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Monarch Godzilla Variant Profile "Hera"
Monarch Godzilla Variant Profile "Hera"
Overview: The Godzilla variant Hera, is agreed to be the weakest of the Godzilla variants. Though her biggest strength is her strange, motherily bond between Variants Leviathan( See Profile "Leviathan/Bloop" for Context) and Sekhmet( See Profile "Sekhmet" for Context). Hera has a Perseus( See Profile "Persues"for context) as her biological child, but Persues is more attached to Niko Tatopoulous the leader of Humanitarian, Enviromental, Analysis, Team(H.E.A.T.). But there are cases of Persues showing sibling relations with Leviathan and Sekhmet.
Thanks to the data from H.E.A.T. Unlike most Godzilla variants, Hera and Persues are mutated descendents of normal ignuanas from high exposure to radation caused by nuclear testing in the Atlantic. Hera lacks Atomic breath and is replaced by nuclear fire that doesn't cause much damage compared to other Atomic Breaths. Hera shows neutral and terroirtial behavoir towards humans and is advised to never attempt contact.
Now, to the New Mexcio Incident(See full Incident Report #342 on Data Files). Before the Incident it was reported that people in the outskirts of New Mexcio had begun to suddenly dissappear . Hera, Sekhmet, Leviathan, and Persues were all in New Mexcio. Sekhmet and Leviathan seprated from Hera not long after Hera was caught and subduded by a Kajiu called Kumonga. Kumonga's venom may had not only nearly fatiliy killed Hera, but blocked off telepathic messages to Leviathan and Sekhmet .
When Leviathan and Sekhmet had found Kumonga's lair, seeing Kumong with Hera asumimg she was dead. All of thier pain, thier suffering both physical and emotionial returned, they didn't just kill Kumonga he was tortured to death and thus began the incident. For short context on incident # 342, there was a population 3.566 million people in New Mexcio, after those that died of radation posioning there was only 200,000 left in the entire state.
At the time of the Incident Hera was revived with both Monrach agents and members of H.E.A.T. had synched an antivemon for Kumonga's venmon and inserted it orally into Hera yet was digested at a slow pace, and this was all while Leviathan and Semhket were destroying half of New Mexcio. When Hera was revived she immeddily reestabished telepathic contact with Leviathan and Sekhmet, both Leviathan and Sekhmet had stop thier rampage and returned to Hera.
Godzilla Varient Relations: Hera's relations towards fellow Godzillas other than Leviathan, Semhket, Persus, and Heraclues( See Profile "Heraclues/Horus/Richard" for Context)are more cooperative and neutral. Hera sees Richard as all the Godzillas see him as the Alpha and are highily cooperative with orders from Richard. Godzilla Variants Levithan and Semhket are always seen around Hera, and have been seen playing games with Hera inculding a reverse hide and seek which is popular between l three variants. Hera's relations with other Kajiu including Mothra Variants and Incarnations are terratorial and hostile.
Conclusion on Godzilla Variant: There is alot to learn about such a strange bond between Hera and her foster offspring, and with Incident #342 not only shows what happens when you hurt "Mommy", but on how a Mother's love so strong that it blankets the constant pain of Leviathan and the never ending suffering of Semhket.
coldplayfangirl16 liked this · 8 months ago
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Monrach Profile Of GodZilla Varient Richard/Heraclues/Horus:
It was'nt the Mutos that brought Heraclues to the world, After the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is what awoken Heraclues. He could smell all of the radation from his lair, then the Nuclear Testing that drew his attention. Yet before that, Horus was revered as a God as early as man was in the temple submerged over tectonic movements and Earthquakes only leaving Horus alive.
Godzilla varient relations: Heraclues's relations towards humans is more of a neutral status. He never purpously attacks humans unless provoked or with whoever ends up under his foot, but Heraclues is aware of humans that assist him in certian scernios.
With Other Godzillas depends on their behavoirs, Almost every Godzilla sees Heraclues as an Alpha Varient of themselves. They all respect Heraclues in thier own way, even the more aggressive Godzilla Varients ensure humans are not harmed whenever in ths same universe. But it can't be said the same for Jourmangander(See Profile: "Jourmangander/Set" for context). There are rare ocassions where Set and Horus varients are in contact with eachother, but the times they are it would make the combination of San franscsio, New York, and Hong Kong look like just a crumb on the floor compared to the damage they both cause. Both Horus and Set Varients when they are aware of eacother's presenace will go on a full on brawl till one of them is defeated, despite neither holding back on thier attacks they never end eachother's lives in the end, it seems in someway they respect eachother even if Set has purposily killed humans.
Heraclues's relations with other Kajiu is more neutral, but with different Mothra varients and incarnations both she and Heraclues still share thier symbolic bond. And the more agressive Kajius inculding Ghidorah, Gigian, and so forth will first charge in head first without a second thought.
G-force procedures within Varient Contact: All G-force Operatives are to stand down within Contact with Richard varient and are to instead focus on evacuation of nearby civillian populace, raidation checks and cleaning. If Godzilla Richard is to seeming to attack without provoction it is advised to understand the attack pattern for investgation less we have another Hong Kong Incident.
Final Conclussion of Varient: Godzilla Heraclues is a terratorial, Arragont, and nearly mercilless varient. Yet it seems he also has a sorts bond with humanity as a whole, always charging towards his enemies head on to protect us even from larger and stronger opponants than himself. The Godzilla varients even Lucifer( See Profile: "Lucifer/Ares" for context) to follow Richard. And matter what Heraclues never gives up in a fight to protect his kingdom.
Monke Alarm

Get well soon, doc!

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