eyes as he purposefully and gently squeezed Izzy's side, making him squeak in surprise. 

Leo smiled widely at the answer. "What games do you play?" Leo asked Sol. Sol looked at Izzy with an eyebrow raise, shrugging.

“I usually just play Overnight casually. It’s a fun game when I’m not competitive.” Sol answered softly.

“You’ll see tonight at game night!” Izzy chimed in, Sol looked at him wide-eyed. 

"Babe, that's the same time the others are coming back home." Sol answered.

"Hmmm, then he'll get to meet them all. I'm sure he’ll… fit in just fine," Izzy said, elbowing Sol subtly and chuckling. "What role do you play, Leo?" Izzy leaned forward in genuine interest, his brown eyes curious. 

"Support typically!" Leo beamed proudly. "Charity is my main usually. Like to be the healer, you know?”

"Charity is alright, been more of a Noir main." Izzy said softly with a light chuckle, Sol looked at both Izzy and Leo, honestly admiring the connection and bond between the two, despite the incident. 

Sol noticed the time, having to keep watch for Izzy as he gets distracted. "Babe, doesn't your collection campaign meeting start in the next hour? You might need to get ready, traffic looks bad," Sol said. Izzy looked and  softly sighed to himself, having blissfully forgotten. 

"I wish I could stay longer, but I do need to leave. It's been nice meeting you Leo, can't wait to see you again!" Izzy said as he got up, giving a kiss on Sol's cheek before heading out.

"See ya , Izzy!" Leo called after him. "Guess I'll get going then, you take care of him, Sol. You've got my number for the meetup?" Sol nodded and patted his pocket where he'd folded it up and put it. 

Leo smiled as he got up from his seat and headed out the door, beginning his walk home. He placed his giant headphones on his head, listening to his favorite tunes. The scenery was active, cars driving around, bicyclists racing each other playfully, animals strolling around. He lightly smiled when he noticed a black cat follow him as it kept meowing. 

“Are you trying to find a new home, buddy?” Leo chuckled as he knelt down to pet it. As he tried to, the cat sprinted away, looking back and meowing once more before heading off. Leo smiled as he shook his head in a relaxed, joking manner. About to turn around to continue his path home, he saw Sol turning the corner the cat passed. 

He raised an eyebrow as he watched Sol casually walk at a brisk pace to him. Taking his headphones off, he placed them into his bag he carried from work. “Sol? Do you live nearby?” He asked him, Sol shrugged nonchalantly as he curiously inspected the figure in front of him. 

 "Leo, mind walking with me? I forgot to get your number to meet up later," he said as he resumed a normal stride. His stomach rumbled loudly, loudly enough for Leo to hear. 

"Oh sure! Also are you hungry? We can stop in a snack store quickly if you–"

"I’ll eat something when I get home, no worries.” Sol interrupted, keeping the conversation as short and straightforward as possible as they exchanged numbers.

Leo raised an eyebrow as he awkwardly nodded. He looked around the area, trying to spark some sort of conversation with him. “So…uh, when did you and Izzy start dating?” Leo asked curiously, Sol looked at him, a little surprised.

“Shit, it’s been a year with him really. We’ve both grown a lot since he took me in.” Sol answered, his eyes gleamed as he spoke highly of his lover. Leo smiled lightly as he continued to walk down the sidewalk. 

Leo’s apartment was several extra minutes away, he saw an empty bench that was shaded by trees that he guided them towards. Leo sat down on the bench, Sol sitting next to him as they admired the lively neighborhood.

“Are you sure you don't want to get something to eat now? Your stomach has been adding to the conversation a bunch.” Leo mentioned, Sol shrugged it off with a light chuckle. 

“Shit, I need to absolutely stuff myself full, I could eat a horse. Hell, I could probably eat someone if I wanted to.” Sol said with a cocky smirk. Leo raised an eyebrow at that statement, confused and slightly aroused. 

“There’s no way he could… right? Is he a pred?” He thought to himself, he looked over at Sol with an expression of extreme curiosity. 

“What do you mean by that Sol?” Leo asked, Sol smirked as he lifted his sweatshirt-hoodie up, exposing his toned abs. He casually pushed out his stomach for emphasis, making his abs now round out to a basketball-size stomach.

“I like to eat a lot, and I tend to feast more than I need to.” Sol said teasingly; he gestured to Leo to cop a feel as he moved himself to face him a bit. His belly still pushed out for Leo to feel. 

Leo blushed as he looked around to see if anyone nearby was looking. Sol rolled his eyes before gently taking Leo’s hand and placing it on his stomach. Leo felt the taut yet smooth stomach that Sol teasingly displayed for him. 

“Does it feel good?” Sol asked, Leo could only nod as he was too focused.

Sol chuckled as he was looking for somewhere that hid the both of them from view. He noticed an alley, making him look back at Leo who continued to rub his stomach, pushing his head gently down to place Leo’s ear against his stomach to hear the rumbling and bubbling and churning just below the surface.  

“Hey, follow me real quick.” Sol gestured as he relaxed, his stomach going back to its toned abs as he got up from the bench. Leo looked at him confusingly as he pulled down his sweatshirt-hoodie as he walked away. 

Leo awkwardly got up and followed suit, seeing Sol go into the alley. It smelt damp as they vwalked deeper and deeper. Suddenly and gently yet dominantly, Sol firmly grabbed Leo’s shoulder and placed him against the alley-wall.

"S-Sol?! What are you doing?" Leo asked, Sol leaned closer as he loomed over Leo, licking his lips hungrily. Sol slightly leaned down and put a finger over Leo's lips to gently shush him. 

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I need a favor from you.” He whispered as he glanced down to see Leo's pants tented. He looked up and cocked a smirk as he whispered into his ear. 

“Remember when I said I could eat a person? Why don’t you let me eat you?” Sol teased as he licked Leo’s ear gently. Leo instantly went red from arousal.

“Y-You’re able to do that?” He asked, the hunk smirked as he placed his hand onto his stomach, covered by the hooded-sweatshirt .

“Yep, do it all the time, you’ll be safe in here and I’ll let you out later on , I promise. Just let me take control and you'll be fine." His hot breath washed over Leo's face, gently rustling his longer brown hair.

Leo trembled, unaware what he truly meant as he blushed from Sol touching his hair. He felt slightly nervous, yet excited to try this out.

“Ok, I want to give this a try.” Leo said shyly, Sol smiled as he nodded, ruffling his hair in a friendly manner. He unhinged his jaw, opened wide, and engulfed Leo's head swiftly. Not even seconds later, Sol's hungry mouth started gulping Leo like spaghetti. 

Leo could feel himself being tugged inside the man’s hungry body like a snake. Soon he felt himself be lifted up off the ground, allowing gravity to assist him. 

Sol started inhaling and exhaling through his nose as he took each gulp, feeling his abs slowly swell outward, accommodating Leo into his space, Sol took one final gulp and felt his snack fully stretch his stomach to a comparable size of a yoga ball. 

As Leo sat inside Sol curled in the fetal position, Sol rubbed over his enlarged stomach that stretched out a couple feet. His hooded-sweatshirt not even attempting to cover the mass circumference of the belly.

"Damn, you tasted really good, I'm actually glad how things turned out this afternoon." Sol cooed as he rubbed over his belly lightly. The experience was entirely new but surprisingly pleasant for Leo, though he did notice that he was barefoot. Sol must have pulled his shoes and socks off masterfully. In fact, he felt the stomach clenching around him, tugging and pulling at his clothes.

Outside, Sol smiled as he felt his stomach rumble and he gently patted his chest with his fist and suddenly belched hard, sending Leo's pants flying into the to-go bag he'd already deposited his shoes into. Another belch after a minute or two yielded his shirt and underwear. And a last smaller belch for his drool-covered glasses. All safely stowed in the bag labeled 'Soul' incorrectly by the worker he'd rushed.

Sol strutted back to his house, belly bouncing and swaying with every footstep. His distended belly got some attention from bystanders as he walked past them. Some mumbles and cautious glances being directed to him. 

Making it to the mansion-like home, he opened the door entering into the house, closing the door behind him. Taking his shirt completely off as he waddled to the couch.

Sitting down on the couch, his belly sat in between his muscular thighs as he leaned back slightly. Rubbing his muscular hand over the curve of his belly, feeling Leo slightly move around within him. 

"Mmm , nothing but a nice, big ol ’ belly will do for me." Sol purred, patting his rotund gut satisfied. He slowly moved his finger to his bellybutton, fingering the cavernous navel. A soft burp lightly escaped his mouth, making him laugh to himself.

Leo felt everything, every little movement, every balancing tense of his core muscles to adjust to the shifted center of gravity, every pat and rub and now the exploratory prodding in his mid back from the outside. He wiggled and squirmed a bit at the new sensation, also trying to find a more comfortable position.

He eventually, with Sol's external help too, managed to slide around so his back was to Sol's back so he could more easily kick and stretch and rub, finding all the spots Sol liked.

"You're pretty good at this, you know? Are you sure this is your first time?" Sol asked, looking down at his rotund gut. 

"Y-yeah," Leo blushed fiercely, "I just have.... fantasized about this for a long time." He says shyly. 

Sol chuckled, bouncing him around behind the powerful abdominal muscles holding him in place. "Explore, Leo, explore,” the large man purred. “Maybe if you’re good, I’ll keep you there longer for being good." Sol smacked the side of his stomach. He sat back and watched the bulges that were Leo shift and move about, testing and exploring these exciting new waters.

Leo started to push against the stomach walls with his hands, making a faint hand imprint near Sol's bellybutton. Sol bit his lip as he clenched his feet in arousal, feeling Leo adventure within him. 

"Ah fuck man, that was a very good spot there." Sol slightly moaned, rubbing over the imprint before pushing it back within his gut. 

It bounced a bit, making Sol reposition himself on the couch, opening his legs up more for the belly to fully lay in between his thighs.

Leo felt the two tree trunk impressions of Sol's thighs shift and allow more space as they moved higher or rather the belly lower. A new subtle throbbing pressed against him as he rested against the slightly aroused pred. 

He continued to rub and push out, stretching this way and getting various levels of response from Sol, all pleasurable as the space heated up some and he was slowly coated in all the drool the larger male had been swallowing down as his mouth watered due to his prey.

Sol gripped both sides of his stomach, giving it a firm shake. “Better be careful~ I might just hog you all to myself.” Sol cooed as he lifted his gut to his chest slightly, letting go as it bounced back onto his muscular thighs.

To Leo this felt like a big hug as the space tightened and was lifted, feeling strong muscular arms and large powerful hands caressing him then he dropped and bounced, sliding around in the slippery stomach changing position. 

His head was now behind Sol's navel as he huffed while Leo lay on his back in Sol's lap separated from the thick thighs by layers of Sol but his outline could be subtly made out in the  tight gut as Sol went back to playing with his navel, teasing Leo's head within.

Sol got up from the couch and waddled towards the nearest wall, grinding his gut into it.

"Shit, if Izzy were here I would have pounded his ass already.”  Sol roared in arousal as he smacked the sides of his gut.

"Is this what happens to preds after they eat? They get easily riled up? I thought that was just in adult films?” Leo asked genuinely, equally aroused but hiding it from the pred in the dark belly as Sol went to town trying to cool down his pent-up sexual frustration, but Leo kept hitting all his sensitive spots, intentionally or not.

Sol growled lustfully as he kept grinding into the wall with his belly. Something urgently rubbed uncomfortably in his shorts that wanted, demanded release. 

"I just need... Izzy..." Sol says panting to himself as he thought about the noises Izzy would make. His mind was filled with thoughts of the feeling of Izzy’s slender hands gripping and holding onto his gut for dear life as the hunk would pound, each thrust pure ecstacy for both.

The husky growling and the rising temperature of the situation both literally and figuratively had Leo panting and wishing Izzy were here now too as his hands wandered and the rhythmic motions Sol made definitely made it hard for him to think. Simmering inside the powerful pred, he asked in a brief moment of clarity "How ....long. ... until he's back?"

Sol thrust upward long and slow as he slowly regained control and thought a bit. "About two hours, " he huffed, panting gently with aching arousal. "Fuck…need a cold shower then," he grunted and began half-waddling off to his room to do so.

Sol went to his own bedroom, taking off his clothes completely, a slap as his length hit the underbelly of his dome as he walked to the bathroom.

He waddled over and started the shower with cold water. Getting in, he felt the cold water hit the smooth curve of his stomach. Relaxing and letting his riled up thoughts subside as he hummed light tunes to himself idly. Grabbing soap to wash himself, he scrubbed all over his body and belly, covering himself with a fresh lavender scent. 

After several minutes in the shower, he got out and wrapped a towel on his lower waist where his belly hung. 

“Alright bud, I enjoyed you there but I’m gonna let you out so you can shower. I’ll wash your clothes and I believe someone here has spare ones for you that will fit you” Sol said, rubbing the upper curve of his gut in big circles. 

“Aww, but I wanted to stay here a little longer.” Leo lightly whined, Sol chuckled as he gave his gut a little jostle with his muscular hands. 

“I’ll keep that in mind next time.” Sol promised. 

Leo felt himself, weirdly slide out of Sol’s mouth, deposited onto the cold bathroom floors, covered in saliva. Sol chuckled as he placed an extra towel for him to dry himself with. Walking off out of the bathroom and shutting the door behind him. 

Leo got into the shower and turned on luke -warm water that gently hit his skin. Grabbing soap and washing off all the saliva and juices from the stomach that came out with him. He had felt very safe, comfortable even within him. 

Leo’s mind replayed everything over and over, as he continued to shower and hum softly to himself. “ I’m really glad I met these two ,” he thought with a fond smile of the adventures to come. 

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5 months ago

Has there ever been an oc you wish to change?? I love all of then but I'm curious if there's a future plan for them

Well... I have thought of changing a couple OCs appearances and updating a few of my OCs background stories.

Kyle Rivers; I wanted to give him a couple piercings and change his hair color and hairstyle.

Hans Kareem; him being my oldest OC, I wish to give him a little different style and capacity when he gorges. I even thought of giving him some grey hairs and more body hair, making him the Daddy Pred of the bunch.

Izzy Oliana; me and my close friend were chatting about this for ages now and I believe it's time to open up a new chapter for him. Allowing him to be a switch between prey and pred.

I even added a couple anthro preds for a different verse that complete separates from the main verse.

Ezra my husky frat anthro pred

Clyde my rhinoceros mafia anthro pred

I'm taking my time and trying to be frequent with writing but college and work has been piling up. So the most that I can do at the time is do my best to write short story scenarios of the preds and sharing commissions I buy until I have extra time to write longer detailed stories.

It is Voretober and so I'll probably pop in to participate story wise if I can catch it in time. Plus it doesn't hurt to see what you and my audience would like to read in a short story scenario. :)

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