jahnavi29 - Untitled

38 posts

Jahnavi29 - Untitled - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago
jahnavi29 - Untitled
jahnavi29 - Untitled
jahnavi29 - Untitled
jahnavi29 - Untitled
jahnavi29 - Untitled
jahnavi29 - Untitled
jahnavi29 - Untitled
jahnavi29 - Untitled
jahnavi29 - Untitled
jahnavi29 - Untitled
2 years ago
jahnavi29 - Untitled
2 years ago
jahnavi29 - Untitled
jahnavi29 - Untitled
jahnavi29 - Untitled
jahnavi29 - Untitled
2 years ago
 Harry On My Policeman
 Harry On My Policeman
 Harry On My Policeman

— Harry on My Policeman

2 years ago
DAVID DAWSON & HARRY STYLESMy Policeman (2022) Dir. Michael Grandage
DAVID DAWSON & HARRY STYLESMy Policeman (2022) Dir. Michael Grandage
DAVID DAWSON & HARRY STYLESMy Policeman (2022) Dir. Michael Grandage
DAVID DAWSON & HARRY STYLESMy Policeman (2022) Dir. Michael Grandage

DAVID DAWSON & HARRY STYLES My Policeman (2022) dir. Michael Grandage

2 years ago
Federico Bonelli As Victor Frankenstein And Steven McRae As The Creature InFRANKENSTEIN| The Royal Ballet,
Federico Bonelli As Victor Frankenstein And Steven McRae As The Creature InFRANKENSTEIN| The Royal Ballet,
Federico Bonelli As Victor Frankenstein And Steven McRae As The Creature InFRANKENSTEIN| The Royal Ballet,
Federico Bonelli As Victor Frankenstein And Steven McRae As The Creature InFRANKENSTEIN| The Royal Ballet,
Federico Bonelli As Victor Frankenstein And Steven McRae As The Creature InFRANKENSTEIN| The Royal Ballet,
Federico Bonelli As Victor Frankenstein And Steven McRae As The Creature InFRANKENSTEIN| The Royal Ballet,

Federico Bonelli as Victor Frankenstein and Steven McRae as the Creature in FRANKENSTEIN | The Royal Ballet, 2016

2 years ago
LOOK AT HIS SMIRK OH MY GOSH (trans. Cr. Btsinthemoment)
LOOK AT HIS SMIRK OH MY GOSH (trans. Cr. Btsinthemoment)
LOOK AT HIS SMIRK OH MY GOSH (trans. Cr. Btsinthemoment)
LOOK AT HIS SMIRK OH MY GOSH (trans. Cr. Btsinthemoment)
LOOK AT HIS SMIRK OH MY GOSH (trans. Cr. Btsinthemoment)
LOOK AT HIS SMIRK OH MY GOSH (trans. Cr. Btsinthemoment)

LOOK AT HIS SMIRK OH MY GOSH (trans. cr. btsinthemoment)

3 years ago

"I have an intense and passionate desire to see good things happen to me.."

I wish to manifest this in abundance - eUë

3 years ago
jahnavi29 - Untitled
3 years ago

How to activate your "happiness chemicals"...

DOPAMINE ~ the reward chemical

Complete a task

Doing self care acitivites

Eating some food

Celebrating your little wins.

OXYTOCIN ~ the love hormones

Playing with a dog

Playing with a baby

Holding hands

Hugging someone

Giving someone else a compliment

SEROTONIN ~ the mood stabiliser



Be in the sun

Walk in nature


ENDORPHIN ~ the pain relief

Laughing exercises

Essential oils

Eating dark chocolate


4 years ago

I personally wanna see less 'you are not a burden/it's not work to love you' and more 'you are worth the work it takes to love you.' I KNOW I'm a burden sometimes. that isn't such a terrible thing! humans are strong. we can carry burdens. and it is work for me to be there for my friends, but it's work I'm willing to do.

we need to acknowledge this because pretending love isn't work will never make people like me feel less guilty for accepting love. we need to talk about it so people don't feel bad for having boundaries and not always being up to do the work. we need to accept it so we can properly appreciate what others do for us and what we're doing for them.

yes it does take work to love you. but guess what? you still deserve love, and you deserve people who are willing to do the work to love you. it doesn't make you bad. all love take work. and everyone is worth it.

4 years ago

Everytime I see a picture of Harry my heart hurts because he is so beautiful, and I think he doesn’t even realize it. Everything he does is just magical, I don’t know but sometimes I feel like I can see a halo on him. I find myself endeared, captivated by his glimmering eyes, sometimes they’re a gentle shade of the purest green, sometimes I feel like I can see all the shades of a forest. I love his smile, it warms my heart seeing him happy doing what he loves, I love seeing him sing, I love when he cracks some awful jokes on stage and people laugh just because he laughs, and his laughter and his voice could end wars. He is so caring, so pure and he lights up every room he’s in, just because he’s Harry. I love his hair, the way he flips it and the way they frame his gracious face, the way they highlight his jawline, his cute little nose. I just love him so much, and I hope one day I’ll be able to hug him and tell him how much my life has changed since I saw him for the first time.

4 years ago
Does It Ever Drive You Crazyjust How Fast The Night Changes
Does It Ever Drive You Crazyjust How Fast The Night Changes

does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes

4 years ago


4 years ago

It’s so difficult to keep moving towards recovery and being healthy! It’s so difficult when you’re in an environment that prioritizes productivity over your worth. Because you actively have to enforce boundaries around your free-time!

It’s so difficult when automatic negative thoughts pop up in rapid succession. Because you actively have to sit with them, accept them, or fight them.

It’s so difficult when you repeatedly have to put yourself in a situation that induces your anxiety. Because doing so is either a part of your job or necessary to reach your goals.

Recovery is SO. MUCH. WORK! Give yourself credit for all the internal work you’re doing to keep yourself going!

4 years ago


4 years ago
Doing That Lil Dance Thingy
Doing That Lil Dance Thingy
Doing That Lil Dance Thingy
Doing That Lil Dance Thingy
Doing That Lil Dance Thingy
Doing That Lil Dance Thingy
Doing That Lil Dance Thingy
Doing That Lil Dance Thingy

Doing that lil dance thingy…

4 years ago
Shes Beautiful When Shes Angry
Shes Beautiful When Shes Angry
Shes Beautiful When Shes Angry
Shes Beautiful When Shes Angry
Shes Beautiful When Shes Angry
Shes Beautiful When Shes Angry

She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry

4 years ago
Source: Minence Organic Skincare

Source: Éminence Organic Skincare

4 years ago

How To Be Bad IRL

bc dontbyou hate when a man who can't afford you or a woman who could never be you tries it... tries you? SNAP ON THEM HOES IRL.

- Have Better than Good Skin. Because fake bitches cant walk outside looking Naturally gorgeous. They don't invest in themselves, they invest in talking shit about me. Start now. SNAP. Clear. Plump. Clean. Moisturized. Smelling Delicious. Go to Youtube n figure yourself out.

- Work Out. Major key to clear skin AND healthy hair, is pushing toxins and natural oils from you skin out. It also keeps your organs working how they should so live long, it improves your mood and mind, and so not only do you look beautiful, even if you're not lol you feel it, because you took time to love and care for yourself, therefore you are. Period. We all know hater bitches complain and expect their dreams to manifest without labor. Laugh while the lounge in the moments and win instead.

- Beautiful Hair. You need to make sure your hair is healthy. Period. If your Rock wigs, it's better be verified. If you cant, better learn how to go natural and look FLY. a sleek edged, spongecurled, moisturized and silk scarfed/bonneted TWA will always look more sexy and refreshing and then a less than quality "lace." Period. Go To YouTube and figure yourself out.

- Drink water. Because dusty hoes are always dehydrated and looking backed up, dry lips and skin, and if you dont work out you dont drink water, McDonalds eating, and if you dont drink water your pussy taste like trash period.

- Be consistent. Because a Queen never gives up. Even when she fails she starts over and works hard to perservere. I rather be marked by my resilience than by quitting habitually.

- Meditate. Half of your life issues can be worked out through consistently mediattaiing for 10-20 minutes a day, on YouTube type in 'the specific words that resonate with you... meditation', for 30 days and beyond I promise you the rest of self work will come if you are putting forth the effort to retrain your brain for success and freedom.

To be continued....

Cleanse your energy on the regular. Bc its hard to be this perfect, this godly. Abd sometimes our good heart gets us fucked up. Our growing abundance brings tests of nature. Stay sharp, healthy, clear, and be happy!

-Receate the vision for you life. You know who you want to be. Start doing little cute high school middle school things again. Decorate your body. Find your aesthetic. Pick a new hairstyle. Want a new body? Pick the routine. Want a new face. Pick the routine. Make a vision board. You know who you want to be now do it. Sometimes all we need are reminders of our goals to trigger our mind back into working hard. Just please be safe. Real and slow is better than fast and dangerous and fleeting!

-Make morning and night routines specifically catered to the spots in YOUR life that YOU want to improve. Theres YouTube for this, but only you know if you have crippling anxiety so you need to meditate once or twice a day, or carry smudging spray to feel comfy outside one day at a time, or if you smoked so much weed you need to read and write to improve your connectivity. If you need to smoke to relax bc you have depression. Lol some of those are or were me, I know they are pretty common.

Key points I think to remember is morning is for setting yourself up with the energy and mind to succeed, and night is to wind down from labor, show love to your body and mind and soul, then prepare for the next day.

-Always, Always, Be original!

4 years ago
Jingle Ball 2019/2020
Jingle Ball 2019/2020

Jingle Ball 2019/2020

4 years ago
Who Says You Need Long Hair To Do A Dramatic Hair Flip?
Who Says You Need Long Hair To Do A Dramatic Hair Flip?

Who says you need long hair to do a dramatic hair flip?

4 years ago
jahnavi29 - Untitled
4 years ago
Im Here For These Tweets
Im Here For These Tweets

I’m here for these tweets