compatibility can be super easy once you get the hang of it, and i thought i’d make this game thing to show you what to do/how well you’d work with someone else.
this works for friendships, family relationships and love relationships. this is not guaranteed to work and don’t always rely on astrology for compatibility, if you want to date someone and you’re not compatible, go for it.
also note: if all/most of your signs are opposites (water x air, fire x earth), this won’t really apply as there can be strong connection with opposites, and a relationship is very possible but it might take more effort that if you were not opposites)
– what to know –
use your sun, moon, rising, venus, mars. if you do not know these, you can try here, here and here. If you do not know your/their time of birth, look at this, this, this, this, and this.
– what signs are in each element –
fire: aries, leo, sagittarius
earth: taurus, virgo, capricorn
air: gemini, libra, aquarius
water: cancer, scorpio, pisces
– what to check for compatibility –
your sun + their sun
your rising + their rising
your moon + their moon
your venus + their venus
your mars + their mars
(also, your rising + their sun and your sun + their rising.. if your suns aren’t compatible and your rising aren’t, you can try this.. but both have to be compatible)
– what is compatible/how many points they are –
fire x air = 2
water x earth = 2
fire x fire = 2
water x water = 2
air x air = 2
earth x earth = 2
fire x water = 1
earth x air = 1
fire x earth = -2
water x air = -2
now add them all up and see what you get out of 10
FOR EXAMPLE, aquarius sun/capricorn sun, scorpio moon/cancer moon, virgo rising/leo rising, leo venus/sagittarius venus, aries mars/pisces mars (ps genders don’t matter)
aquarius sun + leo rising = 1
scorpio moon + cancer moon = 2
virgo rising + capricorn sun = 1
leo venus + sagittarius venus = 2
aries mars + pisces mars = 1
all together = 7/10
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More Posts from Jeetsanghvi
Can you do Jyeshtha Venus if you haven’t already🫶🏼
Jyeshtha Venus

Jyeshth venus can be a a mature partner that looks for Maturity in partnership as well.
I do feel you would rather be the older one or wouldn't want a too much age gap.
You can attract young minded partners that are mature and wise for their age.
You can also attract attention from young minded people because of you style, beauty as well.
Jyeshtha venus being in rulership of mercury is somewhat of a practical minded partner, they value directness and communication as well.
I also think too much direct ness for them cause upheaval in relationship or often periods of conflicts.
Jyeshtha venus can end up being someone that looks after their partner, be it willingly or not, they are someone mature and independent which can attract parasitic partners(if afflicted) especially if it's someone younger it can be in the form of some form of guidance that they might want, or jyeshth venus themselves can assume responsibility to change their partner or have so high expectations of their partner that they can try to micro manage their partners into doing things their way.
This is someone that puts self goals more on priority than the relationship, if Afflicted they can stay away from commitments Intially, and only once they make something of themselves they approach love.
If underdeveloped and in relationship they can get quite selfish and try to use their partner for their social prestige more than anything, if early on in careers this underdeveloped jyeshth venus has a habit of prioritising all their time for work and not be mindeful or considerate of their partner.
At the end of the day, jyeshta venus's only expectation from their lover if not underdeveloped, is to be backed and supported by them if everything else falls apart. They want an unconditional love because they put a little too much of conditions on things otherwise especially materially, so even if that goes away which is something so important to them, they don't want to feel useless or helpless than be comforted because they can attach a good part of their self worth on their material possessions.
Jyeshtha venus knows their value and hence is always on guard to know if their lover is with them with genuine reasons or to gain from them. This can cause superiority complex where they can get competitive with their partners often making them feel low if underdeveloped. Underdeveloped jyeshth has big ego issues.
They can feel attracted to people in power but never approach but would rather have the upper hand in authority in relationship. They want to dominate the love scenes (18+ intended), controlling the intimacy.
Their ideal match would be someone equally career focused and independent, they are not the kind to sacrifice their goals and is supportive and reliable partner as well if developed.
Big provider energy, they don't want to be on the receiving end.
Effective communication, doing social parties together, office parties, occasional lunches with families seems their thing.
Gift giving is a significant love language.
This is someone i feel with show their love grandly, will love to show you off if they find the right one. You will be one of their priced possessions, they are possessive and wanta you all to themselves.
I also feel they want to their relationship to feel more friendly than anything, without much obligations, where each of them wants to do things than be forced to do things they don't want to just because they are committed.
Good food, fancy restaurant or places with good food and booze where you get to dress up would be something they enjoy.

However, during the 1970s when things got colder, everything flipped upside down and then it was global cooling that would destroy civilization.
On April 28, 1975, Newsweek magazine published an article in which they sounded the alarm bell and proposed solutions to deliberately melt the ice caps:
“Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climatic change, or even to allay its effects. They concede that some of the more spectacular solutions proposed, such as melting the arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers, might create problems far greater than those they solve. But the scientists see few signs that government leaders anywhere are even prepared to take the simple measures of stockpiling food or of introducing variables of climate uncertainty into economic projections of future food supplies.”

Then TIME magazine’s January 31, 1977 edition had the cover story featuring “The Big Freeze.” They reported that scientists were predicting that Earth’s average temperature could drop by 20 degrees fahrenheit. Their cited cause was, of course, that humans created global cooling. It just seems that humans are so powerful we can alter the universe but cannot manage to create corrupt-free governments.

The difference this time is they have been able to get governments interested on the basis that they can stop it by raising taxes. Canada imposed a $1,000 tax per home to stop global warming. Perhaps the theory is if the politicians get more money they will speak less and reduce the hot air they spout out by yelling the end is near.
The climate has ALWAYS moved cyclically. Anyone who dares to argue that climate change is NOT caused by humans is ridiculed because this is a political issue being used to raise taxes and to regulate human activity by removing ever-greater proportions of our human rights and freedom. Those who attack anyone who denies human-induced climate change are either brainwashed or have a self-interest in the entire scam.
“I am hopelessly in love with a memory. An echo from another time, another place.”
— Michael Faudet
That's what I call relatable ...
INTP the Chameleon
Unlike most people, INTPs do not come pre-programmed with acceptable social behaviour patterns. Rather, they learn to fit in through conscious observation and deliberate mimicry.
While other people talk, the INTP watches and wonders. They observe what a person did and figure out what they should do as a response. Widening their sight, nodding, and smiling, the INTP responded with a fake social skill.
Like actors on a stage set, INTPs are playing a role. They know that being true to themselves doesn’t fit too well with average people, they slowly accumulate a little acting knowledge to help them get by.
INTPs could be described as a human chameleon or a mirror. If a person is friendly, funny, boisterous, and waves their hands around a lot, the INTP will start gesticulating, speak in a louder voice, and smile and joke more to match the other’s behaviour. And when the person is finally gone, they will turn into their typical self which often is silent, aloof and nonchalant, and slowly cocoon themselves inside their room.
Most of the time this mimicry is unconscious and is basically the result of playing a role deeply enough that it becomes embedded. Chameleons don’t have to think about changing their skin colour to match leaves and branches–it just happens.
Not that INTPs are good actors. They only act because they have to, and only put forth as much effort as is required to get by. An INTP, for example, does not have a giant palette of varied emotional responses that seem totally genuine. Instead, they are controlling their bodies like a puppet-master controls a puppet, and the resulting clumsy imitation of reality is just not lifelike. But it’s enough to get by, as long as there isn’t too much pressure.
If the pressure increases or the situation warrants it, however, an INTP will switch back to their regular selves for as long as necessary, perhaps stunning their acquaintances with a display of cool, clear, cogitant reasoning.
(The secret life of INTP- Anna Moss)
Fire was created of chaos in a sudden cosmic combustion ~
Aries: Emerged from a newborn star directly from the flame of God
Leo: Emerged from a golden solar flare streaking across the heavens in a crackling fireworks display
Sagittarius: Emerged from Zeus's lightning bolt as a grand gesture of divine love in a moment of high rapture
Earth was created as a gift of beauty and nourishment ~
Taurus: Emerged from a music note played by the divine heartstrings in a melody conducted just for them
Virgo: Emerged from a heavenly ritual of healing in a cosmic cauldron of alchemic recipes
Capricorn: Emerged from a collision between chaos and reason, a creation made of divine timing and the laws of the universe
Air was created in a night of storytelling with the Gods ~
Gemini: Emerged from a book of magic and a gesture of abracadabra- a great chronicle of the spells of spelling
Libra: Emerged from a pastel cloud in a misty and elusive vapour, a manifestation of the Law of Love with every beautiful element combining together
Aquarius: Emerged from a divine idea, a sudden rapture of cosmic inspiration and imagery and the attempt of perfection
Water was created when the Gods were lost in a daydream ~
Cancer: Emerged from a silver shell washing ashore on a Full Moon night when the tides were high and the soul of heaven poured into the ocean
Scorpio: Emerged from a violent sea storm in a sudden abduction from a hidden cradle of security and directly onto the shore of battle
Pisces: Emerged from a pineal gland pearl in a cosmic cove hidden deep in the vault of collective imagination that reveals itself while everyone is sleeping