21 - she/her
153 posts
Jeyacore - Running Up That Hill - Tumblr Blog

daisy daisy “bloodstone” collection

i needed to read this

'enchanted heart earrings.' from softcharmshop, a small business devoted to 'affordable, dainty jewellery.'

tale as old as time

Chelsea Dingman, from “Notes on Inheritance”.

dress by aeie studios

On the set of Pride & Prejudice (2005) dir. Joe Wright

Lauren SoYung Lim with her Lamoda ‘slick nicks’ boots

Pann ‘Emily Bow’ detailed Poplin Shirt & ‘Paola’ Corset from 2021 capsule collection

Nasa spots mysterious heart-shaped craters on the surface of Mars.
“From Mars with love"

makeup details, Elizabeth Black by Marla Belt taken by Ruo Bing Li for Tush Magazine Issue 47


spring delight; angeles national forest, california
twitter / instagram

Yotsuba&! - Koiwai Yotsuba - Revoltech - DX Summer Vacation Set (Kaiyodo, Organic)

some of my favorite tiny love stories


Ulyana Sergeenko spring 2019 couture
so there was a shooting that happened at 3 spas in Atlanta that killed 8 people, six of which were asian women. the articles i was going to link had pictures of the shooter, which i am not going to spread, but this can be easily validated with a google search.
here are links to donate. i'm very tired.

other asian americans feel free to drop their donation links too. mine is in my blog description. thanks

FREE ME!!!!!!! Idk from what...I just want to be free from literally everything

Cassey Chanel for Emma Brewin (Spring/Summer 2017)