Christian / Wife / MomI’m just here cuz I love the Queen’s Thief series. Seriously, read it! Come join the QT discord athttps://discord.gg/vre2ag3whn
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Happy 1st Day Of Fall!

Happy 1st day of Fall! 🍁 🍂
our-poetryfan-universe liked this · 4 years ago
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“The repentant thief on the cross is the clearest picture in Scripture of salvation coming to someone by grace through faith apart from works.”
— John MacArthur

Aaaahhhh! Can’t wait!
Crisp autumn air with overcast skies. Cozied up in comfy sweats while drinking a warm fall drink. Windows opened as sounds of wind rustles the leaves. Halloween movies on while soft warm cookies bake in the oven. The overwhelming aroma of cookies mixed with candles and autumn air fill the house.
“Why do bad things happen to good people? That only happened once and He volunteered.”
R. C. Sproul
My dad was in China a few weeks ago for a work trip and he likes to watch BBC news when he travels overseas so he can keep with current events in a language he understands. But this was right when the protests in Hong Kong were beginning so there was a fair amount of news coverage on the subject, which of course was very critical of the Chinese government. So at the beginning of every new hour of the BBC broadcast, the television feed would go dead for a couple minutes because the Chinese government knew they were covering the protests and that's not allowed in China. If the reporters started talking about the protests again later in the hour, the feed would go dead again.
If you're in the US and you're hearing the media criticize Trump, that's a pretty good indicator that he is not in fact a power hungry fascist dictator. Because governments like that don't even let you hear the criticism.