Jungkook Comforting Jimin (cr Boywithoutluv)

jungkook comforting jimin ♡ (cr boywithoutluv)
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More Posts from Jgukmilk
he won’t know (m) 01

➔ summary: Growing up you always had a crush on the heartthrob in human form; Jeon Jungkook. But you never managed to muster up the courage to develop anything with him, alas you eventually got yourself a boyfriend, thinking you had gotten over your silly middle-school crush and your boyfriend had become the one that held your heart, well, at least that’s what you thought.
➔ pairing: Jungkook X Reader
➔ genre: cheating!au, smut, slight angst.
➔ warnings: cheating with jungkook - In no way do i encourage cheating, this is pure fiction, mature language, multiple smut scenes, multiple orgasms, fingering, cunniligus, unprotected sex, overstimulation, jk has a huge schlong wbk, dirty talk, plot if you squint, edited (i apologise if there’re any mistakes, one of my many talents is overlooking typos), graphic?
➔ wordcount: 12.1k shuSH
part 1, part 2, part 3 (final)
“Canon ball!” Hoseok yelled out loud before speed running and jumping into the water, causing a huge wave to hit the edges of the pool, “Hoseok!” You yelled semi-annoyed while laughing as you attempted to wipe of the water droplets running down your exposed stomach.
You and a your friend group had decided that it was time to take a long deserved break. You had all finally finished with finals, and you were all completely worn out from the countless, sleepless nights of studying. Your friend group, which included; Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok, Jungkook, Taehyung, and lastly your best friend, Mina.
You had all agreed to step away from studies for the time being, just for a little while until your next exam approached, and just chill and enjoy each other’s company, and what better way to do so then sit by the pool. Jimin so happened to own a beach house close to the beach (duh), which was perfect.
In reality his parents owned the house, but they had been kind enough to let you all borrow it over the weekend.
Both parents agreed on the friend group deserving a break after studying so damn hard.
It was a three-floored house with a handful of bedrooms and bathrooms, so you all had enough space to sleep somewhere comfortable instead of the cold marble floor.
“Oh c’mon Y/N, you’re wearing a bikini. It’s made for the purpose of engaging in water-based activity,” Hoseok piped as he wiped the excess droplets trickling down from the side of his neck. You rolled your eyes at his choice of words. He was probably still in the exam mind-set, which allowed him to use such formal words when he easily just could’ve told you a bikini was made to get wet.
“I’d rather just sit here and enjoy the sun,” you said, laying back down and allowing the rays of the deep orange sunset light to warm up your skin. “Then go inside to the rest of the gang, if you don’t want to swim,” Namjoon let out while he was floating on his back, looking as if he was trying to become one with the water.
You, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook were the only ones that were sitting outside by the pool, either swimming or trying to get a tan. And frankly, you were the only one doing the second option.
The three boys, mostly Namjoon and Hoseok, had tried to convince you for over an hour to come in and join them in the water, but you’d much rather prefer to just sit back down in your beach chair and relax.
The rest of the group was chilling inside the beach house, playing cards and board games while most probably munching on a bunch of snacks. You didn’t feel like going inside and eating your weight in snacks, not that it didn’t sound like a delightful idea.
But you’d rather just sit outside and enjoy the shining sun, since you had spent the last couple of weeks studying in your room with absolutely no rays of sunlight, like some sort of ancient caveman. You missed it, you missed the light.
Pulling you out of your thoughts, your phone made a small vibration next to your thigh making you open your eyes and shift your attention over to the phone to see who had messaged you. Hoping it was your beloved boyfriend, Jaehyun, your thoughts filled with hope, only to be crushed seconds later when you saw you had gotten an email about some irrelevant advertisement about a diarrhoea colored couch being on sale. No wonder it was on sale, it was ugly as shit, almost literally.
Your back hit the beach chair while a long sigh left your lips. You and Jaehyun had been dating for a little over 8 months. He had asked you to be his girlfriend on a cute picnic date in one of your favorite parks.
He was your dream guy; he was sweet, thoughtful, funny, and not to mention, really handsome. In your eyes he was the whole damn package. Everything was going so well the first couple of months, but when exam season rolled around you both started to become more distant, you were long over the honeymoon phase of your relationship.
You didn’t lose interest in each other, well, in a way you did, but it wasn’t intentionally. You had both been so busy with studying that you barely had time to spend with each other. The sweet goodnight texts he would send you every night slowly reduced by the day. The spontaneous facetime-calls vanished.
You barely saw each other anymore. Alas, putting all of those factors aside, you could see Jaehyun was trying. He was truly trying to keep in contact with you, and make you feel like you had a boyfriend that wanted to know how you were doing and ask you about your day.
Truth be told, you missed feeling like you had a boyfriend.
“You good, Y/N?” Namjoon’s deep voice broke you out of your thoughts, “what?” you blinked twice. “You’ve been staring at the same spot for a solid ten minutes, without blinking. I was starting to worry that a fly might get its way into your eye,” he chuckled lightly.
“N-no, I’m good, just thinking ‘tis all,” you heard an over exaggerated uhhh escape Hoseok’s mouth, “trouble in paradise, girly? What’s his name, Jichan?”
“Jaehyun,” you corrected, “and no, everything’s fine with him and I,” you assured, but the guys didn’t quite believe you. They had noticed how you started to speak less of him as the weeks passed by.
You would always share cute pictures you and your boyfriend took on the dates you would go on every once in a while, or you would talk about how you both would stay up till the ass-crack of dawn to text or call.
But you couldn’t talk about those kinds of things anymore, since those events stopped occurring. But they didn’t want to push it, it wasn’t their business anyway, so they just decided to let it slide. Well, except for Jungkook.
“What happened? Can’t satisfy you anymore?” the dark-haired boy asked cockily, causing all three pairs of wide eyes to shift to his direction. He coolly slid his hand through his dark wet locks.
“Jungkook, leave it,” Namjoon scolded him calmly but sternly. You felt your heart slightly race in frustration. This brat, you thought. Wanting to stand up for yourself, and not wanting to look like you needed anybody else to do it for you, you answered him, “we’ve been busy studying,” you kept it sweet and short.
Your relationship with Jungkook wasn’t exactly… what’s the word? Existent.
You were part of the same friend group, and that was all you two were, two people sharing the same group of friends. You never uttered more than a few words to each other, and if you had a decent conversation there was always a third party involved. Though it wasn’t enough to call him a friend.
But that didn’t stop him from having the balls to act like an ass to you from time to time, like now, but other than that, you two didn’t really talk so much.
You like to blame your non-existent friendship on the previous crush you had on him. You had small feelings lingering for Jungkook in middle school, long before you even knew Jaehyun, back then Jungkook was the one who had your heart without having any knowledge of it.
Jeon Jungkook was the throb of your heart. Was.
And because of those meaningless feelings, you never got the courage to try and develop a friendship with him.
But over time you just got used to not having any form of relationship with him, so you just decided to let it be, and he too didn’t seem to care about trying to earn your acquaintance.
Time passed by, the sun had set, and the boys still tried their best to convince you to join them in the pool, but your butt remained in the beach chair, like it had for hours now.
They kept telling you how there really wasn’t any excuse since the sun had set, and your only reason for not joining them was because you wanted to supposedly enjoy the sun.
All in all, You were all having fun, Jin came out to you guys countless times, to check on you all once in a while, him being the mom-figure he was, he brought a few snacks so you wouldn’t starve to death or get a spontaneous cramp and drown. His words, not yours.
“Guys, I’m really tired,” Hoseok started, “I think I’m gonna call it a night and join the rest of the gang inside.
You coming?” He raised an eyebrow at all three of you, “yeah, let me join you,” Namjoon let out. Both elder boys swimming to the edge of the pool to dry themselves off and join the rest of the group inside the beach house.
You realized you were going to be left alone awkwardly with Jungkook. So before any awkward conversation could occur, you decided to get up and escape, “you’re leaving too?”
Jungkook’s voice made you stop in your tracks and look over your shoulder, “what does it look like?” you answered back half-assed, in all honesty you were still a little annoyed at Jungkook because of his unnecessary remark about your relationship with Jaehyun.
“Don’t leave,” he broke you out of your internal rant, “why not?” you crossed your arms. He swam to the nearest edge, resting both elbows on the marble. “I don’t want to be out here all alone, and I don’t wanna go in just yet,” he argued.
“So, you want me to stay?” he rolled his eyes at the obvious, “no dumbass, I asked you to stay obviously because I want you to leave,” you smiled mischievously at his sarcasm, “gladly,” you bowed sarcastically while holding your non-existent gown, and proceeded to make your way over to the house,
“Yes,” he sighed loudly, “I want you to stay.”
You turned around again. Going through all the possible reason as to why you shouldn’t stay out with the brat. He’s just going to be an ass to you again.
Maybe he didn’t mean it?
Are you dumb? When has Jeon Jungkook ever been nice to you?
Well… Maybe this could finally be a chance to start a friendship with him?
The two demons in you were fighting about whether or not you should’ve stayed. Your angelic side wanting to stay and attempt to develop a friendship with the boy you secretly always admired from a far but hated publicly.
While your demonic side was telling you that he could go and suck your dick and choke on it and, maybe if you were lucky, hopefully permanently damage his esophagus.
Realizing you probably looked like an idiot just standing there, staring at nothing. You blinked a couple of time before finally making up your mind.
It wouldn’t be that bad to spend a couple more moments out here with Jungkook, if everything went to complete and utter shit, throwing yourself into the water and drown was always an option.
You made your way back over to your beloved beach chair, about to take a seat when, “what are you doing?” Jungkook’s voice stopped you from placing yourself on the chair, “sitting?”
“No, you’re gonna swim,” Jungkook protested, crossing his arms under water but it was still clearly visible to you, “I’m not going in,” you placed yourself on the chair, “yes you are,” you saw Jungkook from the corner of your eye swimming closer to you, you didn’t let your brain accept what he’s about to do, “what are you doing?” you asked half scared, half annoyed. It was enough for him to have you stay.
Having you go in and swim when you clearly didn’t want to was downright provoking. “I’m dragging you in here myself,” a smirk painted itself across Jungkook’s uneven lips, “No, you’re not,” you said, trying to mentally plant your fingers on the chair to make it impossible for him to lift you from the chair.
He lifted himself up from the water, putting his perfectly sculpted body on display for you. Your eyes stung at the sight and you almost painfully forced yourself not to look at his abdomen and chest. Eyes on his face.
He walked over to you ever so slowly, as if he was giving you a few extra seconds to make up your mind. Your eyes betraying you, your gaze shifted down to his strong biceps. Your mind flooded with thoughts of his rock-hard arms wrapped around you, his veiny hands placed on the small of your back, in attempt to get you up from the chair.
The sole thought made your stomach twist in an unknown way.
You can’t let him touch you.
“Fine!” you exclaimed loudly, making him flinch backwards. You removed the towel covering your thighs and made your way over to the metal pool ladder that descended its way down the pool.
It had become completely unnoticed, but it somehow slipped your vision that Jungkook was already back in the pool, swimming backward strokes, watching you playfully as you unwillingly wrapped your fingers around the metal poles. “Today, Y/N.”
You looked back at Jungkook with narrowed eyes. You took slow steps into the cold water. The feeling of goosebumps lick up and down your spine repeatedly from the sudden contact of icy water, your body twitched. The sun was also gone, meaning the water had dropped a few temperatures.
Your back faced the water, it took you a good minute to let your body adjust to the cold temperature. You inhaled and exhaled deeply trying to relax with both eyes closed, and you’re almost there. Your body was now feeling warmer, so you opened your eyes, ready to go in, but you looked down on the metal poles and saw another set of hands placed tightly around the bars.
Realisation hit you like a truck at the warm temperature-like feeling that was felt from behind. More specifically, another body behind you. You discreetly turned around, without bumping into him. You stopped breathing from the closeness of his face.
“You sure like taking your time, don’t you?” Jungkook broke the intense silence. His dark hooded eyes were fixated on you, making your knees tremble slightly. It made you uncomfortable to have him this close. “Get away from me,” it came out barely as a whisper. All strength that was intended was all gone.
His fingers unlocked from around the bars and you exhaled slightly in relief. Only to have your breath caught up in your throat, when Jungkook decided it’d be a good idea, to wrap his fingers around your wrists instead. “No- I can do it myself, Let go!” you tried to yank your hand out of his grip but you miserably failed.
A wide grin is plastered on his face as he dragged you further into the pool, “thought I might help you,” he brought you even closer to him, and you feebly tried to kick your legs under the water to increase the distance between you.
Finally he brought you to stand right in front of him. He placed both your hands on his broad chest by accident, in attempt to keep your hands still. You tried your luck one more time and yanked your hand away from his using all your strength. Finally, you succeeded.
But that didn’t stop him from coming closer to you. He took small steps in the water, getting closer to you. And you, horrified, backed away. “Jungkook, what’s gotten into you, stop it.” You said firmly. Your eyebrows clashed at his puzzled silence.
You felt the fine hairs on your back rise at the way his breath grew unsteady. His breath hit your face, causing the electric-like feeling up your spine, to intensify, yet you convinced yourself it was because of the cold water.
You saw his eyes switch between your own and your lips. You didn’t know if you were hallucinating or not, but you could’ve sworn you saw him slowly leaning in while secreting his lips with his wet muscle. He was about to- Oh no…
“Whoa! The water feels great!” you extended your arms up in the air on purpose, to create some much needed space between you. Almost hitting his nose, he backed away from you, a little shocked at the sudden outburst. Before he was able to process the situation, you hurried yourself into the water, mentally cursing at the cold liquid touching your skin.
“Wah, it’s so nice,” you convincingly lied, “I see why you want to spend a little more time in here, so relaxing!” you splashed some water on your arms and under your armpits as if you were showering.
Your mouth twitched at the fake smile that painted across your face. Jungkook, on the other hand, was still quite confused, “don’t you think?” you asked wanting to pull him out of whatever thought was going through his mind.
He nodded hesitantly, “yeah, I… I guess,” he scratched the back of his head, his mind still being in a daze of confusion. You sighed in relief from the success of being able to escape the previous situation. Your heart was anxiously racing. You patted your chest in attempt to calm your racing heart down.
Pulling you out of your thoughts, you heard your phone ringing loudly. You titled your head, trying to think of who could be calling you this late. “I’ll get it,” Jungkook piped, not letting you respond.
He made his way to the edge of the pool, doing a mini-mermaid stroke with his legs to kick himself up from the water.
He crawled up from the pool and made his way over to the beach chair with the vibrating device on it. “Who is it?” you asked, making your way over to the edge of the pool, following the same movements he made to get out of the pool. You as well, crawled out of the pool. You eyed him confused as you saw his eyes darkening at what seemed to be the ID caller. “Jaehyun,” he said bluntly.
Your heart fluttered at the mention of his name. Not bothering to ask what had gotten into Jungkook, you snatched the phone from his hands, immediately pressing on the green button, and brining the device up to your ear
“Jaehyun-ah!” you exclaimed excited, which only made Jungkook’s eyes grow darker hearing the nickname roll off your lips, but it came unnoticed in your mind.
“Hey, Princess,” your loving boyfriend’s voice was heard from the other line. Your smile grew at the pet name. Not hearing his voice for a long time really had made you sad, considering how you two could never even go a day without hearing from one another.
“Hey,” you greeted back, your smile growing. Your eyes shifted over to Jungkook. And you noticed how his eyes had grown hooded while you had been all smiley with Jaehyun on the other line. “How’ve you been, Y/N?” Jungkook took a few steps closer, almost towering over you, but you managed to place a hand on his bare chest to keep your distance from him.
Ignoring the flutter in your stomach at the skin-to-skin contact with Jungkook, you took a few steps backwards to increase the distance between the two of you. But managing to keep your hand on his chest to keep him in place.
“I’ve been good. Finals went well and now I’m just chilling with the gang at Jimin’s beach house,” You answered, still, your full attention on the endearing boy on the other line.
But bursting your perfect little bubble, Jungkook slid his fingers around yours; waiting for you to react, and it certainly didn’t take long. ‘What are you doing?’ you mouthed discreetly to the drenched male in front of you. Creepy sensations being sent to your spine from the fingers he had wrapped his own around.
He did nothing but filthily smirk at you before brining you hand up to his cheek. You’re eyes widen in sudden shock, body completely frozen. Being slightly panicked would be an understatement.
“Hello? Y/N, you there?”Jaehyun was now the one to cut you out of you sudden daze, “y-yeah, I’m here. The connection must’ve been bad, I didn’t get what you were saying,” a small aha was heard from Jaehyun.
Jungkook brought your hand, along with his own, up to his face. Subconsciously you cupped his face, you knees almost gave up on you at the sight but visibly you could see him melting into the heat of your palm. “So soft,” he whispered to himself, as if he was talking to your hand, completely forgetting your existence. But his eyes quickly averted to your own, making you lock gazes.
“What have you been up to?” Jaehyun asked from the other line. You didn’t give yourself the time to answer him, since your priority right now was to get Jungkook off of you. You tried jerking your hand away from his but you failed miserably. It only made him come closer to you, leaving almost no space between the two of you, “you really should answer him, angel,” Jungkook whispered, making sure his own voice didn’t reach the other line.
Absolutely frozen in place you managed to utter a few words, “nothing really… you?” Jungkook smiled in satisfaction, his lips moving to the bud of your fingers, placing small pecks of affection on each and every one of them. You moved your phone to the edge of your shoulder, “Jungkook, stop,” you said before bringing the phone back up to your ear.
“Ah y’know, just been busy with work and studies, the usual.” Jungkook’s small peck trailed down to your palm, making his way down and up your arm.
You could feel your breath growing unsteady, “are you alright?” at this point Jungkook had reached your neck, placing small kitty licks on the crook of your neck. “You’re... Panting?”
“J-Jungkook, stop. P-please…” your body betraying your words, you felt your head tilt slightly to the side giving him more space. A breathy chuckle left his lips, causing goosebumps to aggressively shoot through your body.
He continued to nip carefully on your soft skin, “answer him,” he purred demandingly close to your ear, his voicing dropping at least one octave, “yeah, just a little dizzy. I-I should get going.”
“Oh okay, take ca-” you cut the line, letting the phone slide down from your fingers, “good girl,” Jungkook praised you before wrapping his arms around your waist, causing a small gasp to escape your lips.
He turned you both around, and sat down making you straddle his lap, your legs on either side of him. You tried to stand up, you really did, but his arms were tightly secured around your waist making it almost impossible for you to even move.
“You’re so beautiful,” he cooed, making you stop attempting to rise from him. His words caught you off guard. He started trailing kisses between the bridge of your two breasts.
You bit your lips trying your damn best to hold back any sounds from escaping. You refused to let him know how good he was making you feel. He trailed wet open-mouthed kisses from your chest, making his way up your neck.
He grabbed your waist, making you lay down on the beach chair while he hovered above you, completely trapping you. He looked into your eyes, admiring the way your pupils were dilated. He smirked--you were enjoying this.
You stared back at him, lips slightly parted, heavy breaths escaping as if you were patiently waiting for his next move. He lowered his head, licking his lips before attaching them to your own.
He moved at a gentle pace as if he was trying to savor your taste. He pulls away for a brief second, “you taste so sweet,” He smacked any thought out of your mind and continued to kiss you, but still you didn’t reciprocate. You tried your best not to move your lips with his pink and plush ones. They felt so soft, so gentle and, god, so warm. You couldn’t give in, you just couldn’t do that to Jaehyun. To yourself.
His hands made their way to your thighs, bending your knees as he lowered his pelvis to your middle, making the move more intimate. Confused as to why you didn’t kiss back, he removed his lips from yours to get a good look at your face in fear of the fact that he might have crossed the line with you.
Yes he wanted you, a lot, but he would never force you to do anything out of your comfort-zone. But a smile twitched on the corners of his lips in relief getting a good glimpse of your face. Cheeks flustered with pink, pupils dilated, breath unsteady, lips unintentionally parted and slightly swollen. His doing.
He still didn’t know if you wanted him as much as he wanted you, but one thing was he sure about. You didn’t want him to stop. How could you?
If you truly wanted him off of you, you would have pushed him away and rushed inside the house, yet here you were. Letting him hold you, letting him hover over you, letting him kiss you--worship you.
He lowered his face again, but his lips didn’t touch yours. His mouth brushed over yours, while his hand caressed your side. He was ruining you. You didn’t dare to move, he could kiss you, but you couldn’t kiss him. As much as you may have wanted to, as much as he made you want to crash your lips against his. You couldn’t do it. You didn’t have the heart to.
“Are you thinking about him?” Jungkook chirped lightly, his mouth still micrometers away from you. You couldn’t do anything but nod, your eyes fixated on his eyes, occasionally switching to his lips, “I can make you forget about him,” he confirmed, “I won’t make you regret this,” his voice was so gentle. It was as if he was a siren, his voice making you forget about anything and everything, only making you focus on the soft vibrations reaching your ears.
“But you have to let me, Y/N,” he spoke again, “I won’t go any further unless you ask me to,” he stared deeply into your eyes, searching for any sign of consent, but he knew the only kind of consent that’d make him keep going, was your verbal consent.
He didn’t dare to rush you, he’s been wanting you for so long, he couldn’t rush things with you if it’d mean he’d blow it. He had waited so long.
He had waited so long to finally hold you, to have you under him all flushed, and now that he finally had the chance to have you, he didn’t dare to blow it. He couldn’t afford to think with his dick right now. “Jungkook, I-“
“You guys still in the pool?!” You quickly pushed Jungkook off of you, dusting off your body as if he was some kind of germ, “w-we were just about to go in!” you yelled back to Jimin, who was standing on the balcony from the second floor, looking down at the two of you.
“You should come in before it gets too dark,” Jimin pronounced with a smile before making his way back into the house, probably to join the others in whatever the hell they were doing.
“Y/N-“ before Jungkook could speak any further, you grabbed your towel and rushed into the house, too embarrassed to face him.
“Oh, hey Y/N,” Namjoon smiled warmly at you once he spotted your flustered form standing by the door frame. You had your towel wrapped securely over your shoulders, “hey,” you replied as you made your way over to the staircase.
“Where are you going?” Jimin asked you, making you stop in your tracks, “I’m tired… so I’m gonna call it a night. See you in the morning,” you said keeping it short and sweet, but before any of them could protest you spoke again, “Mina,” you got your best friend’s attention, “come with me?”
You could see in the girl’s eyes she was about to turn you down. But you tried your damn hardest to give her a look that said, please-just-come-with-me-and-don’t-argue, and luckily, she got the message, “uhm, yeah sure.”
“I KNEW IT!” Mina yelled loudly. You quickly had to slap a hand over her mouth to shut her up, “are you insane?! They’re going to hear you!” you whisper yelled aggressively. You had told Mina about what happened between you and Jungkook when you both were alone in the pool.
But you made sure to keep the details about how flustered he made you feel, out. “I called it!” Mina announced happily over your hand. She had always been bright about the idea of you and Jungkook. Even before you met Jaehyun.
She had gotten salty once you told her about Jaehyun, long back before the two of you even started dating. You remember her not wanting to speak to you for over three days, but in the end, she reminded herself that she needed to be your best friend and support you no matter what, even if she disagreed with you, it was your relationship not hers, and if Jaehyun was able to make you happy then that was all that mattered.
No, she wasn’t hyping you up about cheating; of course she thought and knew it was very wrong and something that should never be done. But Mina knew about your relationship status with Jaehyun, she had known it wasn’t exactly a bundle of roses as it had previously been. She wasn’t sure if Jaehyun was making you as happy as he could anymore.
And to add on top of that, it was Jungkook that you had been a little unfaithful with, which was the cherry on top for Mina.
“Mina, it was a mistake, nothing’s going to happen,” the joyous grin plastered on her face slowly faded, “why not?” she asked curiously, innocently tilting her head to the side while crossing her arms, “because I don’t like Jungkook that way, heck I don’t even like him as a person,” your sentence followed a deep sigh, “look, it was just a stupid mistake I let happen, okay?”
“You may not like him but you sure as hell find him attractive,” smugly, she crossed her arms while side-eyeing your amused. You nearly choked on your spit, “pardon?”
“Oh, c’mon Y/N. You might be stubborn as hell but you’re not blind, Jungkook is so hot even satan would be sweating around him,” you rolled your eyes, “well if you think he’s so hot then why don’t you fuck him?” you were almost yelling at this point, completely forgetting about the others downstairs.
‘‘Obviously you want it more than I do,” You almost threw yourself out of the window, you had never sighed so dramatically in your life but at the moment you had no other way of expressing your annoyance.
“You wanted him, didn’t you?” you shot your eyes at Mina, “what do you mean?” she looked around Jimin’s room, “I mean, technically, you didn’t stop him, Jimin did,” you rolled your eyes, “yeah thank God he did,” you ran your fingers through your hair, not daring to think about what would’ve happened if Jimin hadn’t interrupted you.
“What I’m saying is, think about what would’ve happened if Jimin hadn’t interfered,” she piped innocently, a small yet creepy smile threatened to paint itself over her face, “I would’ve stopped him,” you answered a little too confidently, “would you really?”
“Look, I don’t want to talk about this - I don’t even know what it was, point is I just want to go to sleep, and you’re staying with me to stop him in case he barges in, in the middle of the night to touch me,” you let out all in one breath, “I will, but not unless you do want him to touch you.”
“I don’t!” you defended yourself, a little upset, “yeah, yeah. Just go to sleep, I’m gonna go take a shower,” Mina got up from the bed, going over to the closet to grab a towel and a few clothing items from Jimin, eventually walking into the bathroom, running the water.
You exhaustedly threw the back of your head against the pillow of the bed. Fuck you, Jeon Jungkook, you thought. Why did he have to make things so complicated for you? Why did he have to grab you the way he did?
Why did he have to make your heart beat so fast you thought it was going to explode, you weren’t going to lie to yourself, you did find Jungkook attractive, but was there more to it? Or were you just nervous and uncomfortable?
Would you have continued if Jimin hadn’t interrupted, would you have kissed him? Would you have let him touch you? Would you have touched him? What if he had-
Cutting you out of your trance, you lazily rolled over the bed, reached for your phone that was laying peacefully on the nightstand. You clicked on the home button, making the screen light up, showing the name of the person who had messaged you.
-1m ago
Jungkook: Angel...
Jungkook: Call me.
You stood there, for a solid minute just staring at your phone, God what does he want now? You decided to ignore him, placing the phone back on the nightstand and planting your face on the pillow.
This motherfuc- angrily slapping your hand on the phone to pick it up, you clicked on the green button mere moments before placing it on your ear, “what?” you let out impatiently.
“Y/N…” Jungkook’s voice was heard from the other line. You froze, but not because Jungkook had called you, no, because your name rolled off his lips like a…. moan?
“What do you want..?” you asked, almost terrified of knowing the answer, but at that moment it felt like the right thing to ask, “I want you in my room,” you swore you could feel your knees shaking, even though you were sitting down they trembled.
You heard a small whimper escape from his mouth. Worry crept its way into you, “are…are you okay?” once again, you were almost terrified of asking.
“No I’m fucking not,” he growled, “you’re so rude, Y/N… you know that?” a small chuckle was heard from the other line, and again, a soft moan followed. “God, you frustrate me so much, angel,” he purred from the other line.
You felt your heart rate increase, pinching the insides of your thighs together, “Jungkook, I don’t understand…” you almost whispered, not being sure if it was unconsciously or if it was because you didn’t want Mina to hear your conversation with the boy.
“I’m in bathroom next to the master bedroom, come by and I’ll explain,” he pleaded, making it sound almost innocent, but you weren’t that stupid, you knew what was in store for you if you were enough of an idiot to commit that mistake.
“Like hell I’ll come by,” you said sternly, as if you weren’t a little hazed just a few moments ago. You had to stand your ground; you couldn’t let him fog your mind.
“P-please. It hurts…” his voice came out as a small whine, your vision suddenly went blank for a brief second, it hurts? Your confidence immediately died down, small proportions of worry started to creep its way into your body.
“J-Jungkook? What’s wrong?” you heard a sharp grunt escape the small speaker, making you flinch slightly in place.
“I need you - ahh shit - I need you to touch me, Y/N,” Only by then did it click in your mind, “My hand isn’t enough, fuck- it doesn’t even work when I imagine it’s yours,” he was touching himself, and to the thought of you.
Your knees shuddered to the bare thought of him getting off to you. You couldn’t let him break you, couldn’t let him know he had a chance to break you.
“I’m with Jaehyun, you know,” you said bluntly, another grunt was heard from the line, but this one wasn’t an aroused one, it was out of annoyance.
“And?” he growled.
“Are you serious?” you huffed in disbelief, “you can’t be this much of a jerk,” you semi-crossed you arms since your right one was occupied with your phone, “He doesn’t have to know, it can be our little s-secret, just between you and - Nghh - and me,” you scoffed at the suggestion. “Please, angel. I’ll eat you out till the crack of fucking dawn, I’ll do whatever you want me to, and you know I can make you feel really good, just- ah fuck- please. Please come over and let me have you.”
The protest dying in the back of your throat, being completely tongue-tied, you just stared at the blank wall in front of you.
“I’ll treat you and worship you like the princess you are, I’ll spread your legs and eat you out until you’re shaking in your own arousal,” your breath collapsed at the pool you felt forming between your legs.
You knew the right thing to do was to stop him talking about what he could do to you, with you, if you were in the bathroom in this very moment. The way he’d kiss you, hold you, fuck you-.
“You don’t have to do anything, just come over here and- ahhh fuck!” his unstable breath cutting him off mid-sentence, the filthy scenarios being too much to think about. “Please… Y/N, I’m begging you.”
At this point you were shaking, your own breath was beginning to grow unevenly, your fingers were trembling. You’re legs were shaking so much it hurt, if you tried to walk you knew damn well you’d fall right on your face, you were fucked.
“Jungkook stop. You’re torturing me…” you exhaled, not realising you had held your breath in the first place. “The only way I’d possibly be torturing you, is by not touching you sooner.”
You brought your knees to your chest, hugging them tightly, desperately trying to control the pounding in your heart and the pool forming between your legs. Another whimper was heard from your phone, and the sound shot straight to your middle.
Before he could utter another word, you did the only thing you could think of: You threw the phone, making it land somewhere on a big pile of clothes that were on the ground.
You didn’t pay attention, too distracted by the sudden aching in your core, to realise you had forgotten to end the call. Though it wasn’t on speaker, you could clearly hear the loud grunts and whines from the device.
“Y/N?” you heard from the bathroom. You sprung to your feet, “shitshitshitshit,” you quickly jumped onto the pile of clothes, a very unnecessary move, and pressed the red button on your phone.
And as if scripted, Mina opened the door to a rather weird scene, “you okay?” you were laying flat on Jimin’s pile of dirty laundry with your phone in your hand.
Your gaze shifted to your best friend who was only standing with a bathrobe on her body and a towel on her head.
“Y-yeah I’m just tired,” you lie, “I’m gonna call it a night,” you stood up from the laundry and dug yourself under the covers of the bed, trying your best to fall asleep and forget everything that had just happened.
“01:09, are you kidding me,” you whispered to yourself after checking the time on your phone. It was currently one in the morning, yet you still hadn’t gotten a little shuteye. You were wide-awake, Jungkook’s words still lingering in your head. You hate that the thought of him was basically engraved in your mind.
You plopped your head back onto the pillow and looked to your side to find Mina sound asleep next to you. Oh how you envied her.
You were positive that everyone was sound asleep since you hadn’t heard a vibration of noise for the past hour, so you figured the rest of the group had decided to call it a night and lost themselves in dreamland, unlike you.
Completely giving up on the attempt to sleep, you jumped out of bed, a cold breeze hitting your bare legs. You feel the fine hair rise. You solely had a black over-sized t-shirt on the stopped just under your butt, and a pair of underwear.
You took a moment to look at your leggings on the floor; you decided to skip over them, not needing to cover your legs since you hadn’t expected to bump into anyone at this time of night.
You exited the bedroom, quietly making your way down the stairs and tiptoed your way into the kitchen to fetch a refreshing glass of cold water. You had to pass by the living room to get to the kitchen.
Jimin had been sweet enough to offer you and Mina his room, while the guys would crash in the living room. So you were extra careful when you had to pass by the many couches that had sleeping forms on them.
Finally reaching your final destination, you happily but carefully skipped over to the cabinet to get yourself a glass and filling it up with water.
Gulping down the cold liquid, you removed the cup from your mouth, placing it on the kitchen island before wiping you mouth. You went back to the refrigerator, getting the same bottle you had used to fill the glass the first time.
“Angel?” A deep voice was heard from the entrance to the kitchen. You stopped the water from trickling out of the bottle and placed it on the kitchen island. Your breath got stuck in your throat, knowing very well from the endearment in the nickname who the second presence in the room was.
“Couldn’t sleep either?” a smug smile was threatening to plaster itself on the corner of his lips. Not wanting to give him the idea of the possibility of you not being able to catch some sleep because of whatever reason he had cockily made in mind, you simply answered, “no, I just woke up and decided to get something to drink.”
You saw him make his way into the kitchen, his eyes still locked on yours. He began to make his way around the kitchen island, heading towards you. You stepped back, beginning to walk the opposite directing in attempt to increase the amount of distance between the two of you.
“Are you afraid of me?” he asked, his expression falling. A slight tint of worry flashed his eyes, “no, I just don’t want you near me,” you answered, and the smug look was back.
“Do I have that much of an impact on you?” he smirked with pride, thinking you couldn’t bear to be around him in fear that you’d lose all control.
In your mind, he had completely misread the lines. “I don’t want you to touch me… again,” you whispered the last part, the color of flush ran over your cheeks, ashamed that you had let him even lay a finger on you in the first place, let alone his whole body.
“Why not?” he asked you, innocently tilting his head to the side, as if he was genuinely curious and had absolutely no idea why you’d reject him.
“For fucks sake, Jungkook. Can’t you just stop this bullshit?!” you slapped your hand flat on the countertop, earning an audible slam.
Your tone slightly moved up in volume, but you still had the thought of the others sleeping in mind. You could feel your blood starting to boil, whereas Jungkook was completely calm, which only caused your ears to steam in anger.
“But you want me.”
All color completely drained from your face, as if you deepest and darkest secret was out and exposed to the world, “don’t you even dare deny it.”
“No, you got it all wrong,” you protested, shaking your head, keeping your voice stable as you crossed your arms over your chest, causing your breasts to get pushed closer together, creating a small line of cleavage that was clearly visible through your dark yet thin t-shirt.
It didn’t come unnoticed how Jungkook’s eyes shifted down to your breasts, licking his lips, shamelessly eyeing you.
“Stop,” You uncrossed your arms, his eyes met yours again, “sorry,” you knew damn well he didn’t mean it.
“You know just as well as I, that if it wasn’t for that dull boyfriend of yours, you’d already be on this very counter, getting your brains fucked out by me.”
“Jaehyun is out of context,” you stated feebly, in the back of your mind you knew Jaehyun was the core reason as to why Jungkook hadn’t broken you yet, you just couldn’t admit it to yourself. “I don’t want you. Never did.”
“Liar.” he chuckled.
“Out by the pool,” God have mercy, “if you truly didn’t want me,” he continued, slowly making his way closer to you. You wanted to move, but it felt like your feet were glued to the floor.
“You wouldn’t have let me touch you the way you did,” he took another step, getting closer, “you wouldn’t have let me continue for so long,” and closer, “but most importantly, angel.” And closer.
“Your body wouldn’t have reacted the way it did.”
Your body shut down. The goosebumps were too much. You felt your legs giving up on you, so you quickly placed both hands behind you, reaching for the kitchen island to stable your stands.
His face stood extremely close to yours, making all the flaws that he didn’t have visible to you. His hooded eyes locked on you, scanning your face up and down and your heart stopped every time his eyes would meet your lips and keep his dark chocolate orbs fixated on the pink flesh for a second too long.
A familiar pool started forming between your legs, the same pool you had spent hours on trying to get rid of, only earlier this night.
“You know he can’t make you feel half as good as I can.” He rasped in a deep voice, inching closer to you, but not close enough.
He neared his face to yours, stopping right before his lips could graze yours, “I-I can’t do this to Jaehyun,” you almost cried out.
He was close, he was so damn close to breaking you. You could feel it in the pit of your stomach. Your will to jump up him and attack his lips grew stronger and stronger by the second, but you still tried your utter best to restrain.
Feeling Jungkook place both hands on either side of the island, completely trapping you.
“Fuck him, he won’t know,”
Jungkook could feel his impatience eat him alive from the inside, but his rule still stood. He had to have your full consent before he could make a proper intimate move on you, because even though he needed you more than anything, he still had morals.
But this rule did not count verbally. Even though he didn’t have your full consent, that didn’t stop him from being vocal about what and how he thought about you at the sinful hours of the night, stroking his length to the thought of you underneath him, completely fucked out.
He lowered his head to you neck, slowly starting to kiss his way onto your delicate skin, nipping and licking gently. He smirked victoriously when he felt you tilt your head to the side give him more access.
Your breath grew unsteady, small pants escaped your throat, fighting the urge to tangle your fingers in his dark locks. You squeezed your thighs together, hearing a small squelching sound.
“Angel… I won’t have my way with you,” he husked, “not until you ask me.”
Not being able to bare the ache between your legs anymore, the insane beating of your heart, your younger teenage-self who so hopelessly adored the boy in front of you, begging you to let him run his fingers on every inch of your body.
“Jungkook, please…” you breathed out shakily, “please what, baby?”
You removed your fingers from the island, placing them on his hard chest.
“Please… p-put... put your hands on me.”
Not wasting another second, Jungkook grabbed your waist, lifting you up to sit on the counter. Finally, finally, crashing his lips on yours. A small moan of appreciation left your lips, you fingers still exploring his hair.
His hands made their way under your shirt, savouring the feeling of his fingers on your skin. His palms reached your chest, a small shaky groan left his lips when he felt your bare breasts, not expecting you to not wear a bra.
You felt a small smile form on his lips at the way you titled your head to deepen the kiss, and interlock your lips together.
You ran your fingers through his dark soft locks that sat perfectly just above his head, “fucking finally,” he breathed out in between the kiss.
“Finally, I have you,” his hand melted down to your thighs, pushing you closer to himself, selfishly wrapping his hands around you, caressing your bare thighs with his thumb.
You felt his warm, soft tongue poke out, smoothly gliding over your top lip, asking for entrance. Not having the patience to tease him you willingly opened up for him, letting him explore every corner of your mouth.
You scooted closer to his pelvis, adding a fraction of pressure, causing his breath to shudder in the kiss, “Jungkook…”
“Yes, angel?”
Without another word he wrapped his arms around your waist, and on instinct, you wrapped your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He lifted you up from the counter and made his way out of the kitchen with you in his arms.
The way up the stairs and into the bedroom was a blur, too caught up in his odor, you dug your face in his neck, taking in his scent which smelt like freshly cleaned laundry which had been drying out near the ocean.
When you finally reached the bedroom, Jungkook gently laid you down on the bed, and hovered over you. His lips brushed against your neck for a brief second before beginning to place small kitten licks and pecks on the sensitive skin.
While Jungkook was busy with your neck, you took the time to take in your surroundings, your hooded eyes suddenly widening, “holy shit, this is Jimin’s parents’ room,” you breathed out in a pant.
“I know,” the boy hovered over you, answering cooingly, his look was completely fucked out, pupils had been blown out wide, leaving no trail of evidence that his big orbs were originally brown, lips parted as small uneven breaths escaped and reappeared.
“We can’t do it here,” you protested, trying to wiggle yourself out of Jungkook’s body warmth, “I don’t care.”
“No. Jungkook, we seriously can’t do it in his parents’ room, there’s a guest room just down the hall, let’s just-“
“I don’t give a shit.”
He growled lowly, finally removing himself from your neck, averting his eyes onto you – and that’s when you saw it. The sight that squeezed the remainders of your purity out of you.
Jungkook’s eyes had turned the darkest you had ever seen them, lust overflowing the brown orbs that held the universe. His cheeks flushed a bright red color, slightly staining the tip of his nose too. Small strands of hair stuck to his forehead from the beads of sweat.
And his lips, they had turned a few shades darker and increased slightly in size, the swollen flesh also glistening from being generously coated in his own saliva. You were sure that your saliva coated a few corners of his lips as well.
You felt a sinful swirl form in your stomach at the unholy sight of him.
“I’ve waited for this moment, you have no idea... I’m not waiting another goddamn second to have you.” He moaned against your lips, making you feel a type of way only the devil himself could make you feel.
Not giving you a chance to respond, he reunited his lips with yours again, lovingly dancing over your two plush lips.
He detached from your lips for a second, but only to remove the white plain shirt he had worn. Your eyes immediately fell down to his naked upper body.
He was so well built, so lean and toned. It was as if God had spent that one sunday carving his body perfectly instead of resting, every detail made to perfection. His abs were solid, chest was rock-hard, and his thighs... Those sinister thighs that looked like they had been carved from steal with the help of the greek gods themselves – fuck, you wanted to ride them.
It didn’t dawn upon you that you had been eye-fucking Jungkook so openly. Your eyes were basically screaming your malevolent thoughts, and oh how it didn’t go unnoticed by him... a filthy smirk grew on his lips, catching you in the act of shame.
You averted your eyes somewhere else, embarrassed about the fact that you had basically been mentally fucking him with your eyes.
Not wasting another second, Jungkook reattached your lips with his, leaving sloppy kisses on the red, swollen outline of your lips. It was as if your lips themselves, were blushing.
He caught your bottom lip in between his teeth, only to soothe the fresh bruise with his warm tongue, securely gliding over the red flesh caused you to whine into his mouth.
His fingers slithered down to the hem of your black shirt, “I want it off,” and with that, the shirt was off, joining Jungkook’s white one, down on the floor somewhere.
He stepped back, taking a good look at your now exposed chest. Your cheeks embarrassingly turned a shade of pink, from the way your nipples had perked up, nice and ready to be given any form of attention by him.
The only sound filling the room was Jungkook’s tongue secreting his lips.
Growing shy of his stare you discreetly tried to cover up your chest with your arms, but you only ended up with Jungkook’s fingers locked securely around your wrists, shoving them far away from your breasts, “don’t do that.”
You averted your eyes. Your face softened gently when you saw he almost looked... sad? The idea of you wanting to hide yourself from him in embarrassment made him want to kiss each, and every inch of you, praising you and your heavenly beauty.
He had your hands pinned to the sides of your head, hovered above you perfectly. Small pretty pants leaving his swollen lips, looking you dead in the eye.
He slowly let go when he felt the tension in your wrists loosen up. He descended his way down your body, placing pecks of affection here and there. Until he stopped right in front of your heat.
He glanced at the drenched spot on your grey underwear, a small smirk dancing its way on his lips, “you’re this drenched and you didn’t bother to let me know?”
Hesitantly you shook your head, “that’s no good, angel.” He shrugged, curling a finger around the waistband of your underwear, slowly pulling the fabric down to and past your ankles, making the piece of cotton join the rest of the bundle of clothing on the floor.
He ran his middle finger down your slit, “who got you this wet, baby?” you whined at the feeling of his cold fingers on your soaked heat. His finger slit back up, meeting your swollen clit. You hissed. “Y-you...”
He pinched your clit between his index finger and thumb, followed by a firm press to your abused numb. You gasped, gripping his wrist at the mixture of pain and pleasure, your thighs were twitching at this point, “what was that, baby? you have to use your words properly.”
“You! ahhh you, J-Jungkook, you made me this wet... your doing.”
He placed three tender kisses to your lips, “fuck, such a good girl.” two more kisses because, why not?
“How many can you take?”
Slightly confused at his words, you tilted you head and raised an eyebrow, “wha – oh god…” you felt the two digits shoved up your hole stretching your walls out deliciously, “you take too long to answer, angel.”
He curled and scissored his digits in all kinds of direction, causing your walls to clench around him in attempt to suck him in even further into you, “babyyy, you take my fingers so well. This pretty cunt sucking on my fingers like that.”
He started thrusting his fingers into you in a fast pace, causing you to choke on a moan at the back of you throat.
Your back arched as your eyes rolled so far back you swore your could see the front of you brain. “You see, Y/N.” He fastened his pace, “slow isn’t really my pace.”
You locked your fingers tightly around his wrist as if it would help with the overwhelming feeling of pleasure, “s-shit. Jungkook... Jungkook – p-please… Not so—fuck—not so f-fast.”
Completely ignoring you he continued to thrust his fingers in you at the same pace. Too embarrassed to be vocal, you reached for the nearest pillow and shoved your face in it, desperately trying to mute your whimpers and whines.
But just your luck, within seconds the pillow was gone from your face, making even the slightest breath audible, “no, no, no, no,” he stared at you deeply “I want to hear you,” the sight alone making you shudder.
A loud moan escaped your throat when he curled his fingers, hitting your spot just right. But his fingers weren’t enough, you needed to feel more. “Jungkook, can you—haah.”
He smiled, “can I what?”
The way his fingers were playing with your cunt made your spine arch off the bed deliriously, “use your words, baby. Otherwise I’m not gonna know what you want.”
“Mmm more, n-need more, I need your t-tongue.”
Disappointingly he shook his head disapprovingly, “I’m sorry, angel.” You frowned.
“You were selfish enough to keep the secret of your wet cunt to yourself, so my fingers are all you’re going to get for now.”
A cry left your mouth at his rejection, he kept scraping his digits in you, occasionally thrusting them in and out of your dripping core.
He rubbed your inner thigh with his other free hand when he saw your legs beginning to tremble, running small circles with his thumb in attempt to soothe the overwhelming sensations.
You tried to stop his hands from thrusting any further into you, you didn’t want to come on his fingers, you wanted to come on his cock, “t-that’s enough.”
“No, you’re about to cum… I can feel it.”
He fastened his pace even more, if that was even possible, “I w-want to cum while you’re inside of m-me.”
“And you will.” You shot your eyes to his direction. “Baby, this won’t be the only time you cum tonight.” He smirked while his fingers were still working their magic on you.
Seeing the distress in your face, he frowned innocently, the darkness in his eyes vanishing for a small moment, “have you never cum more than once in one night?”
Averting your eyes down to your side, avoiding eye contact with him, you slowly shook your head.
Sex with Jaehyun was a little… selfish. For the most part he kept it sweet and short, foreplay never lasting longer than a few kisses and touches until he moved on straight to penetration.
And that would either hurt since he hadn’t prepped you enough for him to enter you, which usually ended up with Jaehyun quickly running to the bathroom to grab a handful of lube and get back into bed with you.
You didn’t finish every time, which you knew was normal, but with the little amount of effort he had put into trying to please you in bed made you knowledgable of the fact that it was hard for you to release when Jaehyun never touched you properly in the areas you needed..
You even began questioning if it was your fault. Was there something wrong with your sex? Why were you barely able to finish?
You didn’t want to be that type of girl, so you kept telling yourself that sex really wasn’t the most important thing in your relationship, you had your trusted vibrator to temporarily sedate you from your release deprivation. You knew, god, you knew that the little private sessions at night you had wouldn’t satisfy you forever.
You didn’t know what reaction from Jungkook you had expected, but you certainly didn’t expect him to place a tender kiss to your clit, followed by a long lick along your folds. A strangled gasp ripped from your already sore throat.
Looking down at your legs you saw Jungkook’s face placed perfectly in between them, eyes dark again and locked on yours, his eyebrows slightly furrowed in concentration and pleasure. You couldn’t say with certainty that you were the one enjoying this the most.
His arms wrapped around your thighs, pushing your cunt further against his mouth.
The tip of his nose creating friction against your soaked clit had all sorts of pleasurable emotions run through your skin.
“Where have you been, angel?”
Jungkook panted heavily still looking you in the eyes, he had removed himself from your folds, giving you a perfect glance of his face, which was drenched in your arousal. His nose was red, and lightly coated with your essence, lips were red and plump, panting as if he had run marathon. Your arousal had even reached his chin, a single droplet threatening to descend from his skin down onto the sheet, The sight alone causing your core to clench around nothing, “oh fuck,” he was so beautiful.
Jungkook reattached his lips back to your cunt, continuing to apply a good amount of pressure on your clit, occasionally licking a few rough licks along your slit.
He cupped his lips around your clit, sucking on it gently, but just enough for you to squirm under the suction. The sucking soon got replaced by wet kisses on the edges of your swollen lips, inhumane noises left your lungs.
A dark chuckle left his lips when he felt you desperately pushing your legs further apart to allow him more access. He dug his face deeper into your middle as he continued to lick his way around you making your toes curl and stomach turn deliciously.
You felt him piston his hips against the mattress roughly to relieve some much needed friction, causing the bed to shake, the headboard barely touching the wall. The sounds escaping him sounded like sobs.
You felt the knot in your stomach begging to be untied, “cum – I’m gonna c-cum.”
“Let go, all of it. Don’t you dare hold back.” And with that being said, you let the immense rush of pleasure run through your body continuously. Your walls aggressively clenching around his tongue, causing him to let out a shaky moan.
“Fuck, you taste amazing,” Jungkook breathed out. You flinched at the feeling of his tongue touching your swollen lips, propping yourself up to rest your weight on you elbows to get a good look at him.
“N-no, Jungk-kook. I’m s-sensitive.” You tried to push yourself away from his mouth, too overstimulated for him to touch you, but he only wrapped his arms tighter around your thighs to push you further in against him.
You bucked your hips up at the overstimulation, a loud moan leaving your lips, Jungkook grunting lowly in response.
“I-I can’t help it, you taste so fucking good,” he whispered breathlessly. “It’s so warm, so soft, so tight.” He eyed your slit hungrily, running a finger admiringly along the opening, causing a shaky breath to leave your lungs.
“How the fuck can you feel so tight, when I’m just using my tongue?” He slowly inserted the tip of his tongue in your slit, being careful with not making you enjoy it more than he’d like you to.
“I could eat you out for hours if we had the time,” he moaned out, licking his lips which had your excess juices on. “I’d make sure you’d know just how much I love your pussy.” He placed a small kiss on your folds.
You felt your heart throb at the small actions of affection.
Jungkook made your heart swell in delight, a way Jaehyun couldn’t. Everytime Jungkook touched you, he was so gentle, as if he was afraid he could break you with a simple raspberry on the forehead.
But he also wasn’t afraid to have his rough way with you, he wasn’t afraid of completely ruining your body. He knew very well what effect he had on you and he made sure to take advantage of it,
He made sure you knew how good you felt on him, how much he loved it. He made sure you felt comfortable, respected, adored.
He awoke feelings in you, you didn’t know existed at all. Jaehyun had never treated you like this…
You felt like an absolute asshole for constantly comparing your boyfriend to Jungkook mentally, but you couldn’t help it. All these new feelings and actions, those were so new to you, something you had never experienced.
And you’d be lying to yourself if you said you’d never, ever, imagined Jungkook to be your boyfriend when you were younger, impure scenarios that you would replay in your head almost every night before you fell asleep, was part of the package deal.
Is this what it was supposed to feel like?
“Something wrong, angel?”
Losing your train of thought, you hadn’t realized you had been sitting there, staring at Jungkook as if your system had malfunctioned.
“Jungkook… I need you to fuck me, now” he removed his face from your middle, eyes shooting to your face in surprise at your bold statement. Until now you had been quiet and shy, so of course Jungkook hadn’t pegged you to be a firery type in bed.
“Please, I-I can’t wait anymore,” you pleaded, your words coming out as small cries, “I need to feel you stretch me out, I need to feel myself clench around your cock while you fuck me, I need to feel you break me.”
Both your eyes were widen, neither of you knew you had it in you to say such words. “oh fuck,” Jungkook’s trembling fingers hastily reached behind to his back pocket to reach for a condom, but before he could go any further you stopped him, “I-I’m on the pill.”
The possibility of Jungkook being able to feel you, skin to skin had his pre-cum drenched shaft twitch in your direction. You swore you could see it point at you.
Remaining eye contact, Jungkook hovered above you, shoving both your knees apart roughly, lowering his frame down on you. Matching your uneven breaths, he placed both forearms parallel to your head on both sides, his face placed closely to yours.
You felt his precum-coated tip align at your soaked entrance. He arched his back upwards, curling his hips into yours. The first couple of inches stretching out your warm flower.
A soft gasp left your lips at the unfamiliar stretch. You arched your back as you closed your eyes, causing your naked chest to meet Jungkook’s.
He kept going deeper and deeper into you, until he finally had you all stretched out. You tried breathing softly, but couldn’t. The feeling of being so filled up overwhelmed you.
It had been months since you had gotten a good fuck, so your vaginal muscles had had plenty of time to tighten up again.
Moments passed, yet you still didn’t feel Jungkook move inside of you, so you opened your eyes to get a good look at what was preventing him from moving. The sight you saw right before your eyes had your heart swell in adoration.
“Y/N, I… I’m inside you,” he let out, barely above a whisper, yet still somehow audible to the human ear. He was staring down at the part where you two had been connected. He eyed himself disappearing in you in such amazement, it made your cheeks turn a shade of red.
You couldn’t take it anymore—he was there, inside of you, yet he still didn’t move. You needed just something. “…Jungkook, move,” you said clear enough for him to hear, but still completely dazed, he didn’t move an inch.
You sighed out a breathy sigh, deciding to take matters into your own hands, you mustered up all your strength to clench around him in order to feel him properly.
You heard air get stuck in Jungkook’s throat at your bold move, his eyes shot up to you, a hazy look stained all over his eyes. His pupils dilated, so dark and doe, you could see your own reflection in them clearly.
You threw your head back as you clenched around him some more when you still didn’t feel him moving inside of you. A soft moan leaving your mouth unlike Jungkook. “Y/N, w-wait—ahh,” A high-pitched noise left his throat as he shut his eyes closed. A line formed between his two eyebrows at how hard he was grimacing.
Your breath hitched in realisation.
He was close.
You had barely moved, but he was so close. Just a few single digit strokes and he’d burst. That’s why he wasn’t moving, he was trying to savor this moment, he didn’t want this to end, he was trying to remember you like this, underneath him, squirming, fucked out. Just like him.
You moved your fingers to hover over Jungkook’s cheeks. His eyes opening up again, and your heart clenched a little. He looked like he was about to cry, whines continuously leaving his mouth, his cheeks and nose covered by a light blush.
He somehow managed to keep his eyes fixated on you. Your thumb caressed gently over his warm cheek, and he immediately melted into your touch.
“Jungkook,” you purred softly, “baby...” you saw him visibly shudder at the pet-name, he didn’t answer, waiting for you to continue.
“Please move,” it came out darker than you intended to.
He lowered his head down to meet yours, his lips barely hovering over yours, resting with his eyes lazily open. You puckered your lips slightly thinking he had the intentions to kiss you, but his lips simply remained resting on yours.
“Jung- FUCK!”
He thrusted his hips harshly against yours, your brain made up a ripping sound as you swore to yourself that something was torn apart in your lower region.
His wet lips pecked yours, only to pull away after when a loud grunt tore from his throat, “fuck… I’m n-not going to—shit—last very l-long.” You nodded understandingly as you were not far from becoming undone.
“How are you so fucking t-tight?” he growled, “did that boyfriend of yours ever even fuck you properly?” He asked out of breath, slamming his hips into your cunt harder.
“I’m the only one who can fuck you this good, angel.” Too drained from the immense pleasure, all you were able to do was roll your eyes to the back of your head in response, “say it,” the speed of his hips increased, “tell me I’m the only one,” you were on the verge of tears when you felt his tip brush your cervix.
“You’re the only – a-ahh – you’re the only one who knows how to fuck me, Jungkook.”
You looked down to where you and Jungkook were aligned perfectly together, the sight of him disappearing in you only to reappear moments later had your stomach curling deliciously in all directions. You unintentionally clenched around him at the arousing sight.
What you didn’t know, was that Jungkook had caught you in your filthy moment. A hoarse chuckle escaped his mouth, “you like watching me fuck you?” You tangled your fingers in his hair at his unholy words. Whining, you nodded your head yes.
In dark pride, Jungkook jerked his hips harder into you, words of encouragement such as yes, or, don’t stop, urged him on to continue to completely rearrange your guts.
You felt Jungkook twist and turn his hips experimentally, each thrust hitting a new spot in you, “what are you—oh my… god,” he smirked in victory.
“Found her,” and once found, Jungkook repeatedly hit the spongy spot, causing you to come closer and closer to your high. Heavy breaths and skin slapping against one another filled the room. You closed your eyes at the feeling of his hands snaking down to your legs, bending your knees to allow himself to burry his cock deeper into you.
“No, angel,” he growled.
“Look at me,” he continued, “I want you to look at me while I fuck you... Look at me,” you obediently open your eyes, making it impossible for you to look away again. Your eyebrows furrowed at the pleasure, Jungkook mirrored your expression. “J-just like that.”
His eyes ran all over your face, even going as far as going down along your exposed body.
Eyeing your body freely as if the same rules didn’t apply to him. “I-I’m almost there,” Jungkook took this as a sign to give you his all. He crashed his soft lips onto yours and practically forced his tongue between your lips to explore every untouched inch of your warm muscle.
He wrapped his wet fingers that were covered in your previous release, around your own fingers. Pinning one hand over your head as he continued to slam his hips into your own. A heavy breath mixed with a moan escaping your lips that were now coated in Jungkook’s saliva.
The intimate position slammed all the oxygen out of your lungs. Occupied with the unnecessary yet affectionate move that he pulled off, it came completely unnoticed when he snaked his free hand down you chest, past your stomach, down to your core, he slowly, but with enough friction, started rubbing meaningless patterns on your clit. A sharp inhale tore through your throat at the add-on pleasure.
His tongue continued to slide its way in various ways. The kiss needy and heated, you tried your best to keep up with his pace. Sloppy openmouthed kisses were given, causing the drips of saliva to drip down from the side of your lip, unsure if the mucus belonged to him or you.
Your moans moved up in volume, letting Jungkook know that you were dangerously close to finally releasing. “Let me have it – fuck... cum on my cock, please cum like the pretty angel you are,” he cooed over your lips, shoving your knees apart even further to go even deeper in you, making sure that he had hit every part of your insides before you had the chance to release.
And that was the final straw for you. Finally, all the moves that had helped build up to this very release, your stomach uncurled at the rush of please burning thoroughly through you, all the way to the tip of your fingers. Trails of fire were felt on every inch of your body. Never had you ever felt an orgasm so intense.
His name managed to escaped your lips once more while he continued to jolt himself into you. You let out a tired whine. Still recovering from your orgasm, you began squirming at the overstimulation, “Jungkook I can’t – I can’t.”
“yes, baby, I know you can t-take it.” completely tongue-tied, all the words stuck in your throat, you somehow managed to nod at him, urging him to chase his own release, “fuck, such an angel you are, yeah?” he pecked your forehead, a grunt escaped his lips, the sound-waves hitting the skin of your sweaty forehead.
Hitting just the right spot, a whine left your mouth along with a tight clench around his cock. “S-shit, do that again…” Jungkook panted dropping his face into your neck, desperately trying to chase his own high.
You obediently clenched the hardest you could one last time around him, striving after his orgasm just as hard as himself.
And finally, you felt him shoot his load into you, filling you up to the brim with his seeds. A shudder ran down his spine as he felt you milking every last drop of his load out of him.
You moaned at the feeling of the warm liquid coating your walls perfectly.
“Y-Y/N,” he purred, collapsed on top of you, trying to catch his breath. You closed your eyes in attempt to recover from whatever the fuck just happened.
“That was…”
Your eyes jolted open at the feeling of a finger being shoved up your hole. You gasped in overstimulation, hastily gripping at Jungkook’s wrist, “J-Jungkook, no. I can’t anymore.”
He smiled coyly at your worried expression, pride filling his chest at the thought of him having driven you to your limit. “I know, angel,” he started, “I just don’t want you to drip.”
He smiled cockily at you, finishing shoving his load deep into you, making sure not a single drop could leak out.
He rested his head against your chest, listening to your rapid heartbeat slowly steady itself. The sound of your beating heart soothed him in a way he couldn’t describe.
Looking up at your face to ask you what all of this had meant to you, a small twinge of disappointment washed over his face when he saw your form fast asleep.
But the disappointment didn’t last too long when your cute form lightly snoring made his heart swell up.
He couldn’t help but wrap his arms tightly around your waist, comfortably laying his head on you chest, listening soothingly to your steady heartbeat. He blushed at the fact that your heartbeat fell perfectly in sync with his.
He smiled lightly before placing a soft kiss on your slightly parted lips. “Sweet dreams, angel.”
A/N: OMG THIS SHIT TOOK ME FOREVER TO FINISH, my writers-block had me ready to yell in 67 different languages. a n y w a y, hope you liked it lovelies, sry for any grammar mistakes or anything of the sort<3

I’m tired, Jeon Jungkook
park jimin: the man, the myth, the LEGend
a thread of jimbles being 70% legs.

© melting on | Do not edit.