Teume Cafe Part 1: I Just Met You...But You Mocha Me Crazy
Teume Cafe Part 1: I Just Met You...But You Mocha Me Crazy

written by reyd

Finals. The one thing about school that everyone around the world became stressed about.
Walking through the almost empty streets, you sighed, your gaze trailing over the abandoned shops and pathways as you silently cursed yourself. What made you decide to stay up to binge your favorite show?
Well, you did know, it was the one, the only, Mr. Choi Hyunwook. His skater boy vibe in the show was just too cute to resist. But you could have waited an evening to revel in the show and his beauty. But alas, there was nothing you could do now, but suffer sleepily through the day. But then, your tired eyes came to rest on a small wooden sign, pointing you to a small coffee shop named the ‘Teume Cafe’. The outside was nothing special, it resembled pretty much every cafe you'd ever been to: a brick building with tinted windows and a black streetlight with warm, muted lighting.
There was something so inviting about it that made you wonder: should you stop? You hadn’t had coffee in a long time, and it could really help you get through the day. And so, here you are, opening the door to the place.
“Hi! Welcome in!” A cheery voice called through the building. Your eyes moved through the empty shop (save for a lone shadowy figure hunched over an ipad) and came to a young man leaning his arms on the counter. Besides his cute voice, he was a relatively small person, with wavy caramel brown hair and marigold highlights. His eyes- even though you were a respectable distance from him- sparkled through the dimly lit cafe. “Today’s special is a Strawberry Creme scone, do you want to try that?” He asked as you got closer.
“I’m not sure, does it pair well with a mocha?” You named your favorite caffeinated drink. Or- what you remember as your favorite. It’d been a little over two years since you’d had it, instead opting for a black tea or hot chocolate.
“Uh- not really, no. I’d probably go with a Chocolate Chip muffin.” He reached for a decadent, moist-looking muffin, then stopped, silently asking if that's what you wanted.
“I’d like to try it, then, please.” You gave him as much of a smile as you could muster, and he smiled back at you, but his was a full force smile that seemed to emit a rainbow of colors.
“And you want a mocha with that right?”
“Yes, thank you.” You nod at him.
“I’ve never seen you in here before.” He commented, starting to work on your mocha.
“I’ve never been here, but it seems nice.” You reply, taking a closer look at the cozy looking decor, the bookshelf filled with a variety of titles, and a record player beside it.
“Yeah!” He began pouring the coffee into a to-go cup. “We recently remodeled, Yedamie said that it wasn’t trendy enough.” He gave a slight shake of his head and a small laugh. At your confused face, he added, “Yedam also works here. He’s the creepy looking shadow, there in the corner.”
You both turn to look at him, and you notice the shadowy figure is no longer in the shadows due to the rising sun, and he’s taken the shape of a handsome boy around your age who’s blocking out the world through his headphones.
“Your order is ready,” the barista says, and you move to pay him, taking out some cash, when you notice something odd.
“What's the-” you move closer to the plaque by the cash register. “-Cafe Prince award?”
“Oh.” he gives an awkward laugh, “It’s awarded to the best looking barista.” He grimaces as you look at the award again.
“So, you’re Haruto Wantabe?” you ask, reading the name inscribed on it.
“Uh. no, I’m Mashiho, Haruto works here too.” His smile is back in full force, teeth and all, and you wonder why, when you’ve mistaken him for someone else. And then you realize. You just inadvertently called him good looking.
Coughing slightly, you give him an awkward good-bye and take the coffee and muffin. You really need to get out more.
To be honest though, you don't exactly regret calling him handsome because, well, he is. And his pure smile he gave you made it all worth it. But now you just had more questions.
Who was this Haruto guy? If Mashiho was so kind, was Yedam that nice too? Would the coffee he gave you somehow make you better looking?
I mean, probably not, but one could hope with all the good-lookingness that was brewed in the cafe daily. But right now, you need to focus on finals, because you'd already suffered enough from thinking and drooling over handsome guys for one span of 24 hours. (ahem, Choi Hyunwook)

go to next part
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More Posts from Jhwnhug

Yedam in treasure map ep.12-16
I have to tell it at least once
I don't care if no one see it, i just have to
Gidle is 6.
Treasure is 12.
No one and nothing can change that.

T R S R - J U N G H W A N
persistent part two ~!!

general audiences - lowercase intended - wc. 468
requested by anon - could i request a scenario with junghwan where you’re both arguing because he’s too scared to admit his feelings to you or something ?
part one - part two
for a moment, all you can do is stare at your phone blankly. of course, you already knew that junghwan liked you - that was the whole reason for your fight in the first place anyway. yet somehow, seeing the words from your best friend himself feels different. butterflies rage in your stomach with a violence they did not possess even whilst confronting him about his closeted feelings for you. what should you say? with trembling fingers, you pick up your phone, only to stare, frozen, at the screen for another five minutes. your mind is whirling.
me : yeah, we can meet up
you hesitate.
me : I missed you too
only two seconds go by before he replies.
hwannie <3 : thank goodness
that’s all he types before he calls your phone, and his profile picture fills your screen. a little nervously, you accept the video call, and you’re immediately greeted by junghwan’s face, smiling timidly and sheepishly.
“hey,” he says a tad awkwardly.
you nibble your lip, offering a shy smile in return. “hey.”
there’s a short silence.
“these past four days have been miserable,” admits junghwan in a quiet, shaky voice. “I hate fighting. let’s never do that again.”
as you see the rims of his eyes turn red, you feel tears prickling at the corners of your own eyes. “yeah,” you whisper.
“boba?” suggests your best friend with a watery smile.
your laugh sounds a little bit like a sob. “boba.”
in less than twenty minutes, the two of you are seated at your favourite window-side booth in your favourite cafe with your favourite drinks in hand. though the low buzz of clatter and chatter floats on the matcha-scented air, in this little bubble enveloping your booth, there is only silence.
junghwan is the first to gather enough courage to break it. “so…”
“so,” you agree nervously.
hwannie fidgets with the cup in his hand, prompting you hesitantly to raise your head. “what now?”
as the words leave his lips, your eyes lock. in his gaze are constellations made of hope and wonder and tentative adoration. he’s always adored you, but now that love is stepping cautiously over the doorstep of familiarity into a realm that it before did not consider entering. as if your body is gravitating towards him, not bothering to ask permission from your mind, your hand reaches out to grasp his. without a second thought, his fingers enclose around yours, and a tiny smile of wonder uplifts his lips.
“now,” you smile, leaning slightly across the table, “we have to promise that we’ll always be inseparable, no matter what happens from here.”
junghwan bites back a grin, and the mischievous twinkle in his eye makes your heart leap. “so what you’re saying,” he says slowly, slyly, “is that we have to be persistent.”
reblog maybe? ^*^