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51 posts

There's A Dilemma That You Dany Morons Don't Think About. If Dany Is Going To Be Seen As An Heir She

There's a dilemma that you Dany morons don't think about. If Dany is going to be seen as an heir she needs Dorne's support because they have gender equality. Without it Dany is behind Aegon, son of Rhaegar and Stannis, great-grandson of Aegon V. And after that there's even the chance of Robert's bastards being legitimized so she's behind Mya Stone, Bella, Gendry and Edric Storm. Dany has nothing without Dorne. But you idiots can't even acknowledge that she fucked up majorly with Quentyn Martell.


Right, you asked for a history lesson so you’re gonna get it.

George R. R. Martin has based ASoIaF on a lot of things, but it’s fair to say he has been most heavily influenced by British/ English history. The laws in Westeros are very similar to medieval England, the geography is similar, the Dance of the Dragons is literally The Anarchy (the war of succession between Empress Matilda and King Stephen), the main conflict is based on the Wars of the Roses, etc. 

Succession laws in Westeros are one of the things he took from English history, besides Dorne. The main part of this was something called male primogeniture, which he has copied into the series pretty much unchanged. Male primogeniture meant a female member of the dynasty (or, more specifically a dynast’s daughter, i.e. the daughter of the ruling monarch/ head of the family) only inherited if she had no living brothers and her brothers had no living children themselves. After that, older siblings come before younger siblings, etc. Dorne practices absolute primogeniture, where the eldest child of the dynast will inherit, no matter what gender, and they will always come before younger siblings/ anyone from extended branches of the family.

Having educated you on that fact, let’s educate you on your Stannis/ Baratheon claim which is honestly the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. No one has brought this up before cause it’s really that fucking stupid. Stannis has a claim because of Robert, but you, sir, decided to base this on Targaryen lineage, the ruling dynasty for 300 years, so let’s go. 

Obviously the daughter of the dynast (Aerys) comes before the great-grandson of the king from 50 years ago. Stannis is at least 3 generations removed from any claim to a Targaryen throne. Even in male primogeniture, the daughter of the dynast will always come before cousins/ uncles/ nephews/ any extended family. It’s why Matilda fought for her claim against her cousin, it’s why Mary I became Queen over Jane Grey and other male relatives, why Elizabeth became Queen over Philip II and Mary Queen of Scots and a bunch of male relatives, it’s why Mary II and Queen Anne both ruled, it’s why William of Orange only became King with the express permission of Anne herself who was the rightful heir. I could go on. I don’t know where this idea that Stannis has a better claim comes from cause it makes no sense. Female or not the child of the ruling monarch comes before extended family. Always. That extended family may contest it because they’re misogynists, but that doesn’t actually weaken the claim itself.

The same goes for Robert’s bastards but even more so as they are illegitimate, meaning they technically have no claim to anything at all until someone legitimises them. And by someone, I mean the monarch. Tommen will never do that and I don’t see any reason why any other claimants would either, unless it’s to put someone in charge of Storm’s End. To use another example, this is why Henry Fitzroy was never considered as a future king even as Henry VIII struggled endlessly for a son and both his daughters’ legitimacy was called into question. He was a bastard. End of story. They have less of a claim than Stannis, and Stannis has basically none. Besides, to make a claim to the throne that is weaker, you need a strong army. Robert’s bastards have none, Stannis is losing more of his every day, meanwhile Dany has the strongest army in the series. She has the strongest claim and the power to back it up.

Now, onto Aegon. Going off the law I’ve just explained, Aegon would come before Dany. There are a few problems in universe, however. For a start, Aegon is likely an imposter, and so would have no claim. See Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck as good examples of this sort of thing. The second is that Aerys (likely) disinherited Rhaegar and his children, passing over him in favour of Viserys as his heir.

When Prince Rhaegar and his new wife chose to take up residence on Dragonstone instead of the Red Keep, rumors flew thick and fast across the Seven Kingdoms. Some claimed that the crown prince was planning to depose his father and seize the Iron Throne for himself, whilst others said that King Aerys meant to disinherit Rhaegar and name Viserys heir in his place. Nor did the birth of King Aerys's first grandchild, a girl named Rhaenys, born on Dragonstone in 280 AC, do aught to reconcile father and son. When Prince Rhaegar returned to the Red Keep to present his daughter to his own mother and father, Queen Rhaella embraced the babe warmly, but King Aerys refused to touch or hold the child and complained that she "smells Dornish." - TWOIAF

Had any whiff of proof come into their hands to show that Prince Rhaegar was conspiring against his father, King Aerys's loyalists would most certainly have used it to bring about the prince's downfall. Indeed, certain of the king's men had even gone so far as to suggest that Aerys should disinherit his "disloyal" son, and name his younger brother heir to the Iron Throne in his stead. Prince Viserys was but seven years of age, and his eventual ascension would certainly mean a regency, wherein they themselves would rule as regents. - TWOIAF

Birds flew and couriers raced to bear word of the victory at the Ruby Ford. When the news reached the Red Keep, it was said that Aerys cursed the Dornish, certain that Lewyn had betrayed Rhaegar. He sent his pregnant queen, Rhaella, and his younger son and new heir, Viserys, away to Dragonstone, but Princess Elia was forced to remain in King's Landing with Rhaegar's children as a hostage against Dorne. - TWOIAF

The last passage is especially damning. If it was simply that Rhaegar died, his children would be next in line to the throne over his brother, as I have explained. But Viserys is clearly stated as Aerys’ “new heir”, meaning he passed over Aegon and Rhaenys, deposing them to put Viserys as next in line. Before anyone says this can’t be done/ doesn’t count, it does. Henry VIII deposed both Mary and Elizabeth after removing their mothers and it was completely valid/ recognised. It’s why people called them both “bastards” throughout their lives. He also had to undo that decree before he died, meaning they were both able to rule after Edward. If Henry himself hadn’t undone it, they never would have ruled. So, Aegon’s status as disinherited will stand, even if he is really Rhaegar’s son. Aegon now has an army, meaning he can back up his weak claim, but so does Dany. And the army doesn’t mean his claim is better, either.

Dany doesn’t need Dorne for her claim, only for extra support when backing up her very valid claim to the throne. As I have just explained to you, Dany is currently the person with the best claim to the throne who is not currently sitting on it. Besides, she didn’t “fuck up” anything with Quentyn. She accepted him into her court graciously and did all she could to keep his support, foster a relationship with him and Doran/ Dorne by extension, shy of calling of her own engagement which would have meant the deaths of all her people. Everything Quentyn did after that was because he wrongly felt he was letting his father down and was his own mistake entirely. None of it is on her.

In summary, Dany has the best claim and the power to back it up, Aegon (might) have second best claim (though it’s highly unlikely, in fact pretty much impossible as he was disinherited) with slightly less power to back it up and Stannis has one of the worst claims without the power to back it up. Hope you enjoyed your history lesson! Read the books next time and you could avoid embarrassing moments like this đŸ˜ŹđŸ€—

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More Posts from Jiminphiliacx

4 years ago

The Jikook content I can't believe exists...but am glad it does.

In no particular order:

The Blow Up Unicorn

Just posing with my bro, looking blissed out, adrift at sea on a BLOW UP UNICORN.


The Jikook Content I Can't Believe Exists...but Am Glad It Does.

Own It

The lyrics, the lighting, the fact they are obviously alone (late at night?) dancing to this suggestive song, the laughing...

Also, of course the shirt change. Was Jimin sweaty, and if so, how long did they dance? Hiding things? Stopped to eat or drink and spilled on himself, which again, HOW LONG DID THIS GO ON?

We Don't Talk Anymore

Jimin singing Selena's part? Jungkook's "I don't want to know...if he's giving it to you just right?" Sexiest utterances of the word "overdose" ever? I have no idea who rubber stamped this from Big Hit, but I love it. Bonus points for the continuous defeat of the "JM isn't Jimin" crowd, since the cover image is clearly labeled as JK & JM by Big Hit.

Golden Closet Film: Tokyo

Nothing I can say that hasn't been said before. It's gorgeous. Big Hit is a company that gives it's artists freedom but also has controls for the quality of content coming out; RM has talked about the process to do a mixtape or SoundCloud release. Someone would have clearly explained what the song meant and what the film would have been perceived by if Jungkook didn't know.

Honorable mentions: Jikook gushing over their trip and odd favorite memories and the noticeable pain on their members' faces when they do so.

All These 2020 Performance

Dynamite, Stay Gold, Home, Black Swan, Life Goes On, Dynamite Remix...am I missing some? There were just so many.

The Jikook Content I Can't Believe Exists...but Am Glad It Does.

Festa 2020


The Jikook Content I Can't Believe Exists...but Am Glad It Does.

OR THIS. Jungkook didn't have to share this story. He was making a very clear point that his greatest regret was hurting Jimin.

Suspect Selcas

These seem like the photos of great friends. Yep.

The Jikook Content I Can't Believe Exists...but Am Glad It Does.

The VLive Stares

Third wheeling.

The Jikook Content I Can't Believe Exists...but Am Glad It Does.

Run BTS 97-98 Photo

There are so many Run BTS episodes where I raise my eyebrow...did you need to sit in each other's laps in 93? Did Jungkook need to rub Jimin's back in 99? Hold hands on the way to take photos in 118? But this photo is sweet- so sweet everyone assumed it was an edit. I'm not even including Jungkook using Jimin as a backrest as they admired their socks!

The Jikook Content I Can't Believe Exists...but Am Glad It Does.

Coming of Age

Jungkook is an adult now, sl*t drops and all. Just in case Jimin didn't know, Jungkook asked him to dance it too. The practice alone was so intense the older members were visibly cringing.

The Jikook Content I Can't Believe Exists...but Am Glad It Does.

"We" have things to do together.

Shared cars, shared extra rehearsals, shared friends, shared plans, shared trips back to Busan, shared interests, shared outings...who knows what else they share, but the list is already extensive.

The Jikook Content I Can't Believe Exists...but Am Glad It Does.
The Jikook Content I Can't Believe Exists...but Am Glad It Does.
The Jikook Content I Can't Believe Exists...but Am Glad It Does.
4 years ago

RANT - Kataang

Didn’t we see enough of Katara kicking ass and taking names in ATLA to know she’s not a push over? Like she literally stands up for everything KNOW MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCE!

So why in hell would she be okay with Aang ignoring TWO of their children’s complete existence once he found out they had an airbending son? Why would she ever be okay with him teaching his culture to only ONE of their children and ignoring the other two because they’re not airbenders?!

She healed an entire village of strangers in a matter of days, so why would she let 2/3 of her own kids live most of their lives never feeling the love of their father?! She had to have noticed, unless with this character transformation she had to have between ATLA and LOK, she became an “An ignorance is bliss,” type person.

One of my main grievances with Kataang is that Aang doesn’t seem like the type of person to value the same things Katara does.

Katara was raised in a village where everyone is like family, even if it was torn apart by war. There’s a strong sense of community that Katara was raised with that (Aang never seems to try to understand) she would ideally want her children to have too, ya know seeing as that it’s kind of apart of her culture.

In Aang’s case he was raised to disconnect from the world, to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

And I’m not saying that they couldn’t‘ve worked regardless of the difference in their cultures and upbringings and beliefs, but the thing is, they didn’t.

Mainly the if not completely because Aang never made an attempt to establish anything resembling a real familial unit with Katara, basically just stayed around until she popped out an Airbender. (Which I really don’t like because she was treated like some trophy wife to give birth to airbenders and that’s it! Like really—we could’ve had Fire Lady Katara changing the fucking WORLD, but they gave us THAT!)

You really think after Katara had a parent murdered by the fire nation and the other went off to fight in the war against the fire nation (both at a young age) that she would want anything less than a full family unit for her kids?

You think she would be okay with Aang taking away one of her babies to train in the ways of his culture and not want their other children to be there too?

You think “sit up straight and talk clearly,” mama bear Katara would want anything but that?!

If you do you clearly didn’t watch the same show I did.

4 years ago
I Animated Zuko And Katara Just Like...being Bored. Relatable Content.

I animated Zuko and Katara just like...being bored. Relatable content.

4 years ago

I don't think ANYONE got over this. EVER