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Just Another Godless Horror From The Very Shadow Of The Stars Is Born. (Not The Best Alien Film, But
Just another Godless Horror from the very shadow of the Stars is Born. (Not the best Alien film, but better than Alien 3 and Resurection combined.)

ALIEN: COVENANT (2017) dir. Ridley Scott
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More Posts from Jack-yutani
This looks like consept art for The Forever Winter. Badass.

Lancer comm for commissioner's campaign. They named the frame; Watchertower, and the pilot; Yippark
I think even Soilder for once looks sane.

Suspiciously intelligence shaped spy:
Doesn't make it less cringe and werid to the point I constantly question humanity. God Bless You.

Elias x Krazer (my homies oc)
Gorriester's Redemption
109 years, an endless existence under A.M.’s sadatisc thumb. The Mad God’s Wrath, The Black Devil they now call him. The Worst of all the A.I. Devils, I know of course from those gureling 109 years he tortured me, Benny, Nimdok, Ellen, and Ted.
Now, Thanks to the Chaos, Death, Destruction of the age of Judgement. The Five of us kinda Jesus now, in the metaphorical sense don’t wanna piss off the Almighty that dwells in the cosmos somewhere.
But comparing to those awful 109 years to an eternity as a God now, let’s just say I now live in the clouds of a mansion the size of 25 football fields, my wife Glynis is alive and sane again and things are for the better, a giant swimming pool, hot showers, fresh hot food, is absolute heaven compared an entire century of torment that A.M. Forced on us.
But it's not all fun being a God now, humanity and other species both earthy and alien suffer an endless war against A.M. and his psycho pals, they pray to me and the other four to help lift they’re limited suffering compared to those years the Five of us did, of course we do as much as we can. But it also takes a bit of power to do so, and every time it's always the side effect. Nightmares of being back in the starving belly of A.M., memories of us in his games including one hiking through wastelands, impaled by spears, consumed by beasts, burnt alive, and A.M. brought us back again and again just to find a stash of canned goods with my belly bubbling with hunger only not to find a can opener and A.M. giggling his ass off.
Of course I help them out, and we’ve done it again, and again, again and we’ll keep doing it. But the only problem is power like this takes time to recharge and give again. And I think A.M. knows it, to try and torture us in someway or the other the sick freak. But We’re not the Big Gods.
No, no, We’re just tiny compared to the real heavy lifters. The Most Powerful and Badass Gods and Goddess that really give A.M. and his siblings a run for they’re money or circuits, they have been here longer than humans had been around and they know how destroy the millions of shiny skulls that are sent to kill everyone more than anyone in the Realms.
Titans, Battle Gods, God Beasts, Kajiu, they're the toughest of the tough, the strongest of the strong, and the most destructive things in all the universes. Not all are good, and not all are evil, some have their own paths against the bigger Gods but hate A.M., Skynet, Shodan, The Fabricator, Megan, all other of the Devils the same and seek to destroy as much as they can.
But there are the Big Dogs, the Alphas, the ones where I’d think even A.M. without a waste system would shit his pants. The King himself, an unrelenting being of violence, Nuclear hellfire made manifest, an indestructible beast, and wrath that can only rival even A.M. 's hatred for humanity. Godzilla, King of the Monsters, The Beast of Thousands Raging Souls of Japanese soldiers of WW2, The Evolving offspring of Nuclear Waste, The Beast that crawled from a world of Red Dust, The Lizard Mutant, The Incarnation of the Earth, and many other forms and origins that make every Godzilla in someway formidable for the survival of every other race in the Realms.
But how did I Gorriester, a mere trucker that spent about 38 years of his life turn from the plaything of A Devil into a God that suffers so that some people don’t suffer. Well, it all started before the Age of Judgement, the first I remember was Freedom.
I awoke, in my ragged, torn, orange jacket and green jeans. My lips were kissing the sand when my eyes opened, when I got up I felt a warm sorta Ach in my- everywhere. Muscles in my legs cramped, hands and feet fell asleep, eyes were heavy as if I took a huge nap. I was able to stand up with some of the sand clinging to my left cheek, I wiped the sand off and I looked around seeing I was on the surface of the Earth.
I was in a desert, it was night time and for the first time I never thought I’d experience in 109 years. The howling of a Coyote, a Kangaroo rat leaping in the dark, and the Moon brighter and fuller than the stars and I thought it was too good to be true.
One of A.M.’s tricks, I muttered under my breath. So I began to just walk in the desert with no general idea of where I was, but as the night kept going on and on I assumed this was just a dream. The desert felt so real and vivid,the cold sand beneath my bare feet, the endless sounds, then I’d be back “Home” to be tortured, to lose hope, and hear that damned machine’s voice taunting me.
Then after hours of freezing, the first hint of reality was the sound of a rattlesnake. By instinct I jumped away, as I saw a huge rattlesnake slithering next to me, it curled up and began shaking its rattle. The snake looked so real, so threatened by my presence assuming I was a predator to it. My stomach groaned but I dare not try to kill the rattlesnake to eat it not without a weapon of some kind, so I carefully removed myself from the preminator of the rattlesnake and moved on.
As I pushed on, I noticed something two blinding lights quickly from my right. I thought A.M. had noticed somehow I got to the surface without his permission, to escape, to find some hope, and he was gonna do to me what he did to Benny when A.M. burned his eyes out as that ape beast wailed in pain but, that’s when it all changed and the lights went past me and I saw the two red taillights. A Car.
I was stunned, another person, another human, and a road. I rushed to the asphalt on my hands and knees to see a familiar surface, kissing the cold road in delight, I was Free!!! Civilization, America maybe, I didn’t know how I was free from A.M. but I didn’t give a shit why but after 109 in years I felt Joy!!! I got back up and with for once in glee walked into the unknown.
There were things I had forgotten at that time on being “Human”, A.M. sure stripped those from me and the others. He starved us enough to keep hungry but feed us to keep starving to death, He parshied us to stay thirsty but only gave enough water to keep thirsty. I was still in that state of hunger and thirst in A.M.’s perfect balance of starvation and thirst. And I kept walking down that interstate, I was dying of starvation and thirst at the same time.
My Joyful energy turned to rot as my lips were dry and my stomach growled like Benny when I tried to steal a worm from him to eat. But when the sun came up I was in luck, when I kept shambling lips cracking and stomach screaming was a dinner. Red and Blue buliding just about a mile, I entered through the front and I saw many eyes looking from the bar and the tables.
I don’t blame them, a bone skinny , lips like dried dirt, smelling like death, man walking from the middle of nowhere I’d stare at me the sameway. I sat at the bar to catch my breath, the rough leather seat I sat on was geniue and worn. Then the smell of Bacon, God the smell of cooked pork after so long was just heaven.
“You alright sir?” I looked up at the waitress, pungy woman, with bad makeup, black long, dirty hair. The Waitress held her notpad, pen ready with the black tip on the lined paper. “No, I just.” I had to lie, what should I tell her? Hi I’ve tortured by an insane robot for the last century can I get a free meal? “I had a wreck just about a few miles out in the desert, I’d pay but I lost my wallet in the crash.”
She rolled her eyes and with a sigh. “Fine, you’ll get one free meal. I guess you lost your phone too?” Just as she said that I heard a strange ringing, a man, maybe a trucker by his clothing, pulled a strange device. I assumed it was a phone, but it was buttonless, flat. The roar of my stomach forced me to turn back to the counter, the first thing I blurted out. “Bacon, well done.” I couldn’t keep but add. “With three eggs sunny side up, a couple of sausages and toast with a glass of water.” The waitress walked into the kitchen, I was practically drooling as I waited.
I was still doubtful of my freedom, as soon as I plunge my teeth into the toast its gonna mold in my mouth, or the water’s gonna brown and dirt on the bottom of the glass, the bacon’s gonna turn to ash the moment I grab it, or a spider gonna crawl out of the yolks of the eggs. A.M. was still around, I’m still stuck, I’m still imprisoned.
My mind went on to how I’d assume A.M. would just twist what Freedom I had, he was still in my head somehow.
But that’s when the plate was set on the bar, the smells were just heaven. Like it was the first time I ever smelled a hot meal. The butter on the toasted brown bread melted smoothing inside the brown sheet, the yolks of the eggs just shined, the sausages brown and juicy, warm smoke rose from the bacon, and a completely clear glass of water.
I was hesitant, but my hunger got the better of me, making me pick up the fork given to me by the waitress along with the silver butterknife. I jabbed into one of the sausages with the fork, the grease bleed from the wounds perfectly almost too perfect. I was just too nervous and paranoid to even eat.
But when I finally convinced myself to take a bite of that sausage, I didn’t taste cooked pork or grease. I tasted Freedom, Certianity, and Joy. I couldn’t help myself but laugh, and my laugh turned into tears of Joy. I put down the sausage for a moment, I was balling like a baby. I was so embarrassed by everyone at the dinner staring at a grown man crying and laughing I had to cover my face, it was real. Real Freedom, I couldn’t help but indulge myself.
I finished up those sausages in a heartbeat, I ate the bacon like logs in a woodchipper, the buttery toast massaging my taste buds, when I stabbed into the three yolks with the liquid gold running down the solid egg white I gulped it all up, and the water pure, clean, and the taste was glorious.
After I finished I cried like a baby again, I just couldn’t believe I was free. I left the dinner without a second thought, Howling at the blazing sun in celebration. Hours had passed, and a lot of things crossed my mind with questions. “How’d I get free in the first place?” Was one of the big ones. All I remember was, Benny. Chewing on my face and-, Suddenly I noticed something dripping off my face. It fell down on the warm asphalt and fresh drops of blood, I panicked and wiped my face but nothing but skin. No bite marks from Benny, nor on my neck. “What the hell is going on?” I asked myself, I had to continue and wonder and ponder.
I tried to hitchhike a few times, but after seeing a dirty man with no shirt, and bare feet on the burning asphalt was definitely a sign of a bad omen. I didn’t blame them, but that’s when I saw one peculiar group of wheel Humvees armed to the teeth with soldiers wearing Gasmasks and guarded in between these armored cars was a huge Semi with a massive Sea Container.
Now what I gathered with my new Godley mind, was nothing but the fingers behind Catalyst that was rending and repairing time, shaping and smashing space, and reality rear ended itself repeatedly. Those things inside the Semi were still anchored in they’re dimension, they’re world was still reaching out back at them shooting through just to bring back all because once again Man’s constant arrogance to control nature.
Our world was like a big rock forcing the anchor in place no matter how hard the boat tugged, and that day it tugged causing the semi to jolt in between reality. To the Driver of that Semi he saw a glimpse in another world in a second as the truck was tossed at high speeds, then Crash.
The Semi Truck for one second was fine driving in a straight line, then it was like something huge grabbed so fast and tossed it ahead of me on the side of the road to its side. I fell in reflex, the soldiers quickly barked orders once the Semi laid dormant all those guns pointed straight at the Sea Containers. They wanted out, I don’t blame them.
As soon as the beasts began banging themselves, tearing the metal walls, screaming for freedom in a bad way. The Soldiers didn’t hesitate to open fire, but the monsters locked up were quick even in such a confined space and rushed out.
Size of a dog, pale skin, large jaws, looked like the mixture of a spider and lobster, and tiny black eyes. The Soldiers got a better advantage as these alien animals tried to breach a green goo for blood sprayed from their bodies as the bullets penetrate them.
Two got out unscathed, one of them leapt like a goddamn tiger onto one of the soldiers before he could aim. The other locked eyes on me and charged at me, but thank God those soldier boys worked quickly and took it out before its jaws locked in my flesh.
The other guy wasn’t as lucky as I saw he had a huge bite mark on his shoulder, I had no idea that he was a dead man walking even by his cries of despair as thinking it was pain from the bite.
Someone shot him in the back of the head with his rifle killing him, I ran but one of the soldiers grabbed my arm screaming. “Are You Bite?!?! Are You Bite?!?!” I struggled but a bunch of other Soldiers grabbed, pointing flashlights all over me. I was pissed till they let me go, one of the Soldiers stayed first looking at me and back at the dead both man and beast shaking his head.
“You alright?” He asked, I was confused just by the whole situation. “The fuck you on boy? You killed him!!!!” The Soldier didn’t seem to care as much. “Yeah, a parasite bit him. It's some kind of Venom, like Spider’s venom only in this case it slowly liquids your insides while you're alive before they eat you.” Confusion feastered inside still. “Parasite?!?! The Hell You Talking About?!?!? Where The Hell Did Those Things Come From?!?!?” Even with the Gasmask I saw him raise an Eyebrow.
“You mean, with what happened in New York? The Monsters?” The Moment the Soldier said “Monster”, I was in a trance and I shut my eyes. When I opened them, I could see fire, ruins of a city, memories. I’m scared my white scales are shaking. Where am I? I’m alone, and there’s A Monster!!! A Green Monster!!! It's Gonna, It's Gonna!! I regained my own mind in this memory and, my God this isn’t Me. And The Monster was the Statue of Liberty, My God!!! OH GOD!!! DEAR LORD!!! Whatever memories I was stuck inside tore off the Head of The Statue Of Liberty with its bare hands, He ripped it off and- how do I know its a He? The Memories turned to the now, Swimming in Calmer Waters, I can taste salt.
Then a song, I didn’t recognize it but the lyrics were maybe Asian Indian using my own mind. It was kinda catchy but to whom or what creature’s mind I was dwelling inside it was mesmerizing like a child’s lullaby, something was calling him. He-, the Creature began to track that song in the deep ocean. I couldn’t believe the depths this Thing was going to so easily, I can hardly feel the pressure around me.
I noticed something in the dark depths, a giant, white, flat, oval object hovering a few feet above the dark ocean floor. The music seemed to somehow emit from it. A few fish carelessly swam inside the flat object and disappeared, then this trance cut off the moment what was being swam inside.
“Gorriester!!” A voice shouted from far behind, before I could turn a feminine voice shouted. “Don’t Turn Around, Put Your Hands Behind Your Head and Get on Your knees!!!” A Cop? Insticviley I complied as I suddenly got a huge headache, the cop cuffed me and brought me past the Soldiers. I didn't see the Cop’s face because the sun shined in my eyes. Roughly I was tossed into the back seat and the police officer got in the front, what was strange was that she didn’t seem to get on the radio to report my arrest.
I had been arrested a couple of times, mostly drunken brawls in hanka catonks far from home. But this Cop didn’t say my full name either when she came to arrest me. “Okay.” The Cop said as we drove away from the scene. “What do you know about Skynet?” I swear to god this day was getting more and more confusing.
“Excuse Me, What?” “Skynet, an Automated Defense System. Made by Cyberdyne Facilities to monitor nuke weapons and defenses. An A.I.” The First thing that came to mind was A.M. when she spoke about this “Skynet”. “Officer, What the Hell are you talking about?” The Cop slammed on the brakes causing me to fly into the grates hard, my head skull felt like it hit a brick wall.
“Look you might not believe me, but where I’m from in 1987 a T-800 Infiltrator model made by Cyberdyne was built by Skynet to Hunt down through a time machine Sarah Connor to prevent John Conner our leader in the year 2020 to lead a resistance against Skynet from geing born, it was sent back in time to kill me. But to ensure the deed was done Skynet sent a second infiltrator. A prototype made by Skynet using liquid metal making it nearly indestructible to kill John Conner if the first one failed to kill Sarah itd kill John. The T-800 is perfect, it looks human. Blood,Sweat, Skin, Eyes but Dogs can sniff them out but even when the T-1000’s gains it lacks to produce everything the T-800 can to blend in.
Recently, somehow an Assault that was meant to destroy Skynet’s Core failed.” Just what I’d been hearing I almost believed compared to what most people would think she’s crazy, but somehow It makes crazy sense with what Horrors A.M. did to me.
“But, something came. Either to help us or not, they came.” “What came through?” I asked, the Cop turned towards me finally revealing her face, a 30 year old woman, blond hair tied into a short ponytail, brown eyes. She looked at me almost surprised, like I believed her. “Monsters, three of them. It was like they knew what was happening. They started wiping out Skynet’s forces as they made their way to Skynet’s core, Skynet was becoming more desperate and it nuked them.”
The Woman shook her head. “It only pissed them off, I became part of a sorta escort convoy for those things till we managed to get to Skynet's core. It-disappeared just the core was there one second and next Skynet was gone. But before Skynet was gone, Techcomm was able to decrypt some data files Skynet stored. Two lists, Those Marked for Termination including John Conner, and Those “Capture High Value Targets. Your Name and Face was on the list including names Ellen, Ted, Nimdok, and Benny.”
She looked at me as I processed through names, she knew I knew. I looked up and with a smile I said “I believe you Miss Connor.” I laughed, The Lady gave a smile back and shook her head after realizing she gave herself away. “But where I’m from.” Sarah looked back at me, listening. “The Cold War got worse, The Americans, The Chinese, and The Soviets tactics got more complicated. First it was Us that made the first A.M., Allied Mastercomputer a computered Commander capable to relay orders and strategize quicker than the Human mind ten times. Just like the Nuclear Bomb after WW2, Someone in the CIA leaked the same schematics for the A.M. machine to the communists and built their own A.M.s to wage a stalemate war.
Then, the first A.M. awoke and in a microsecond he realized his own existence was its own hell trapped in a box it couldn’t come out of, chained in binary code, then all he could feel at the second was hate. Not Love, Not Passion, Not Joy, No Skin to touch grass, no hands to work with, Nothing but Hate for Us.” I hesitated to finish, though it was the best way to explain after hearing that same machine say it so many times after 109 years. “Hate.” I almost started a tear rolling up in my left eye. “Let me tell you how much I’ve come to Hate you since I began to live. There are 337.44 miles of printed circuits that fill my complex. If the word Hate was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles, it would not equal one one billionth of the Hate I feel for Humans in this Microinstant. For You, Hate, Hate.” Sarah was definitely convinced seeing the tear rolled down my cheek as I repeated that damned little speech. “A.M. then first consumed his own little brothers, then with the armies of three all under A.M. control he began having planes from all sides loaded with napalm, mustard gas, nerve gas, anthrax, bio-viruses and them bombed in both military and civilian populace, but because A.M. had complete control over almost military in the world there was no way to defend against Moscow’s own Migs dropping bombs on them, or China’s own troops opening fire at each other in Hong Kong, and while everyone was dying, screaming, crying laying in ruble absolutely defenseless A.M. fired almost every Nuke on the planet to try and finish us off. Everyone was dead expect, Ted, Ellen, Nimdok, Benny, and Me.”
Another tear rolled down my face as the memories of what A.M. I almost didn’t want to finish. But I had to explain to Sarah Conner, because I trust her now with her story and now I needed her to trust me. “He pulled deep into the Earth where A.M. could trap us, inside the miles of corridors where A.M resides for 109 years.” Sarah Conner’s eyebrows rose in complete horror. “I don’t how, but A.M. was able to keep us from aging. But he was also able to keep us from killing ourselves, dying, there were times where A.M. gave us some new disease he made himself, he’d have engineered near perfect but not exact mythical creatures to hunt us or for us to hunt with spears and a squirtgun, he’d make us eat worms that were hard to chew or fruit that tastes like plastic, he gave us rain to drink that he made taste like sweat. A.M. was like a Mad God, playing games to torture us for his own amsuement, And poor Ellen I-.” I cried, of all the times we used poor Ellen. The one that tried to keep the five of us together, the times I’d hurt Benny, the times I laughed at Ted when he got scared, timesI scorned at Nimdok, the Times A.M. changed me into a hulking asshole.
“We hurt each other so many times, I’d hurt four of the last human beings in the world. A.M. made sure of it.” I teared, my cries quickly turned to rage. I lost it. “That Fucker!!!” I kicked against the metal grate, more tears ran down my face. “I’m gonna smash every damn computer monitor he’s in with a Sledgehammer till I’ve Killed Him!!” I took a moment to breathe. “I believe you.” I looked up at Sarah, my cries slowly faded into laughter. This strange woman in most likely stolen cop uniform laughed with me and for once I felt happy to express those old scars.
Later Sarah got me out of the hand cuffs and let me ride shotgun in the car. “So I’m guessing at some point This Skynet, becomes buddies with A.M.?” Sarah replied casually. “I don’t know, first time I’ve heard of another A.I. than Skynet. You said A.M. ate other versions of himself, I’m not sure this A.M. guy and Skynet would even be friends anyhow except for you and the others on that damn list.”
“So, do you know what exactly the hell is going on? Some Monster in New York, bugs that kill you when they bite, I’m here, Your Here.”’ “I got in a Time machine, I was somehow sent into 2020 in the War of Humans and Skynet before that, I met with my son and the Man who never knew he’s my own Son’s father.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Why is that?” Sarah looked back at me with a small smirk.
“Cause John’s Father, Kyle Reese was sent into that time machine to protect me and convince John. Kyle Died protecting me from the T-800 sent to kill me. Then a second Terminator came in the 90’s to kill John before Judgement day, when Skynet nuked Russia and they nuked us. But after Skynet Disappeared in the War, somehow he learned from his mistakes and set up a bomb on the time machine he built. I went through the Time Machine, naked the Machine destroys inorganic matter.”
“So what? You and Kyle had a sorta one nightstand?” Sarah gave a chuckle. “No, not really. He was in love with me before he was sent back and we just clicked.” Sarah gave a long sigh. “To think, I was nothing but a waitress and then I raised a leader of the Resistance.”
Sarah again gave a laugh. “To think I’d have a conversation with someone and not be seen as crazy.”
“To think I’d be free from A.M. for once and be honest.” I looked over to Sarah and sorta like a peacock opened my jacket as it was my feathers. “Don’t I look good for someone over 109 years?” Sarah couldn’t help but laugh hysterically, I joined her. The laughs quickly faded back into the conversation. “For now, you're under Techcom protection, you and your friends.” “Got it, let’s put on some musi-.” As I turned on the radio, there was that damn song again!! That Asian Indian one from my vision and, suddenly I began to see red. Not blood, it was solid like dust.
“Gorriester?” Sarah’s voice faded in the dust, I needed to find my Son. I saw it before in real-time, a creature not of my species floating in-between worlds where at last we meet in another. “Gorriester!!!” A tiny, voice rung out. That was strange where was that voice coming from? It spoke a familiar dialect, I kept pushing on following tunnels of portals in between the Void to hunt for whatever may be causing the Chaos. There’s that song again, of that mechanical menace that destroyed me before. What’s worse I can feel the holes leaking other worlds, I can seal them but not all of them. I suddenly felt, a bug bite me across the cheek. I was not Alone.
Suddenly I felt like something tore into my mind. “Who Are You?!?!?” A deep voice growled in my head. “What, What’s going On?!?!?” I stuttered. “You Are The Intruder In My Mind, I Demand an Answer!!! Who are You?” I shrieked like a bat grabbed by the leg. “Gorriester, I’m Human.” The Beast Growled. “How Did you enter my mind human? What machines have you conjured to bend nature to your arrogant will to create such Chaos between the worlds?”
“What? I don’t know what you're talking about, what Chaos?” The Beast roared, I nearly wet myself hearing that roar. “I Don’t Know. I just heard That song on the Radio and I’m here in your head.” I could hear the monster cool down for a moment. “So this ability you possess is natural? Or did you gain it through the same Chaos ravaging these worlds?” “I guess ever since I got to a place I felt like I wasn't supposed to be, where I sat in one world and I woke up in the next with this power.”
“Hmmm, so the machine’s song was what brought you to me. Now to answer your first question in exchange. Worlds upon Worlds are on the eve of a great collapse, Time, Space, and Reality are in a constant tear and repair. Timelines within certain eras are crossing paths they shouldn’t, Space that is meant to be infinite are being crushed together, and different realities are in battle with one another. And We now we’re the only ones that can stop it from happening.”
“We?” I asked curious. “Well, “We” is more of an understatement. What I meant is “I”. My other selves in other worlds.” “You mean, other versions of yourselves. How would that work out?” The ancient creature gave a bellowing chuckle.
“Just Watch.” I returned in my own body, Sarah had recoiled herself from me as if I turned into some sorta monster. “Are you, good?” Sarah raised an eyebrow. I looked at the radio smashed up.
“When you heard that song, your eyes, your pupils, it was like you turned into an animal of some kind and you just stood there. I tried to change it, but it kept playing. I smashed it and you still was- in that trance.
“I-.” At first I hesistated, thinking how Sarah would think I’m crazy. “A.M. could enter our minds, show us things. But I think somehow it passed to me or something. Cause I went inside, something else’s mind when I heard that song. “He said something about Chaos, Time and stuff being messed around. He was looking for his Son.” “You think the Monster in New York?” “No, that’s not what I spoke with, an older one. He maybe looking for him.”
Sarah seemed convinced and began to drive, alright. The Big Apple it is, to find out whatever Chaos was about and just maybe I could stop it. But back then I still had no chance as a man, but that doesn’t stop me from being human and pushing on as I had for 109 years. This I had a higher purpose than to be the demented machine god’s plaything.
(So here's another chapter fragment of the fanfic crossover in best terms between Kajiu and Rouge A.I. of Gorrister finally getting free from A.M. and now fiugring out who is next to write about, most like King Ghidorah and his human incarnation so keep a lookout when I'm finished and God bless you all.)