joigiovanni - a tiny little strawberry
a tiny little strawberry

i'm just a tiny little strawberry

1325 posts

Fuck You

Fuck you

For real.

Fuck You

More Posts from Joigiovanni

8 years ago


8 years ago

me: im adorable like im literally the cutest person in every room i walk into

me 4 seconds later: behold the trash lord

8 years ago
DONALD TRUMP Signed An Executive Order That Effectively Bans Muslims From Entering America For At Least
DONALD TRUMP Signed An Executive Order That Effectively Bans Muslims From Entering America For At Least
DONALD TRUMP Signed An Executive Order That Effectively Bans Muslims From Entering America For At Least
DONALD TRUMP Signed An Executive Order That Effectively Bans Muslims From Entering America For At Least
DONALD TRUMP Signed An Executive Order That Effectively Bans Muslims From Entering America For At Least
DONALD TRUMP Signed An Executive Order That Effectively Bans Muslims From Entering America For At Least
DONALD TRUMP Signed An Executive Order That Effectively Bans Muslims From Entering America For At Least
DONALD TRUMP Signed An Executive Order That Effectively Bans Muslims From Entering America For At Least
DONALD TRUMP Signed An Executive Order That Effectively Bans Muslims From Entering America For At Least
DONALD TRUMP Signed An Executive Order That Effectively Bans Muslims From Entering America For At Least

DONALD TRUMP signed an executive order that effectively bans Muslims from entering America for at least four months. And he knowingly signed it on Holocaust Remembrance Day. I cannot begin to tell you how much more perverse that makes him and the entire Republican Party.

And of course the #AllLivesMatter crowd is suddenly on mute.

This is all about white supremacy and has nothing to do with national security.

8 years ago

Donald trump has always been a flat out liar but this alternative facts thing terrifies me

It’s the beginning of “the party tells you the truth.”

Two plus two equals five, Winston.

That is an alternative fact.