Hi! I’m Jake, or Jacob, (whichever name you prefer to use to refer to me with), and I like to draw and play games sometimes! My art is definitely not the best, but I hope you will like it!
24 posts
This Is Something A Friend Gave Me For My Birthday!

This is something a friend gave me for my birthday!
(I have never had this many Pokémon cards!)
pokemon-and-plants reblogged this · 4 years ago
dotsofthought liked this · 4 years ago
More Posts from Jakeguyjacob
I have decided to not post to this account anymore. I was very inactive so it probably doesn’t matter to anyone, but I am planning on restarting on a new account. Not sure if I will ever link it here, but I doubt anyone really cares.
I hope you have a good day, farewell.
Hey! It’s my birthday today! I have no drawings or anything to share with this, but it’s my birthday!

Here is a mew I drew earlier today.

A wynaut cuz, wynaut?
Also I took WAY to long on just the simple circle that is the head.
I’m trying to post a 3 minute 19 second video of me playing Pokémon Café mix and it won’t let me saying it’s too big when I have posted a 4 minute 42 second video of me playing Animal Crossing Pocket Camp without it complaining.
How does this make sense?