jeatenis - I Cant Keep Up With So Many Fandoms, Help Me!
I Cant Keep Up With So Many Fandoms, Help Me!

Hi random person that for some reason is in my profile! May i help you?

84 posts

Reposting To Read Later

Reposting to read later <3

The Great 7 Au

Unit Y-0U


Chapter One

Chapter Two

*** fics/reqs

Sweet Fluff

The Octotrio Know



Training with Silver

The Blots vs The Seven

Introducing Them To Your Boyfriend

Little Moments

A Picture of Yuu

Yuu Snaps

The Heros Reactions

Age Regression

*** mini ideas

Dances they teach

Yuu and Trey

Dorm Leaders could see them

Blot Concept

Origin (kinda)

Beat their ass

You like Ruggie

Great 8 2

Leona and Therapy

You like Le*na

Dressing Up

Beast Tamer Yuu + The Seven

The Hyenas


Bullied (?)

Scars Nature Documentaries


On a Date


Ursula and Azul

Deez Nuts





Jafars Lesson

Bold- Detailed answer/reqs

Normal- Discussion

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More Posts from Jeatenis

6 months ago

What did he see tho? Human organs?

Does Michael know how babies are made?



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(I won't sleep if I don't know)

Like,,,, human babies? Vaguely.

He opened a book about it and decided he didn't like what he saw and slammed it shut forever.

7 months ago

Levi i love you but please help me

MC cosplaying Levi and then tripping over their own tail, please? :3

I hope I’m getting this ask right... ( ̄ヮ ̄)

7 months ago


i'm about to be so good to yall in a bit

7 months ago

This is so cute im giggling n kicking my feet as i read this TTwTT

Obey me! The brothers as Toddlers

Loosely based on a request by @lizard-bouquet

It became more of a headcanon about them being in a daycare place, with you as their kindergarten teacher.


Loves to play dress up. 

When he gets attention he is a good child but if not he gets clingy and pouts. 

Asmo can keep himself busy with playing house, and he definitely ropes everyone into his plays. 

Always requests you to play a role in his play. 

Asmodeus also tries to get you to dress up in something cute all the time. 

He also has a habit of undressing himself and then runs around naked. 

When playing outside he likes to keep playing role playing games. 

He loves to pretend to be a fairy or something of that nature. 

If he gets hurt he will cry a lot but it’s mainly for attention. 

He will use the situation to get as much attention as he can get from you. 

Nap time isn’t really his favorite thing to do but when you tell him his favorite story he will sleep without issues. 

He isn’t really a picky eater, but he will try to get you to feed him. 

Claims to marry you when he grows up. 

Has been seen with several “boy/girlfriends” and has no shame about it. 


To no one’s surprise he loves snack time and lunchtime the most. 

Beel will be there waiting at the tray for his turn. 

If you should ever miss it you will be reminded by Beel that it is time to eat. 

You have to make sure that he doesn’t eat the cutlery and dishes. 

He usually listens to you and is pretty easy to entertain. 

When he is playing you can often find him with Belphie playing or drawing something. 

He is very active during outside playtime. 

Beel loves to run around and you often find him playing soccer or other games. 

He is sometimes chasing his siblings and seems to have a lot of fun with it. 

Beel has no issues with napping, but he sometimes wakes up in between from hunger. 

You have a few healthy snacks just for that with you.

If he gets injured you will never know unless you see it. 

He lets you treat his injury without any complaints. 

Beel will also calm his siblings down if they get injured and only once have you seen him angry, when someone hit Belphie. 


He loves to look through books, and he can read simple stories. 

Satan will often approach you with a book under his arm and request you to read it for him. 

He is always keen on finding new books and sometimes even brings one from home. 

You find that they are very strange magical books and definitely aren’t suited for children. 

He is a pretty quiet child unless someone or something makes him angry. 

If that happens he is throwing a huge tantrum. 

You have to give him a time out every time, so he can calm down. 

He isn’t too keen on playing outside but sometimes he can find entertainment in teasing his brothers. 

Satan also seems to like the slide but would never admit it. 

He also knows how to play you, he will use begging eyes on you all the time. 

Satan is a bit of a picky eater so you will have to encourage him with reading time to finish all his vegetables, but you suspect that this is only a tactic from him to get attention. 

He does not mind nap time but will get you to read at least 3 bed time stories. 

Satan will rarely get injured but if it happens he will come to you calmly and ask for treatment. 

Only once have you found him crying and swore to never tell anyone after calming him down. 

You never find out what upset him this much.


Nap time is his life. 

He is very easy to handle since he sleeps a lot. 

When he doesn’t sleep, he is often near you or Beelzebub. 

He takes forever to eat, it’s like he passes out while eating. 

You have to tell him to finish up multiple times. 

It’s also difficult to motivate him to play with the others. 

You sometimes find him playing horse, but then he is always the baby or the pet, and then he sleeps anyways. 

Belphie also listens when you read stories to everyone. 

Playing outside is really not his thing at all, you often find him sleeping somewhere, being protected by Beel. 

If he gets injured Belphie cries and stays were ever he is at the moment. 

He needs lots of attention to calm down. 

Belphie sometimes tries to nap in your lap and is pretty pouty when he can’t. 

He rarely fights with others, if he does it’s strangely about who is marrying you in the future. 


He is pretty mature for his age but also not at all. 

Lucifer tries to help you out, by managing the chaos of his brothers, but he fails regularly. 

He is also known to point out your mistakes and will always argue if you punish him for anything. 

Lucifer, if injured he will treat his own injures, but since he is so small he will ask you for supplies. 

If you insist on treating his wound he will not argue with you. 

He likes to draw but somehow all his drawings are graphs to improve playtime and similar things. 

Lucifer also enjoys reading but that sometimes leads to fights with Satan. 

Outside he likes being on the swing set, or he is found in the sandbox. 

Sometimes he destroys other kids buildings since they aren’t up to his standards.

Lucifer is sometimes a bit picky with his food and always wants his food first, usually you can bribe him with dessert to finish his plate. 

Lucifer thinks he needs no nap time so there is always a bit of arguing there. 

You just let him be awake while reading the story, and he passes out every single time. 


He likes many things, like drawing, reading and dressing up. 

Everything he does together with his favorite doll. 

Levi never lets it out of his sight. 

It’s based on his favorite anime, and he will gladly spend hours telling anyone about it. 

He has a wild imagination and it’s pretty fun when he is coming out of his shell. 

Levi is a shy child and you will need time until he warms up to you. 

Nice comments about his drawings or his doll are definitely a good start. 

Once he warms up to you, he will always be close to you, showing you his newest drawings or craft projects. 

You have gotten many drawings from him as presents. 

He really doesn’t like going outside, but he is a quiet and behaved child so you can let him inside when it goes. 

If you get him outside he will draw in the sand or play with one of his brothers. 

Sometimes he will just stay with you and talk about his latest anime shows. 

He would rather do anything but nap, but you can always get him to nap by telling him his doll is tired. 

Levi is not picky with his food, but he hates that he has to leave the doll behind. 

If he gets injured he cries quietly and runs to you to get treatment. 

He will be pretty pouty about the injury. 


He loves to play supermarket or bank, but always makes the other kids cry, since he takes the play money. 

Sometimes he tries to get favors with plastic money. 

Mammon needs a lot of attention since he likes to get into trouble. 

More than once he tries to rope you into his shenanigans. 

Sometimes his brothers gang up on him and you have to mediate between them. 

He loved to cling to you, despite pretending that he doesn’t like you at all. 

Mammon eats whatever you give him and talks about how that makes you his favorite. 

He likes playing outside, he has a lot of energy and runs around the entire time. 

Mammon tends to get injured a lot, and he is the biggest drama king about it. 

Even a little scratch will require the whole routine. 

He enjoys the nap time but wants to sleep closest to you.

Mammon loves to tell you stories about whatever is on his mind, it gets pretty wild. 

Sometimes he will ask you to play board games with him, he is very lucky and often beats you. 

Mammon is extremely smug about it. 

He is often found in the arguments about who will marry you and he is the loudest of them all.

Check my Obey me! Masterlist for more content.

6 months ago

Also like,,, if they were pony’s,,, what would they look like? Alicorns? Idk?? How did they get their cutie marks what do they look like im just here throwing ideas in the air and never do stuff with em cause im lazy and too tired to actually think too hard abt it most of the time

Showing The Obey Me! Brothers My Little Pony (GN Reader)

A header sized image of a light blue nighttime sky with the tops of a couple skyscrapers and the moon in frame.

AN: this is also an older post i touched up and decided to throw on here cuz i like this one a lot :3


Refuses to watch it at first and is the last one of the brothers to see it

He thinks it's just some dumb kids show and he does not have enough time to be watching that with his busy schedule

Won't insult/question you for watching it as long as you are happy and getting all your tasks done, but still finds it a bit childish.

He likes seeing you happy so he’ll listen when you talk about it even if he doesn't have a single idea what you're talking about it.

As all the other brothers start watching it he does feel out of the loop.

He also finds himself humming songs from it because you, Asmo, and Mammon will often break out into songs from the show

Eventually the curiosity gets to him and he wants to see it. He wants to see it for…. research. I mean even Diavolo is watching it now! It's his duty to understand these sorts of things. That's all it is. It's not like he WANTS to watch it

.His pride won’t let him seem too interested in it so he instead hints to you that y'all should watch it together in the most roundabout way ever. Because you know, it wouldn’t be terrible if you forced him… Please drag this man to watch it he won’t watch it on his own but he wants to

Because of Luci’s busy schedule the two of you set up a plan to watch an episode or two whenever he’s free

After about a season of the show Lucifer is absolutely hooked and finds himself watching the show on his own

Is embarrassed to have gotten so engrossed in the show that he watched ahead so he instead just watches from where him and you were when the two get together

But after a while he grows impatient of having to rewatch episodes he’d already seen when he could be watching from where he actually is. After all, he just NEEDS to know what happens to the mane six next. Will they defeat Chrysalis??

Eventually you catch on that he has more info then he should and tease him for having watched ahead. He denies it adamantly but the next time they go to watch he mysteriously puts on an episode about 10 ahead of where they were last time. Don’t mention it to him or you’re never allowed back in his room again. >:(

He doesn’t have a favorite character in particular, but may end up liking whichever one reminds him most of you. He also respects Celestia for how she handles the stress of her position without ever growing angry and feels close to her because he also had to make a hard choice with a younger sibling in the past. Don’t show him Lullaby for a Princess, he WILL cry


Is the second one to start watching

Originally he may tease you for liking a kids show but if it makes you upset he will immediately backpedal and sputter about how he was just joking and please don't get mad at him-

After he sees you and Levi talking about it he wants to be in on the convo. After all, Levi can’t be getting all that time alone with HIS human just because Levi knows more about some stupid colorful horses!

So Mammon goes and binges the whole show. It takes a couple weeks of all nighters and his grades may be doing worse than usual but now he’ll be able to talk about the show with you >:)

Mammon definitely becomes totally invested in the show

He is sobbing over the emotional parts and laughing at the funny ones

When Beel first hears the sobbing from Mammons room one night while he’s getting snacks he’s immediately concerned. Beel barges into the room to check on his older brother but when it turns out Mammon is just watching some show he relaxes. After all, Beel is more than used to hearing Levi up late at night watching anime.

The next time he sees you and Levi talking about the show he casually jumps in the convo with a bunch of info. Levi is angry because rude, Mammon can’t just interrupt him hypothesizing the economical value of a bit with you! But, you are absolutely delighted to hear Mammon actually watched the show!!!! :D

The praise and attention from you was absolutely what Mammon was looking for, and even though he may try and play it off it’s obvious that he’s melting from your beaming smile

Meanwhile Satan and Asmo are off to the side, pouting because they too want attention from you too!

Mammon, Levi, and you can often be heard loudly singing songs from the show and talking about who the best character is

Mammon of course adores Rainbow Dash, she’s clearly the coolest!

Mammon buys a little figure of her to put on his nightstand and talks to her when he’s scheming

Will sometimes take her with him to the casino for luck :)


He’s the first one to watch the show with you

At first he doesn’t want to because ew normie show

But you can easily get him to watch it by either just hugging him or pointing out how y'all are always watching things Levi picks

Is one of the only brothers to not try and hide his first impressions of the show and is hooked pretty early on

He’s an expert on binging shows with you so you both manage to get through the whole thing pretty fast

He adores Fluttershy to bits and will take any opportunity to rave about her. Of course she isn’t as great as Ruri-chan, but who is in Levi’s eyes?

He thinks Fluttershy is very impressive with how she is so shy and anxious, but still stands up for what she believes in and even learns to stand up for herself as well!

He is absolutely cheering her on every step of her journey to be less anxious and really admires how hard she seems to work on it

Levi sees how her friends want her to improve but also don’t try to force her too far out of her comfort zone and is reminded of how you treat a yucky otaku such as himself. He is suddenly even more grateful to you and may give you more presents out of nowhere with no explanation

He starts to use Flutters as a way to motivate himself when he is apprehensive about something, he is constantly thinking to himself “Fluttershy would try her best in this situation and I should too!”

You better believe this man has every piece of merch with Fluttershy on it. He actually keeps his favorite figure of her next to his favorite figure of Ruri-chan and he looks over at them about 10 million times a day

He’d also get you anything from the show they wanted. You mentioned there was a limited edition toy you couldn’t find/afford as a kid? You better bet Levi is hunting it down and spending any amount of money to get it for you <3


Satan may appear highly sophisticated and whatnot with his charming words and seemingly limitless pool of knowledge, but he actually enjoys many things that others may consider childish

He’s never been one for judging other too severely thanks to how many lifestyles he’s grown accustomed to by reading, and he’s learned to be even more open minded since you came along

So while he may understand the social repercussions for doing childish things and therefore avoid them while in more close minded company, he has no problem with goofing around in private or with you

So when Satan hears that some of his other brothers were so invested in a show from the Human Realm, he can’t help but ask you about it

Once he hears more about it from you he is more than willing to watch the show

He watches some of it with you and some on his own, really it’s just something he has on a lot of the time and you join in watching whenever they are hanging out

Satan of course takes a liking to Twilight and he seriously laments the destruction of The Golden Oak Library

He's the type of person to think up complex theories. You would probably be pretty amused hearing him somehow come up with the exact same theories you remember from fans during the shows run.

He would try his best to figure out how magic in the show works and gets very invested in his theories. He might try to recreate spells from the show in real life.

Probably likes Twilight the most out of the characters.


Asmo is at first a little reluctant to watch the show, but who is he to say no to MC?

He also sees Mammon being praised for watching it and is instantly jealous

They put the show on in the background while he does MCs nails and he isn’t really paying attention until a certain purple maned fashionista is introduced

Falls in love with Rarity at first sight. Now THAT is one fabulous mare!

Absolutely adores all episodes focusing on Rarity, especially the ones focused on her boutique

Asmo is quite good at understanding others and their motivations so he ends up breaking own each character and analyzing them unintentionally and even makes some points that not even Satan or Levi would have been able to notice

He also uses his designing skills to make some of the outfits that Rarity makes in the show, just modified to fit a humanoid form of course

Out of all the ones he makes he ends up liking the Grand Galloping Gala dresses the most. He wears all of them and posts plenty of pictures to Devilgram. Even if most of his followers have no idea what the dresses are from they still support Asmo in everything he does

Asmo also ends up asking Solomon to grab him some Rarity related merch next time he’s in the human realm


When Beel comes home from the gym one day to see you and Belphie cuddling in the twin’s room and watching the show Beel doesn’t question it

He just plops down on the other side of you and joins in

Beel often ends up watching the episodes infrequently and out of order, but he still enjoys what he does see

Might watch the show while at lunch at RAD

Now THAT makes for an interesting sight, the avatar of gluttony surrounded by a mountain of food with his usually RBF and just watching some brightly colored kids show with his headphones on

Beel never once judges you for it being a “kid’s show”, in fact the thought never even crosses Beel’s mind. To him it’s a good show and that’s all you need

Beel actually ends up liking it a lot and you show him some more cartoons from your childhood for him to watch

He of course loves Pinkie Pie and The Cakes for their sweet creations

But his actual favorite character is Applejack

He loves her hardworking nature and honesty

He really just adores the whole Apple Family, they all seem to love each other so much

His favorite episode is probably the one where Pinkie goes on a roadtrip with them to see if she’s really an Apple or not

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