The Other Day I Asked My Little Brother What Year It Was As A Joke
The other day I asked my little brother what year it was as a joke
he told me it was Tuesday
it wasn’t even Tuesday it was Monday
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I love this so much
Ravens are amazing
Ravens can talk!🐦⬛
Video by”Paige Bucalo”

goodnight :)

Same shit, different flavors.
DC (With Optional DP x DC and/or Marvel x DC) Writing Prompt
The Justice League have not yet revealed their identities to each other for one reason or another, but at some point a villain starts mysteriously targeting rich figures with a lot of influence for unknown reasons (up to you).
The Justice League needed an idea to ensure they could keep the potential targets safe.
This leads to Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen both waking up exhausted, the last thing they remember was attending a Gala before suddenly everything went black, surrounded by members of the Justice League who have kidnapped them took them to someplace safe to be guarded until the heroes sort this out.
Now, as much as Bruce and Ollie would like to tell their fellow League members their true identifies to not be babied for the next who knows how long and actually help, unfortunately people like Lex Luthor among other rich influential figures on the planet are among them so there's not really a way to reveal their identities without someone at least becoming suspicious they have SOME PERSONAL TIE to the Justice League.
Meanwhile the Justice League have been trying to call Batman and Green Arrow for hours but they haven't picked up. Though it seems Black Canary is amused enough with Mr. Queen.
Or... The Justice League kidnapped numerous billionaires (including Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen) to keep them safe from a villain targeting rich influential figures, hilarity ensues.
For added optional chaos...
- Bruce's publicly known children are among the ones there with Spoiler and Red Hood (if you wanna say Jason Todd is still LEGALLY dead) amused to no end.
- Vlad Masters and/or Tony Stark are among the rich figures. The former is absolutely annoyed and is unable to escape so easily due to so many heroes keeping an eye on him, while the latter considers calling an Iron Man suit here to assist the Justice League because it's not like him being Iron Man is a secret.