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I Think You'd Like This Story: "The Arcana: His Apprentice " By Kawaii_millie On

I think you'd like this story: "The Arcana: His Apprentice " by kawaii_millie on

The Arcana: His Apprentice
The story of how an attentive magician and his apprentice fell in love. The story of how they grew up together only to...

Best asra x reader fantasy I've seen 😄😍😍

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More Posts from Joanagaray08

2 years ago

In which Malleus takes (Y/n) to the Valley of Thorns for school break, intending to finally confess his feelings for her.

Traditional dragon courting rituals say that a dragon must take the heart of his treasury, a gem, and make a necklace out of it and give it to his beloved.

Request by anon.

In Which Malleus Takes (Y/n) To The Valley Of Thorns For School Break, Intending To Finally Confess His

"I hope you've been enjoying your stay here so far..."

Malleus walked beside you in the rather gloomy gardens of the castle, the red rose bushes being the only thing of colour within the area. The rest of the scenery was made up of dark and rather sad colours that made your soul want to weep in melancholy. Yet, Malleus seemed quite unaffected by the gloomy atmosphere, already used to this place and its mood.

You nodded, straightening the folds out of the dark green dress that his grandmother had gifted to you upon your arrival a week ago. Letting out an excited sigh, you chirped, "Yes! The castle is really pretty— although it is rather big, resulting in me getting lost all the time..." An amused smile appeared on Malleus' lips, and he let out a few chuckles at your sheepish words. "But oh well, Sebek has a special talent for finding me— he says he can sense humans in a five hundred metre radius."

"How interesting..." he muttered softly, trailing off. "I'm glad that you seem to be having fun. I'm also sorry that I haven't been available to you as much as I'd like to be."

You perked up to flash him a beaming smile. "Oh no! Don't worry! Silver and Sebek have been keeping me good company. Sebek can actually be really funny once you get to know him," you chirped, which served to humour Malleus quite a bit. He had been worried that handling Sebek would be too much for you, but it seemed like his worries had been for naught. You quirked an eyebrow at him, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Besides, Lilia told me that you were busy with something? He wouldn't tell me what, though."

Malleus' eyes widened in surprise. Your eyes tried to catch his, but for once, he wasn't really able to meet your gaze. Instead, his eyes lingered on the golden necklace that he clutched tightly in his one hand. "Well, I suppose it is time for me to tell you now," he whispered quietly as he unwrapped his fingers to reveal the jewellery to you, which now openly lay in his palm for you to take. "Look, I have a special present for you."

"Wow," you gasped, eyes twinkling curiously, "what a beautiful necklace!"

Malleus expected you to snatch the necklace right out of his hands, but you never made any movement to take it for yourself. Instead, you stared at it with twinkling eyes, unable to avert your gaze from the shimmering emerald embedded in the golden pendant; it looked like it had been made with high craftsmanship.

Malleus grew nervous when you simply stayed silent, watching the present he had intended to gift you. Eventually, he wasn't able to take it anymore and simply extended his hands further towards you. "Here, it is for you," he said, his breath bated and eyes full of anticipation.

A gasp escaped your throat when you, instead of taking the necklace out of his hands and therefore accepting it, reached out to run your fingertips against the cold metal of the accessory. The dragon fae was frowning, the panic inside of him growing when you wouldn't take the necklace for yourself. Eventually, you looked up at him, a doubtful smile on your lips. "Malleus, no— I couldn't possibly accept such a prized necklace." Wrapping your hands around his, you gently folded his fingers so that they covered the necklace again. "It looks like it must have cost a fortune!"

Desperation overtook Malleus' eyes when you simply turned around and continued on your merry stroll through the gardens again, completely oblivious about the fact that he was having an existential crisis. "My treasure, please—" he cried out, which made you halt in your steps again. His hands that were curled into fists were shaking in anger and sadness. "It's specifically for you..."

You shook your head and shot him a sheepish smile. "Keep it, Malleus." Something akin to embarrassment clouded your eyes as you took a hold of his other free hand to pull him along with you. He reluctantly let you drag him forward, but the way your fingers were intertwined with his didn't help with the feeling of rejection weighing down his heart. Giggling, you muttered, "I'd feel guilty if I lost it, which there is a high probability of happening."

This had to be a misunderstanding, right? So, his eyes desperately flickering over to your joyful face, he quickly asked, "So you won't accept my gift?"

"No, keep it." You shook your head to underline your words, thus smashing all the hope that had built up inside of his heart. Taking a deep breath of the cool yet heavy air, you increased your pace to get away from the heavy mood occupying this peculiar area. "So! Do you want to show me the garden?"

Malleus nodded solemnly, his grip on the necklace so tight that it almost broke. Yet, he kept that cool facade up and shot you a small yet broken smile. "Sure..."


Days after that incident passed, all of them marked by heavy storms that seemed to have no end. Rain kept pouring down from the dark sky, and green thunder filled your ears every night that you tried your best to fall asleep. Silver and Sebek had assured you that everything was fine — that everything was normal, but you couldn't help yourself but be doubtful of their words. It didn't help that Malleus seemed to be avoiding you like you were the plague; you were just plain confused.

So, after having endured enough sleepless nights due to the thunder and lightning that even appeared during night time, you eventually decided to finally get to the bottom of this.

"Lilia?" you called out as you saw a small silhouette at the end of the darkly-lit corridor, right where the entrance to Malleus' bedroom was. It was night time already, and you had just managed to escape Silver and Sebek to go see Malleus. Today was the day you had decided to ask your friend for the truth, but you were more than relieved to have encountered Lilia before that. So, hurriedly venturing towards the bat fae, you furrowed your eyebrows. "What's wrong with Malleus?"

Lilia turned around to face you, a mischievous expression on his face. "Oh? So you noticed the thunder storms, too," he chimed, his words so innocent that you were left dumbfounded; he sounded like he knew something you didn't.

"Yeah..." you trailed off while sheepishly scratching the back of your neck, a little bit uncomfortable due to the intensity of Lilia's slightly judging glare. "I couldn't really sleep because of those."

Lilia let out a humoured chuckle and crossed his arms. "Are you aware of what you did when you declined his present?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

You furrowed your eyebrows, seeing no correlation between the thunderstorms and your stroll through the garden a few days ago — yet. Having a hard time remembering the event, you eventually managed to press out, "That fancy necklace he wanted to give me?"

"Exactly. That one." Lilia nodded, feeling a little bit of pity upon realising that your rejection hadn't been out of maliciousness but instead because of not knowing what your actions meant. Sighing, he put a hand on your shoulder and looked you deep in the eyes. "It was a confession, you know. That's the way dragons court one another. He literally gave you the heart of his treasury, and you rejected it."

Your eyes widened in horror. "What?!" you cried out while your hands immediately covered your mouth due to it already being past rest-time. The sobs that escaped your dry throat were all that came out of your mouth at first. "I— I didn't know—!"

Lilia hummed, cutting in, "That's why he's been sulking the past days. The poor boy has been heartbroken over your rejection."

"I should go apologise..." You lowered your gaze to the floor, a guilty and embarrassed scowl on your face. Realisation hit you like cold water, and you just wanted to hide under your bed to never come out again — but you were aware that you needed to talk out this misunderstanding with your heartbroken friend right now.

"Yes," Lilia chirped, all out of a sudden in high spirits again, "be off, young one."

You shot the wise fae a grateful smile. "Thank you, Lilia."

"No problem, child." He merely hummed in delight while he stepped aside to let you continue the last metres to Malleus' cave. His hand remained on your shoulder, always there to express his support for you. "Just be patient and look out for him."

Then, his hand vanished in the split of a second, leaving you confused as to where he had gone. You turned around but weren't able to find anyone behind you, not even Lilia, who had been there just a few seconds ago. Sighing, you scratched your head and decided not to break your head over his sudden disappearance since you had something more important to do.

Softly knocking against the door to Malleus' bedroom, you meekly called out, "Malleus? Can I come in?" You patiently waited for a response, but you never received one; yet, you just knew that he sat on the other side of the door, his heavy aura and the sudden cold gust of air sweeping through the cracks of the door making him known.

More inquiries and knocks eventually drew Malleus to quietly respond, "No..."

"I... I need to talk to you," you whispered, not knowing if Malleus heard or understood you if you kept your voice so low — but of course he could hear you; he just chose not to answer to your plea. So, taking things into your own hands, you twisted the doorknob to the side and gently pushed the door open to reveal a crack of brilliant moonlight streaming outside. "Uhm... I'll just be coming in now."

Not leaving him any time to protest, you slipped inside and carefully shut the door close again. Yet, you were met with a pillow being flung your way, aiming right for your head. A scream escaped your lips as you ducked, just right in time to avoid being injured by a pillow Malleus had thrown with his inhuman strength.

"What did I tell you, Child of Man?!" he thundered, sitting on his bed with a straight back, a scary scowl on his face that was meant to cover up the hurt and sadness that your appearance brought him.

Slowly rising to your feet again, you cried out, "Malleus, I'm so sorry—"

Yet, Malleus seemed to be caught in so much rage that he didn't intend to listen to your apology. Much to your bad, the lightning and thunder increased tenfold, and the room suddenly grew eerily cold. Covering yourself with your arms, you let out a few trembling breaths. Malleus didn't move, but his eyes followed your ragged movement. "I offered you my heart and you threw it away!" he hissed, his voice growing distorted.

You shook your head desperately as you tried to make your way over to the side of his bed, but the way he tried to freeze you with his glare made your job much harder than it should have been. Extending your hand towards him, you began, "I didn't realise you were confessing to me—"

In the snap of a moment, Malleus' mood changed from angered to sad. His eyes suddenly broke away from yours, and he slouched forward with his face buried in his palms. "I shouldn't have done this..." he muttered between sobs. "I shouldn't have let Lilua convince me—"

"Malleus!" you yelled out once you finally fought through the wall he had built around himself, successfully grabbing his hand and not intending to let it go any time soon again. A desperate frown on your face, you tried to suppress the tears from escaping your eyes. "I love you, too! Alright?!"

Malleus froze and removed his other hand from his face, wiping away at his eyes in disbelief. "But—" he choked out, surprised when you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a warm embrace. He was too taken aback to reciprocate your affection, his mind struggling with even understanding your sudden confession. "You rejected my offering—"

"Because I didn't realise what it meant!" you whispered into his ear while gently running your hand up and down his back in an attempt to soothe his wild feelings. "If I had known it was a confession, then I would have accepted without hesitating."

Malleus seemed speechless when you tightened your arms around him, as afraid that he would leave you as he was. His arms still hung by his sides uselessly while a silly smile broke out on his face. "I must be dreaming," he whispered, his eyes peering down at your body pressed against his.

The weather outside was clearing up, too: The rain stopped hammering down onto the lands mercilessly, and even thunder and lightning ceased to be. The thick layer of dark clouds that had covered the sky wandered away to leave a perfect view of the starry night sky.

You let out a few chuckles as you pulled away to cup Malleus' cheeks with your hands, smiling at him brightly. "I don't think this could be a dream," you retorted with an amused chortle escaping your lips.

Malleus nuzzled his nose into your hands, distantly muttering, "Maybe it's a really vivid dream, then."

You quirked an eyebrow while breaking out into laughter that left him confused. "Malleus, you idiot!" you exclaimed as your stomach rumbled with laughter, especially when he shot you a questioning gaze. After having calmed down again, you leant forward and pressed your lips against his to capture them in a brief kiss, one that was so quick that his mind wasn't able to even recognise at first. You pulled away again, grinning at him widely. "This is not a dream!"

The dumbfounded expression on his face was quickly replaced by a satisfied one, although he was quite the greedy one with how he pulled you right in for another one. You quickly came to reciprocate his affections, giggling right into the kisses you shared. Malleus was the first one to pull away again, muttering, "Alright, I'm convinced now." You flashed him an amused smile, about to distance yourself from him again; yet, he quickly pulled you into his arms to keep you ensnared in his arms there. "So you'll really be my mate?"

Nodding and laughing, you nuzzled right into his embrace. "I gladly accept, Malleus."

3 years ago

A Price for a Price

Floyd Leech X Fem!Reader X Jade Leech

Warnings: Threesome, Oral, Biting, Double Penetration, Mild Orgasm Denial, Teasing

Adds plot to porn. Adds plot to porn. Adds plot to porn. Adds plot to-

Anyways, kudos to anyone who spots the Disney references. Most were from The Little Mermaid, but I added some others in there by complete accident as my creative juices just flew while typing up this fic. There’s also one reference to a Don Bluth film, though I’m not sure anyone will catch it, let alone remember it.

All characters are 18+


Working at Mostro Lounge wasn’t all that bad.

Sure, it wasn’t exactly easy and dealing with certain costumers could be a headache, but the pay was decent and the hours were bearable. All in all, you would say it was a good 9/10 job. And hey, it was always funny to see the reactions from customers after you’d correct them about working under Azul contract-free.

“E-eh, you mean you didn’t sign a scroll and now have to sing to pay off your debt?!”


And then you’d give the flabbergasted boy a wink before moving on to the next song or walking off to go on your employee mandated break. It was true; you were being paid to sing and perform at the Lounge willingly, although, that wasn’t always the case…

Initially, you were working there, under contract, in order to pay off your three dumbass friend’s depts when they made the stupid mistake of signing contracts with the cecaelia. Back then you had made a deal to work at the lounge for free until all their depts were paid off.

At the time, you were under the impression that he was going to have you be taking orders and cleaning tables, but little did you know he had other plans for this poor, unfortunate prefect.

“All I need is your voice.” He had said to you, almost offhandedly.

You didn’t understand at the time and thought he meant that he’d take your voice as compensation for working there. But he clarified that no no, he wouldn’t be taking your voice, rather, you’d be lending it.

That is, you’d be singing on a newly built stage smack dab in the middle of the lounge for the viewing pleasure of college boys from all over campus.

Your mouth fell open, gaping like a fish as he explained the details of your job and what was expected of you. Even Grim and the adeuce duo were taken aback with what they were witnessing.

“Since when did Mostro have lounge singing?!” You shrieked, fists clenched at the audacity of this underhanded slimeball.

“Since finding out that a certain little prefect had the voice of a siren.” He said matter-of-factly.

Your eyes widened at that.

He wasn’t wrong. You could sing. But never in front of others, and especially not in front of a whole ass audience! The most anybody would hear from is a quiet humming whenever you were doing homework or at the library studying. The only time you’d ever sing out loud was in the privacy of your own dorm when Grim and the ghosts weren’t around.

Had you slipped up and not noticed? Had he or one of the twins caught you when you thought nobody was around? Did Cater record you and post it to MagiCam without your knowledge?! You never did find out how Azul discovered your beautiful singing voice.

Your face twisted into one of disgust and ire as your teeth clenched and lips split back into a snarl. He remained unfazed as he gestured to the twins to escort out the other three students, so it was just him and his new employee. Your breathed in and out an angry huff.

“You sneaky son of a-“

“Save your voice for the stage, my dear.”

Keep reading

3 years ago

i NEED to know if the savanaclaw boys have a mating season and how they handle it please i'm so thirsty they're too pretty orz

OHOHOHOHO! We're off to a fantastic start! I'm very excited to write about these boys.

NSFW Below the cut!

I NEED To Know If The Savanaclaw Boys Have A Mating Season And How They Handle It Please I'm So Thirsty

Competition between beastmen on the savanna is fierce, especially for lionfolk, so in the time leading up to his rut Leona will somehow become even more protective of you than he already is. Man? Woman? Beastman? Fae? Doesn't matter. If Leona has even the barest inkling of a thought that someone will pose a threat to your current relationship dynamic he's already snarling at them, teeth bared and hackles raised.

Against his usual personality, he's subconsciously seeking out your attention and praise. Whether it's brushing his hair out nicely for a change so you'll compliment his mane, or forcing you to join him on a daily nap so he can rub his cheek against yours, he just wants you to focus on him without him needing to spell it out to you. Of course, of you do point it out, he'll get defensive and flustered very quickly.

Wants you to smell like him all the time, even if you can't smell it yourself. If you're staying with him for the duration of his rut your only options are his clothes or no clothes at all.

Loves it if you wrestle with him, making him work to pin you down and stuff you with his cock. He'll growl hot against the back of your neck, marking you up with bites down to your shoulders as he mounts you. Afterwards he'll run his tongue slow and soothing over the bite marks embedded into your skin.

Good luck leaving arms-reach for literally any reason during his rut. This lazy lion gets twice as sleepy and ten times as clingy during mating season, so even letting you get up to go to the bathroom is an exercise in effort.

I NEED To Know If The Savanaclaw Boys Have A Mating Season And How They Handle It Please I'm So Thirsty

In the days leading to his rut it's not odd to find Ruggie bringing a lot of things to you, even more so than usual. Snacks, trinkets, cool rocks he found on the ground, he'll be showering you with little gifts and prizes that just scream of Ruggie.

It's different from when he's fetching things for Leona, though! With Leona, Ruggie brings him things because it's mutually beneficial, an exchange of goods and services. With you, gifts are Ruggie's silent way of saying "Look! I can provide for you, so pick me! Please pick me." Lucky for him, you chose him a long time ago.

His favorite position during rut is to have you riding him. He's obsessed with the way you straddle his hips, sweat trickling down the valley of your chest as you bounce on his cock, fingernails digging into his skin where you cling tight to him. All he can do is dig his own little claws tight into your hips or thighs and enjoy the ride, happy to let you take however much you need from him.

As he gets more and more overstimulated he starts to let out these little chirping purr noises alongside his usual grunts, gasps and moans. It's pretty cute to watch this normally nonchalant hyena be reduced to whimpers and whines from your touch alone.

I NEED To Know If The Savanaclaw Boys Have A Mating Season And How They Handle It Please I'm So Thirsty

Not every wolf mates for life, but Jack Howl certainly does. So if he's brave enough (and comfortable enough) to ask you to share his rut with him that's something really important. Not only are relationships something very sacred and tender in Jack's eyes, he's also letting you see a painfully vulnerable side of himself that he normally wouldn't want anyone else to bear witness to. He's putting a lot of trust in you in this moment.

Gets really anxious about making sure you're comfortable while staying with him, and insists on you bringing anything you may want over to his place ahead of time to make sure you're completely comfortable. And it's definitely not an excuse to have you over in the days before his rut, filling his home and his room with your scent and belongings, so don't get the wrong idea!

Service top. Even if it's his rut, Jack isn't having a good time if you aren't having a good time, and making sure you're having a good time is his responsibility. He's extra sensitive during rut so he'll probably cum twice as often as you do, but he refuses to rest until he's made sure he isn't the only one completely satisfied. You're in for a long few nights with him.

He's not quite as clingy as Leona, willing to let you leave the bed or even the bedroom if there's anything you need. But that won't stop him from tailing you around like the world's horniest shadow as you make your way to the bathroom or kitchen. He'll just stand there a few feet away, ears drooped, tail sweeping slowly back and forth, until you acknowledge him and let him crowd right up against you again.

2 years ago
Jealousy Knows No Bound ()()()() (`)
Jealousy Knows No Bound ()()()() (`)
Jealousy Knows No Bound ()()()() (`)
Jealousy Knows No Bound ()()()() (`)
Jealousy Knows No Bound ()()()() (`)

Jealousy knows no bound ヽ(´∇´)ノ (∇´ノ) ヽ(   )ノ (ヽ´∇) ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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