jude-shyo - Cody's Cardboard Box of Stuff
Cody's Cardboard Box of Stuff

The Blarg of an Artist/Gamer

157 posts

Jude-shyo - Cody's Cardboard Box Of Stuff - Tumblr Blog

6 years ago
A Few Tips I Try To Remember When New Year Arrives. It Kind Of Helps Me To Pick Myself Up Again And Face
A Few Tips I Try To Remember When New Year Arrives. It Kind Of Helps Me To Pick Myself Up Again And Face
A Few Tips I Try To Remember When New Year Arrives. It Kind Of Helps Me To Pick Myself Up Again And Face
A Few Tips I Try To Remember When New Year Arrives. It Kind Of Helps Me To Pick Myself Up Again And Face
A Few Tips I Try To Remember When New Year Arrives. It Kind Of Helps Me To Pick Myself Up Again And Face
A Few Tips I Try To Remember When New Year Arrives. It Kind Of Helps Me To Pick Myself Up Again And Face
A Few Tips I Try To Remember When New Year Arrives. It Kind Of Helps Me To Pick Myself Up Again And Face
A Few Tips I Try To Remember When New Year Arrives. It Kind Of Helps Me To Pick Myself Up Again And Face
A Few Tips I Try To Remember When New Year Arrives. It Kind Of Helps Me To Pick Myself Up Again And Face

A few tips I try to remember when new year arrives. It kind of helps me to pick myself up again and face another year! Thought I should share these in case it might help a few peeps out there! 

6 years ago

2019 draws close. I know I could have done better to reach my goal and improve my work ethic and reduce my tendency to procrastinate…

Still, like this microgame I had made today shows, I will have to keep up the FIGHT against my old habits and keep my spirit UNDYING in this endless road of self-improvement.

Let’s continue to do our best in the upcoming year!

6 years ago
jude-shyo - Cody's Cardboard Box of Stuff
6 years ago

"if you could have any videogame ability what would it be?"

"if You Could Have Any Videogame Ability What Would It Be?"
6 years ago
M-My Box

“M-My box…”

6 years ago

any time my artist friends draw anything:

Any Time My Artist Friends Draw Anything:
Any Time My Artist Friends Draw Anything:
Any Time My Artist Friends Draw Anything:
6 years ago
jude-shyo - Cody's Cardboard Box of Stuff

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6 years ago
jude-shyo - Cody's Cardboard Box of Stuff
jude-shyo - Cody's Cardboard Box of Stuff

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6 years ago
Hurts More Than Anticipated...

Hurts more than anticipated...

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6 years ago
Is Not Goodbye, Is Just See You Lateryes?

“Is not Goodbye, is just See You Later yes?”

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6 years ago
Chua Sketches! I Worked On The MMO Wildstar At Carbine Studios For 8+ Years, And While It Will Very Shortly

Chua Sketches! I worked on the MMO “Wildstar” at Carbine Studios for 8+ years, and while it will very shortly be shut down, I’ll never forget these little guys. The Chua were a player race in the game- my faves to animate. I did a lot of Chua-sketchin’ over the years. My Chua-heavy Wildstar animation reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LuXtPfVP1w

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6 years ago


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6 years ago
People Started Likening Deltarunes Secret Boss, Jevil, With Dimentio From Super Paper Mario. Maybe. But

People started likening Deltarune’s secret boss, Jevil, with Dimentio from Super Paper Mario. Maybe. But then if you’re considering that, I’m considering this.

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6 years ago
jude-shyo - Cody's Cardboard Box of Stuff
6 years ago
Huevember Day 5

Huevember Day 5  

Dajia about to put a psychic smack down on some poor sod.

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6 years ago


Oh my goodness, we’re there! $1000 has been raised, the top tier of my goals for tonight! Not that it’s the limit of what we can raise, because we’re still goin’ all night on this stream!


A *MASSIVE* thank-you to @jude-shyo for another year of incredible generosity, as my top donor. He has humbled me for three years straight with how giving and caring he is about this cause. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Now… Since we’ve met the $1000 goal, y’all get to help me choose my next pixel sprite tattoo! Who will join Bob from Bubble Bobble on my right leg?


VOTE FOR A TAT! https://strawpoll.com/h8eyg11h

And we are still going, of course! Right now, we’re making beautiful creations in Spore on stream, and I am in drag makeup and a wig. It’s been quite a day, I tell ya! Come hangout in the stream!

6 years ago
6 years ago
jude-shyo - Cody's Cardboard Box of Stuff
6 years ago
Chua Commission!

Chua commission! 

I do NOT own the character! 

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6 years ago

Extra Life Charity Stream 2018!

Oh my gosh golly, we’re back at it again!

Tomorrow, Saturday, November 3rd is the big ol’ Extra Life 24 Hour Charity Marathon. Will I actually make it 24 hours this time (technically 25 hours because of the time change)? Who knows! I get started at 8am and go until I pass the heck out.

You can donate and even watch the stream right from my Extra Life page, since they’re partnered with Twitch! (Or you can watch from my Twitch page, which will also have a link to donate!)

And, of course, we have donation tier reward(?)s again this year!

Extra Life Charity Stream 2018!


Additionally, anybody who donates $25 or more will get a packet of FluffButt Trading Cards including my beavery self and 4 additional random furry folks. :O Just DM me proof of donation (screenshot of email, confirmation page, etc) and your address, and I’ll send them on their way on Monday morning!

Extra Life Charity Stream 2018!

You can help by donating, watching the stream, sharing the links to my Extra Life or Twitch pages, or reblogging this post! Thank y’all, and seeya tomorrow!

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6 years ago
Finally! Its A Shame To See Wildstar Go, But On The Other Hand It Is Amazing To See How The Community

Finally! It’s a shame to see Wildstar go, but on the other hand it is amazing to see how the community sticks together. We had hopes till the end, and it’s so nice to see that we still have, now with the news about the museum preserving abandoned games. Who would have expected that so many people would gather and put so much effort into this farewell collaboration for this awesome game. I can’t describe how overwhelmed I am about all the amazing art of you guys. :D BTW feel free to upload your artwork now, if you haven’t already. ;-D

In case I didn’t place your character near someone else, I’m deeply sorry. In the end, time pressure was real and I probably forgot one or two requested placements. It were just too many entries and I don’t want to start about the technical difficulties on this. ^^; Using brushes was impossible, which is my excuse for these weird shadows. XD

This is only a very small JPG in bad quality, since the original one is way too big to upload. You can get the original sized one here:


Anyway, here are all characters from left to right.

Berry - by Punmonster on tumblr

Kuneho - by Kunehokun on tumblr

Akisa - by PepperDraig

Caelith - by Klaisen on tumblr

Avestrus - by Tales-of-Nexus on tumblr (drawn by Catbat)

Perseus - by FredrickDavis on tumblr (drawn by Catbat)

Jenny Brightmist- by prfoundlysuperengineer on tumblr

Bron - by Spousal (drawn by wethatkindoforc)

Murdoch - by wethatkindoforc on tumblr

Shilov Zhope - by Xetoset

Breezi - by Destroythecore

Blinky - by Yinis

Jack shade and Antimony Stibine - by Mmostuff and twinflamable on tumblr

{{ Hayden - owned by bluemoon9628 on DeviantArt

Anima - owned by rain-11 on Tumblr or rain847 on DeviantArt

Tonka - owned by mustanglegends on Tumblr and DeviantArt

Sana - owned by firewolf-anime on Tumblr and DeviantArt

Ruvin - owned by nythlyx on Tumblr and nythero on DeviantArt

Aerglo - owned by grace-winters on DeviantArt

Zadinel - owned by chibicreates on DeviantArt

Kinari - owned by niawolf15 on Tumblr and DeviantArt }} (collaboration of them all)

Kibwe - Alpestris-Flowers on tumblr (drawn by Catbat)

Jarekai - by Jarekai on tumblr (drawn by Catbat)

Shiron - by Shiron

Dremik Velore - by Dremmie

Zynrell Warpvale - by Wilder-Weave on tumblr (drawn by hkluterman)

Zero Skyweaver - by hkluterman on tumblr

(floeating above them) Zlatzi - by Kristi L

Arseniy Bogatir - by Kiiwis

Cubix - by Alcube51

Siri - by Siritheaurin on tumblr

Thiira - by Fusspot on tumblr

Zurije Psiankowa - by Felroki

Payne - by Payne (drawn by Siaindas)

Clown Granok “who’s name I don’t know” - by Siaindas

Bootsanna - by Funky Bacon

Naletevski - by Epic-loot on tumblr

Drav Palkan - by Techmarine Reylen on Deviantart

Zero Halcyon - by Retromissile

Rahibe - by Schatten-Phoenix on Deviantart

Luna Muenster - by Luna Muenster on twitter

Zerrlik - by Lurluu

Zaari - by Wyrmforge

Kintallo - by Kintallo

Guy - C.E. Bennet

Sly Shadeleaf - by Straycatsketch on tumblr

Marco Eclypsebane - by Chaudown450

Sweetysour - by Dulceybot on tumblr

Mordesh (who’s name I don’t know) - by sir_pinche_victor on instagram

Nord - by Wild-Di

Noonie - by Autodi

Nika Belaascht - by NikaBelaascht

Veronica - by Ler (drawn by Cyberella)

Macia Mystgrove - by Dakota J.

Zackie Fox - by Zackie Fox (drawn by Aelith-Earfalas)

Seeker - by Eldanseeker

Rhylin, Asper and Toadie - by Quartervirus and friends (all drawn by Quartervirus)

Captain Yaedra - by thedovahcat

Ran - by Ranavos

Neer - by Neoneer on tumblr (drawn by Deeafrotailmisstress)

Alala - by Moo

Rilk Duskrunner - Sidhevicious on tumblr

Mei Lei - by Badaxefamily (drawn by Aelith-Earfalas)

Rook - by Aldridge-Asset on tumblr (drawn by Deeafrotailmisstress)

Sevena Ashtail and Remarus Locke - by rhiowroleplay and Remarus on tumblr (collaboration between both)

Skjaldr Thorvaldson - by Windrider Shiva

Gina Gutrot and Ceze Gutrot - by Wormcursed and friend and tumblr

Kuro - by CuteMilee

Jazz - by Deeafrotailmisstress

Beebe - by RurushIchi

Staxyn - by Stendra

Kelinarik - by Adhara

Vyzura - by Angiebeast

Elkhan and Kitty - by Elkhan Albright and friend (drawn by Aelith-Earfalas)

Cheiron Melchorius - by Titaniumsnail (Lines by Fusspot)

Butter and Dash - by Malicioustaste and Deagz (drawn by Malicioustaste)

Cryosia and Desai - by Cryosia and Faeforge (both drawn by Faeforge)

Chihiro Roseheart - by NoodleRyuu on tumblr

Jelena Arikin - by Nexusmoon

Cinder - by Bluecrysto

Ixhortion - by Ixhortion

Majro Skyfern - by majros-mishaps

Croix - by Cryosickness

Oliver - by Htg17

Foley - by Catbat

Cyberella Hellspree - by Cyberella

Bun - by Bun (drawn by Stendra)

Valerian and Rufus - by DE4THPUNCH and Vladibear (drawn by DE4THPUNCH)

Taren - by Datela-vodenit on tumblr

Bird - Straycatsketch bae (drawn by Straycatsketch)

Roda (floating above) - by Roda Smash

Lolyta - by Jenny626

Lorelei and Xallius - by Agentlex and Axis-Pheydra on tumblr (drawn by Retromissile)

Valil - by Aelith-Earfalas

Tai Treza - by Serbaki

Fluffy - by wildstarfan

Jellifer - by Fangsofamber on tumblr (drawn by Catbat)

Varyt - by Wild-Blades

Grexxa - by Breir-Blueleaf on tumblr

Calean Astertail - by Mike W. (drawn by Fusspot)

Luna - by nesquidlydoodles on tumblr

Lady Starheart - by Stellaralchemist on tumblr (drawn by Deeafrotailmisstress)

Kim - by FridaDz

Veneann - by Kell, mire-inheid/Harrarke on tumblr

Wyr Esprithardi - by IfreannMutsou

Mordesh, who’s name I don’t know - by Rudsnr

Aedan Marandei - by Midge


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6 years ago
Wildstar - Kuneho The Wanderer

Wildstar - “Kuneho the Wanderer”

Drew a pic for a Wildstar collaboration by Retromissile but I wanted to post a solo version as well.

In-game, Kuneho is adept at both sword (Warrior) and gunplay (Spellslinger), but I ran out of time/got lazy in making the gun, so I just have the sword here.

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6 years ago
Myyyy Tablet Is Officially Dead. So Im Gonna Do Some Ink Brush Commissions. Im Going To Be Purchasing

Myyyy tablet is officially dead. So I’m gonna do some ink brush commissions. I’m going to be purchasing this tablet, since it’s a fairly reasonable price and I’ve heard it’s been good to artists. 

Theme: Single character doing a mundane activity of your choice. eg. sleeping, eating, reading a book, etc.

Nothing explicit/offensive/nsfw please

I’m going to fix the price to 30 USD per piece 

I need this tablet asap for school work and other projects

email me at bowlersandtophats@gmail.com if you’re interested!

Payment is through Paypal. NOTE: I need to send you an invoice before you pay me.

If you can’t commission me, that’s alright! Reblogging this post would help a ton!!

If you’re curious, these are the tools I used to draw the above image:

Myyyy Tablet Is Officially Dead. So Im Gonna Do Some Ink Brush Commissions. Im Going To Be Purchasing