joigiovanni - a tiny little strawberry
a tiny little strawberry

i'm just a tiny little strawberry

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Joigiovanni - A Tiny Little Strawberry - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago
joigiovanni - a tiny little strawberry

joigiovanni - a tiny little strawberry

Yes, Spain!!!!

[Image descriptions: 1. Tweet by AJ+ @AJPlus [gold check verified] that says: Spain became the 1st country in Europe to offer paid menstrual leave, for 3-5 days. It also gave final approval to laws that: [bullet point] enshrine rights to abortion for people over 16 [bullet point] let trans people over 16 self-identify gender by simple declaration, one of the only places to do so [Attached to the Tweet is a photo of a group of people with trans flags gathered on the steps of a building with large stone columns.]

2. A headline from DW that says: “Spain passes laws on trans rights, abortion, menstrual leave – DW.” The visible part of the article says, “The new laws expand transgender rights and abortion access, as well as give workers paid menstrual leave. The approval comes ahead of…” \End descriptions]

2 years ago

Building a treehouse is the biggest insult to a tree. “I killed your friend, here hold him.”