je-vous-appartiens - Je Vous Appartiens
Je Vous Appartiens

wherein I muse dirty thoughts most dreamily

24 posts

Tfw You Finally Figure Out Your Kinks And Have A Whole New Language In Which To Express Yourself And

tfw you finally figure out your kinks and have a whole new language in which to express yourself and you can't shut up about it.

  • uselesswanker
    uselesswanker liked this · 6 years ago

More Posts from Je-vous-appartiens

7 years ago


The duo curled against one another languidly, fingers exploring, voices soft with delight. They chuckled together, jokes punctuated by kisses that promised more and more still. Fingers entwined then loosed to dance over naked flesh. She looped a leg over his and the pair mock-wrestled, until his questing fingers settled over her knee and she gasped sharply. "Does that hurt?" "" Waves of delicious chills rippled out from the delicate strokes over the joint, rendering her mostly mute, jaw slack. Her eyes glazed and she trembled violently. He'd seen her aroused but never like this. His curiosity piqued, he alternated his touches: firm, feather light, raking stripes with his nails, trailing teasing patterns. He tried the entirety of her knee, each progressive touch merely causing her to press closer and closer against him, body shuddering reflexively, skin taut with gooseflesh, her mouth against his chest to mute the song he was creating, playing her skin like that, quieting the soft coos, delicate squeals, lovely whimpers, gasping pants. His free arm curled around her shoulders, pulling her in, creating a safe cocoon. Satisfied with the knowledge gained, his fingers slipped lower along her calf and she buried a howl against his skin as a wave of fresh sensations rolled up her spine. His eyes lit up and he explored this fresh territory as her fingers scrabbled against his back. Tilting her head back, she reached up and pulled his lips to hers, taking long draughts of kisses, pulling back to catch her breath with shallow, panting breaths she cut with whispered pleadings that he not stop. He indulged her, stroking, tickling, raking, teasing, probing, watching her swooning, frenzied arousal with delight. He was so pleased at having found something that gave her such obvious, tremendous pleasure. He could have stayed like be cliché, perhaps forever, until "Oh..." she gasped. "That's too much." "I'm so sorry!" He apologised, ceasing the onslaught on her leg and knee. She took a few moments to catch her breath and then chuckled, " just changed to too much. Oh! Wow. That was lovely. Thank you." He blushed crimson, "Thank /me/? You... were... that come you didn't tell me about that?" Snuggling against him, she shrugged, "Most people don't want to make out with knees." She glanced up, then smiled contentedly and squished against him even more firmly. "I want to know /everything/." "You should see what I do when you /lick/ the backs of my knees." He dove for the end of the bed, eagerly.

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6 years ago

I loved her in the way that only comes with youth: irresponsibly, naïvely, selfishly, wholly and joyously, and I didn't even realise it was love.

I called her my friend, my very best friend. I told her if I were a man I'd take her away from everything that troubled her. I wanted to protect her and keep her safe.

In my ignorance, I hurt her, drove her away, because she already had the language to know how she felt, but surely if I were queer, someone would have told me.

It was the loneliest closet, for I didn't know I was in it, alone.

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1 year ago

calling my lover "mine" but not in the way that my toothbrush or notebook are mine, mine in the way my neighborhood is mine, and also everybody else's, "mine" like mine to tend to, mine to care for, mine to love. "mine" not like possession but devotion.

7 years ago

sexual attraction: wow I wanna fuck that

romantic attraction: wow I wanna date that

sensual attraction: wow I wanna cuddle that

aesthetic attraction: wow that exists

Platonic attraction: wow I wanna talk with that

7 years ago


By choice, I am on my knees before you, looking up at you through my eyelashes, cheeks flushed. You search my eyes, your own darting quizzically, hesitant. I reach up up and unbutton you at the waist, drawing your zipper down, it's rhythmic crunching filling my ears. Your fingertips graze the top of my head, filtering strands of my hair lightly. Eagerly, I draw your pants and underthings down to mid-thigh, exposing you. You have always been a delight to my eye, your dark tickling curls a springy nest for your cock. Hard or soft, I cannot get enough of looking at you, let alone experiencing you. I take a moment to admire, then glance up. You always blush at how wanton I am. The red flush stains you gently up to the tips of your ears. Leaning forward, I nuzzle affectionately against your member and listen to you gulp as blood floods your groin, your prick stiffening. I love this anticipation. My breath warms your skin, hot and damp, as my eyes flicker back up. You're floating away now, fingers falling uselessly to your sides, head tipping back with a sigh. I languidly envelop your turgid cock in my mouth, grinning wickedly around your girth, my tongue lapping at your length. For a moment I stay there and savour you, before sucking down your cock. You sigh again, breathy encouragement. I take my time, building you up slowly, a crescendo of obscene noises growing louder, faster, more urgent, as I continue my ministrations. I'm kissing and sucking and licking your prick with the fervent devotion of a worshipper, and there is no better term for me, still on my knees, laving your cock. You moan, one I know well, signaling your impending climax, and I'm delighted. My whole body aches for you, skin tight, breath shallow. Just a few more eager suckles, my hands digging into your hips. I purr in my throat and you gasp, thrusting your hands into my hair, holding me against your bucking hips as I swallow everything, your cock emptying at the back of my throat. We stay like that, you buried to the hilt in my mouth, me gently cleaning you off with my tongue, for many long heartbeats until you remember where you are, gingerly pulling away from me. I move in and lick you clean, pleased. I can sense impatience from you, but I take my time. You deserve the best. Satisfied, I glance up with a smile that is half shy and half sly as you pull me to my feet, hauling me against you. "Wicked thing." You lean down and whisper in my ear. I smile again, writhing suggestively. "I told you I was greedy." I swoon as you kiss me forcefully, my cheeks turning crimson.

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