Guy That Is Probably Not Coming Back
Hi! I’m Jake, or Jacob, (whichever name you prefer to use to refer to me with), and I like to draw and play games sometimes! My art is definitely not the best, but I hope you will like it!
24 posts
I GOt Me A NEw DrUm!!!

I gOt Me A nEw DrUm!!!
Also ignore me with a box on my head
More Posts from Jakeguyjacob
4 years ago
4 years ago
Hey! It’s my birthday today! I have no drawings or anything to share with this, but it’s my birthday!
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4 years ago

So this is one of my latest drawings. It’s bigger than my earlier drawings so naturally it took me a while to finish this. (Not that none of the other drawings didn’t take a while)
Also hope you like it. I might color it later on but who really knows.
(Also jolteon looks so bad in this)
Tags :
4 years ago

I’m learning!
4 years ago
Merry Christmas! (Also ignore my inactivity)