22. she/her. minors/ageless blogs are blocked. intense hyperfixation’s. multi-fandom blog. (prev. starepiphany) gifs

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This Could Be Like, A Totally Random Argument. It Doesnt Even Matter, Its Not Serious Or Anything. Empty

this could be like, a totally random argument. It doesn’t even matter, it’s not serious or anything. Empty arguing basically.

but maybe you had a really bad day, or are just irritated and upset. You start saying some mean shit and getting pissy. Hands on hips, pointing your fingers at him..

And Raphael is just staring at you like 😐

And it just ADDS to your anger.

after he lets you rant a little, he grabs your jaw, putting some light pressure and demanding you open your mouth.

you start talking some shit and when you open your mouth he holds on tighter to keep your mouth still and open.

and spits. In. Your. Mouth. straight up SPITS in your mouth.

Proceeds to force your jaw shut and tells you to swallow it.

GIRL- I would cum on the spot ngl

raph should spit in my mouth whenever he wants + make me suck his fingers too. I’m such a subby brat LMAOO

Sometimes he just wants you to shut up yk, so he has found that spitting in your mouth helps.

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More Posts from Jeepersbxch

2 years ago

Late Night Cravings

Warnings: Reader is female, swearing, smut, my god awful imagination and writing. Everyone is 18+.

2016 Donatello x Reader

Late Night Cravings

Why the fuck are you awake?

A sleepy groan left your lips and you rubbed your face with both your hands, as if the motion would somehow make your eyes adjust to the dark faster. You look to your right from your place on the couch to glance at the alarm clock that had been placed on the coffee table.

‘2:45 AM’

Again. Why the fuck are you awake?

With a moody huff you turn over from your position on your back to lay on your side and face the back of the couch; just as you close your eyes and finally begin to relax, your stomach growles - accompanied by the familiar burning sensation that comes with your digestive tract deciding it wants to eat itself. To be honest you just lay there for a while, contemplating if you have the motivation or not to get up and scrounge around for something to eat.

You ponder your options: you’re staying with the boys. They most likely have pizza, Leo’s got some healthy stuff laying around - granola bars, protien snack packs with cheese and ham and Turkey, and maybe some fruits. Raph’s got- No. You better not. Mikey told you where he keeps his orange crush and chips, and Donnie’s got a bunch of sweet treats - Pop-Tarts, chocolate Hostess, Twinkies, Pop-Tarts, candy bars, coffee, and did I mention Pop-Tarts. Listing off all the food almost had the same affect as counting sheep, and you began to doze off before your stomach woke you up again.

Grunting you twisted your body to face the edge of the couch before propping yourself up on an elbow to sit upright. Damn your stomach for wanting nourishment. With a yawn and a stretch you finally got off the couch and headed for the kitchen, nearly tripping over one of Mikey’s old skate boards on the way - the loud noise it made caused you to freeze in place and listen for any sound of movement. You’d feel bad if you woke anyone up, afterall, you were a guest in their home.

You could here the faint sound of tapping, but you chalked it up to some leaky pipes before continuing on your way to the kitchen - tapping only getting louder as you continued. With your sights set on Donatello’s Pop-Tarts you grabbed a chair from beside the dining table and placed it next to the counter, before climbing on to the chair to stand on the counter, and reach the blue box at the top of the cabinets.


You quickly grabbed an unopen bag before placing the box back, climbing down and placing the chair back where it belonged. As much as you would have liked to open the bag quietly - you made peace with the fact that no one could open a foil bag of Pop-Tarts quietly, and just as you were about to take your first bite the sound of an aggrivared groan caught your attention. For a moment you thought you had been caught and nearly dropped your snack in a panic, hands fumbling as you caught the bag by one of the he corners, open end up.

Phew. The sound of tapping was louder now, and you decided to follow the noise as you broke off pieces of the sugary treat and ate them. The sound lead you to Donnie’s lab, his own little corner of the lair in the shape of half a dome - computer screens clamped and screwed onto various boards, pipes, and supports. The light from all his lit computer screens caused you to see him as a constantly shifting silhouette, the goggles that sat atop his head, his shell, and his muscular arms being the easiest things to make out from his shadow.


The taller turtle jumped slightly in suprise, his concentration being broken by your voice. He whipped around to look at you, “Y/N?” He raised his hand to push away the magnifying scopes from his face to get a better look at you, “Are those my Pop-Tarts?”

You stopped mid chew to lower the bag before slowly putting it behind your back, “No,” you said with a full mouth.

He snickered in response to this, “It’s fine,” he shook his head with a small smile on his face, “What are you still doing up?”

You shrugged, “I was asleep, but I guess my stomach decided food was more important and woke me up.” You walked over to stand next to him, and he swivels in his chair to follow you till you stood infront of his desk. “What are you doing?” Your gaze drifted from moniteor to monitor taking in everything - nine of them grouped together showed a several differnt security feeds from various cameras Don had probably set up in the tunnels leading up to the lair, a few screens showed schematics of you don’t-know-what, a few displayed some type of coding, and one had a video game start menu pulled up.

“Multitasking,” he answered, eyes still trained on you before looking down at a piece of poptart that you offered him. He slowly took the piece, putting it in his mouth before turning to face the screen with the game pulled up.

“Whatcha’ playing?” You leaned over his shoulder to look at the screen a little more closely. A side view of pretty CGI girl was on the right side if the screen, her hair was in a messy ponytail as she appeared to be looking wearily at something. On the left was the typical New game and settings options under the title of the game-

“Until Dawn, I found the disk and was able to salvage the game by ripping it onto my computer.”

“Can I watch?”

At this Donnie shrugged, “Sure.”

From what you had gathered so far, the game was about a group of teens vacationing in some Lodge in the woods on a mountain. Someone died at the beginning, and the group of angsty friends decided that the only way to get past their friends death was to go back to the place it all started. After a while you got tired of standing and with the poptarts having long been finished between you and the purple masked turtle sharing them, you keeled onto the floor before managing to wiggle your way under his arm and into his lap. Donnie raised his arm slightly when you tried to worm your way through - this was a usual thing with you and him. The first time you had done it caught Donnie off guard and made him almost spill his drink. Now, he was so used to it he hardly flinched, but he couldn’t help how tense he would get at the feeling of you so close to him, trapped between him and his desk, the smell of your shampoo, your bodywash, and the perfume you decided to wear invading his senses. They say perfume smells different on everyone based on their natural scent, and yours complimented you perfectly.

“Donatello?” You looked up at him in confusion, the game had given him an option to choose from and he hadn’t picked anything. When you turned in his lap to get a better look at your green friend you noticed him watching you.

“Oof,” your movment made him grunt slightly and snap out of his thoughts, “Sorry was just thinking.” He swallowed thickly before returning his eyes to the game on the screen, but was stopped again by the feeling of your hand on his face.

“Huh?” He spoke softly as he looked back down to meet yoi gaze. He studied you for a moment taking in all your features - your big beautiful eyes and your hair that seemed to frame your face perfectly; your breath still smelled like strawberry Pop-Tarts.


“What?” He was having a hard time concentrating, maybe he should go to bed.

“Are you okay?” By now you had fully turned in his lap to face him, straddling him as both your hands rested on either side of his face, eyes examining his expression as if it would tell you what he wasn’t saying outloud.

Donatello searched your eyes for a moment, setting the controller down on the desk and gently placeing his hands on your hips before noddng.

Fuck it.

You tilted your head slightly to the side, one brow raised, “Are you sure-”

You weren’t able to finish, Donnie quickly pressed his lips to yours, pushing you back gently against the desk as he leaned forward. You let out a very small gasp in suprise, and the hairs on the back of your neck seemed to stand on end, but you didn’t fight back as you relaxed into the kiss - arms now slowly wrapping around the turtles neck as you pressed your body into his. He slowly ran his hands up and down your sides before wrapping his arms around your waist and leaned back into his chair, taking you with him.

When you two finally parted you were panting from both the intensity and your increased heart rate, “Where did that come from? Not that I’m complaining.”

Donnie smiled and pushed back on his chair, rolling the two of you deeper into his little corner of the lair where the dome of screens opened up into a small archway that lead into his lab.

“Sorry, you just looked so kissable,” he reached up and grabbed the edge of some black curtains he had added above the archway before pulling them shut and looking back at you. You smiled up at the tall turtle, hands resting on his chest as you looked at his hazel eyes, they always seemed to change depending on the lighting, sometimes they were more green, sometimes they were more chestnut, and other times they were a perfect balance between the two. The both of you must have sat their for a good few minutes, just admiring eachother and enjoying the closeness of the other.

“Hmph-” this time it was your turn to catch the purple clad turtle off guard as you closed the gap between his lips and yours. His hands migrated from your hips to your hair, tagling them in your soft locks as he began to nibble on your upper lip. You opened your mouth slightly to gently suck and bite at his lower lip, causing him to let out an audible sigh. Now his hands were feeling all over you - rubbing your thighs, your lower back, before resting and gently squeezing your ass through the thin fabric of your leggings. You let out a mischievous giggle at this, before grabing the tails of his mask and tugged them to pull his head back and give you access to his neck. You trailed kisses from his lips, down his jaw, to the side of his neck, then to the top of his shoulder before making your way back up and settling on the junction where his neck and shoulder met.

Donatello couldn’t help but let out a breathless groan when you started to gently bite the area, while simultaneously grinding your hips down against his. Donnie moved his hands back to your waist, and kept you pressed firmly against his pelvis as he bucked up into you through his pants. The action left you slightly winded and sent a pleasent shock down your spine and to your core. He took advantage of your suprise and reclaimed your lips before he moved his hands under the tank top you wore and began to massage your breasts. You took in a sharp breath when he pinched one of your nipples, of course you weren’t wearing a bra, who the fuck wears a bra to bed. Now it was your turn for your hands to explore him as you slowly ran them up and down his plastron and his arms - tentatively squeezing his tense muscles every now and then to relax them.

You sighed when he pulled back, allowing the both of you to breath. He gazed into your eyes as the two of you tried to regain your breath, before sharply bucking up into your hips again and you moaned, the hardness under his pants managing to brush against your clit through the fabric of your leggings and underwear.

“Shhh,” he placed a hand over your mouth to muffle the sound, “I don’t exactly have a door or walls.” He was right, that ‘walls’ of his lab were mostly made up of plywood, metal scraps, steel poles, monitors, and whatever else Donnie saw fit to hang up, and while it did provide cover, it didn’t exactly muffle any noises. You nodded with the silent promise to try and keep quiet before he removed his hand from your mouth. You were still slightly dazed, so Donatello decided to lavish your neck with the same treatment you had provided his with, except he had decided to toy with your ear a bit - his warm breath combined with the mildy cool air of the lair caused shivers to run through your body, goosebumps arising everywhere, and the more he teased your skin the more sensitive it became. Your breathing became ragged, quick, and shallow from trying to keep any noise you might make at bay.

Not being able to wait much longer your hands moved from their perch on his shoulders, taking the straps of his suspenders down with them before continuing to the waist band of his pants, quickly rubbing the large bulge underneath before you popped the button open and undid the zipper. Donnie hissed at the relief, his pants had gotten tight on him but he didn’t want to say anything in case you hadn’t wanted to go that far. The purple masked turtle quickly resumed his assault on your neck as you snaked your hand under his pants and pulled out his hard member from its confines. Donatello let out a deep groan that was quickly silenced by your lips before he hastily tugged at the bottom of your shirt, and your hands moved to the edges of your top as you eagerly helped him remove it.

Donnie didn’t miss a beat as he kissed his way down from your lips to you breasts before he took a nipple onto his mouth and started to tease it, swirling his tongue around it and nipping at it every now and then, while one of his hands moved to massage the other and pinch at the hardening bud. His free hand worked to pull your leggings and underwear down before you moved your hands to help him remove those too, though ultimately you ended up getting off of him to lower them down to your ankles and stepped out of them. Donnie took a moment to admire you, bare, lips red and slightly swollen from kissing, hair a little messy from both you having been asleep earlier and him having run his hands through it, your chest heaving from breathlessness.

You leaned down to hover over him, and he watched you - eyes slightly wide out of curiosity as he wondered what you were going to do next. You smiled as you removed the goggles that still sat atop his head, albeit slightly a skewed from how they normally were, before you gave him a light kiss - finger tips ghosting down his body from his shoulder down to his waist line. You kissed him again, deeply this time as you wrapped a hand around his dick and gave a few pumps. He gasped as a pearl of clear precum beaded at the tip, however, that gasp quickly turned into a growl as you rubbed the head with your thumb, successfully lubricating the tip before you proceeded to give him a handjob. He reached for you, only to be met with disappointment as you stopped in favor of keeping his hands away, and before he could even protest about wanting to touch you, you dropped to your knees - taking his now throbbing cock into your hand before putting the head in your mouth.

His mouth dropped open slightly and he pulled a hand up to his mouth to bite, watching you intently. Oh fuck he hadn’t been expecting that. He let out a strangled and muffled moan as you slowly swirled your tongue around the head, not really minding the salty taste. You went slowly and watched him as he unravelled, before you pulled at his pants with your free hand. He took the hint, lifting his hips slightly and pushing his pants down to the middle of his thighs. You hummed at the burning sensation that began to build deep within you as you watched his expression contort into one of pleasure, the action of lifting his hips had caused you to take him in deeper and you sucked harder, making your mouth a tighter fit for him.

“Fuck-” he cursed under his breath, and you snickered around him before quickly taking as much as you could of him into your mouth.

“Ah-ha!” He couldn’t help that moan, but you stopped at the sound and looked up at him, narrowing your eyes slightly.


He gulped, moving a hand behind your head and tangling his fingers into your hair, “S-sorry.” You ran your tongue from the base to the tip, swirling it around the head again before sucking lightly, and releasing it with a small ’pop’, only to repeat the action a few more times. He practically wheezed at your mininstrations, his grip on the back of your head tightening as he gently tried to get you to take more of him in again. With a huff you swatted his hand away before returning your hand around the base of his shaft, and moving your free one to rub his inner thigh before you began sucking him off again. Donnie tossed his head back, mouth slightly parted as he just enjoyed the pleasure you were so kindly giving to him.

“Oh, god,” after a moment he began to lightly thrust into your mouth, and you indulged him by increasing your pace.

“Y-Y/N,” he felt a strong, overwlmingly warm, and fluttering sensation in his abdomen. He managed to keep his voice down as he choked out your name, and as if on cue you removed yourself from him completely. With a frustrated growl he roughly grabbed you by the arm and pulled you so you were straddling him again, before he wrapped a hand behind your neck and pulled you in for a feverish kiss. You let out a soft moan when you felt the tip of his dick lightly brush against your entrance.

Donatello pulled away from you, “Are you sure?”


“Are you sure you want to go through with this? I mean, I do, but it’s okay if you-” you cut him off with a kiss, quickly lowering yourself onto him as the two of you clung to eachother for dear life. You broke away from the kiss again and gasped, the feeling of finally being filled quelling the burning sensation you had been feeling. You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck and slowly rose yourself, before slamming back down. The action sent a shock through you, the positioning allowing you to take him in completely, and the force encouraging a heady moan to roll out of your mouth.

“Donnie,” you were breathless.

“Yeah,” so was he.

“Please move…”

Without hesitation, Donatello wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off his lap with ease, before he raised his hips to slam back into you. You gasped and choked down a moan, the feeling causing you to throw your head back as Donnie continued at a steady pace. He huffed and grunted as he did best not to make any noise that wouldn’t be muffled by the thin ‘walls’ of his lab. In the middle of his thrusts he had the mind to move one of his hands between the two of you and began to rub circles around your clit with his thumb.

“Ha-” you bit your lip to contain the noise, and unbeknownst to you, the tight muscles within you were being to flutter around Donatello, making him groan at the pulsing sensation.

’Tssst’ the loud sound of a coke can being cracked open from across the lair caught your attention, and you both froze in place. There was a faint fizzling sound as Donnie turned his head in the direction of his closed curtains. He followed the sound of foot steps wandering farther back into the opposite corner of the lair. Donnatello placed a finger over his lips as he looked back at you, telling you to keep quiet as he resumed his thrusting. Something flared within you, the threat of almost having been caught sent a wave of pleasure through your body and you began to meet Donnie’s thrusts with your own.

“Holy shit,” he said in a strained whisper, followed by the distant noise of someone throwing an empty coke can onto the floor, and the sound of whoever it was settling back into bed.

You felt an all too familiar knott quickly tightening within you, the sensation making your muscles tense with anticipation when suddenly, without warning, Donatello moves his hands under your ass and stands up from his chair - quickly laying you on the nearest suitable desk within his lab before continuing to rail into you. He raised one of your legs over his shoulder and wrapped the other one around his waist, causing your leg to brush against the underside of his shell, and you to raise a hand and bite the side of your thumb to keep from mewling in pleasure.

The purple clad turtle was panting now, his breath rate rivaling yours as his thrusts increased in speed and strength. He used his hands to tightly hold onto your hips and keep you in place, while your free hand came up to grip his bicep firmly.

“Fu-” Donnie grunted a you tightened around him before he lowered his head to nip at your ear and neck.

“You’re so damn gorgeous…” He grunted again, emphasizing his words with a particularly rough thrust that made you gasp and squeak with a sudden intake of air. He moved one of his hands that was holding your hips down back to your clit and started to furiously rub the burning bud. With that, the hand that you were biting, and the hand that had been clinging to his arm shot to grip the edge of the table beneath you.

“D-Donnie,” you choked out before gasping for breath as it was all becoming too much. He growled at the sound of his name before he firmly bit down on the crook of your neck. The knott that had been building within you was now sending jolts of pleasure through your body as you attempted to hold back, causing you legs to tremble and, if you hadn’t have been gripping on to the table so hard, your hands to shake.

“Come on, baby,” ha panted.

“Donnie!” Donatello slammed his lips onto yours, that moan a little too loud for comfort. Gone were the rhythmic thrusts from before as you and Donatello chased your orgasms. Now his thrusts were frantic, ridged, and rough causing the desk beneath the two of you to move and scruff against the ground. He moved the leg that had been wrapped around his waist over his shoulder like the other and held you close as the two of you finally came, Your tightness proving to be too much for him, and the stimulation he was providing overwhelming you. You didn’t get to moan his name - you had to settle for your mouth dropping open and tossing your head back onto the desk as you let out a silent scream, while Donnie’s teeth latched on to your neck once more before letting out a loud groan as he firmly kept his hips flush against yours.

The two of you just stayed like that for a while, reveling in the feeling of being so close together before Donatello finally removed himself from you with a deep, and exhausted exhale. He slowly stood, gently letting your legs off his shoulders before moving so he could pick you up - sliding an arm under your shoulder and another under your knees before he lifted you from the hardwood table, and carried you farther into his little nook where a cozy bed awaited the both of you.

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2 years ago


Pairing: Tonowari & Ronal / Reader

Word Count: 1,297

Warnings: Minor Way of Water spoilers, minor pain.

Summary: Every Metkayina receives a tattoo after an important life event, and tattoos hold a deep meaning. After defeating a beast to protect your people, the time has come for you to receive another.


Tattooing was a sacred practice to your people. A tattoo on one's chest represented safety and security. Tattoos on one's arms were the marks of a warrior; signifying strength. You were due for the latter. You sat in your home, head bent forward as cool hands swept across your back. Ronal was nothing if not thorough. You shuddered while her fingertips took their time tracing their way across your skin, the pads of them making a journey over your left shoulder blade and onto your arm itself.

"It should be here." Her hand grasped the top of your bicep. It wasn't far from your first tattoo; a circlet of dark waves around your muscle that you had received as a young hunter. "The mark of a warrior." Her hand lingered longer than it needed to, filling your heart with warmth. Though you weren't fragile in the slightest, she still handled you gently. It was endearing.

"I am not a warrior," you stated bluntly. "I hunt."

She squeezed your shoulder once firmly and let go, rising off of her knees to cross the floor of your shared home. You didn't turn; listening to her movements rather than watching them. You heard her shuffle around and knew she was gathering the necessary items to complete your ritual.

"You are a warrior." Her footsteps were becoming closer once again. The netting beneath the two of you dipped as she joined you once more. She knelt at your side and took your arm in her hands again. You turned your head to meet her gaze.


Ronal was passionate. It was one of the things you loved about her; and you would never deny that fact. Your love for her was something to be proud of.

"If that is what you say," you relented. Truthfully, trying to refute anything she said was a waste of time. She had a comeback ready for everything, iron clad points always in tow. Even now she smiled wryly. She leaned forward, rewarding your agreement with a gentle touch of her forehead on yours.

"It is." You felt her breath against your face when she spoke. You yearned for her to move closer. To break the gap between you. But at the same time, you reveled in the tenderness behavior a simple forehead touch. She pulled back, her head turned towards the entrance of your home. Your eyes followed hers. In the entryway was a form you recognized well. The completion of your heart. Tonowari's head was tilted every so slightly to the side with question.

"Is it ready?" He asked.

"Nearly." Ronal's fingers moved up and down on your arm, digging ever so slightly into one spot. It was her duty to find the perfect spot to mark your skin with ink. The place that Eywa would approve of; and the place that you would approve of. "Have you come to watch?"

"I have come to help." Amusement punctuated his words. He stride forward and knelt down in front of you, joining both you and Ronal where you sat. He reached out and took your other hand, cradling it in his palm. "Are you feeling well?"

You scoffed, playful. "Ma Tonowari, I have been tattooed before," you said. "I am not a baby."

"She is feeling fine." You yelped when Ronal delivered a swift pinch to your arm, gathering a small bit of skin between her thumb and forefinger. "No disrespect, ____. Be kind."

She reprimanded you like you were a child. You huffed. Your banter was light-hearted, as always. You would never say anything that would truly upset your mates, just as Ronal would never do anything that truly harmed you. Tonowari watched the both of you exchange words and a fondness overtook his expression. You looked up just in time to spot it. The way his eyes crinkled around the edges when he smiled. The warmth they held. You twisted your lips into an exaggerated pout.

"I am sorry," you said to him. "Forgive me."

"Enough of you," he said, setting his second hand atop yours, keeping it held gently between his. "It is time to begin. If you feel pain-"

"Do not be soft," Ronal interjected. "There will be pain." There was a pause in her words where her own softness leaked through. "It should not be extreme."

"It will not be." You flashed her a reassuring smile, displaying your fangs with the expression. "I am a warrior. Remember?"

"I should have known you would use that." She grabbed your arm a final time, her fingers forming a circlet on the limb. You dutifully fell silent and turned away. While you weren't a coward, you still didn't enjoy the feeling of watching the tattooing practice. Especially when the practice was going on you. Soon after you turned, pinpricks of pain scattered across your flesh. You grimaced.

"Breathe." Tonowari's hands clasped yours firmly while Ronal worked. You dutifully took a deep breath, air rattling through your lungs. The pain wasn't awful. You were slowly getting used to it. Ronal was quick and efficient. You could hear her murmuring to your left, small prayers to Eywa and recollections of your accomplishments. Despite the pain that came alongside the ritual, you couldn't help but revel in the way she held your arm. A tight but gentle grip. A firm, yet somehow lenient hold. Your thoughts could be full of her forever and somehow it still wouldn't be long enough.

And then of course, there was Tonorwari. Strong was easily the word that first came to mind when your thoughts were of him; though he was far more than that. He was kind. He was respectful. He murmured as well, but his words were not for Eywa. They were for you.

"Brave," he was saying. "You are brave."

"It is a tattoo," you replied.

He shook his head and slid one of his hands up your arm. Ronal held your left. He held your right.

"You earned it through bravery," he said. "And you are brave receiving it."

The mere sincerity of his words made your heart beat faster. It was as though the organ was trying to beat hard enough to make itself jump and escape out your throat. Your mates gentle smile turned knowing. Knowing, and teasing.


You gnashed your teeth together in a mock-snarl, letting him see your fangs. He bared his teeth back once, indulging your playful antics. Then his gaze slid to Ronal's work. You suddenly became aware of the fact that the pain had stopped. He had distracted you, you realized. He drew your attention from the tattooing process, and now it was done.

"What is it?" You asked. You could see a swirling symbol of darkened blue and black on your skin, but it wouldn't be recognizable as any shape until it fully took to you.

Ronal sat back on her heels, admiring what she had done. Admiring you. Again, your heart kicked furiously. You imagined if it could speak that it would likely warn you it was about to explode.

"Water," she responded. Her finger traced a faint shape around the mark, mercifully not touching the raw skin itself. "Surrounding the beast."


She huffed and lifted herself up partially, pressing her lips to your hairline. "You are welcome," she said.

You closed your eyes contentedly. This was where you belonged; with your people, in your home on the sea.

With your mates in the place you shared, which was sacred to only the three of you. That was enough to keep you happy for as long as you lived. The memory of your joy would live on long after your death, forever kept alive in Eywa for anyone who wished to listen.

"Thank you," you responded.

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2 years ago


Tags :
2 years ago

Imagine sitting next to Snape at dinner and rambling on about your day:

He has to pretend to be annoyed by your constant chatter but can’t keep from smiling a little anyway

Imagine Sitting Next To Snape At Dinner And Rambling On About Your Day:
2 years ago
*between Sobs* H-he Pulls Them All Toward Him...

*between sobs* h-he pulls them all toward him...

*between Sobs* H-he Pulls Them All Toward Him...